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Sts c2c reviewer

Science, Technology, and Society (University of Perpetual Help System DALTA)

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According to the World Economic Forum; A poor government response to the covid 19 How society values science today has more
human capital, enabling environment, market pandemic is a directly blow to its Human semblance to that of the ancient Greek
and innovation ecosystem are pillars of capital & Market civilization
economic development
At the heart of the scientific revolution in the In Heidegger's view, the "challenging forth"
A financially challenged scientist chose to middle age is the proposition of the heliocentric essence of technology means that the
pursue research on a vaccine over other offers theory which says that the earth and other technology challenges nature to produce
due to a very good budget support by a heavenly bodies move around the sun more
pharmaceutical company. This shows how
other sector of society influences science Biodiversity in itself is good because of its Information technology enables disinformation
natural services like? cleaning air & nutrient to? spread fast and far & look more realistic
A good government policy on science and recycling
technology results to more spending on In the medieval period, the heliocentric theory
research and development¸ lower ratio Creation of a new product or process Invention was first proposed by Copernicus
between researchers and the nation's Considers only the body and not the mind as In Kuhn’s view, Galileo’s observation of the
population subject to laws of nature. Rene Descartes motion of Jupiter’s moons is an anomaly
A hammer stone is for breaking hard food Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection If you love knowledge because knowledge itself
All knowledge should be based on objective is now backed up by numerous scientific is good then you would be a good fit in the
evidence and experiment Francis Bacon evidences Ancient Greek civilization

A man affirms his faith by citing a theory in During the industrial revolution in the 18th Improvement of an existing technology
science. This kind of interaction between faith century, science and technology merged and Innovation
and science is very common during the developed mutually
Information representation using pictographs
medieval time Electronics and computers dominate the third can be traced back to the ancient period
An economic policy of exporting raw materials stage of industrial revolution
In the modern era, science is based on
and importing manufactured goods hinders Government policies that are favorable to the empirical data
advancement in science and technology, development of science and technology will
hinders economic development Innovation adopted by a certain group which
immediately result to? more budget allocation
for science agencies & more spending in influences others in using the same technology
Ancient science is faith centered
research and development Diffusion
Ancient technology developed to address the
He formulated laws found in nature. Isaac Knapping is the major technology for tool
needs of an agricultural society
Newton making during the prehistoric period

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Mining causes biodiversity loss because it Science education in the Philippines was The second phase of industrial revolution is
destroys the habitat greatly improved by the Americans characterized by electricity powered
Magnetic recording which provided a big boost Society's view of nature as a standing reserve
in IT development was made possible by the is enframing The internet is the center piece of industry 4.0
advancement in Physics
Society's reaction to the influx of information The Philippines was first exposed to modern
More advanced technology replaces the same technology can be seen in? the rise of science by the Spaniards
product Substitution informational economy & the increase in job
opportunities in internet connected areas The favorable American policy toward science
Pre-historic technology is mostly made from and technology development resulted to? the
stones Space, time, and causality are forced on organization of several science agencies in
experience by the mind Immanuel Kant the government & the offering of numerous
Pursuing a good life can cure the excesses in science and technology programs in college
society because in essence a good life is? Stems from identification of a need to be
living in moderation & living well and doing satisfied Development The economic pillar that is NOT directly
well influenced by the state of science and
Science, technology and other parts of society technology in a country is Market
Philosophical assessment of technology should interact because science and technology are
include the question on whether it? it parts of society To bring development in a poor country, the
contributes to enframing or not & hinders government's science and technology agencies
the pursuit of a good life or not Science was once a branch of philosophy should focus on? the improvement of
called natural philosophy information and communication technology
Pre-historic technology is basically for survival & building more infrastructures
Science education in the Philippines was
Progress in science involves a shift in greatly improved by the Americans To Heidegger, the essence of technologies
paradigms and that a scientist works within before the industrial revolution is bringing
accepted paradigm. Thomas Kuhn The steam engine that powered the industrial
revolution in the 18th century was designed by
Science in the ancient Greece is grounded Watt The earliest development of the internet was
more on logic driven by military needs
To Kuhn, the existing state of science before an
Security needs and expansion goals of ancient anomaly challenges it is called normal science These Stone Age people moved from place to
civilizations are direct drivers of development in place in search of survival needs. Nomads
weaponry The scientific revolution in the middle age
concluded with the adoption of a new theory The following materials were used for tools
Science and religion do not interact anymore in which is the theory of gravitation during the Ancient times Bronze, Iron, Copper
the present time. This statement is absolutely

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The heliocentric theory says that earth is The use of metal for tools and weapons started Who formulated the theory of evolution by
moving around the sun during the Ancient period natural selection? Darwin

The scientific revolution led to observance of The cuneiform is a writing system introduced by Wi-Fi transmission uses electromagnetic waves
boundary between science and religion, a Mesopotamians propagation which was discovered in the late
societal view that religion is a hindrance to 19th century Heinrich Hertz
science, Church's non-literal interpretation The conscious and extensive application of
of the bible science characterizes the development of Western science was first brought to the
technology in the modern era Philippines by the Spaniards
This was known as the Old Stone Age.
Paleolithic Age The heliocentric theory says that earth is What is the practice of registering names,
moving around the sun especially well-known company or brand
This was the label given to the Medieval Times.
names, as Internet domains, in the hope of
Dark Ages The scientific revolution led to observance of reselling them at a profit? Cyber squatting
boundary between science and religion & a
These were invented during the Medieval
societal view that religion is a hindrance to What cyber crime is the unauthorized
Period Sternpost rudder, Watermills and
science & Church's non-literal interpretation manipulation of computer data with the intent of
windmills, Paper and printing
of the bible making it appear authentic for legal purposes?
This is the agreement between local landlord Computer related forgery
The scientific revolution culminated with
and peasants exchanging protection from
Newton's theory of gravitation which says that Who formulated the law of universal gravitation
barbaric attacks with labor. Feudalism
the movement of the heavenly bodies is which completed the scientific revolution?
The interactions in STS could be between? governed by gravity Newton
environmental science and policies on
The scientific revolution led to a societal view Who formulated the theory of evolution by
sustainable development & theoretical
that reality in the physical world is? Objective natural selection? Darwin
physics and computer technology
& verifiable
Western science was first brought to the
The invention of microscope pushed
The industrial revolution started the culture of? Philippines by the Spaniards
discoveries in biology to new heights. This
acquiring goods in ever-increasing amount
shows how technology influences science Which of the following statements about
& equating the good life to acquisition of
goods technology is NOT an absolute truth?
Technology during the prehistoric period is
Technology is the application of science.
basically for ? survival & adaptation
The origin of enframing can be traced back to
the industrial revolution in the 18th century Which statement does NOT describe the
The development of technology is the slowest
advancement of technology during the pre-
during the Paleolithic period
Who formulated the law of universal gravitation historic period? Individual stone tools
which completed the scientific revolution? became multifunctional

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Which of the following activities is NOT a thrust Which of the following contributed to the
of STS as an academic field? development of change in life style of prehistoric people from
a vaccine against Covid 19 being nomadic to having settlements?
advancement in farming
Which type of question concerning a "tree" is
philosophical in nature? What is the ultimate Which of the following IT misconducts is NOT a
purpose of the tree's existence? crime in the country? spreading of fake news

Which medieval technology directly contributed Which of the following may be done to verify
to faster transmission of knowledge during the whether a news article is real or fake? verify
15th century? movable metal-type printing the news article from legitimate media
press outlets & read the entire article not just the
Which technology helped most in preserving
and transmitting knowledge in the ancient time?

Which of the following does not belong to the

prehistoric period? writing system

When the needs of people are sufficiently

satisfied by an existing technology, the
technology hardly change over time

Which ancient civilization regards science as

practical? Roman civilization

Which of the following threats to biodiversity

may not be directly linked to manufacturing
technology? invasive alien species
Which of the following personal actions helps in
protecting biodiversity? avoiding single use A climate change action is a purely technical
plastics & conserving electricity matter.
What is the best way of protecting biodiversity? A good life is life in moderation
habitat conservation

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Climate migrants are usually coming from The use of science in the development of
coastal communities that are affected already technology sustained the industrial revolution.
by the rising sea level.
The industrial revolution gave rise to capitalism
GMOs in agriculture pose bigger threat to the and consumerism.
environment than to human health.
The unregulated use of modern technology
Human flourishing is a good life in communal leads to enframing
The use of science in the development of
Modern science does not venture in the realm technology sustained the industrial revolution.
of spirituality.
The industrial revolution gave rise to capitalism
Modern technology as challenging forth means and consumerism.
the environment’s natural process is altered.
The nature and effectiveness of a certain Covid
19 pandemic response suit an STS inquiry.
People of Ancient Times developed an
understanding of how the universe works. The Wheel and Sail were invented to enable
traders to transport goods over longer distances.
Science,technology and other parts of society
interact because of people. The Phoenicians were known to be good ship-
builders and traders.
STS deals with the interactions between
science, technology and other sectors or The discovery of the DNA structure started the
aspects of society. modern era of biotechnology.

Shifting to renewable energy source is a The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety can

climate adaptation measure. minimize the environmental hazard related to
the transfer of modified organisms.
Technologies in the modern period are
generally application of science. The most direct action that will slow down
climate change is cutting carbon emission now.
The mariner’s compass is an important tool in
European expeditions during the medieval Western science in the medieval period is
period. influenced by faith.

The church contributed much to medieval

science through its established universities.

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FALSE The industrial revolution in the 18th century

gave rise to environmentalism immediately.
Biotechnology is a product of modern science
which started with the discovery of penicillin. The information age is considered the fourth
stage of industrial revolution.
During the Paleolithic Age, agriculture and
domestication of animals started to develop. To Heidegger, the essence of technology is its
physical function.
Electric powered technologies appeared in the
first phase of industrial revolution. The Greeks believed that a higher being
governs the universe.
Hieroglyphics is a system of writing created by
the Greeks. The ethical issue on biotechnology is about
human cloning only.
Neolithic Age Humans still moved from place to
place in search of food. The climate change happening today is a
natural process.
Philosophers launched metaphysical
explanations on how the universe works based
on what they have observed in their

Science and philosophy of science deal with

objective realities about the physical world.

STS deals with technological assessment in the

philosophical perspective only.

Science and technology as human activities

mean that they can be done in isolation.

The industrial revolution in the 18th century

gave rise to environmentalism immediately.

The information age is considered the fourth

stage of industrial revolution.
Electric powered technologies appeared in the
first phase of industrial revolution.

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