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The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service

Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

In our world today people wants to stay connected to the internet and

they want to remain it that way. Internet today is mostly used for business,

communication, entertainment and others. But in the Philippines, internet

connection is too slow for people to connect or synced into that hinders the

people to gain knowledge and for any purpose they do.

One example is the interconnection issues between PLDT and Globe

Telecom which has spread to several key areas in Northern Luzon and

throughout the other regions (NTC, 2013). The internet connection in those

areas appeared to be very slow and unreliable which hinders the customers’

effort to use the internet.

It was stated by Jiao (2016) that the reason why our internet

connection is slow is because there are not enough cell towers in the country.

The frequencies are not allowed to function properly to the telecommunication

companies. Even the internet service providers are having complicated

problems in fixing the internet connection.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Because of that the frequency of connectivity issues has increased

which also caused the complaints about it to increase at a high rate. Zeithaml

(2008) stated that customer satisfaction of the internet connection will

ultimately depend on the variety of different experiences -some good and

some not good- of the consumers.

People are affected by the outcomes of the decisions of the internet

service providers in solving the connectivity issues. According to Santos

(2015) internet users in the Philippines are “paying more for less” as the

actual speed of their connection has never reached the “advertised speed” by

Internet service providers.

Moreover, according to Marasigan (2016) internet connection is

considered now as a basic need of a person and is also a library of

knowledge where we can find anything we want to know. The internet has an

abundance of information, news, sciences and others, which students must

use exclusively for their academic and educational purposes without the

hindrances of an internet connection (Dogruer, 2011).

So, the researchers will study the frequency of connectivity issues by

the internet service providers. Then the researchers will evaluate the

connectivity issues in several cities which are included in the range of the

study. Their study also includes how the connectivity issues affect the internet

connection of the students.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study is to evaluate the frequency of connectivity

issues of the internet service providers of STEM students. Specifically, this

study aims to determine the effectiveness of the service providers to provide

internet with lessened frequency of connectivity issues among the student


Moreover, this research intends to answer the following questions:

1. What internet service provider experience connectivity issue the most

between Marikina City, Pasig City and Quezon City?

2. How frequent are the connectivity issues?

3. Is the amount paid by the customers worth it for the service of the said

Internet Service Providers?

4. Does the locality, time, weather and usage affect the speed of the Internet?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study includes gathering information related only to the frequency

of having connectivity issues between Marikina City, Quezon City, Pasig City

and the internet service provider. The study also includes the identification of

the internet service providers commonly supported by customers within those

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

The study does not include factors such as the connection between

specification of internet accessing devices and the frequency of having

connectivity issues regarding the specific device. The study will also not

include how customers deal with connectivity issues from their chosen

internet service provider and their behavior towards having satisfying and

poor connectivity. The study is also strictly limited to 150 respondents within

the cities mentioned in the study that uses the internet which are both the

morning and afternoon session of Senior High School students in the

premises of Technological Institute of the Philippines in Quezon City.

Significance of the Study

This study will serve as a very important aspect in our society which

evaluates the frequency of connectivity issues by the Internet Service

Providers by the STEM Students. The outcome of the study will be beneficial

to the following:

Students, the study aims to suggest a better option in picking an

internet service provider, which allows the students to experience having less

connectivity issues that could affect their academic processes negatively.

Teachers, the study aims to help the teachers, research on their

lessons more quickly and effectively by having the best option on choosing

their internet service provider who can give them a faster internet connection

to avoid the
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

common connectivity issues. There will also be a major improvement in their

communication with their students, parents and other teachers.

Developers, the study aims to allow internet service providers to know

of the city or cities where their service is satisfactory to the customers and city

or cities where their services are in a poor state and requires improvement.

Future Researchers, the study aims to provide future researchers

taking the same topic information that can be used in their research in terms

of which of the connectivity issues. There will also be a major improvement in

their communication with their students, parents and other teachers.

Students, the study aims to suggest a better option in picking an internet

service provider, which allows the students to experience having less

connectivity issues that could affect their academic processes negatively.

Parents, the study aims to make the parents who are working/ living in

another country have a better internet service and connection with their child

when it comes to communicating in social networks or communication apps

like Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Skype, Viber and many more.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Chapter 2


Related Studies

Internet and Its Consumers

Ervelles et al. (2009) stated that customer satisfaction plays a key role

in the review of the effectiveness of an ISP to provide a fast and reliable

Internet connection. They also stated that the right customer satisfaction is the

target to the market economy and it is also the central element of affecting the

marketing concept of the ISPs.

According to Pervaiz and Abrar (2008) modern ISPs have found a way

to make Internet connections faster, cheaper and reliable. Problems in load

balancing has been an issue for years but they stated that modern ISPs have

entered into business arrangements for connectivity with other service

providers to make sure that the customer’s data is able to move smoothly

among the various parts of the Internet.

The Internet is changing the way to work, socialize, create and share

information, and organize the flow of people, ideas, and things around the

globe. But ISPs have been receiving many negative feedbacks from the

customers in terms of speeds, connectivity, quality and price. Information

technology helps the

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

ISPs to assess the problems in connections and improve or upgrade it to the

next level (Sumathisri et al., 2014).

Students and the Internet

Dogruer (2011) stated that students must use Internet exclusively for

their academic and educational purposes without the hindrances of an

Internet connection. The Internet is a wealth of information, news, sciences

and others. The students must use it as a tool to learn new and beneficial

things. The Internet is the newest source of all up to date information all

around the world. So the students must use it to their full advantage so that

they may gain an edge in their academic studies without the problems of

Internet connection.

According to Malikarjun and Suresh Gudimani (2008), to understand

student's usage of Internet and computer technology, their experience with

technology and their aptitudes and expectation about technology resource

and identify areas for improvement that all respondents are using computer

and online services in the library.

According to Moore’s (2011) interview on a high school student named

Jake Greenwood, Internet is also an important factor in being successful

during the years of studying. It was also stated that students that does not

have Internet connection are put at a disadvantage as they have to rely on the

school's computers or just go straight to the library after classes, which is

stated to be
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

time consuming and leads to some requirements not being done on time and

may drastically affect the grades of the student.

Internet in the Philippines

According to the study of DTI (n.d.), the Internet services here in the

Philippines are considered to be expensive and slow globally. This is proven

by the many complaints received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue regarding

the difficulty in filing their tax returns online. This traffic in the BIR's online

services is mainly because the Internet connection needs to pass through the

U.S. even though the government site is accessed inside the Philippines. In

response to this phenomenon, the Philippine government implemented the

free nationwide Wi-Fi wherein Internet can be accessed locally instead of

having the need of passing through the U.S.

According to the SAT Provider Team (n.d.), there are 72 Internet

Service Providers existing within the Philippines. Among the 72 ISPs, there

are 8 that are under the category of home Internet. The 8 is composed of Sky

Broadband Ultra High Speed, Sky Broadband Unlimited, Belltel Domestic

Leased Line, Sky Broadband Conumable, PLDT Home Ultera, Globe Tattoo

Broadband, Caceres Cable Internet Packages, and Destiny Cable Services.

Gonzales (2018) stated that as of the present, only 14 ISPs are functioning

inside the country and that not all of them support home access. Among these

14 ISPs, the 3 leading ISPs are Globe, PLDT, and Sky cable.
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Desiderio (2018) stated the results of Ookla's Speed test Global Index

Report where in Philippines ranked 87th out of 128 countries in terms of the

Internet speed. While the country had an average download speed of 15.67

Mbps and average upload speed of 13.53 Mbps, the country is still below the

global average of 41.88 Mbps download speed and 20.36 Mbps upload

speed. (2017) stated that according to the Akamai's state of the

Internet report, Philippines placed 100th on the ranking regarding the speed of

the Internet connection where in the average connection speed is 5 Mbps. A

Chinese mega-billionaire named Jack Ma confirms to the executives of PLDT

and Globe Telecoms that their services are poor or majorly lacking and is in

need of immediate improvement in the aspect of Internet infrastructure if

success is desired.

Actions of the Internet Service Providers and Philippine Government

Soltanifar and Saadat (2014) stated that Internet service providers

must provide their subscribers with a data connection which allows them to

access the Internet. This access is necessary for Internet users to access

content and services on the Internet and for content providers to publish or

distribute material online.

Gulla (2016) stated that the additional 700MHz acquired by Globe

Telecom and PLDT will improve the internet coverage and penetration to help
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

stabilize the Internet speed. According to Gulla's interview on the spokesman

of the Department of Science and Technology, Roy Espiritu, it was confirmed

that the additional 700MHz frequency is a way to improve the internet speed

and coverage. This is due to the larger Internet coverage that reaches rural

areas and the penetration of walls that allows people in the basement to have

the same reception similar to those who are not. The additional 700MHz

frequency's impact is only experienced by those who are in rural areas and

areas that is surrounded by buildings as there is no change in the Internet

speed to be experienced when one is near the cell tower.

DOST proposed a project where in by the end of 2019, the Philippines

will achieve 100 Mbps in the Internet speed. The project is named Luzon

Bypass Infrastructure (LBI) and is sponsored by the social media site

Facebook. The LBI aims to establish the Philippines' first own submarine

cable landing stations. This project is supposed to be the backbone of the

ultra high-speed Internet for the entire country (S&T Media Services, 2017).

Related Literatures

Internet Speed in the Philippines

Santos (2015) stated that Internet users in the Philippines are “paying

more for less” as the actual speed of their connection has never reached the

“advertised speed” by Internet service providers (ISPs).

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

The Manila Times (2017) Philippines; Internet speed is improving, but

more capital is needed. The progress of modernizing the Internet connection

is apparently slow and it’s still lacking funds to continue.

According to Butuyan (2017), “Disappointingly, our country’s Internet

access is controlled by two companies that provide one of the slowest and

most expensive Internet services in the world… The cost per megabit per

second in the Philippines is at an average value of $18.18, while global

average is only $5.21 according to the study.”

Internet Connectivity Issues in the Philippines

In 2011, according to Shahani (2015), Internet access became a basic

human right and disconnecting the individuals from the Internet has been

considered as violation of human rights. Like most social issues, it has been

said that bad Internet is equated to bad politics and it is due to be a symptom

of weak policies. Also, slow Internet must be considered as a human right


Marasigan (2016) stated that Internet is not a privilege for the rich and

famous anymore. It is a basic need to every people where Internet is an

avenue where they can enjoy their rights of expression and opinion. It is a

marketplace of
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

information now to the people. However, the access of Internet in the

Philippines remains slow and expensive.

Jiao (2016) stated that the reason why the Internet connection is slow

is because there are not enough cell towers in the country. The frequencies

are not allowed properly to the telecommunication companies. The people

continue to blame the telecommunication companies but refuse to cooperate.

Most of the homeowners association refuses to build a cell tower in their

subdivisions because they fear the radiation that the tower emits.


Internet became a part of human rights (Shahani, 2015) and is a part of

the human's freedom of speech (Marasigan, 2016) which means removing the

Internet from a consumer's life is the same as removing their freedom of

speech thus violating their right as a human. As stated in the studies of

Ervelles et. al. (2009), where in the satisfaction of the customer must be the

target of the market economy, and Sumathisri et. al. (2014), where it is stated

that the ISPs are receiving negative feedbacks regarding the services they

give to the consumers. These two studies supports the idea that the

consumers are not satisfied with the ISPs performance which is why they are

giving negative feedbacks, and according to Pervaiz and Abrar (2008), the

ISPs are forming business arrangements with other ISPs to resolve the

problem and provide the consumers a smoother Internet connection.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

As the Internet is now an important factor to the lives of their

consumers, it has an effect to one of the Internet services' common

consumers, the students. Malikarjun and Suresh Gudimani (2008) and

Dogruer's (2011) studies claims that students use the Internet on their pursuit

of knowledge and for compliance of academic requirements. Moore (2011)

then states that a student’s lack of proper access to the Internet proves to

have a negative impact on the student’s grade due to not having enough time

to do all of the academic requirements that is resulted by time consuming

activities such as working with slow Internet connection and going to the

library. According to the studies conducted by DTI (n.d.) and Santos' (2011),

the Internet here in the Philippines is slow but unnecessarily expensive, which

then poses a huge burden for the students who could be working or are still

reliant on their parents. The price of such poor services cost $18.18 as

opposed to the global average of $5.21 (Butuyan, 2017).

Inside the country, there are supposedly 72 ISPs that should be

providing Internet services across the country (SAT Provider, n.d.), but

Gonzales (2018) that there are only 14 ISPs providing Internet services as of

the present, with Globe Telecom, PLDT, and Skycable at the lead. According

to the results gathered by Desiderio (2018) and (2017) based

on the two yearly Internet Speed test, during the last 2 years, the country was
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
still among the countries with the slowest Internet connection speed even with

the improvement

by the year of 2018, the Philippines is stated to be still far away from the

global standard for Internet connection speed.

As a remedy for the Philippines' problem regarding the Internet

connection speed, there have been temporary solutions and a project that

were implemented. First is Soltanifar and Saadat's (2014) suggestion of

usage of data which allows consumers to access the Internet for a limited

amount of time depending on the amount paid. Second is the additional

700MHz on the ISPs Globe and PLDT which allows a wider area of coverage

to provide their Internet services to and helps stabilize the Internet connection

in areas with a lot of buildings or covered with thick walls with the use of the

improved penetration (Gulla, 2016). Though the 700MHz could be further

improved if additional cell towers are built to provide an even wider area of

coverage but this could only happen if consumers cooperate and allow the

building of cell towers near their area (Jiao, 2016). And lastly, the LBI that is

sponsored by Facebook, which aims to establish the Philippines' backbone

towards achieving ultra high-speed Internet connection with the use of

submarine cable landing stations. The project aims to have a result of having

100Mbps by the end of the year 2019 (S&T Media Services, 2017). Surely

there are ways established to mitigate the effects of having a slow Internet

speed, but as according to the Manila Times (2017), the Philippines' Internet
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
may be improving over time but it is still moving at a slow pace due to the lack

of funds. This then proves that there is still room for

consumers' negative feedbacks on the ISPs performance as the problem is

yet to be solved depending on the Speed test to be conducted by the year of


Theoretical Framework

There are two theories that will be introduced in this study. These

theories will strengthen the researchers’ study and will help in evaluating the

frequency of connectivity issues of the different ISPs. These are the Decision

Theory and the Self-determination Theory.

Self-determination theory proposes that we all have the basic need for

autonomy, competency, and relatedness. Competence Seek to control the

outcome and experience mastery. Relatedness is the universal want to

interact, be connected to, and experience caring for others. Autonomy is the

universal urge to be causal agents of one’s own life and act in harmony with

one’s integrated self; however, Deci and Vansteenkiste note this does not

mean to be independent of others.

Decision theory (or the theory of choice) is the study of the reasoning

underlying an agent's choices. Decision theory can be broken into three

branches: normative decision theory, which gives advice on how to make the
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
best decisions, given a set of uncertain beliefs and a set of values; descriptive

decision theory, which analyzes how existing, possibly irrational agents

actually make decisions; and prescriptive decision theory, which tries to guide

or give

procedures on how or what we should do in order to make best decisions in

line with the normative theory.

This study concluded that the theories were related to the study. The self-

determination theory proposes that we all have the basic need for autonomy,

competency, and relatedness. In relation to the researchers study, if an

individual doesn’t reach the level of satisfaction that he or she wanted when

using the Internet for education, business or for personal purposes, there is a

tendency of psychological and mental distress that may lead to heated

conversations with their ISPs. On the other hand, the decision theory states

that an individual decides on what could be the option that he or she will

benefit the most. In relation to the researchers’ study, in the end of the

research, they will recommend what could be the best ISP in the cities that

were included in the study in terms of using for education, business or other


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

SHS Students in TIP

Quezon City Pasig City

Marikina City



Determining the
frequency of Internet
connectivity issues

Self-determination Decision Theory

Quezon City
Marikina City Pasig City
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Best ISP for Quezon Best ISP for Best ISP for Pasig
City Marikina City City

The diagram contains the connection of the variables inside the

research. This also shows how each of the variables are connected towards

the goal of the research that is to be able to suggest the best ISP for Quezon

City, Marikina City, and Pasig City. To be able to suggest the best ISP for the

city, the researchers applied the 2 theories from the theoretical framework

which is the Self-determination Theory and the Decision Theory.

Definition of Terms

•Internet Service Provider – it is a company that provides customers with

internet access. Connection on internet maybe transmitted using several


•Connectivity Issues - unexpected trouble with the internet service provider

that affects the internet access.

•Frequency - the times of issue that consumer's experienced.

•Internet - a network that provides a variety of information and communication


•Interconnection issue - an issue between internet service providers.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019



This chapter includes the research method used, the research locale

and respondents with their description, and the sampling technique used in

order to gather the necessary data needed.

Research Design

The researchers’ used the descriptive-evaluative research design.

Descriptive research is the collection of data describing some phenomenon

that is ma or may not be quantifiable such as close –ended scales, open-

ended survey questions, observation, and interviews. The purpose of the

research is to evaluate or measure the results against some known or

hypothesized standards. The researchers; used this method in order to

identify the frequency of connectivity issues and to know whether they are

satisfied or unsatisfied with the service of their internet service providers. In

the end of the study, the researchers’ will be able to recommend the best

internet service provider in different localities.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City (TIP QC). The school is known for engineering courses and for
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
their ability to make graduates prepared and packed with high quality

education. They also have Accreditation Board of Engineering and

Technology (ABET) in their

program which provides assurance that college or university program meets

the quality standards of the profession for which that programs prepares


Research Instrument

The primary instrument that the researchers’ used was a modified

checklist. The checklist was composed of two parts. The first part contains the

personal information of the respondents needed. The second part will be the

checklist that the respondents will answer.

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study are the male and female Grade 11 STEM

students from the Senior High school Department of Technological Institute of

the Philippines. The respondents involved are within the Quezon City campus

during the first semester of school year 2018-2019.The requirements for our

respondents to qualify in our study is that they must have background in using

the internet.

Sampling Technique

The researchers gathered the 150 respondents for the research by

using the Quota Sampling Technique. The researchers then established the
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
quota to be met by the Senior High School students of the Technological

Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City, in order to be recognized as fit for the

research conducted. The first quota set by the researchers is that the Senior

High School

student must live in either Quezon City, Marikina City, or Pasig City. Second

quota set by the researchers is that the Senior High School students must

have a home internet. Lastly, to be recognized as fit for the study, the Senior

High School students' must be a consumer of the ISPs Globe, PLDT, or Sky.

Research Instrument

The researchers' used a modified questionnaire in gathering the

necessary information needed data for the study. The questionnaire is divided

into 2 parts. The first part is about the basic information of the respondents

and the second part is the questions that the respondents will answer that are

related to the study. The first question will determine the localities of the


whether they live in Quezon City, Pasig city or Marikina City. The second

sentence will determine the internet service providers of the respondents,

whether they are subscribed to Globe, PLDT or Sky. The main questions will

aim to answer how frequent the internet connectivity issues of the Senior High

School Students in Technological Institute of the Philippines-Quezon City;

they will answer 1-4 (1-Never, 2-rarely, and 3-Often 4-Always). The

component of the other main question will know whether the respondents are
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
satisfied or unsatisfied of the service of their internet service provider; they will

also answer 1-4(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Agree, 4-Strongly Agree).

Data Gathering Procedure

Identification of the number of respondents required for the


The researchers sought permission from the principal of the

Senior High School Department of the Technological
Institute of the Philippines to conduct the study inside the
school premises.

The researchers personally explained to the respondents

the topic and goal of the study.

During the survey, the researchers ensured that the

respondents' private information

Interpretation of data gathered

Statistical Treatment of Data

To acquire valid and reliable analysis and interpretation of data, the

following statistical treatment were applied.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Weighted Mean - A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data

point contributing equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more

“weight” than others. If all the weights are equal, then the weighted mean

equals the arithmetic mean (the regular “average” you’re used to). Weighted

means are very common in statistics, especially when studying populations.

∑ (x i∗wi )
x= n

∑ wi
i =1

Figure 2. Weighted Mean Formula

The researchers will use the weighted mean as a treatment for the data

gathered from the respondents. The aim of the study is to evaluate the

frequency of internet connectivity issues in each city and to identify which

Internet Service Provider is the best for every city that is included in the study.
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019



This chapter intends to discuss the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data that were gathered by the researchers. The data
gathered enlisted below were summarized in graphs and tables. The results
of the computation in these data were used as tools for the interpretation of


Citi es




Quezon City - 75 Marikina City - 39 Pasig City - 36

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Figure 3. Number of Respondents according to City

Fig. 3. shows the number of respondents who lives in each cities. In

150 respondents, 50 percent or 75 respondents are coming from Quezon
City, 26 percent or 39 respondents from Marikina City and 24 percent or 36
respondents from Pasig City. This show that half of the respondents included
in the study is from Quezon City.

Figure 4.1 Number of respondents according to their ISPs





PLDT - 65 Globe - 52 Sky - 33

Fig. 4.1 represents the number of respondents who uses the

following internet service providers. 43.33 percent or 65 respondents use
PLDT as their Internet Service Provider. While 34.67 percent or 52
respondents are aligned with Globe and 22 percent or 33 respondents use
Sky as their Internet Service Provider. This shows that majority of the
respondents are aligned with PLDT as their Internet Service Provider.
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Internet Service Providers

Quezon City

Marikina City

Pasig City

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

PLDT Globe Sky

Figure 4.2 Number of Respondents according to their Internet in every


From this graph (sec. Fig. 4.2), twenty nine respondents from
Quezon City uses PLDT and Globe and seventeen respondents uses Sky as
their Internet Service Provider with a total of sixty five respondents (sec. Fig.
4.1). Twenty four respondents from Marikina City uses PLDT; Twelve uses
Globe and Three respondents uses Sky (sec. Fig. 4.1). While in Pasig City,
there are thirteen users of Sky, twelve users of PLDT and eleven users of
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Table of the Weighted Means

Do you experience lags or errors in your internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 3.10 Globe 3.23 Globe 3.18

PLDT 2.89 PLDT 3.21 PLDT 3

Sky 2.94 Sky 2.63 Sky 3.31

Table 1 represents the frequency of the occurrence of lags and errors

in the Internet connection. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was

found out that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean

which means the ISP Globe is more likely to have lags and Internet

connection. For Marikina City, Globe was also the highest, and for Pasig City,

Sky was found out to have a more likely occurrence of lags and Internet

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Do you experience a frequent loss of connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean

City City
Globe 2.69 Globe 2.83 Globe 2.82

PLDT 2.45 PLDT 2.79 PLDT 2.92

Sky 2.9 Sky 2.63 Sky 3

Table 2 represents the frequency of the occurrence of Internet

connection loss. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was found out

that for the Quezon City, Sky has the largest weighted mean which means the

ISP Sky is more likely to have Internet connection loss. For Marikina City,

Globe has the highest weighted mean, and for Pasig City, the ISP Sky was

found out to have a more likely occurrence of Internet connection loss.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Do you experience the slow downloading of files, videos, games, and others?
Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 3.09 Globe 3.15 Globe 3.09

PLDT 2.86 PLDT 3.04 PLDT 3.08

Sky 3 Sky 3 Sky 2.62

Table 3 represents the frequency of the occurrence of having a slow

downloading speed. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was found out

that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean which means

the ISP Globe is more likely to have a slow downloading speed. For Marikina

City, Globe also has the largest weighted mean, and for Pasig City, the ISP

Sky was found out to have a more likely occurrence of having slow

downloading speed.

Do you experience the slow uploading of files, videos, games, and others?
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 3 Globe 3.08 Globe 2.82

PLDT 2.69 PLDT 3.21 PLDT 3

Sky 2.9 Sky 3.33 Sky 2.7

Table 4 represents the frequency of the occurrence of having a slow

uploading speed. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was found out

that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean which means

that the ISP Globe is more likely to have a slow uploading speed. For

Marikina City, Sky has the largest weighted mean, and for Pasig City, the ISP

PLDT was found out to have a more likely occurrence of having slow

uploading speed.

How frequent are your issues in internet speed?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
City City
Globe 2.76 Globe 2.77 Globe 3.18

PLDT 2.69 PLDT 2.79 PLDT 2.92

Sky 2.53 Sky 2.33 Sky 2.7

Table 5 represents the frequency of the occurrence of having issues

with the Internet connection speed. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it

was found out that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean

which means that the ISP Globe is more likely to have Internet connection

speed issues. For Marikina City, PLDT has the largest weighted mean, and

for Pasig City, the ISP Globe was found out to have a more likely occurrence

of having issues with the Internet connection speed.

Are you experiencing a fast internet speed?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
City City
Globe 2.89 Globe 2.92 Globe 2.31

PLDT 3.07 PLDT 3.42 PLDT 3.25

Sky 2.9 Sky 3.33 Sky 2.85

Table 6 represents the frequency of the occurrence of having a fast

Internet speed. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was found out that

for the Quezon City, PLDT has the largest weighted mean which means that

the ISP PLDT is more likely to have a fast Internet speed. For Marikina and

Pasig City, the ISP PLDT also has the largest weighted mean.

Are you experiencing a consistent internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Globe 2.86 Globe 3.08 Globe 2.55

PLDT 2.89 PLDT 3 PLDT 3.34

Sky 2.9 Sky 2.33 Sky 2.85

Table 7 represents the frequency of the occurrence of having a

consistent Internet speed. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was

found out that for the Quezon City, PLDT has the largest weighted mean

which means that the ISP PLDT is more likely to have a consistent Internet

speed. For Marikina City, Globe has the largest weighted mean, and for Pasig

City, the ISP PLDT was found out to have a more likely occurrence of having

a consistent Internet speed.

Is the amount you paid worth it of the service of your internet speed?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean

City City
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Globe 2.76 Globe 2.77 Globe 3.18

PLDT 2.69 PLDT 2.79 PLDT 2.92

Sky 2.53 Sky 2.33 Sky 2.7

Table 8 represents whether the consumers agree on the price the ISP

asks for the services they provide. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it

was found out that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean

which means that the ISP Globe has an acceptable price in accordance to the

services they provide. For Marikina City, PLDT has the largest weighted

mean, and for Pasig City, the ISP Globe was found out to have an acceptable

price in accordance to the services they provide.

Is your internet connection and speed in accordance with your internet service
providers subscribed plan?
Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 2.48 Globe 2.62 Globe 2.27
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

PLDT 2.66 PLDT 3.04 PLDT 2.92

Sky 2.82 Sky 2.64 Sky 2.62

Table 9 represents whether the consumers agree or not if the Internet

connection speed they are receiving is according to the plan endorsed by the

ISP. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it was found out that for the

cities of Quezon, Marikina, and Pasig, PLDT has the largest weighted mean

which means that the ISP PLDT is more likely to provide services according to

the plan they endorse or provide services with very little difference from what

they endorse.

Is weather a factor in affecting your internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean

City City
Globe 3.21 Globe 3.23 Globe 2.82
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

PLDT 2.93 PLDT 3.04 PLDT 2.92

Sky 3.06 Sky 2.67 Sky 2.7

Table 10 represents how noticeable the effect of the weather is on the

stability of the Internet connection. Based on the calculated weighted mean, it

was found out that for the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted mean

which means that the consumers encounter a noticeable difference in the

Internet connection speed depending on the state of the weather. For

Marikina City, Globe also has the largest weighted mean, and for Pasig City,

the ISP PLDT was found out to have a noticeable difference in the Internet

connection speed depending on the state of the weather.

Is your location a factor in affecting your internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
City City
Globe 2.48 Globe 2.75 Globe 2.82

PLDT 2.66 PLDT 2.67 PLDT 2.92

Sky 3.06 Sky 2.33 Sky 2.85

Table 11 represents how noticeable the effect of the location of the

consumer to the stability of the Internet connection. Based on the calculated

weighted mean, it was found out that for the Quezon City, Sky has the largest

weighted mean which means that the consumers encounter a noticeable

difference in the Internet connection speed depending on the consumers

distance from the ISP's cell tower. For Marikina City, Globe has the largest

weighted mean, and for Pasig City, the ISP PLDT was found out to have a

noticeable difference in the Internet speed depending on the consumers'

distance from the cell tower.

Is the time of the day a factor in affecting your internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 2.86 Globe 2.5 Globe 2.64

PLDT 2.48 PLDT 2.67 PLDT 3

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Sky 2.82 Sky 2.67 Sky 2.92

Table 12 represents how noticeable the effect of the time of the day to

the stability of the Internet connection. Based on the calculated weighted

mean, it was found out that the Quezon City, Globe has the largest weighted

mean which means that the consumers encounter a noticeable difference in

the Internet speed between day and night. For Marikina City, both ISPs PLDT

and Sky has the largest weighted mean, and for the Pasig City, the ISP PLDT

was found out to have a noticeable difference in the Internet speed between

day and night.

Is the number of users a factor in affecting your internet connection?

Quezon Mean Marikina Mean Pasig City Mean
City City
Globe 3.03 Globe 3.33 Globe 3.09

PLDT 3.38 PLDT 3.17 PLDT 3.17

Sky 3.35 Sky 3.67 Sky 3.23

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019

Table 13 represents how noticeable the effect of the number of

consumers in an area is to the stability of the Internet connection. Based on

the calculated weighted mean, it was found out that for the Quezon City,

PLDT has the largest weighted mean which means that consumers encounter

a difference in the Internet connection depending on how many consumers of

the same ISP they are near to. For Marikina City, Sky has the largest

weighted mean representing the value of 4, which means that there is a

strong noticeable effect in the Internet connection speed depending on the

number of consumers in the area. For Pasig City, the ISP Sky was found out

to have a noticeable difference in the Internet connection speed depending on

the number of the consumers of the same ISP in the same area.

Chapter 5


This chapter will present the summary of findings based on the

researchers' objectives in the study. This chapter will also include the

conclusion and recommendations that will be supported by the result of the

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Summary of Findings

This study aimed to evaluate frequency of Connectivity Issues by the

Internet Service Providers of the Senior High school Students of

Technological Institute of the Philippines. Evaluative method of research was

used and descriptive-evaluative research design. The study used quota

sampling as the sampling technique and modified survey questionnaires were

used in gathering data. Senior High School students of TIP were the targeted

respondents of the study with a total of 150 students participated. The study

was conducted during the first semester of the school year 2018-2019.

The objective was to answer the following research questions:

1. What internet service provider experience connectivity issue the most

between Marikina City, Pasig City and Quezon City?

2. How frequent are the connectivity issues?

3. Is the amount paid by the customers worth it for the service of the said

Internet Service Providers?

4. Does the locality, time, weather and usage affect the speed of the Internet?

Based on the findings of the previous chapter, the following findings are found

1. The ISP Globe was found out to have the most frequent occurrence as

proven by the tables wherein it had the highest mean for three times on the

tables on the test for the identification of the frequency of connectivity issues

in Quezon City.
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
The ISP Globe was found out to have the most frequent occurrence as

proven by the tables wherein it had the highest mean for three times on the

tables on the test for the identification of the frequency of connectivity issues

in Marikina City.

Both of the ISPs Globe and Sky were found out to have the most

frequent occurrence as proven by the tables wherein it had the highest mean

for three times on the tables on the test for the identification of the frequency

of connectivity issues in Pasig City.

2. All of the 3 ISP were found out to have a frequent issues as proven by the

tables on the test for the identification of the connectivity issues in all the

cities. Almost all the means were equivalent to 3 which means there is an

often connectivity issue.

3. For Quezon City, the ISP Sky's price is acceptable for the consumers as

seen on how it had the highest mean three times out of the four tables. While

the ISP Globe's price is unacceptable for the consumers as seen on how it

had the lowest mean three times out of four tables.

For Marikina City, the ISP PLDT's price is acceptable for the

consumers as seen on how it had the highest mean three times out of the four

tables. While the ISP Globe's and Sky’s price is unacceptable for the
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
consumers as seen on how it had the lowest mean two times out of four


For Pasig City, the ISP PLDT's price is acceptable for the consumers

as seen on how it had the highest mean four times out of the four tables.

While the ISP Globe's price is unacceptable for the consumers as seen on

how it had the lowest mean four times out of four tables.

4. Quezon City

The ISP Globe in Quezon City has a strong connection because

consumers can connect from anywhere. The ISP PLDT is capable of

adjusting to any bad weather at any point of time which makes it connection

still strong. The ISP Sky has limited connection lines which makes its

capability of connecting weak.

Marikina City

The ISP Globe in Marikina City has a strong connection at any point of

time. The ISP PLDT can withstand many users so its connection is still stable.

The ISP Sky has a strong connection at any weather condition.

Pasig City
The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
The ISP Globe in Pasig City has a stable connection where ever the

user location is and even if there are many users. The ISP PLDT has an

unstable connection which causes its users many connection issues. The ISP

Sky can support its users with a stable connection even though there is bad



The researchers conclude that, the service and the connection of the

different ISP in the three localities, Pasig, Marikina, and Quezon City, varies

depending on the area of the respondents. With that said, the researchers'

found out that Globe has the most frequent connectivity issues among the 3

ISPs in every area.

The researchers also found out the best ISP for each city. For Marikina

City, SKY is the best because of its capability of connection under many

circumstances. For Pasig city, the recommended ISP is Globe because of the

quality of connection in the area. For Quezon City, the ISP PLDT comes up


top because of the wide range of connection and because of the services they


This concludes the researchers' study on the Evaluation of the ISPs In

the cities of Quezon, Marikina, and Pasig.

The Evaluation of the Frequency of Connectivity Issues by the Internet Service
Providers of the Senior High School Students of Technological Institute of the
Philippines - Quezon City S.Y. 2018-2019
Based on the conclusion and the findings gathered by the researchers,

these are the following recommendations:

1.) The developers will increase the internet speed and give a more reliable

internet connection based on the needs of their customers. They must also

abide by the agreement of the subscribed plan for the convenience of their


2.) The consumers will be informed of the available choices that they have

been provided about which ISP is more effective and reliable to choose from.

They will know the results of the subscribed plan so that they can be sure of

the choice in ISP.

3.) The future researchers may use the study of the current researchers which

includes all their available research, sources, study, and others. They must

also find a new angle or research the other parts of the topic about ISPs that

the current researchers have not.

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