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Case Analysis Report

On-The-Job Training at Buenaobra’s Machine Shop

Submitted by:

Alvin Ronald V. Tarel

Tom Palad
Erna Amores
Mae Magbato

Submitted to:

Gloria Almarez Bumanglag

Human Resource Management, MASTER613

PHILIPPINE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Business Management

April 4, 2023
On-The-Job Training at Buenaobra’s Machine Shop


Second Quarter to mid-year (Summer)

The President of Buenaobra’s Machine Shop

Lack of workforce that will mainly conduct adequate and satisfactory training programs for new

 Short-Term
 Hire applicants who are more skilled and expert on manufacturing job in a machine

 Long-Term
 Create an effective and adequate training programs that that will satisfactorily train the
new employees.


SWOT Analysis

 The company has an increased production volume during the summer months. Which means
the business has a high potential of earning profits due to demand.
 It was evident that the company have effective and efficient older employees that are
experienced enough to assist the new employees in the event of difficulty in performing the job.
 The machine shop was able to identify the type of training programs needed for new employees
which is about safe material-handling.


 The machine shop does not have formal and adequate training to new employees.
 There’s no department or division on the company that is primarily responsible in providing a
suitable teaching on new employees on how to perform the job satisfactorily.
 The company accepts in hiring new employees to mainly handle heavy workloads in which
should be assigned to more skilled and experienced employees.
 Accepting mostly high school and college students who have no experience in heavy workloads
in a manufacturing site.


 The company may have a potential sudden increase in output in production due to continuous
existence of hiring new employees.
 A possibility of more customers of Buenaobra Machine Shop due to increase output of
production and expansion of service that it caters.
 Most likely the company may have an immediate available workforce if the need arises since
their on-the-job trainees were able to exposed to the actual job at manufacturing site.


 Possibility of a higher rate of injuries due to lack of proper training of unskilled and
inexperienced new employees.
 The operation of machine shop may possibly halt due to rash of injuries to its employees caused
by unavailability of work force to sustain operations.
 The business may face a sanction or penalty from an issuing authority due to lack of safety
guidelines and regulations to its employees.

1. Create a workforce that will mainly responsible in managing an effective and satisfactory
training and development plan to employees.

 Advantages

 There will be a readily available workforce body that will train and prepare new
employees due to the fact that this is mainly created to make them fully equipped on
the job.

 Aside from making the new employees fully equipped in delivering an acceptable output
of their job, this will also reduce the possibility of injuries in the workplace because
unconsciously this will make them do their job safely.

 A decision making body created will assess if the manner of accepting students is
sustainable or needs revision. Proper allocation of workload based on level of
experience will be weighed. Specifically, prevent on-the-job trainees to handle heavy
workload. Measurable learning objectives will be developed.

 Disadvantages

 Forming a new division or team to manage and assess the training of new employees
and on-the-job trainees means cost. The company needs to allocate its resources to a
portion of the business for this specific workforce.

 This will demand time in relation to creation of a defined management having the
primary task of handling from starting to end point.

2. Avoid hiring students to perform heavy workloads

 Advantages

 It will be ensured that newly hired employees of the company are equipped with
necessary skillset and experience in handling the heavy workloads.

 If the workforce assigned to do heavy workloads is armed with experience, this will be
more efficient since it will save a lot of time in completing the job.
 This will save a lot of time in training period because of shorter turnaround time.
Learning curve of those new employees subject to training is shorter due to the fact that
they are experienced.

 Disadvantages

 The pool of prospective job applicants that this company can accept is reduced. There
will be a limited resources because students are not part of their target applicants.

3. Hire an external provider of training for safety guidelines and procedures

 Advantages

 Hiring an external provider of training for safety guidelines and procedures will benefit
the company as a whole, not just the employees on specific area where heavy
workloads are performed.

 This will serve as an independent body that will provide and conduct a safety regulatory
training to all employees. Means this will be another set of pair of eyes to cross check if
the company complies with the minimum standard in general safety.

 The determined safety standards will be based on a standard that is required by

governing authority whether by the country or industry. Therefore, passing their
assessment means passing all across the globe set standards.

 Disadvantages

 The company will pay additional cost for their service. The expenses for their existence
should also compensate the company’s objectives.

 There may be instances wherein external or third party provider has a different
approach in conducting their operations that are not aligned with the company’s

 Schedule of operations of external provider may not fit the standard operating hours of
the business hence there’ll be a possibility for the business to extend or change its
operations just to work with the externa provider.
Our group recommends the alternative courses of action item number one (1) which is to create a
workforce that will mainly responsible in managing an effective and satisfactory training to new

Buenaobra’s Machine shop is unable to identify who should be conducting the training for new
employees. As a result of desperation, it has been decided to assign it to one of first line supervisors
who is clearly neither prepared nor equipped in managing to provide the necessary training programs.

The specific workforce that will be created to manage an effective and satisfactory training programs
will definitely make the company’s new employees job-ready because it will not only provide the
orientation to new employees, it will also give a reasonable difficulty level of workload based on their
capability and experience. Prior in hiring them, an assessment is checked to ensure that skillset match
with the job. Evaluations are to be conducted from day one until there’ll be a new classification on their
employee status based on their performance.

This recommendation will hit two birds in one stone because aside from providing the comprehensive
approach in making the new employees fully equipped, it will also lessen the injuries in the workplace.
Employees who are performing their job in efficient and effective way are also aware of its hazards
hence possibility of injuries is reduced and importance of safety is considered in every execution of


In the event of insufficiency of alternative courses of action number one (1), our pullback would be item
number two (2) which is to avoid hiring students to perform heavy workloads. The case stated that one
summer there have been a rash of injuries to its employees therefore, most of the said employees are
those students.

The business should prevent hiring mostly students because it is understandable that they are lacking
experience and needs to be trained on a longer period. Given the circumstances of demand in the
machine shop to sustain production volume, importance of comprehensive training is often overlooked.
With this, if the new employees are those with experience working in a machine shop, learning curve
will be shorter and therefore can cope us easily to the demand of production volume increases.

The case stated that excellent experience with students are mostly due to aid provided by older
employees hence the latter is still the main reason for the success of daily operations. The company
should not limit in choosing students every summer because all type of applicants such as experienced
ones are also available to be hired.

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