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Question 1:  What do you value most in life?  How does this contribute to happiness and
meaning in your life?

ANSWER: Values are crucial because they give our lives purpose. Our choices and deeds
are influenced by them. We feel content and fulfilled when we live out our values. We are pleased
with ourselves. We also sense a sense of kinship with other people and the environment.

We lead unfulfilled lives when we disregard our values. We frequently choose poorly out of
convenience, pleasure, or ego. We fail to connect with others, we miss opportunities to advance,
and we lose sight of our genuine mission in life.

Meaning and happiness have a close relationship and frequently reinforce one another. We
normally feel happier as we find more significance in life, and as we feel happier as we do, we are
frequently inspired to explore even more meaning and purpose.

Question 2:  What are your indicators of success in life?  How do they measure a successful
ANSWER: More than your IQ, what keeps you moving forward in the face of challenges is
a combination of passion, tenacity, and self-discipline. Your capacity to persist in and work toward
any objective over an extended length of time is a key determinant of whether you will succeed in
life or in your profession in anything meaningful and some of the most popular indicators of
success are wealth, employment status, and happiness. Success must be measured properly in
order to guide how time and resources are allocated. You can't work toward success if you don't
define it in terms of what matters most to you.

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