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ABM 121

1.) What are the main claims presented in the paragraphs?

 The main claims we say something is bad for the environment, we mean that it uses a lot of
energy and water, aggravates global warming, and increases water and air pollution. Several
LCAs take a cradle to grave approach in comparing the environmental impact of paper and

2.) How are these supported?

 It is supported The Total Plastic Bag Ban Act of 2011 Furthermore, the have production of paper
also uses a lot more water, a resource that is becoming scarcer. Water pollution and solid waste
findings favor the plastic bag, as well. Even the speed of paper’s biodegradability in a landfill is
now in question. Some suspect that both materials biodegrade almost as slowly when subjected
to landfill conditions. The Total Plastic Bag Ban Act of 2011 begins with citing the use of one
billion plastic bags annually worldwide. Yes, they are clogging our drains and endangering
marine life when plastic trash drift in the sea. But one billion paper bags are even more harmful
to the planet.

3.) What pieces of evidence are used to support the claims?

 The main purpose of grocery bags is to transport goods to our homes. If the neighborhood
grocery is about ten minutes away, then that’s the usable lifespan of those bags. We are using
them at lightning speed compared to how long it took to actually create them, even after
reusing some as garbage can liners. Just consider the key ingredients. Paper comes from trees
which take years to grow before harvesting, even in compliance with sustainable agriculture.
Plastic is a by-product of the petroleum refining process; this material is non-renewable. We
have not even accounted for manufacturing and transport. The time it takes to use a bag twice
or thrice is still miniscule compared to the time, resource and effort it takes for those bags to get
to the grocery.

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