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Saint James High School of Buenavista, Agusan, Inc.

Curato Avenue, Barangay 5, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

House-made Fire extinguisher out of Baking Soda, Vinegar,

Water and Liquid Soap










1.1 Introduction and Background ----------------------------------------------- 3

1.2 Theoretical Framework ------------------------------------------------------- 5

1.3 Schematic Diagram ----------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.4 Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------------- 7

1.5 Significance of the Study ----------------------------------------------------- 7

1.6 Scope and Demitations -------------------------------------------------------- 8

1.7 Definition of terms ------------------------------------------------------------- 8


Review Related Literature -------------------------------------------------------- 9


3.1 Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3.3 Research Locale ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure --------------------------------------------------- 13

3.5 Statistic Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Saint James High School of Buenavista, Agusan, Inc.
Curato St., Brgy. 5, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte
SEC Reg. No. PW00001134
Telefax (085) 343-4332 343-4834



A fire extinguisher is a device that is designed to put out small fires. It works by releasing a

substance (such as water or foam) that can cool down or smother the flames, thereby

stopping the fire from spreading. Fire extinguishers are important safety tools that can help

prevent serious damage and injuries in the event of a fire. The need for a fire extinguisher has

become increasingly important as the frequency of fire incidents has greatly increased.

According to the Bureau of fire protection, the number of Fire incidents in the

Philippines have now increase since the first two months of this year. The possible cause of

the immense increase of fire cases may include, houses that are built of combustible

materials, faulty electrical wiring, neglected electrical appliances, and of course the absence

of fire extinguisher. BFP Spokesperson Supt.Annalee Carrbajal– Atienza, encourage people

to use Fire Extinguisher instead of regular water since it is more effective and has a certain

chemical that can not only put out house fire, but also electrical and kitchen fire at the same


Fire extinguishers have reportedly been identified as necessary and crucial in averting

dangerous fire incidents in both households and public spaces, according to McSheffrey

(2011). A 2002 UK study conducted by FETA (Fire Extinguishing Trades Association) and

IFEDA (Independent Fire Engineering and Distributors Association) reviewed over 2100 fire

incidents and found that in 80% of the cases, a portable fire extinguisher successfully put out

the fire, and in 75% of those cases, the fire department was not required to attend. Fire and

fire protection also include the use of extinguishers in the early stages of fire-fighting. Benefits

of replacing carbon-based manual extinguishers include reduced carbon emissions from fires,

contaminants related with fires, and waste water run-off.

In most buildings, especially on hotels, condominium, offices and library. There are fire

extinguisher in almost in every area. But in spite of that there will be some occasion where

there will be no fire extinguisher around. The lack of fire extinguisher may either be due to the

low wages of worker or due to Filipino culture that believe that water is the only way to put out

a fire, where is some cases it will only get the fire worse. For instance, what if there’s sudden

fire incident at your home where you only have a bucket of water? Will this be enough to set

up the fire out? According to the Office of Environmental Health Safety, it is dangerous to use

water for fires involving flammable liquids and energized electrical equipment as the

application of water spreads the fire and serves as a conductor of electricity.

The use of traditional fire extinguishers may not always be accessible or affordable in

certain communities in the Philippines. As a potential alternative, this research explores the

possibility of creating a fire extinguisher using readily available materials such as baking

soda, vinegar, and soap. Through a series of experiments, it was found that combining baking

soda and vinegar creates a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide, which is effective

in extinguishing small fires. The addition of soap enhances the mixture's ability to cling to

surfaces, improving its effectiveness. The cost-effective nature of this alternative extinguisher

makes it a viable option for communities with limited resources. While further research and

testing are necessary, the results suggest that a baking soda, vinegar, and soap fire

extinguisher could be a useful addition to emergency preparedness plans in certain areas of

the Philippines.

Thus, this research aims to provide an Alternative mixture of fire extinguisher that will

help to fight fire to spread and affordable for all the people whether your rich, poor, and
mediocre. Also this research will do three different amount of mixture in order to identify the

best amount for the alternative fire extinguisher.

1.2 Hypothesis and Objectives

Hypothesis: There is significant difference between the 3 trials in making homemade fire


Objective; Mixing baking soda, vinegar and soap water as a homemade fire extinguisher for

smother fire and preventing fire from spreading Specifically aims to:

1. Make an inexpensive eco-friendly and readily available homemade fire extinguisher


can extinguish small fires

2. Determine the best mixture in making homemade fire extinguisher.

3. Identify the difference between the 3 trials

1.3 Schematic Diagram

1.4 Statement of the Problem

1. What will be the best optimal mixture to used as a House-made fire extinguisher to
achieve the desire result in extinguishing the fire.

2. What will be the Distance and Duration when you add more mixture to the

3. Can the alternative fire extinguisher can still be affordable for all the people if the
require ingredients needed some substantial amount of mixture


This research can be able to significantly improve the community and protect the

environment. For the people in Rural areas the materials utilized are economical, more

homes and commercial buildings can have the alternative fire extinguishers, making the

neighborhood safer from tragic fire incidents. In schools, they can also benefit some

substantial amount of savings through by shifting to expensive dry chemical extinguisher to

the alternative fire extinguisher.


This study will examine the effectiveness of an alternative fire extinguisher made

of baking soda, water, vinegar, and soap that is contained inside a plastic bottle that can

easily put out the fire. This study will be judged on its effectiveness and practicality. Due to

the mixture's inability to be tracked with a specific tool, the study will cover its longevity.


The Following term are the unfamiliar word found in this study:

Dry Chemical extinguisher - Extinguish the fire by interrupting the chemical reaction of the

fire triangle. It will stop the fire by coating the fuel with thin layer of dust, separating the fuel

from the oxygen

Rural areas - Are compromised of small village and settlements with fewer than 2500


Fire triangle - is a simple model that are made with three elements (Oxygen,Heat,and Fuel)

in order for fire to sustain and ignite.

Acetic Acid - Acetic acid is the main active ingredient in vinegar, and is a colorless liquid with

a strong, pungent smell. It is a weak organic acid, which is often used in the production of

chemical compounds and as a preservative.

Sodium Bicarbonate - Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a white powder

that is commonly used as a raising agent in baking, as well as a household cleaner and

deodorizer. It is a mild alkali that can neutralize acids, making it useful for neutralizing

stomach acid in antacid products.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

For centuries, the concept of fire has been deeply understood and respected. It is an

element of nature with powerful capabilities and can cause great destruction if not managed

properly. According to the Fire Safety Advice Centre (2016), there are three core elements

that made up a fire included oxygen, fuel, and heat which became the standard recognized

fire triangle or triangle of combustion. Furthermore, fire researcher determined that a fourth

element, chemical chain reaction was a necessary component of fire. Essentially all four

elements must be present for fire to occur, fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction.

(The Combustion Process 2016)

Fire extinguishers are essential components when it comes to preventing and

containing fires. As a first line of defense, they are among the most common fire protection

methods used, and in many cases have the power to contain or extinguish a fire and save

lives. Unfortunately, for many business owners, fire extinguishers are easily overlooked and

merely seen as additional costs that come with running a business. However, these red cans

are invaluable to lessening the destruction brought by fires and should be regarded as more

than just a business expense, but a firsthand tool for managing and preventing fires. In

today’s world, having fire extinguishers in nonresidential properties are the difference

between minor fire problems and

tragedy.(Fireline 2017)

Fire extinguishers are an essential part of fire safety, and there are many different

types available for different applications. They range from dry powder extinguishers to liquid

ones and more. According to an Article (Total Fire Group) in case you don’t have a fire

extinguisher there are alternative methods in putting out a fire for instances:

Baking Soda

Soap water

Cow hooves

Power of Sound

According to an article(Life Hacker), Baking soda and salt are both effective

tools for putting out fires, but they work in different ways. Baking soda works by releasing

carbon dioxide and smothering the fire, which cuts off the oxygen supply and prevents the fire

from burning. This method is effective for small fires, but if the fire is burning too violently, the

convection created by the fire can pull in enough oxygen to offset the smothering effect. Salt,

on the other hand, is a great absorber of heat for its volume. When salt is added to a fire, it

absorbs the heat from the fire and prevents it from burning. This is especially effective for

grease fires, as the salt absorbs the heat from the grease and prevents it from burning.

Overall salt is arguably the best way to put out a grease fire when fire extinguisher is


Fire-fighting foam is a type of foam used to extinguish fires. It is made up of a mixture of

water, vinegar, baking soda, and air and is used to smother fires by cutting off the oxygen

supply. Fire-fighting foam is used in a variety of situations, including aircraft fires, oil and gas

fires, and fires in hazardous materials. It is also used to protect structures from fire, and to

cool hot surfaces. Fire-fighting foam is highly effective, and is often used in combination with

other fire-fighting techniques. It is also relatively safe to use, and is not harmful to the

environment.(Scientific American).

Base on the study of, there are 5 different classes of fire. These are;

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

The researchers will test the 3 trials by the variables given to determine which mixture is

the most effective for extinguishing fires. The setup will be examined by its duration of

extinguishing the fire, how far will the burst reach to the fire and the diameter it can cover. The

container, which is made out of strong plastic, has a 1 L capacity.

Material/Ingredients TRIAL TRIAL 2 TRIAL

1 3

Baking Soda 3 4 5

Vinegar 350mL 500mL 650mL

Dishwashing Liquid


Material/IngredientsTRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3

Baking Soda 3 4 tbsp. 4

tbsp. tbsp.

Vinegar 500 mL
975mL Trial 1 will consist of 3 tbsp. of baking soda,

Dishwashing 3 tbsp. 500mL of vinegar, and 2 tbsp. of dishwashing

Liquid 2 tbsp. 4 tbsp.
liquid. Trial 2 has 4tbsp. of baking soda, 700mL of vinegar, and 3 tbsp. of dishwashing liquid.

Trial 3 will have 5 tbsp. of baking soda, 975mL of vinegar, and 4 tbsp. of dishwashing liquid.

Based on UCSB ScienceLine (2015), Baking soda and vinegar will always result in a

chemical reaction, even having an uneven ratio of both of the ingredients. But some excess

baking soda and vinegar can be left. The ingredients can possibly react more when having

balanced amounts.

Table 2

Variables TRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3

Duration of Emitted Mixture (in sec)

Distance (in meters)

Size of Fire Removed in Small Fire

3.2 Research Locale

The research will be conducted in the Philippines, specifically in Region XIII (Caraga),

Buenavista, and Agusan del Norte. The proponents wish to conduct their research inside their

homes in Purok-1 Brgy. 10, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte, and test the alternative fire

extinguisher determine the effectiveness as a household fire extinguisher. The researcher

guaranteed that this conducted experiment cause no harm to the community after the mixture

was produce.

3.3 Data Gathering Procedure

4. Gather ingredients: Acquire vinegar, baking soda, and soap, and measure out

appropriate quantities. Ensure that the ingredients are fresh and of good quality.

5. Prepare the extinguisher: Put the Vinegar on the container. Then, Add a few drops

of soap to the mixture Next, put the ballpen case with the baking soda in the lid.

Close it tightly. After that, viciously stir the mixture until it create a chemical

reaction that will expand itself greatly, creating a foam like substance.

6. The researcher can now determined the more vinegar, baking soda, soap water

was added, the more the outcome changed

7. After three different types of procedures the amount of money was used in the

product was only less than 300 making it a great choices for all types of people

whether you’re a student, wealthy, or even a beggar

3.4 Statistical Tools

To determine and categorize the data quantitatively, there was an experiment and the

researchers will make a table to be have. Quantitatively, the trial that researchers will use to

determine and measures which experimental factors the most effective and useful. The table

will be visual representation of statistical data of various observation which percentage values

together in a table. Measurement- a collection of. quantitative or numerical data which

describes the value or amount of a particular object.


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