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Architectural Lighting Technology
IP (A)
Even Semeter 2022/2023

Fira Rahmawati

Johanita Anggia Rini, Ph.D
Window Measurement

L = 1,5 m

H = 0,5 m

Windows are one of the most important opening components in

buildings and rooms. The window serves to deliver light and also
ventilation in the room. Windows can also be a source of central lighting
which effectively divides light to each side of the room. This
measurement is divided into 2, namely, Height (H) and length (L).
Distance Measurement

D = 3,5 m

In this measurement I measure the distance (D), which is the distance

between the window and the opposite wall.
Sky Factor Requirement

Titik Ukur Utama (TUU) is a

measurement which counted from the
1/3 of the room and 75 cm above the
floor. Titik Ukur Sementara (TUS) is a
measurment counted from 50 cm
beside the window.

TUU can be calculated by the formula

TUU = 0.18D
TUU = 0.18 x 3.5 m
TUU = 0,63

TUS can be calculated by the formula

TUS = 0.05D
TUS = 0.05 x 3.5 m
TUS = 0,175
Sky Factor Number

To know the number of sky factor

number we can calculated by the
formula :

L/D = 1.5/3.5
L/D = 0.428
L/D = 0.4


H/D = 0.5/3.5
H/D = 0.142
H/D = 0.1


From The Tabel L/D is the length

and H/D is the height.

Sky Factor Number = 0,06

Natural Light Intencity

SNI 03-6575-2001
The minimum level of lighting and recommended color render.
The standard of natural light in the bedroom is between 120-250 lux.

The Natural light / sun intensity is about 10.000 lux until 100.000 lux, we'll
multiply the sky factor number with 10.000 to decide if the room is getting
enough natural light intensity.

We can calculated with the formula

NLI = 10.000 x SFN (Sky Factor Number )

NLI = 10.000 x 0.06
NLI = 600 lux.

So in conclusion with that level of intensity (600 lux) my room has enough
natural light to illuminate it.

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