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Activity 4 Parallelism

Underline the word, phrase, or clause which contains a faulty parallel structure, then
revise it by rewriting each correctly. In some cases, there may be two correct
1. To travel, swimming, and to read are my pasttime activities

To travel, to swim, and to read are my pasttime activities.

2. The instructor advised me to use the rearview mirror often, and I should observe
the speed limit.

The instructor advised me to use the rearview mirror often, and to observe the speed limit.

3. Doing strenuous exercise and poor nutrition habits can lead to an illness.

Doing strenuous exercise and having poor nutrition habits can lead to illness.

4. Joe wants to buy a vest that has buttons, or closing with a zipper.

Joe wants to buy a vest that has buttons, or a zipper.

5. What I said or my actions upset everyone in the room.

What I said or did upset everyone in the room.

6. Cris has been a waitress, a tour guide, and taught in school.

Cris has been a waitress, a tour guide, and a teacher in school.

7. To swim in a pool is not as exciting as swimming in the river.

Swimming in a pool is not as exciting as swimming in the river.

Activity 4 Parallelism

8. The young nun speaks with warm voice and in humorous manner.

The young nun speaks with warm voice and with humorous manner.

9. The professor told us that we should do research on the subject and to read several

The professor told us that we should do research on the subject and read several books.

10. To say that some truths are simple is not saying they are unimportant.

To say that some truths are simple is not to say they are unimportant.

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