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BIT International College Certified

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Checked by:
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Date: Date: Date: Date:

Detailed Learning Plan English

Grade: 9
Prepared by: Jomei T. Libres
Contact Number: 099957734592

I. LEARNING At the end of the session, the learners should be able to

OUTCOMES: a. Identify what is a generalization.
b. Differentiate invalid/faulty from valid true/ generalizations.
c. Recognize the signal clue words to use in making generalization
and make valid/true generalizations.

Topic : Making Generalization
References :
Materials : Laptop, speaker, Manila


A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer and Greetings
Good morning class, please stand for (All students will stand)
the prayer. (The teacher will lead the AMEN…...
We’re all good sir
How are you today?
It’s nice to hear that all of you are safe
and sound. Once again, a blessed
morning to all! Today I am very much
delighted to see all of you so ready for
our new discussion.

(The teacher introduces herself

and states class rules)

b. Checking of Attendance
For the checking of attendance,
class secretary kindly lists the
names of absentees for today.
B. Motivation
a. Essential Question
What is the importance of making - Allows learner to utilize what they’ve
generalization? learned during sessions and put it
into practice in their natural
Activity 1

I will divide you in 3 groups.

I will give each of the group of some pictures and
each group will make generalization what can you say
about the pictures. - Yes sir
Are you now Ready!

- Most of puppies are cute.

- A flower is the most beautiful part of

a tree or plant.

- Everybody loves superheroes

C. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
Class Who wants to play a game here.
This Game is called 4 Pics 1 sentence.
You can see four different pictures of
four different objects. What will you say
these object in your own generalization? I
will show you a series of pictures then you
need to give your generalization by
making sentence using the image that I
will be showing.
I will group you into 3 groups.
Okay Let’s Do it.

GROUP 1 - Kids like to eat fruits.

GROUP 3 - The kid doesn’t like vegetables.

- kids are playing in the sand.

Let’s give a hand to everyone for

your participation. All students will clap their hands
b. Analysis
Based on your activity, what have
you observed? About the about the
activity that I gave you earlier?

Is it making our own story or? Valid - It is supported by facts.

means True or NOT?
- It uses logic and reasoning

Very good!

What else what have you observe?

- It’s proven with several examples.

Yes Vina?


c. Abstraction
Our activity has a connection to our lesson
for today! Specifically, we will talk about
Making Generalization.
Are you now ready to our new discussion? - Yes sir

Okay! What is generalization? -is a broad statement about a group of

people or things and states something they
Anyone? have in common. Generalization deals with
what is true at all times.

So, when you are generalizing of course it should

be factual when I say factual all the events that you
included on your generalization are actually exist on the
real story not the big picture. So, it should be factual or
we don’t have to build our own stories to make our own
stories, Right, when you are generalizing you are just
basing on that event that happens chronologically or

For example, you write Filipinos belong to Malayan race

or The Philippines is the Pearl of the Orient Seas……

So you always use most, many, all. Generalist, speaking,

most, all, or an indicator of making a generalization.
You have to make sure that the generalization you
make are valid, factual, and supported by relevant data.

A good generalization is supported by specific pieces of

evidence that are significant to the generalization.

What are the specific events? - those are the specific evidence.

What makes the generalization supported by specific - The events, the action of the
pieces of evidence? events, that happens on a story or
a movie or a video.

Sample: If all of the girls you knew or you know play

with dolls. You might make generalization that
From that your bases are the few girls you knew
maybe your sister, cousins, your neighbors, and friends.
After knowing that a lot of girls who usually play with
dolls a broader statement or more universal statement.
You could be made which is ALL GIRLS PLAY WITH

There are 2 types of generalization.

Valid - means true

- It is supported by facts.
- It uses logic and reasoning
- It agrees what you already know about the topic.
- It’s proven with several examples.
Make sure that your generalization is not!
Students are Listening…
Invalid – mean false or faulty.
- It is not supported by false.
- Watch for the clue words like:
CLUE WORDS: to help find generalizations.
Another Sanmple.
Making Generalization:
- Father had banana for breakfast.
- Father had a slice of papaya, too.
- Father had an orange, also.
- Father had a glass of mango juice.

What can we say about father’s Breakfast?

- Father had a lot of fruit for breakfast.

- Father likes fruits.

From the example above it is clear that our
generalization is based importance pieces of

Main Idea is the most important thought about

the topic. The topic is the person, place , thing, or
idea being written about.
Supporting Details can be defined as additional
information that explain, define, or prove an idea.

SAMPLE: Leny is an excellent student. She is

intelligent. She is responsible. Leny always does her
homework, and She is never late for class. As a result of
her hardword, Leny is one of the best students in school.

Where is the main idea of the paragraph. - Leny is an excellent student

There are 3 supporting details in the paragraph.

- She is intelligent.
For us to deepen our understanding about generalization
we need to identify what is RELEVANT AND - She is responsible.
IRRELEVANT DATA that are proves that what
generalization claims is indeed accurate or right. - Leny always does her homework,
and She is never late for class.
- Proof
- Accurate
- Right
- No connections
- Not accurate.
On the other hand, irrelevant data don’t show any
connection with what generalization says to make
it simple. These Are the information that have
nothing to do with the generalization itself.
Sample: Most of the parks have a lot of garbage

a. She saw junk food wrappers.

b. She saw a lot of water bottles.
c. She stepped on numbers of scratches of papers.
d. She saw a beautiful rainbow.

Sample: Most foreigners speak English.

a. Filipinos are good speakers.
b. Chinese kids are encouraged by their government
to learn English as part of their curriculum.
c. English is globally renowned language or lingua
franca. With more than 350 million speakers
around the world.
d. She works at the hotel.

And now we know about relevant and irrelevant data

that may support an evidence in our generalization.

Generalizations. FACT AND OPINION

So how do you define fact and opinion?

- Fact is based on evidence because
that is factual. There is evidence.
- Opinion is it is your own insight
your own perception on that
particular matter. your own
So, before we proceed, any clarification and

Why is making valid generalization important? - is an effective way to understand

the world around us. For example,
when you see a feathered creature
flying in the sky, you use
generalization skills to conclude
“That is a bird.” Valid
generalizations can be proven and
supported with facts.
How do you differentiate the valid and invalid
generalizations? - Valid means true, but for a
generalization to be true, it has to
be supported by facts and proven
with examples. A faulty
generalization is one that is false,
or not supported by facts.
How do I make my generalization valid?
Valid generalizations are supported by
facts, examples, and logical thinking.
Watch out for words like all or never.

E. Application

Now let’s have a short quiz example whether a

sentence valid or invalid generalization.
I will show you the sentences and raise your right
hand if you think the generalization is valid and if you
think that generalization is invalid. I will give you 10
seconds to answer each item.

1. Everyone loves pizza. - Invalid

2. Most malls sell shoes and clothing. - Valid
3. All schools are made of bricks. - Invalid
4. All birds have wings. - Valid
Let’s give a hand to everyone for your participation. All students will clap their hands

- Good writers give their readers

Why do we need to know how to identify a valid or evidence or supporting details when
invalid generalization. they make generalization.
- To make it simple.
IV. Evaluation

Directions: Read each question and encircle the letter

of the correct answer.

1. Most learners find English subject easy to learn.

The statement is ________?
a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization

2. Most people consider firefighters to be everyday

heroes. The statement is ________?

a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization

3. What is the signal word to prove this statement

is invalid. All students can manage their time
a. Students
b. All
c. Can
d. Their

4. What is the signal word in this generalization. All

students often bring laptops in school.
a. often
b. students
c. in
d. bring

5. The chocolate hills in Bohol is the best place to

visit in the Philippines. The statement is
a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization
6. Learning how to spell words is easier than
pronouncing it. The statement is ________?

a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization

7. Which words signal a generalization?

a. alike, different, same

b. this, that, those, these
c. is, are, was, were
d. all, most, usually, never

8. Professional singer are usually rich. The

statement is ________?

a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization

9. Teens don’t like to wake up before 7:00 am.

The statement is ________?

a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization

10.Filipinos eat rice everyday. The statement is


a. Generalization
b. A fact
c. An opinion
d. Faulty generalization
TEST II. Write your own generalization based on the
procedural text below.

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V. Assignment

In your own words or idea Why is making generalization

is important to us? Justify your answer. Write it in a ½
sheet of paper. 20 points.

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