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PROBLEM: The average time it takes a group of Senior High School students to complete a certain examination is 48.2 minutes. The standard deviation is 7 minutes. Assume that the variable is normally distributed 1. What is the probability that a randomly selected Senior High School student will complete the examination in less than 45 minutes? 2. If 40 randomly selected SHS students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test will be less than 45 minutes? PROBLEM: The average time it takes a group of Senior High School students to complete a certain examination is 48.2 minutes. The standard deviation is 7 minutes. Assume that the variable is normally distributed 3. If 30 randomly selected SHS students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test will be more than 45 minutes? 4. If 45 randomly selected SHS students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test is between 49.1 and 51 minutes? DO IT YOURSELF! 1. The GPAs of all students enrolled at a large university have an approximately normal distribution with a mean of 3.05 and a standard deviation of 0.29. Find the probability that the mean GPA of a random sample of 20 students selected from this university is less than 2.98? 2. Assume that woman's height are normally distributed with a mean of 62.3 inches and a standard deviation of 1.8 inches. If a sample of 16 women is selected, what is the probability that the mean of the sample will be larger than 63.2 inches? THINK-PAIR-SHARE ‘What Have I Learned So Fur? ‘Read and anmver te fllownang quettione, Write yous anzwvecs on 2 zepacate sheet of papes, |. Explain the central liaut theosem in your oven words. Youcan wzeluctrations to suppostyour explanaticn. 2. The average monty electacty bl of househelds in a pesicular subdivision i PS000.00 witha ‘Randard devistioa ofPS00 00, Suppoze the monthly electricity bilfellows ancemal distribution, ‘What is the probability thatthe average monthly electricity bill of 15 households tx more than. P3007 3. RAPA Senioc HighSchoot hus 5 000 grade 1 students encolle forthe current school year. Their average Reightis 157m with a standard deviation of Sem Suppose a municipal health cfficee came othe schooland randomly selected 100 grade 11 studen‘s to undergo the monthly health ‘monstoring process. Whats the probabulty that the average height ofa sampled students i= 4 lees than 155m? ‘b otursen 157 em and 159 7m? AA cortain university recently produced 895 Krensed teachers aftor they cucreseflly passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). The Professional Regulation Comeniceion (PRC) ecords show that the examunees from that university posted an average rating of BL 14 with, ‘standard deviation of 26, If 45 successful examinees are selected af random, what is the ‘peobablity that thei gatings fall bonvean S35 and $5?

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