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TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT COMPETENCIES [self Rating] for the period C¥ 2021 Name: _ CHONA S. BACOLOD (or TESDA CAMIGUIN Division: Pou Position Title: TESD Specialist II ‘CAC FOCAL and Cash Collecting and Disbursing Officer Designate [Designation: lscale below, rate the competency units accordi COMPETENCY, and FREQUENCY of utilization \determine your Professional Development Pian. INSTRUCTIONS: Below are the units of competencies required in the performance of your job. Using the| ing to its CRITICALITY to your job, your level of Please answer carefully as this assessment will CRITICALITY TO JOB ‘SCALE GUIDE Slightly important Moderately important Highly important LEVEL OF COMPETENCE Not competent Slightly competent Moderately competent Competent Highly competent FREQUENCY OF UTILIZATION Rarely Occasionally Frequently Unit of Competency Elements Level of Competence a[2[3 Frequency of Utilization 2 Criticality to] Job 2 7 3 a\4 [Work within the vocational leducation and training policy framework ( Work within the training lorganization's quality [framework Work effectively in vocational education andtraining /Manage work and work relationships. [Demonstrate @ client- focused approach to work lObain and convey lworkplace information Participate in workplace _|COmplete relevant work related documents ‘communication tinication Participate in workplace meetings and discussions / { i i v J i LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Dat: March 1, 2017 TESDA-OP-AS-O1-FOI Rev. No. 00- 03/01/17 (Criticality to} Level of Unit of Competency Elements Job Competence i}2 41,2734 Work in team $088. J environment {|entify own role and Hl t responsibilty within team v y v [Describe team role and [Work as a team member. Deliver services to lcustomers [Respond to customer Interact with [complaints customers [Document the services delivered to customers Identify customers’ special requirements Review standards and rocedures Implement quality {Deploy standards and standards and [procedures Procedures | Monitors the implementation of deployed [standards and procedures |Segment the market Determine products and services’ value proposition [Develop marketing plan Implement marketing plan Determine document requirement [Gather data Prepare and present document [Set-up work environment Utiize word processing application Utiize presenter application Uslize IT Applications |Utiize spread sheet lapplication Utilize intemet to |communicate and collect information Promote programs and services Write basic ‘communication LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT TESDA.OP-AS-O1-FO1 Rev, No, 00- 03/01/17 [criticality to Level of Frequen Unit of Competency Elements Job Competence Utilizat 772 41273 2 [Determine data requirements [Determine the data gathering method! techniques [Develop data gathering instruments [Gather data [Deploy data gathering instrument [Monitor the agency's databases [Store/Update of database [Access of data and Maintain database information [Generate data or information IMake backup copies of database Gather data ‘TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT COMPETENCIES [Supervisor Rating] for the period C¥ 2021 Name: JOHN D. SIMBORIOS Name of Subordinate: CHONA S. BACOLOD CRITICALITY TO JOB LEVEL OF COMPETENCE FREQUENCY OF UTILIZATION Unit of Competency Elements Work effectively in vocational education |Work within the vocational Jeducation and training policy framework Position of Subordinate: ITESD Specialist INSTRUCTIONS: Below are the units of competencies required of your subordinate. Using the scale below | rate the competency units according to its CRITICALITY to his/her job, his/her level of COMPETENCY, ang| Ithe FREQUENCY by which your subordinate performs the competency. Please answer carefully as this lassessment will determine your subordinate's Professional Development Plan. SCALE GUIDE Slightly important Moderately important Highly important Slightly competent Moderately competent Reno Highly competent Work within the training lorganization's quality lrramework Manage work and work relationships Demonstrate a client {focused approach to work [Obtain and convey Jworkplace information [Complete relevant work related documents Participate in workplace meetings and discussions ‘Documene Cais” TESDA™ OP-AS-O1 OPERATING PROCEDURES Page 77 LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT = March 1, 2017 ‘TESDA-OP-AS-01-FOI Rev, No, 00 03/01/17, Level of Frequency of Competence Utilization a7 2 [sfoltti2[syalav2zys [Describe team role and Work in team Scope. i Identify own role and envronment esponsibility within team Work as a team member z = Deliver services to customers a = Respond to customer Interact with [complaints ‘customers [Document the services delivered to customers Identify customers’ special requirements, Review standards and procedures implement quality [Deploy standards and standards and {procedures procedures {Monitors the implementation of deployed = = [standards and procedures [Segment the market [Determine products and services’ value proposition - [Develop marketing pian a implement marketing plan Determine document requirement [Gather data = Prepare and present Jdocument [Set-up work environment [Utiize word processing application Utilize presenter application Utiize IT Applications [Utiize spread sheet B lapplication Utiize internet to lcommunicate and collect information Unit of Competency Elements < > LTAT\ X \ Promote programs and services NIV \ TY \ \ Write basic communication \ \ \A \ OPERATING PROC LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT. ‘TESDA-OP-AS-O1-FO1 1. No, 00 - 03/01/17 Unit of Competency Criticality to Job Frequency of Utilization 17 2 a2 Gather data [Determine data Determine the data \gathering method! Develop data gathering [Deploy data gathering Maintain database [Monitor the agency's [Store/Update of database, [Access of data and |Generate data or [Make backup copies of

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