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Worksheet No.

Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of science and technology

Student number & Name: 20200788 Ramos, Niña Mikhaela Score 10/10
Course and Yr. BSN 3A

Think about when you were younger. Write a short passage about what your life was like. Think about things that you
didn’t have then and what you did in your free time. (Minimum of 5 sentences.)

When I was a younger, my only concern was finding a way to get away from my mom so that I could go outside
and play with other kids in our neighborhood. As time went on, I began to grow resentful of other younger kids because
they could enjoy a brief moment with their father while I had not yet had that opportunity. I can still recall how I used to
wait until 3 o'clock in the afternoon to watch my favorite show, and that was typically when our parents or grandparents
would make us take a forced nap, they my friends frequently refer to me as having "walay childhood memories" since I
rarely ever have the opportunity to go outside and have the same kinds of experiences that other children do. Since my
grandparents didn't like me when I was younger for whatever reason, they didn't let me go out or have a real laugh, but I
was able to find happiness in other ways, and I can now say that was the best laugh I've ever had in my entire life. Since
I don't have any particularly fantastic memories from my childhood to draw upon, I haven't been able to articulate or
share them. But one thing that I will always remember the comfort that the warmth of the sun-baked, muddy ground
provided for my toes when they dug into it because those days that was the real happiness that I couldn't experience again
right now.

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