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Exercise I: Match these terms with their definitions or attributes.

Terms Definitions
a. We want to keep our thoughts and beliefs consistent with what we
1. persuasion
have already decided.
2. symbol b. to convert the receiver to your ideas and motivate action
3. persuasive messages c. meaningful words, signs, and images infused with rich meaning
d. If someone does us a favor, most of us feel obligated to return the
4. psychological triggers
e. reciprocation, commitment, social proof, liking, authority, and
5. social proof
f. We tend to regard opportunities as more valuable when their
6. reciprocation
availability is restricted.
g. a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other
people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue
7. commitment
through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free
8. main goal of a h. We are more likely to accept requests of people we know and like
persuasive message or those who say they like us.
i. can be verbal or nonverbal, and they can be conveyed through
9. scarcity
different channels.
10. liking j. We see an action as more acceptable when others are doing it.


1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______

6 ______ 7 ______ 8 ______ 9 ______ 10 ______

Exercise II: Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false statements.
1. Persuasive techniques in the digital age involve the use of flattery, empathy, nonverbal
cues, and likability appeals.
2. The first step in planning a persuasive message is determining the purpose.  
3. In a practical sense, effective persuasion shows how you can help solve a problem or make
life easier for your audience.  
4. If you expect resistance or need to educate the reader, use the direct approach for your
persuasive message.
5. When using the indirect (AIDA) strategy to write a persuasive message, begin the message
by overcoming any resistance your reader might have.

6. When writing a persuasive message, it is important to expect resistance from your
7. In a sales letter promoting its new hybrid vehicle, a car company included this
sentence: Our new hybrid model will save you hundreds of dollars annually on gasoline
expenses. The company is focusing on indirect benefits of purchasing this vehicle.
8. AIDA applies to persuasive messages that are written using a direct organizational
9. To overcome resistance most effectively, a message should directly address every possible
objection your reader might have.
10. To receive complimentary breakfast each morning of your stay, please complete your
booking by April 30 effectively motivates action in the closing of a sales letter.


1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______

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Exercise III: Complete the following sentences with a suitable word or phrase.
1. Persuasion is defined as a ________ process in which communicators try to convince other
people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue through the transmission of a
message in an atmosphere of free choice.
2. To establish ________, show your reader that you are truthful, experienced, and
3. The goal of a persuasive message is to convert the receiver to your ideas and motivate
4. When you expect your reader to resist your request, it's best to use the ________
organizational pattern.
5. If you are asking for something that you know will be approved, use the ________
organizational pattern.
6. According to the AIDA strategy, the opening paragraph of a persuasive request should gain
the ________ of the reader.

7. Use facts, figures, expert opinions, and examples in a persuasive message to build
__________ in your product or idea.
8. The best persuasive requests anticipate and attempt to counter audience ________.
9. What if? scenarios can help you develop ________ to address receiver resistance to your
10. Persuasion becomes ________ when facts are distorted, overlooked, or manipulated with
an intent to deceive.

Exercise IV: Circle the best option to answer the question or complete the sentence.
1. A "limited-time offer" is an example of which psychological trigger that influences
people to act or believe? 
A. Commitment B. Social proof C. Scarcity D. Authority
2. Which of the following defines persuasion?
A. Persuasion is a symbolic process.
B. Persuasion involves an attempt to influence.
C. Persuasion involves transmitting a message.
D. All of these are part of the definition of persuasion.
3. AIDA, the indirect strategy for persuasive messages, seeks to gain the attention,
interest, ________, and action of the audience.  
A. direction B. desire C. deduction D. discernment
4. Which of the following is true about persuasion in the digital age?
A. The volume and reach of persuasive messages have become limited.  
B. Persuasion is less complex and personal.  
C. Persuaders play on emotions by using flattery, empathy, nonverbal cues, and likability
D. Only organizations with dedicated sales teams are in the persuasion business.  
5. Which of the following is not an effective persuasion technique?
A. Incite fear B. Establish credibility
C. Recognize the power of loss D. Make a reasonable, specific request
6. Candace is writing a proposal for her board of directors to request that her company
implement a wellness program. The first thing she should do is to ________.    
A. decide on the purpose of her proposal.
B. prepare an outline.
C. compose a rough draft of the proposal.
D. gather information to include in the proposal.
7. Showing customers how your product or service solves a problem, achieves a
personal or work objective, or makes life easier is accomplished by ________.  
A. adapting the message to the audience. B. organizing your message.
C. collecting information for your message. D. analyzing the purpose of the message.
8. Dillon wants to adapt his sales message to his target audience. What question is his
audience likely to ask while reading his message?
A. Why should I?
B. What’s in it for me?

C. Who cares?
D. Dillon’s target audience will likely ask all of these questions.
9. Colton has analyzed his purpose and his audience and has considered how he will
adapt his message to meet his audience's needs. What should he do next according to the 3-x-
3 writing process?
A. Start writing his final draft. B. Collect data and organize it.
C. Edit what he's done so far. D. Call audience members to confirm his approach.
10. Effective persuaders may choose from different organizational strategies to get the
results they want. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about organizational
A. When writing a persuasive message, always use the indirect organizational strategy.
B. If you are asking for something that you know will be approved, use the indirect
organizational strategy.
C. When you expect resistance or when you need to educate the receiver, use the indirect
organizational pattern.
D. The organizational strategy used is unimportant in persuasive messages.
11. Which of the following sequences works best for most persuasive messages?
A. Motivate action, gain attention, build interest, request order
B. Gain attention, build interest, elicit desire and reduce resistance, motivate action
C. Build interest, gain attention, motivate action, elicit desire and reduce resistance
D. Gain attention, build interest, motivate action, request order
12. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the AIDA strategy?
A. The AIDA strategy consists of four separate steps that must be carried out separately.
B. The steps in the AIDA strategy must always be carried out in order.
C. Counterarguments should never be presented in a persuasive message because doing so
will remind the reader of other options.
D. Use facts, figures, expert opinions, examples, specific details, and direct and indirect
benefits to build interest.
13. Nicole wants to ask her boss if she can telecommute two days a week, but she's
afraid her boss will oppose her request. What should she do first in her written request?
A. Reduce resistance  B. Gain attention
C. Motivate action D. Build interest
14. The statement Did you know you can select five family members to enjoy free
access to our newspaper with your online subscription? ________.   
A. builds interest with an expert opinion
B. motivates action
C. gains attention by asking a question that focuses on reader benefits
D. presents an indirect benefit
15. Corinne is writing a persuasive message to her staff and includes the opening
sentence Your hard work in planning last month's trade show made it the most successful we
have ever had. She is gaining her reader's attention by using what type of opening statement? 
A. A description of the problem B. A compliment
C. A reader benefit D. A stimulating question


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activities according to the AIDA Strategy to request actions, make claims, and deliver
A. Gain Attention
B. Build Interest
C. Elicit Desire and Reduce Resistance
D. Motivate Action

1. Add a deadline 12. Provide compelling
2. Anticipate objections counterarguments
3. Be objective 13. Reader benefit
4. Compliment 14. Reasonable request
5. Demonstrate credibility and 15. Related facts
competence 16. Repeat a key benefit
6. Establish credibility 17. Stimulating questions
7. Express appreciation 18. Tie facts to benefits
8. Give specific details 19. Unexpected statement
9. Make a precise request 20. Use a moderate, unemotional tone
10. Offer an incentive 21. Use facts, statistics, examples
11. Problem description

EXERCISE VI. Identify errors & revise messages

In the following message, Luke tries to convince his boss, the vice president of marketing,
that their organization could save money by importing T-shirts from China. However, his
message could be improved by employing several strate- gies for persuasion.
YOUR TASK Analyze the following e-mail and list its weak- nesses. If your instructor
directs, revise the message.

To: Bryanna Mazzetta <>

From: Luke Downey
Subject: Possible Chance for Saving Money

We always try our best to meet customers and sell World- class Trainer equipment at
numerous trade shows. But instead of expanding our visits to these trade shows, the company
continues to cut back the number that we attend. And we have fewer staff members attending.

I know that you have been asking us to find ways to reduce costs, but I don’t think we are
going about it right.
With increased airfare and hotel costs, my staff has tried to find ways to live within our very
tight budget. Yet, we are being asked to find other ways to reduce our costs. I’m currently
thinking ahead to the big Las Vegas trade show coming up in September.
One area where we could make a change is in the gift that we give away. In the past we have
presented booth visitors with a nine-color T-shirt that is silk-screened and gorgeous. But it
comes at a cost of $23 for each and every one of these beauties from a top-name designer.
To save money, I suggest that we try a $6 T-shirt made in China, which is reasonably
presentable. It’s got our name on it, and, after all, folks just use these shirts for workouts.
Who cares if it is a fancy silk-screened T-shirt or a functional Chinese one that has
“Worldclass Trainer” plastered on the chest? Because we give away 2,000 T-shirts at our
largest show, we could save big bucks by dumping the designer shirt. But we have to act
quickly. I’m sending a cheap one for you to see.
Let me know what you think.
[Full contact information]

EXERCISE IX. Compose a message

As public relations director for the Business and Accounting Association on your campus,
you have been asked to find a keynote speaker for the first meeting of the school year. The
owner of a successful local firm, TempHelp4You, is an alumna of your university. You think
not only that many students would enjoy learning about how she started her business, but also
that some might like to sign up with her temporary help agency. She would need to prepare a
30-minute speech and take questions after the talk. The event will be held from noon until
1:30 p.m. on a date of your choosing in Branford Hall. You can offer her lunch at the event
and provide her with a parking permit that she can pick up at the information kiosk at the
main entrance to your campus. You need to have her response by a deadline you set.

YOUR TASK Write a direct-approach e-mail to Marion Minter in which you ask her to
speak at your club’s meeting. Send it to

EXERCISE X. Share your experience.

Think of a TV commercial you watched or an advertisement poster you saw. If it follows the
four steps of the AIDA principle, analyze in detail what techniques were employed. If it does
not, how can you improve its effectiveness with suggestions of how to follow the AIDA

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