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Name : Fira Rahmawati

Students ID: 22512149

Class: IP (A)
Task: Final Exam Learning and Career Leadership

1. Islam is very careful in determining who will be an exemplary leader of the

group that nourishes and build a Muslim personality. One of the leaders who
meet the quality like that, for all Muslims is the Prophet, Muhammad.
Appointment him as the messenger of Allah., That in addition to lead mankind
is also for the entire universe. The personality of the Prophet Muhammad
saw., As a man whose leadership is exemplary toughness, he becomes a
person who is not influenced by the circumstances surrounding the
community and that is still ignorant. Aspects of their personality that are very
prominent in him like honesty (Siddiq), which is a principle in life and life.
Perfect personality possessed by the Holy Prophet. as the Messenger of God
as praiseworthy and perfect personality, known as the properties required for
the Messenger of God, which includes Siddiq, trust, sermons, and fathanah.
In recorded history that the figure of the Prophet Muhammad. Has a role not
only as a leader in one thing only, but as a leader in terms of life including
politics, economics, military, and propaganda. In recorded history that the
figure of the Prophet Muhammad saw. A role not only as a leader in just one
thing, but as a leader in terms of life includes political, economic, military, and
propaganda. Medina period Muhammad became the supreme leader in the
field of the administrative Islamic state and was helped by the Muslims. As the
manager of propaganda, the Prophet was very attentive to the needs of
society, to hear the wishes and complaints, considering the potential that
exists in society. The key to success for Community Resources, Community
Educators, and Community developers that we should emulate. So, it can be
concluded that the leadership characteristics of the Prophet that we can
emulate are Determined, Imaginative, Ambitious, Courageous, Caring,
Mature, Loyal, Self controlled, Independent.
2. That Work with Architect

a. Owner

The project owner or owner is a person or agency that has a project or

work and gives it to another party who is able to carry it out in accordance
with the work contract agreement to realize the project.

b. Planning Consultant

Planning Consultants are parties appointed by the task giver to carry out
planning work, planners can be individuals or business entities both
private and government.

c. Supervision Consultants

Supervision consultants provide advice or considerations to project owners

and contractors in carrying out work. Correcting and approving the shop
drawings submitted by the contractor as guidelines for the implementation
of project development.

d. Management Construction Consultant

MK Consultants is a company or organization that specializes in

professional construction management practice, or practices it on a
particular project, as part of a project management team

e. Contractor

The definition of a contractor is an individual or legal entity hired by the

project owner to carry out work in accordance with the contract agreement
agreed upon by both parties, the project is limited by the items of work
carried out, costs, and time of completion. The contractor is also known as
the contractor whose job is to buy.

In another sense, Contractor is a party determined by the project owner to

manage the implementation of construction activities and process
resources in the form of materials, equipment, labor, methods and capital,
so as to produce the final product in the form of construction.

f. Subcontractor

Is a party that in its implementation helps contractors to complete part of

their work and suppliers to supply materials needed by construction
g. Employee

Is a party that is under the responsibility of a contractor or subcontractor to

carry out construction activities in the field with certain expertise or skills,
both individually and in groups coordinated by the foreman.

h. Supplier

Is a party involved in the procurement of construction materials.

i. Government

Is a party as a policy maker in regulating regulatory instruments related to

construction implementation.

j. Bank

Is an institution that can provide financial resources or sources of loans

that help finance the project.

k. Security

Is a party that can provide guarantees during the construction project


3. After graduating and getting my S.Ars degree I will start an Apperenticeship.

This apperenticeship is done to get a license that will supervise us while we
are apprentices. The purpose of this internship itself is so that we can apply
all the theory and practice when we are in college and apply it to the world of
architecture. The second is Licensing. We have to get Licensing from the
government to become "Architects." Usually it is taken with the PPAR
program. The third is the Futher Graduate Study. This is done in order to gain
new design experience and new insights in graduate schools. The fourth is
travel. The farther we go somewhere or visit many new places, the more
knowledge and insight we get. The latter is working in related fields, for
example being a designer, working in a consulting firm, and construction.

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