Significance of The Study

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Significance of the Study

Kazeem, (2022) stated that the significance of the study must explain the

importance of the work and its potential benefits. Among what makes the

significance of the study plausible is that the researcher will discuss the value of the

research regarding the study of research in general, the particular discipline or field

of study, relevant stakeholders as applicable and most importantly the researcher’s

argument must be substantiated through references to relevant and recent literature.

This study is essential in defining the Students’ Academic Achievement: A

comparative study between Modular Distance learning and Face to Face Classes of

Grade 11 of Evaristo Moralizon National Vocational High School, Manay Davao

Oriental. The beneficiaries and benefits of this study are the following.

School head. The result of this study will help the school head find a

particular solution to their issues and concerns related to this study. Can be also a

backup reference to whatever it may serve best.

Teachers. The findings of this study can be a big help to the teachers as a

reference whenever they make such as action research and other related studies

they are going to make and can be a basis in beneficial to their students in terms of

student’s performance between the two modes of learning academically and


Parents. The result of this study will help the parents in terms of decision

making about their child’s education to distinguish between two modes of learning

which are the Modular Distance Learning (MDL) and fully implemented Face to Face

Classes (F2F Clasess).

Student. The result of this study will help the student decide and make a

better decision on where to engage between the two modes of learning.

Researchers. The outcome of this study will serve as their opener to conduct

a similar study integrating the two modes of learning and can be used as a

secondary data for future related researchers.

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