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Legal Concerns Influencing School Administration

Submitted to: Roberto Baltazar Celebre

1. Teaching Condition. What are the teaching conditions we need to know?

A. Time

B. Facilities and Resources

C. Community Support and Involvement

D. Managing Student Conduct

E. Teacher Leadership

F. School Leadership

G. Professional Development

H. Instructional Practices

Why are Teaching Conditions Important?

A. It’s about kids. Multiple components of the teaching environment such as:

student conduct, demands on time, autonomy, professional development that

leads to the predictive as follows: Student learning gains and student of

perceptions of support and rigor. Teacher working conditions can influence

how effective a teacher is in a given context.

B. It’s About Keeping Effective Teachers. Teachers’ satisfaction with their jobs

and motivation, attrition and retention can affect the teacher working

condition. Through this conditions teachers may have considerations in

retention maintains instructional cohesion in a school and attrition can be


2. Physical Safety of Students. Physical Safety refers to the protection of all

stakeholders, including students, school staff and the community from violence,

theft and exposure to weapons and threats in order to establish a secure

learning environment. For students to learn, they need to feel safety. How can

child be protected? Having the Child Protection Policy ( DepEd Order No.40 s.

2012), these are the protection we can have for the child from Child abuse-

corporal punishment, Neglect, Exploitation, Discrimination and Other Analogous.

Some schools hired Security Guards for the safety of each person inside the

school specially the students.

The School Head has as one of his/her duties the provision of a safe, secure and

peaceful environment in which learning can occur. Thus the school head is

accountable for safety and security in the school. Their role includes planning for

and administering the day to day security and safety arrangements at the school.

3. School Attendance. It is the foundation of a student’s ability to receive education

and benefits that such education provides. A serious problem among youth today

is absenteeism which may also affect the performs of the school. Absenteeism in

the first months of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school

year. Having poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by

the end of the grade. Research shows that missing 10% of the school negatively

affects a student’s academic performances. Which may also affect the

performance of the school if school attendance will be neglected.

4. Legal Concerns, Marginal Teachers, Right and Responsibilities of Administration.

Who are marginal taechers? Are teachers who are no longer neophytes but

whose teaching competence remains unsatisfactory and are, therefore,

considered for dismissal.

What are the rights and responsibilities of the administrator? A. To see to it that

competent instructional supervision and formative evaluations are made available

to the teacher in preparation for summative evaluation. B. To provide and

supervise remedial intervention measures to address inadequate performance in

the classroom.

On the other hand, Teacher must show a marked improvement in performance

when given adequate guidance and support.

5. Categories of Marginal Teachers.

According to Fuhr (1990)

A. Lack of Training – Incompetent teachers who doesn’t grasp basic techniques.

B. Personal Reasons- Teachers who have serious personal problems for

exhibiting chronic inadequacies in classroom management.

C. Poor Attitudes- Teachers with negative or poor attitudes about teaching. They

know what is expected but refuse to do it

According to Kaye (2004)

A. Flotsam Marginal Teacher- “self-motivated and able neither to improve their

teaching or to seek out the assistance they needed to effect change.

B. Jetsam Marginal Teacher- who do not offer their support when a new

instructional program requiring some changes to be made in their school is

implemented. These teachers are also running out of their eagerness and energy

to teach.

C. Club Med Marginal Teacher- These are teachers who are quite indifferent to

students, their learning and teaching profession.

6. Dealing with Marginal Teachers

3 Strategies

A. Provide constructive coaching and good direction for professional growth.

B. Offer a few vital and genuine words of encouragement, support, respect and

affection to the teachers with personal problems.

C. Talked clearly and specifically about their negative attitudes. But it should be

clear that this reprimand is for specific actions or practices in the classroom, not

for being a bad person.

7. Great Leaders don’t set out to be a leader…They set out to make a Difference.

It’s never about the role-always about the goal.”

8. Thank you.

Prepared by: Mariz F. Dacula

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