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1. What is the research design used?

What is the purpose for using such

A mixed method design was employed in this study. As indicated by Johnson et. al. (2022),
this particular design method is utilized when researchers merge qualitative and
quantitative research approaches. This is done to be ablet In this study, a survey
questionnaire was conducted as well as a factor analysis for the data collection to discern
the perception and motivation of 127 second year level engineering students in regards to
mathematics learning and online assessments.
For data collection, a survey questionnaire was conducted as well as factor analysis that

Adamson University was the site of this research. This school was picked because of the pupils'
proficiency in online assessment while taking face-to-face learning. To determine their view of
Online Assessment, respondents must be in grades 7-10 in high school. Furthermore, due to the
current urgency of the educational setting in the Philippines, this school employs a mixed
Learning Approach in which activities and assessments are conducted online, but face-to-face
learning is still practiced. Blended learning systems, as defined by Graham and Bonk (2006), mix
face-to-face training with computer-mediated instruction.

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