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참고문헌ㅣ 박문호 빅히스토리 (2022) 제2장 지구의 탄생과 판구조 운동

2.1 Earth structure

 Formed like a stratified sphere, like an onion (total radius of earth : 6378km)

 Crust (지각)
- Oceanic (해양지각): Fe, Mg, Si, Al (basaltic composition)
Thickness 5~10km, Density 3.0 g/cm3
- Continental (대륙지각): Si, Al (granitic composition)
Thickness 20~70km
(in mountainous area ≈ 100km)
Density: 2.7 g/cm3
 Lithosphere (대륙권 또는 암석권): crust of the earth formed by rock like material
 Asthenosphere (암류권) : rocks melt because of high pressure and temperature.
 A temperature gradient of about 2.5°C per 100 m depth. At the bottom of Earth's
crust, T is about 1200°C.
Classification of period and strata
By British geologists at the end of 18th century, geologic strata were
classified based on the unconformity, the period of change in old
living things and the degree of alteration of the rock strata.
1) Primary Strata(제1층) : folded old strata. Paleozoic era (microorganism (미
생물), algae(조류))
2) Secondary Strata(제2층) : upper strata of less folded, covered by
unconformity strata in between. Mesozoic era(dinosaur, 공룡)
3) Tertiary Strata(제3층) : more horizontal layer than secondary strata and
cover them by unconformity zone. Cenozoic era(mammal(포유류)
4) Quarternary Strata(제4층) : cover the tertiary and former strata by
unconformity. Composed with sand and gravel, clay strata of not fully
Classification of period and strata
By British geologists at the end of 18th century, geologic strata were
classified based on the unconformity, the period of change in old
living things and the degree of alteration of the rock strata.
1) Primary Strata(제1층) : folded old strata. Paleozoic era (microorganism (미
생물), algae(조류))
2) Secondary Strata(제2층) : upper strata of less folded, covered by
unconformity strata in between. Mesozoic era(dinosaur, 공룡)
3) Tertiary Strata(제3층) : more horizontal layer than secondary strata and
cover them by unconformity zone. Cenozoic era(mammal(포유류)
4) Quarternary Strata(제4층) : cover the tertiary and former strata by
unconformity. Composed with sand and gravel, clay strata of not fully
Classification unit

1) successive generation, Eon (누대 累代)

Precambrain Eon(은생누대) : Long period in which

no organisms are found in the geologic strata

Phanerozoic Eon(현생누대) : Period in which

organisms begin to find until holocene (현세).

2) Era (대 (代) – Five classification based on the fossils

included in the geologic strata

Archeozoic Era(시생대) : It is thought that the live

organisms were created in that period.

Proterozoic Era(원생대) : Organisms were slightly

evolved but not found as fossils.
Microorganisms were existed.

Paleozoic Era(고생대) : Period of low degree of

evolution. 0.3 billion years, trilobite(삽엽충)

Mesozoic Era(중생대) : Period of medium degree of

evolution. 0.2 billion years, dinosaur, birds of

Cenozoic Era(신생대) : Period of high degree of

evolution. 70 million years, mammals and
mammoth .
3 Period, 기 紀)

- Named after the name of the province in

that the rocks are deposited or after the
material name related to that province.
They became the standard names in the

Cambrian : Rocks deposited in Cambria. It is

the name of Romans in the Wales at the
southwestern part of England.

Carboniferous (석탄기) : The strata contains

many coal layers (e.g. Mississippian &
Pennsylvanian )

Triassic(트라이아이스기) : Possible to distinguish 3

individual layers.

Cretaceous period(also called as Chalk(백악기):

chalk(백악) layers deposited at the end of
Mesozoic era. Located at the coastal
areas of England and France. (Cretaceous)

4) Epoch (세 世) – Sub division of Cenozoic era

5) Age (절 節)
판게아 (페름기 – 트라이아이스기)

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