Eric John R Nemi-Mba 206

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte

MBA 206 – Human Resource Development and Management
Second Semester, SY 2022-2023
Assignment #1

Name: Eric John R. Nemi Score: ___________

Course/Year/Level/Block/Section: MPA 2 Date: March 20, 2023

1. Personal Background of the HRMO Officer.

Mr. Jeffrey L. Labordo is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary

Education major in Mathematics at Camarines Norte College. He took
the board examination for Professional Teacher last October 2, 2022
and he passed the Licensure Examination. In order to help her parents,
he experiences many jobs such as waiter, gasoline boy, room attendant
and cashier.
His father’s name is John S.B Labordo, a baker and his mother’s name
is Agnes L. Labordo, she is a housewife. He has four (4) siblings. His
strengths are self-motivated and quick learner

2. Background of the Office/Agency.

KV Construction and Development Corporation was established in 2004

by Efren L. Villamonte. It is in Real Estate industry serving client’s
needs for over 20 years. With their vast experience, they help and guide
their agents and client’s to make the right decision during transactions.
They managed and solved many challenging and complex transactions.
Their knowledge and expertise are vital in helping to achieve their real
estate goals. This was resulted in hundreds of their satisfied clients.

3. What qualities and skills does an HR need in order to handle

effectively the employees?

Human Resource Officer needs many skills like good listener, good
communicator, social awareness, patience, commitment, dedication and
loyalty. These are skills that a human resource officer possess to fully
complete project and administrative duties, resolve issued and address
the needs our employees.

4. How can you handle conflict in an organization?

He handles conflict by having an informal one-on-one conversation with

both parties involved during conflict situation. In that way, he said that
he can hear people’s concern in a safe and confidential setting. He will
avoid making assumptions. He need to understand what is going on at
the root of the problem. He will listen and encourage employees to talk
about the issues and concerns. And he will make sure that he really
understand what employees are saying by asking question in good way.

5. Can you describe your management style?

He is a flexible man to her approach and management style depends on

the situation and to the person. He spend a lot of time in building good
relationship and in supporting her team to develop their skills and
ability. He also deal with poor performers quickly as he believe
everyone on the team should pull their weight and work together. He
informally supports them and if this doesn’t work, he will make
disciplinary action for them if needed. He believes in being fair, open,
honest and he try to be as consistent as possible when managing the
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte

MBA 206 – Human Resource Development and Management
Second Semester, SY 2022-2023
Assignment #2

1. What problem and concern in your office that needed to be


He said that the problem that should be addressed in this office is the
lack of communication. Because of this some issue got unreported rather
than getting it fixed.

2. What do you think the possible solutions for that problem?

He thinks that he needs to be consistent in communication efforts, hold

regular meetings, ensure that communication flows in both directions
and make our employees feel valued.

3. My own solutions.

I think the possible solution for this problem and concern is to maintain
the monitoring of all daily reports being send and receive. And also
make a place to where the reports are being safe for future usage.

4. Realization.

Being a HRMO officer is not depend on the degree that you earned
during your college days but the experience that you encounter through
your journey as an HR officer. Also, the best character of an HR is to
become a resilient person to make her or his employee have a mutual
relationship and understanding of what is/are there purpose as an
employee of the company.
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte

MBA 206 – Human Resource Development and Management
Second Semester, SY 2022-2023

Action Pictures during Interview

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte

MBA 206 – Human Resource Development and Management
Second Semester, SY 2022-2023
Assignment #3

1. Please discuss the succession plan in your organization. Give

comments and recommendations.

In our organization the succession plan must base on the qualification,

competency and capability of personnel as possible replacement to be
designated to positions upon the existence of vacancy.

But today this plan was not properly exercise because of the saying that
“The PNP is Jack off all Trades” that can do passable work at various
tasks because nowadays almost 100% of our personnel has a bachelor’s

2. Discuss the Human Resource Planning in your Organization. Give

comments and recommendations.

Human Resource Management in Philippine National Police or The

Directorate for Human Resource and Development Division (DHRDD) in
coordination with Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
(DPRM), ensure that it provides sufficient personnel for the effective
operation of the management system, as well as its identified processes.
The DHRDD ensures that competent personnel are being utilized to
perform work effectively and efficiently on the basis of appropriate
education, training, skills and experience. Where applicable, the DHRDD
takes actions to acquire the necessary competence and evaluate the
effectiveness of the actions taken. The DHRDD ensures that personnel
required to undergo mandatory courses are properly vetted using the
lineal list and endorsed accordingly. Specialized courses approved by
DHRDD are conducted by concerned training units.
Further, the DHRDD send its personnel to other reputable training
institution and other government agencies for equivalent training.

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