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Written by Niko "Novem" DelValle. Content is allowed to be modified or reused/republished with attribution.

Strength of Thousands Expanded

Life in Academia
               Player's Section
Schools are complex places to navigate whether a person is a student or a teacher.
There are politics, responsibilities, many di�erent kinds of people, and lots of work to
be done. And yet there is more to life at an academy than the burdens of education.
Everyone needs to blow o� steam. There's plenty of play, work, socialization, and no
shortage of boundary-pushing by youth looking to �gure out what they want to do
with their lives. Regardless of whether you've �gured that out or not, it's still wise to
use the time you have in academia wisely to broaden your horizons and deepen your
relationships. Schooling is a once in a lifetime experience, so it's important for students
not to waste the time they have to make memories. Whether one is a teacher or a
student however, the decisions one makes outside the classroom often bear unexpected
fruit inside it or out in the �eld on assignment. Both inside and outside of the city of
Nantambu, the systems and lore that follow present the structure for your life in

College Life
Here is some of the expectations, priveleges, responsibilities, and knowledge you should keep in mind as a
student of the Magaambya.

tructure & Lore
• When you join the school, you must �rst earn the status of Initiate by proving yourself through a series of
community service tasks known as a Perquisite. These tasks are meant to test new students and give them
opportunities to learn new skills. Once these tasks are complete, you are given the rank of Initiate and can
begin to attend classes while also attending to further Perquisite tasks as your schedule permits. At this
point, there is no set rule on when advancement occurs. Gaining further ranks is entirely at the discretion
of instructors, and this decision is informed by what you accomplish as a student. Very rarely are certain
accomplishments or types of accomplishments assigned value above others. You could perform a heroic
deed, or you could simply continue to succeed in your studies. Either way, if instructors see you progressing
as a student or as a person, they might consider you for promotion. When you have been deemed by your
instructors to have performed genuine and substantial service to the community or the world, they'll
promote you to an Attendant, at which point you are no longer obligated to pursue Perquisite tasks and are
free to help others in ways you see �t. When your instructors consider you capable of enough self-direction
to serve the school more broadly and independently, they will promote you to a Conversant. Conversants
serve the school in capacities more broad than that of Attendants, and tend to wander further from the city
of Nantambu itself to perform research and render aid to those in need. When you demonstrate mastery
and learnedness of your specialties, they will promote you to the same rank they have: Lore-Speaker and it
will be up to you to determine who is and isn't worthy of each rank, should you choose to serve as a
teacher rather than a researcher.
• While the school doesn't hold very tightly to hierarchy and prefers to work as a collective institution, the
school does also have leaders. High-Mages serve the school in the role of overseers of each branch, one for
each. Who becomes a High-Mage is a generally democratic process among a Lore-Speaker's peers in their
branch. Quali�cations for being a High-Mage don't necessarily involve an assessment of raw power or skill
(though those are both considerations), but rather generally depend on how well a Lore-Speaker is seen to
embody the Magaambya's values and how proli�c they are as an educator. While being a High-Mage
doesn't o�cially grant one any authority, someone selected as a High-Mage is very respected and all
members of the branch are expected to heed their advice. Of course even more respected than a High-Mage
is The Master of the Magaambya, a sort of Principal for the school. While all Lore-Speakers are entitled to
an equal say, the opinions of each branch's High-Mage tend to be of the highest importance in terms of
swaying votes for who becomes The Master of the Magaambya. Elections for Master tend to be quite
infrequent, though not supremely so. The Master of the Magaambya is seen as the school's ultimate
representative and authority, the only one who is actually able to make demands from on high in order to
allow the school to have a larger agenda. That is not a power used by most Masters often, as a bulk of the
school's operations are left to the collective decisions of Lore-Speakers and sta� directly involved. Still, as
the school's chief contact, negotiator, and leader… the Master has quite a lot of responsibility, a tiring
amount even. Though Master of the Magaambya is a rank with no term-limit, many step down after only a
few years due to the overwhelming workload (which is not to say that the Master of the Magaambya
doesn't have advisors or sta�ers to help them with their work in a direct capacity). Others never do and
serve out the remainder of their lifetimes as Master. It is yet to be seen which one of these the current
Master of the Magaambya, High-Mage Oyamba of the Tempest-Sun Mages, is. He earned his status thanks
to his leadership in the defense of the Magaambya against the Gorrilla forces of the nation of Usaro just a
scant few years ago.
• High-ranking members of the Magaambya are generally expected to be spellcasters, but this is not a
requirement. While no non-spellcaster has ever gone past the rank of Lore-Speaker in many years, and no
Master of the Magaambya who cannot cast spells in some capacity has ever been elected… it is absolutely
possible, and it has been quite close in the past. All someone needs to do to qualify for rank in the
Magaambya is display mastery of their skills, thorough learnedness, close connections throughout the
school, and embodiment of the school's values. While the Magaambya is traditionally viewed as a magic
school, it is actually far more broad in it studies. While it primarily focuses on Arcane and Primal magic -
the two schools key to the school's iconic Halcyon techniques - Old-Mage Jatembe valued knowledge of all
forms, whether that be spellcasting or the magic of everyday solutions. Just as Arcane and Primal casters
are welcome at the Magaambya, knowledge-seekers and heroes of all kinds are accepted and promoted at
the school. The school hosts many classes and clubs that have nothing to do with magic, and even those
who reject magic entirely. As long as one proves themselves a valuable member of the school, they should
have no fear that the school will hold back or discriminate against them. All knowledge matters in the eyes
of the Magaambya, and this tradition has served them well for thousands of years.
• The Magaambya is primarily a school for adventurers, as the ability to defend oneself and solve problems
skillfully is seen as a must for being able to adequetely serve ones community and the world as a whole.
While the school's values don't advocate for or appreciate violence, they do recognize it as a necessity to be
prepared for the world's dangers if one is to care for and protect it. Much of the Magaambya's structure
for teaching involves students going out into the world to perform tasks and the Magaambya is loath to
have them come to harm under their watch. Still, students of exceptional skill might yet manage to join the
institution anyway, and might even be subject to a completely di�erent way of learning at the school. After
all, the school appreciates that knowledge and skill can come from all sorts of places, and they do their
absolute best to avoid discriminating against those not necessarily equipped to brave the world that exists
beyond the campus. They also acknowledge that one can actually get quite a lot done even from the safety
of the school's halls. For this reason, it is heavily discouraged and frowned upon at the school to judge
students or teachers who are not as savvy with self-defense as they are with education or research.
• The Magaambya as an institution is aligned as Neutral Good, and espouses the ideals of sel�essness, close-
knit relationships, teamwork, community, service, an appreciation for a diversity of viewpoints and
backgrounds, and the sharing of knowledge and resources with others. They also greatly respect the worth
of experience and, while prioritizing their local community �rst, doing all they can to better the entire
world of Golarion. These values are based on the work and legacy of the school's legendary founder (Old-
Mage Jatembe) and his Ten Magic Warriors. Students are expected to espouse and re�ect these values in
their work and especially when they act as representatives of the school, and are disciplined when they
violate them. This discipline is especially severe when it concerns acting in one's own self-interest in
exchange for causing harm or putting a cost onto others, and even more so when it comes to discrimination
or disrespect towards those of uncommon or untraditional backgrounds or identities.
• The Magaambya is very aware that all students need to learn at their own pace. Most instructors are very
hands-o� but very willing to help when their students come to them when they are struggling, and
otherwise allow them to �ourish at whatever rate is best for them. However if it becomes clear that they are
abusing the school's time and resources for their own bene�t, greater disciplinary measures might be
Written by Niko "Novem" DelValle. Content is allowed to be modified or reused/republished with attribution.
• Discipline at the Magaambya is very focused on constructive e�orts meant to empathetically address
Strength of Thousands Expanded
student behavior. When wrong is done, students are asked to address that wrong by being presented with
where they went o�-track and what they can do to make up for it. Students at the Magaambya aren't
Weekly Activities
judged for making mistakes, only for refusing to learn from them. If simple criticism isn't enough, students
will be forced to engage in forms of restorative justice toward those they have wronged. This generally
Strength of Thousands workingis a closely with thoseAdventure
very well-written their actions Path didandharm unto,
it has unless the
a number victims aresystems
of interesting uncomfortable
that try
and provide the feeling of the university experience. Path�nder Second Edition also has great ruleswho
with such an arrangement (in which case, suitable alternatives will be used to still confront the student for
did wrong
Downtime that with
maketheir mistakes).
processing daysThisand allows
monthstoquick learn and
and grow
easy. as a consequence.
I think both of theseWhensystems
perfectly isn't appropriate,
suitable community
for casual groups who are service
lookingis often relied clear
to simply uponthe as an alternative
content (but especially
as quickly as possible, community
but what
the "School's Out" subsystem seeks to provide is a truly immersive experience. I want you to feel the sta�
service tasks which might educate the student on their wrongdoing). While instructors and typesare
pressures your character is under and engage with them in a systemic way, so that you can fully live out �nd
reluctant to escalate things, students who refuse to cooperate with these punishments will slowly the
fantasy facing student.
of a university more and In more
order to consequences.
do this, I have While they
built on are
top especially
of the existinghesitant to revoke
systems with a meal
interlocking housing,
system known or as
Weeklyand other types
Activities. Thisofisrecognition
a structuredforway achievements… the Magaambya
in which to process extended is more
than willing
of Downtime, thattostill
close o� students
o�ers space to access
perform to other
certain facilities, Activities
Downtime clubs, special
whileclasses, and other
also making youpriveleges. And
feel the weight
if even
of your schoolthat doesn't get the
responsibilities andstudent
this system, escalation
you will into
have the stu� they're
to balance academicmoreresponsibilities
reluctant to touchwith
will be considered. First of these escalations
personal ones and truly try and make the most of your time. might involve a student being stripped of their mask or beads,
which is considered an incredible slight to any student or teacher of the Magaambya. That is of course why
this Weekly
The way degree of punitiveworks
Activities action is is
whenever only forare
you particularly
given a period serious cases, as the
of Downtime school's
which culture
is longer thanofa
week, the Downtime is broken down into a number of weekly blocks. At the beginning of your week, school
acceptance and understanding is broad and valued both by faculty and students. Generally when the you'll
need takes
to draw things away,
up that they schedule.
week's give a studentThis easy
involvesavenues to earn
selecting twoitWeekly
back, and if they to
Activities dofocus
they on.
�nd themselves
�nd a list
welcomed back with open arms. All the students and faculty of the Magaambya
of speci�c activities and their functions below, but they all share some common traits. One is that they always really wish to see is that
students are doing their best to live up to their potential after all. When
take up �ve half-days of time. This means that every week, you'll have two Free Days to spend on any normal punitive action starts to get into
things such as meal rights and the occupancy of Dorm Rooms, that
Downtime Activity you wish, while the rest of the days are occupied by your chosen Weekly Activities. Two is is when expulsion will become
that all Weeklyconsidered. But even
Activities happen when expulsion
simultaneously, thusisyou performed,
must select it would take activities
all of your quite theupserious
front andcrime to
prevent them from having an opportunity for redemption.
change them after seeing their results. Three is that each Weekly Activity can only be used once during a week
unless the relevant activity speci�cally says otherwise, meaning you will usually have to branch out.

Note that Weekly Activities replace all of the Downtime Activities listed in the vanilla "Life at the Academy".
Rather than increasing your Branch Levels by taking a month of Downtime, you increase it by completing an
• Your
exam. dormitory
Exams are onlyiso�ered
fully equipped with of
on a number bathing
speci�cfacilities, and youat are
weeks, usually the thus expected
beginning, to remain
middle, properly
and end of an
academic while(which
semester on campus. If youmonths
lasts three do not perform
followedtheby Groom Preparations
a two week Activtywhich
break during on a day whereevent
a school you gois
adventuring, you will receive a -2 Status Penalty to all of the types of checks listed on the
usually held by one of the clubs, and Downtime in this adventure is thus generally broken down into three and a Groom
half month blocksActivity.
broken up by intermittent adventuring… usually at the end of each month). Students are
• You not
generally are required
providedto free room
take examsanduntil
board while
they staying,
are ready, and thus
though if it only needclear
becomes to track
they your rations
are just beingwhen you
lazy then
this can extended
quickly periods
change. o�-campus.
During Your
the school rations
break, all are
studyalso free,
and and replenished
exam-related at the
activities school's
cannot expense
be taken as
lectures areyou run suspended.
brie�y out. This is to give everyone room to attend that semester's club event. During these
times, it'sschool
• The also possible to pass
store and on performing
the city of NantambuWeekly
have Activities to instead
a large selection take normal
of items. Downtime
Uncommon Activities
and Rare itemsfor
an extended period. Though,
well as formulae generally,
of the same rarityWeekly
can be Activities
located bylike Build or the
performing Work o�er superior
appropriate bene�tsoranyway.
Downtime Weekly
it's a break, it's also the perfect time to get a tutor for Train.
• As a student of the Magaambya, you are only allowed to work in �elds that allow �exible scheduling. This
is to ensure a student's work is not disruptive to their studies.

Requirements You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant.

Usage You can choose to add the Relaxed Trait to this activity. You reduce your degree of success on this
activity by one step if you choose to do so.
You give everything you have to your studies, in keeping with your branch. You attend lectures, complete
assignments, read, and generally do whatever you can to enhance your skills. Choose either your Primary or
Secondary Branch and attempt a skill check with one of the branch's associated skills against a standard DC of
the branch's level.

Critical Success Incredible results! Your knowledge has increased an enormous amount. You gain 3 Study Points
for your selected branch.

Success Your studies go well. Your knowledge has increased a substantial amount. You gain 2 Study Points for
your selected branch.

Failure Your work didn't go well, but you still acquired some knowledge. You gain 1 Study Point for your selected

Critical Failure You made an enormous mistake and drew the wrong conclusions, and had to spend time to
correct your knowledge. This meant you gained no information at all.



You eliminate all other distractions. If your other Weekly Activity requires a Skill Check, you gain a +2
Circumstance Bonus to that check. You are also able to choose to reroll your check and take the new result. You
can choose to also have Cram take up your two free Downtime days, and instead roll twice and take the better
result. If you use Cram to enhance a Study Activity and your branch level for the branch you're using it on is 2 or
more levels below the limit, you can choose to ignore the other e�ects of this activity and instead Study a
second time while giving up your two free Downtime Days. However, the extra studying comes at a price to your
mental and physical health. Until you take the "Rest" Weekly Activity, you're particularly tired from all the extra
hours of studying. At the start of each day of adventuring, you must succeed at a DC8 Flat Check or be fatigued
that day. This applies even if you are otherwise immune to the e�ects of fatigue.



You take some time away from your work to relax and recuperate, maybe getting some help from the in�rmary
as well. You automatically clear all non-magical, non-bene�cial conditions and diseases without the need to make
any saves. You also become well-rested for the next week, gaining a free Hero Point and a +1 Status Bonus on all
checks you make that week to perform a Weekly or Downtime activity, or a +2 if you didn't need to clear any
conditions or diseases. If you perform the Rest Activity alongside any Weekly Activities which don't have the
Relaxing Trait, you do not gain either the Hero Point or the Status Bonus. If you are fatigued as a result of
cramming or doing remedial studies from critically failing an exam, or from critical failures on certain
Extracurricular Activities, you only clear that condition if the Rest Activity is taken alongside a Weekly Activity
with the Relaxing Trait.



Requirements You are a conversant or lore-speaker.

You identify something interesting in the �eld and perform special research on it. If this research requires you to
travel somewhere distant for an extended period of time, you lose access to all other Weekly Activities except
Study, Rest, and Cram. With each week you spend in Practial Research, you gain a Research Point and usually
another bene�t. Each Practical Research activity requires a di�erent number of research points before it is
considered complete. Once you �nish, you roll an appropriate check and gain whatever bene�ts your research



Requirements It is an Exam Week.

Usage You can use this Weekly Activity as many times in the same week as you wish, however you must
choose a di�erent branch each time. Note that you do not lose any Study Points when you fail an exam, only
when you pass.
You putWritten
all of your e�ort
by Niko from DelValle.
"Novem" studying Content
to practice and try
is allowed to modified
to be completeoranreused/republished
exam in order towith
prove your progress.
Choose Strength
either your Primary or your Secondary
of Thousands Expanded Branch and attempt a skill check with one of the branch's
associated skills against the Standard DC of the branch's level + 10. Each Study Point you've accrued adds a
stacking +1 Untyped Bonus to this check.
New Downtime & Afterschool Activities
To buildSuccess
Critical on topYouof the
ace dynamics
the exam,introduced by the
causing a stir thatWeekly Activities
all of the system,
instructors newIncrease
notice. Downtime yourActivities are
level in the
outlined in this section. Unless otherwise designated, these activities all take only
branch you chose by 2 and reduce the number of Study Points you have accrued to 0. one day or the remainder of an
adventuring day if the heroes �nd themselves with time to spare after completing a day's work. Note that for the
Hang Out Activity, you can invite other characters to hang out at any time, though you might have to �nd them
Success You turn in an admirable performance on the exam. Increase your level in the branch you chose by 1 and
and strike them up in a conversation �rst! They might sometimes be unavailable thanks to personal concerns.
reduce the number of Study Points you have accrued to 0.

Failure You need to work harder and try again. Your branch level remains the same, but you gain 5 Study Points
HANG OUT this exam focused on from the experience.
Critical FailureThere
Requirements You blow the exam so
is a scheduled hardengagement
social you need toyou
perform remedial
can attend studies
where before
one or moreyou'll
NPCsbe allowed
will to take
be present.
it again. On a week of your preference, you can skip Weekly Activities and your free Downtime Day. This extra
Notecomes at aantoll
Missing to your mental
engagement whenand youphysical health.
promised you Until
be take
willRest Weekly
likely resultActivity, you must
in a negative rolltoa
DC8 Flatrelationship
your Check at the withbeginning
all NPCsofinvolved,
every adventuring day to
and potentially avoid
their becoming
friends Fatigued.
who weren't there as well.

Note 2 Di�erent circumstances surrounding the hang out might a�ect the results. You ACTIVITY
can maximize the
WEEKLY of a hangout by bringing along characters NPCs get along with, including other player
characters. Giving
Requirements a gift
You have to a character can also make the hangout more meaningful.
a job.
You attend
You a social
go to work. engagement
Perform with one or
an appropriate moreascharacters.
check Youusing
if you were roleplay
the the event
Earn accordingly.
Income Downtime Activity. You
increase your degree of success on the check by one step, and earn a week's worth of income.


Both the Magaambya
WEEKLY RELAXING and the greater city of Nantambu hold many opportunities for one who seeks them out.
Note If you perform this or
the Magaambya Nantambu,
activity more and
oncetell yoursame
in the GM whether
on thelooking for any facility
same character, or a instead
you must facility
of perform
a speci�cthe type. Then,
"Stalk" roll a check using Diplomacy, Perception, or a relevant Lore against the Standard DC for
You level. aIf lot
you're looking
of time thisfor anythinking
week facility, you reduce
about, thearound
asking DC of this check
about, andbytrying
5. Based on yourwith
to interact result, you learn
a particular
of a new location in the Magaambya or Nantambu. However, you'll need to look deeper if you are
NPC. This is all an attempt to learn more about them. If you don't have the lore for the target character yet, to uncover
their secrets and opportunities.
become Trained in it. Otherwise, you roll a check using either your Diplomacy, Deception, or Perception against
the Standard DC for your level. This check can have modi�ers attached to it depending on your relationship with
Critical Success
potentially The
helpful best thing
sources, about
as well exploring
as other is when
factors (suchyou �nd anti-social
as how something ayou didn't know
character you were
is or what looking
skill you are
for. As
using). success, but you also �nd another facility of your GM's choice that they think would be useful or of
interest to you.
Critical Success As success, you also share a conversational scene with the target character who notices your
Success If you were looking for any facility, you learn of an entirely random facility in the Magaambya or
Nantambu. If you were looking for something speci�c and there's an option in the list, the GM reveals it to you.
Success You increase your pro�ciency in your Lore related to the target character by one step. Your progress is
Failure Youbydidn't
restricted your manage to �nd
relationship withanything of interest,
the target butYou
character. maybe you bumped
can only become into someone
Trained along
if you're theorway?
Liked Disliked.
You can only become Expert if you're Befriended or Loathed. You can only become Master if you're Favored or
Critical Failure
Hated. You You got
can only lost and
become spent the
Legendary rest ofLoved
if you're the day trying to Advancing
or Despised. �nd your way yourback. Until you takelore
character-speci�c theusing
Develop Activity, you must
Understanding roll alevel-based
ignores DC8 Flat Check at the beginning
restrictions. If you takeofthis
every adventuring
activity day towhile
and succeed avoidyou
progress the character-speci�c lore due to having an insu�cient relationship, you may instead pick up or
advance a character-speci�c lore for someone the target is close to, or you may gain some insight into activities
or actions you can take to push your relationship with the target in your desired direction (like reading their
favorite book or o�ering them a speci�c gift) at the GM's discretion. DOWNTIME ACTIVITY

You've You don't learn much
a place of anything.
of interest, and are curious to delve into the opportunities it might provide you. Choose
a facility you've discovered - or a character option or other item you are looking for - and then roll a check
Critical Failure
against The NPC
the Standard DCthinks you're
for your levelstalking them, and your
using Diplomacy, relationship
a relevant Lore, orwith them reduces
a di�erent accordingly.
relevant skill at the GM's
discretion. You might ease the di�culty of this check if you have access to relevant resources you can use for
clues as to the answer you're seeking.
WEEKLY Success You've developed a deep understanding of your chosen subject. As success, but you learn more
than you otherwise
Requirements would
You have have. performed the Develop Understanding activity on a character this semester.
You get a little overly enthusiastic in your attempts to learn more about a particular character. You roll a
DeceptionYour research has produced
or character-speci�c results. If you chose to explore a facility, you learn of its notable
lore check.
inhabitants, learn any opportunities it provides, and gain access to any Weekly Activities which it o�ers. If you
were looking
Critical forThe
Success a character option by
NPC is �attered or speci�c item toYou
your attention. which youa conversational
share don't have access, you learn
moment the location
with them or
or - if you
havewhich it can- gain
this week be acquired.
the success e�ect of Develop Understanding.

SuccessYou learn
The NPCsome
is basic
none information
the wiser about whatstalking
of your you weree�orts,
looking and
for, atyou
GM's discretion.
perform Develop
Understanding instead.
Critical Failure Your studying goes nowhere.
Failure The NPC catches on to your creepy behavior, and your relationship score with them decreases
Critical Failure As failure, you are additionally reported to the teaching sta�.
Clubs hold events on weekends. You attend one. Each features unique demands and rewards.



Requirements You have access to an Archetype which you have not yet progressed up to your character level.

Usage While you can train with any Archetype in which you've at least reached 1st level by yourself (all
archetypes begin at level 0 when you �rst gains access), training is much more di�cult without a teacher. If
you train without access to some type of guidance (usually a tutor or a manual), you reduce your degree of
success on this activity by one step.

Note Having a tutor is incredibly bene�cial, but characters have their own schedules and goals. A strong
relationship with a relevant NPC and coordination with them are both important for those who wish to have a
teacher to train them. Having a teacher gives a +2 Circumstance Bonus to any checks you make to Train.
You spend time training in a unique �eld. Roll a check against the Standard DC for a chosen Archetype's current
level using a Skill the Archetype requires to be Trained or that the Dedication grants. This can include weapon,
armor, or spell pro�ciencies. You can integrate item bonuses on these checks, such as an Archer using the
Potency Rune on their bow to help pass the check. If none of these types of checks are applicable, the GM will
determine what skill is used.

Critical Success Your training makes incredible progress. Your level in the chosen Archetype increases by 2, and
if this would give you access to a new feat you can immediately replace one of your existing feats as if you had
retrained it. If you're training with an NPC tutor, you have a conversational moment with them.

Success Your training goes well and you can feel yourself improving. Your level in the chosen Archetype
increases by 1, and if this would give you access to a new feat you can immediately replace one of your existing
feats as if you had retrained it. If you're training with an NPC tutor, you have a conversational moment with

Failure While you don't feel as if you've made progress, you managed to build up your fundamental skills. You
can choose to immediately replace one of your existing Archetype feats with one for the Archetype you chose to
train with as if you had retrained it. The next time you attempt to Train to progress this Archetype, you gain a +1
Status Bonus to the check. If you fail repeatedly, this check stacks with the bonus from previous attempts. If
you're training with an NPC tutor, you have a conversational moment with them.
Critical Written
Nikomess up DelValle.
"Novem" your training badly,
Content and to
is allowed have to workoro�
be modified the consequences
reused/republished both mental and
with attribution.
Until you take
of the Rest WeeklyExpanded
Thousands Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every
adventuring day to avoid becoming fatigued. If you're training with an NPC tutor, you become at least a bit
closer from spending so long together. You share a conversational moment with them.
Extracurricular Work & Other
WEEKLYyou can get quite a lot out of the time you spend pursuing normal activities in school, there's a lot of
You use thein Craft
going Activity.
the extraThough
mile for your
this personal
occurs over 5development.
half-days, you You canthe
treat gain or number
total progressofArchetypes, unlock
days you invested
special bonuses or abilities, unlock new stores and facilities, deepen your relationships, unlock special
into crafting as a full week. Note that you cannot start new projects midway through the week, and must spend Weekly
and Downtime activities, and much, much more. While many extracurriculars and other opportunities are easy
the entire activity on whatever two projects you are currently working on. If you are familiar with the Heron
to �nd and learn about, there are many others which will require some exploration and asking around to �nd.
Archives, you can look for someone to provide a spell you need for you to complete a magic item if you have no
Whenever you have some Downtime to spend, you might consider looking for new options or work towards
way to provide it on your own. However, if you do this, you are unable to craft a batch of the chosen item due to
unlocking ones you've already discovered. And you'll need to do more than just rolling dice, you'll need to ask
the extra time burden.
right questions and choose to look in the right places. Just remember, time is progress. Just like you have
your Branch Level you progress by doing exams, each of your Archetypes, Clubs, and Relationships have
progression requirements you'll need to put time into as well.

Rather than choosing a speci�c focus for your afternoons and mornings this week, you leave your schedule
open. You gain �ve days of Downtime to spend however you wish.
The Magaambya as well as Nantambu at large has many resources for the students to take advantage of over
the course of their personal development, usually centered around speci�c buildings or organizations. Here is a
list of the ones your party has discovered during their time at the academy and the potential opportunities that
WEEKLYif you put a little more time into each one. Note that some opportunities won't be immediately apparent,
You use players
the might
the Gather have to search
Downtime in aThough
Activity. place for
thissomething particular
occurs over to unlock
5 half-days, it. For
you treat instance,
the if one were
total number to
of days
want to gain the Archaeologist Archetype, one place it might be available is at the Elephant Museum.
you invested as a full week and make a single check to determine your degree of success on all of these days. But �rst
they would need to join the Scholar's Club, or otherwise �nd an instructor or tutor. Facilities don't just o�er
places to spend Study Activities to gain unique bonuses either, they also o�er other services you can take
advantage of!

Magaamya Facilitie

The Archhorn Library is enormous, containing thousands of years of published knowledge. Speci�cally, it
contains a copy of every written work ever o�cially published by a student or faculty member of the
Magaambya alongside an expansive collection of books from outside the school. Due to the school's craving for
knowledge and thousands of years of experience, the Archhorn Library is one of the largest and most topically
comprehensive libraries in the entire world. At the Archhorn Library, you can �nd an excellent place to Gather
Information or Learn Knowledge. Once you're familiar with this location, you also gain access to the Linguistic
Development Weekly Activity. This is also the site where the Recreation Club meets, inside one of the many
private rooms that can be rented out for free in the expansive basement. The basement also contains an archive
of records and hides a few secrets of its own down the darker and less warmly lit hallways.



You study to enhance your understanding of language. Choose a language you don't know, then roll a Society or
Relevant Lore Check against the Standard DC for your level. Based on your result, you gain a number of
Language Points. Once you have �ve of these points, you immediately gain your chosen language as a Bonus
Language and are able to retrain all non-inherent languages you speak if you so choose (though only to
languages you've already known before). Your Bonus Language does not count toward the total number of
languages you are allowed to know. If you try to start learning a di�erent language while already progressing
another language, you lose all of your points but gain a +2 Status Bonus toward your next check to learn that
language in the future.
Critical Success You feel as if you're beginning to absorb the language. You gain 2 Language Points.

Success You've made good progress in your learning. You gain 1 Language Point.

Failure You build some fundamental linguistic skills, but make no serious progress. You gain a +2 Status Bonus to
your next attempt at learning your chosen language.

Critical Failure You mess up your language training badly, and become extremely frustrated at your lack of
progress. Until you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every
adventuring day to avoid becoming fatigued.



You make it a mission to discover the truth about something using the immense repository of knowledge
available at the Magaambya. Make a Recall Knowledge Check on any topic using Society, adjusted as if you were
using a speci�c lore. This Recall Knowledge check isn't secret, and you roll twice while taking the better result. If
you are familiar with the Elephant Museum as well, you can switch the Society Check this activity calls for with
a relevant lore or skill to what you are attempting to learn about.

The Elephant Museum contains historical and magical artifacts from throughout the world, which are contained
here in a place where they can be safely analyzed and studied. More dangerous artifacts wait in the basement
underneath. The Elephant Museum also contains a lecture hall that can be used by experts on historical or
cultural subjects, allowing anyone to Earn Income or Work there using various Lores by teaching classes of their
own… even as students (though they are required to be at least Expert)! Once you're familiar with this location,
you also gain access to the Epistemological Research Weekly Activity. This is also the site where the Scholar's
Club meets.



You study to enhance your understanding of a speci�c subject. Choose a lore skill (even one you don't know),
then roll a relevant skill check (determined by the GM) or a check with the chosen Lore against the Standard DC
for your level. Based on the result, you gain a number of Lore Points. Once you have �ve of these points, you
immediately become Trained in your chosen Lore. If you were already Trained, you instead become Expert. If you
were already Expert, you instead become Master. If you were already Master, you instead become Legendary. If
you try to start learning a di�erent lore while already progressing another lore, you lose all of your points but
gain a +2 Status Bonus toward your next check to learn that lore in the future.

Critical Success You feel as if you're beginning to absorb the knowledge. You gain 2 Lore Points.

Success You've made good progress in your learning. You gain 1 Lore Point.

Failure You build some fundamental understanding of the subject, but make no serious progress. You gain a +2
Status Bonus to your next attempt at learning this lore.

Critical Failure You mess up your studying badly, and become extremely frustrated at your lack of progress.
Until you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every adventuring
day to avoid becoming fatigued.

The Heron Archives
Written by Nikocontain
"Novem"records of Content
DelValle. unpublished research
is allowed to be and study
modified or going back thousands
reused/republished of years. Some of
with attribution.
it is so dangerous as to be forbidden from access by any but the most priveleged students and sta� of the
Strength of Thousands Expanded
Magaambya. Takulu Ot's O�ce is here. At the Heron Archives, you can Earn Income with Arcana by helping or
conducting magical research. It's also a great location to learn new spells. If you're familiar with the location,
you also gain access to the Mystical Experimentation and Spellcrafting Weekly Activities.

The Magaambya has many clubs playing into certain skillsets and hobbies. Joining one can expand your
a number of bene�ts! You can develop your talents, learn more about the WEEKLY
meet new
people, advance your relationships, and more. This is especially because even though the Clubs are funded by
the school, they are open to everyone except for Magaambyan Students of the Initiate rank (who are disallowed
Requirements You are
from participating a spellcaster
in Club Activitieswho can cast
to give themspells
time from spell the school). If initiates are already in a
to acclimatize
club experiment
when they join withthe
your magicthe
school, to clubs
push are
limits and �gure out
understanding whatinability
of their you're best at. Choose
to attend. Whilea tradition
the clubs you
are pro�cient in. Roll a check using your Spell Attack Roll or your tradition's skill (Arcana
mostly dominated by Magaambya students and each club also usually (but not always) has an advisor who for Arcane, Occultism
for at the
Occult, etc) school…
against themany Nantambu
Standard DC forresidents,
your level.ex-Magaambya
Based on your students
result, youwhogaindidn't makeofthe
a number cut for
Caster one
reason or another, and even people from outside the city who have to commute hours to congregate
Once you have �ve of these points, you immediately gain your choice of Reach Spell, Widen Spell, Conceal Spell, with their
or populate
Nonlethal Spell asthea Magaambya's clubs. all prerequisites. In addition, you can choose to immediately retrain
Bonus Feat ignoring
all of the spells you know, and during this retraining you can gain access to one Uncommon or Rare Spell at the
GM's is a list of the
discretion Clubs you have
(prerequisities discovered
will not and be
necessarily theenforced
opportunities you have to appropriate
in special themetically participate. cases
Note that
Club participation is mandatory once you've joined. For each Club you're in, you will be required to dedicate at
can even gain access to a feat that gives a focus spell, feel free to ask!).
least one of your Weekly Activity's a month to Club participation, and attend at least one Weekend Event as
well. If your Club is chosen to put on the Semester's School Event, you must also dedicate your free weekend
Critical Success You feel as if you're beginning to absorb the knowledge. You gain 2 Caster Points.
Downtime days to helping prepare at minimum. Failing to be a committed member of a Club you join is
severely looked down upon at the school, which has the possibility to undermine your relationships and
Success You've
potentially shutmade good
you o� fromprogress in your learning.
Club participation You gain
altogether. 1 Caster
Luckily, Point.between Clubs to see which one you
like is expected in your early days as a student. But once you've achieved a certain rank and people become
Failure You buildon
more dependent some
yourfundamental understanding
contributions, of your
the consequences formagic, but make
inconsistent no serious
attendance andprogress.
laziness You gainmore
become a +2
severe. Bonus
Status So, be to your while
careful next attempt
managingat experimentation.
your time! And be wary of joining too many Clubs at the same time!

Still, don't
Critical forgetYou
Failure thatmess
up yourawards await thosebadly,
experimenting who work
and hard
becomeat their Club activities.
extremely frustratedIf at
put enough
lack of
e�ort in, you just might make Club Head and gain some organizing power! And when the time comes
progress. Until you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every and you
graduate, assuming you decide to stay
adventuring day to avoid becoming fatigued. at the school, maybe you can even become an Advisor one day?

Like school branches, each club at the Magaambya has its associated skills. Participation in Clubs involves �rst
Requirements You
joining the Club byare a spellcaster
discovering it onwho can cast
Campus andspells.
then taking the Participate in Club Weekly Activity.
Rather than following the traditions of the casters who've come before you, you've decided to innovate. Choose a
spell of any tradition (even if it's a focus spell), whether you have access to spells from that tradition or not and
whether you know the spell or not. Roll a check using a Spell Attack Roll or associated skill of a tradition of your
choice against the Standard DC for double the spell's level. Based on the result, you gain a number of Spellcrafter
Points. Once you have �ve of these points, you acquire the chosen spell as a spell of the tradition you chose to
roll with. Note You
thatare in ahave
if you spell slots of the tradition you decide to use, you still can't cast the spell (you
just focus
know onit). Club
If youActvities
already and
knewpreparations. Choose
that spell, you can ainstead
Club which youthe
rename arespell
a member of, then
and choose roll a skill
to apply one ofcheck
with one of
following your chosentoClub's
modi�cations it. skills. Unlike most skill checks, this check has no DC. Rather, the number you roll
is the number of Club Capital Points you accrue for your chosen Club.
• Choose a type of energy damage the spell applies. Change it to deal damage of a chosen type.
• IfCapital
Club the spellPoints
a bonus to checks
a currency with from
you earn a speci�c
Clubskill, you can change
Participation, the skill
and what youthat gains
spend a bonus.
in order to unlock
• If the spell calls for a saving throw, change the behavior of the spell to suggest a di�erent type of save, and
Bene�ts. They represent every contribution you've made to your Club… from teaching new members
evangelizing participation,
then change to call
the spell to showing passion
for that save. and skill for the Club's focus areas and activities, to every display
of •commitment
If the spell deals damage, reduce thehad
and conversation you've sizewith
of itsyour fellow
damage diceClub Members.
by one step (ex:Essentially,
1d6 to 1d4)Club
and Capital
convert points
it into
represent in�uence you've earned in your Club by being a dedicated member, and you can spend it to push the
a healing spell. If the spell requires a save against its damage, the healing also requires a save by the
club in certain directions. For example, after making a lot of contributions, you might use your Capital to
targets except the e�ects are reversed (so the critical failure becomes the critical success, failure becomes
convince the Club Head and the Advisor to hold a class wherein you can develop your skills or learn something
success, and vice versa). Other e�ects of the spell are unchanged unless you use Spellcrafting to alter them.
you're really eager to learn. Or you might use it to convince the higher ups that you are ready for more
• Other modi�cations
responsibilities. How youcan alsoyour
spend be suggested, butisare
Club Capital upnot guaranteed to be approved. Speci�cally, any changes
to you.
that alter the conditions applied by a spell are disallowed.
Each Club o�ers di�erent bene�ts for purchase using the currency, though they generally share certain themes.
You can
the to buy skill
usage increases in You
of Spellcrafting: the Club's associated
can perform skills or lores,
Spellcrafting more gain
thanaccess to unique
once on the samearchetypes
spell to
and abilities, buy Study Points for your school branches, and much more. The only restriction is that
attach additional modi�cations. If you are a Prepared Caster, you add your new spell to the spells you know Club
and can prepare it in your spell slots the same as any other spell. If you are a Spontaneous Caster, you area
Points earned in one Club cannot be used to purchase bene�ts from a di�erent Club. There's de�nitely
reason to save up your points too, and that's for one of the biggest purchases you'll want to make as part of a
allowed to know one additional spell at a spell level of your choice, which must be a spell you have crafted,
Club: Promotions.
while all other spells you craft take up space in your Spell Repertoire as normal. Regardless, a character is
only allowed to possess one crafted spell per step of pro�ciency they have with spellcasting in the
Buying a promotion allows you to advance your rank in the club you are a part of, unlocking new potential
associated tradition (IE they can have only one crafted spell if they are Trained, two if they are Expert, etc).
bene�ts for purchase using your Capital but also potentially expanding your responsibilities. Clubs at the
The GM rank
Magaambya is allowed to disallow
the people in themcertain modi�cations
very similarly to spells
to the way at their
the school discretion,
ranks and
students, orcertain modi�cations
as follows.
will result in other modi�cations being made to the selected spell (for example, changing a damage spell to
a heal spell will usually grant the spell the positive trait). Finally, if you try to craft a di�erent spell when
• Initiate
you are already crafting a spell, you lose all of your accrued points.
• Attendant
• Conversant
Critical Success Your creativity puts you into a �ow state. You gain 2 Spellcrafter Points.
• Speaker
• Club Head
Success You have made good progress in developing your idea. You gain 1 Spellcrafter Point.
• Advisor

Clubs thestart to form an
Magaambya ideaa more
have of your spell,
rigid but make
practice no serious
of hierarchy progress.
than the restYou gainschool's
of the a +2 Status Bonus
systems, to
your next attempt
lower-ranking at crafting
members this spell.
generally expected to ful�ll the wishes of the more knowledgeable higher ranking
Critical Failure You mess up your spell badly and it back�res. Until you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you
must said,
roll a higher-ranking
DC8 Flat Checkmembers are alsoof
at the beginning generally expected today
every adventuring respect andbecoming
to avoid listen to their lower-ranking
peers, even as they share their knowledge to try and help them improve their skills. Abuse is greatly
frowned upon at the Magaambya and constantly watched out for. The Club Head and Advisor are also the
two roles which aren't entirely hierarchal. The Club Head is responsible for choosing the Club's activities
The school store is while
and priorities, managed by the enigmatic
the Advisor Xhokan,
has veto power and
they is exercise
can named such
its large collection ofpower
decision-making magical
their At
own the(Club
Powderpile, yougenerally
Heads are can buy supplies.
expected You can also
to follow the Earn Income
advisor's using Crafting
guidance, however).to This
items that
capture Xhokan's
meant imagination.
to empower students The Powderpile
to innovate Club contains
Activitiesall of the
in new andadvanced
interestingfacilities youolder
ways their might need
peers for
advanced crafting.
would've comeIf up
with,familiar withbalancing
while also the Powderpile, youthe
that with also gain an
safety access to the
advisor Tinkerby
presents and Demysti�cation
having the power
Weekly Activities.
to veto This is alsodangerous
any particularly the site where
forWorkshop Clubreputation
the safety and meets. of the school.

Anyways, as you climb the ranks, you will be assigned Obligations. Obligations generally take the form of
speci�c weeks or weekends where you need to show up for an event, but can also encompass other tasks
like coming up with an event for the Club to run, developing your relationship with a speci�c person who
can help
You take thescrewing
a week club, acquiring
location for to
Xhokan a club event,
create or acquiring
something a speci�c
interesting, itemall
learning thesorts
clubofreally needs.
Certain Obligations might even need to be completed before you are allowed to purchase your
and formulas along the way. Roll a Crafting Check against the Standard DC for your level. Based on the result, next
promotion, and are decided from a general list the GM has (sometimes at random, sometimes deliberately).
you gain a number of Tinkering Points. Once you have �ve of these points, you immediately gain your choice of
Alchemical Crafting, Magical Crafting, or Snare Crafting as a Bonus Feat. You also gain a single formula of any
Clubs also regularly hold Events, which involve things like workshops, parties, open activities, etc, and
rarity or level (up to your character level) for free, and one common formula as well. You must be capable of
might demand unique skill checks that might even have DCs or go outside of your Club's focus skills…
crafting the chosen formula before you choose it, and you gain a single completed copy of the items represented
though the potential reward in Club Capital Points for your e�orts is tremendous. However, these also
by your chosen
present formulae.
potential for screw-ups that can cause you to lose Club Capital Points or even ranks, so be wary
and always keep a good amount of capital on you (after all, you might need to buy your way out of a
Critical Successwhen
demotion Your creativity
your Clubputs youfaith
loses intoin
a �ow state.
you!). EvenYou gain 2 Tinkering
outsiders Points.
can attend Club Events as they generally
provide bene�ts outside of Club Capital Points, and most Clubs hold events on weekends while school isn't
Success You have
in session. madeevent
What goodeach
club in developing
hosts your -ideas.
every week You gain
and thus, what1 Tinkering Point.
bene�ts are available - is decided at
random by the GM.
Failure You start to form an idea of your creation, but make no serious progress. You gain a +2 Status Bonus to
your next attempt at Tinkering.
Critical Failure You mess up badly and something explodes. Until you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you must
roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every adventuring day to avoid becoming fatigued.
Rather than providing ten characters to go along with the clubs in order to serve as their heads, I've left out speci�c
characters aside from the Club Advisor (except for Esi as the head of the Scholar's Club). The GM and players should
come up with characters together to �ll these roles. This is especially because who is in the seat will naturally change
over the course of the campaign as students graduate, go about their own lives, and elections are held. Club Advisors
are take
You at least mostlytrying
a week static,tothough giventhe
replicate enough time
e�ects of the people
magic in the
using roles will
gadgetry or shift (for example,
alchemy. Choose Club Advisoritem
a magical for the
isn't a Scroll Club
Written by- Niko
and Imamu
which - has
will the
"Novem" eventually leave totrait
DelValle. Content isreturn to to
allowed hisyou
beclan). This or
modified isand
also destroy
because it,
as then
reused/republished withrollthe
a role
attribution. of using
Head is open
Crafting Strength to you
or a relevantoffor the
Lore taking! As such, they're
against the Standard also open for all of your fellow students. Competing
DC for your level. Based on the result, you gain a number offor the position
Thousands Expanded
of Club Head
Demystic is a Once
Points. great hook for relationship
you have �ve of thesedevelopment
points, youwithimmediately
many of thisgain adventure's
a copy NPCs,
of theasmagical
is inviting them to
help you try and win the position!
you chose… however, you replace the magical trait with the alchemical trait and rename the item. You also gain
taff & Peer
the formula for your newly invented item and can use any method of alchemical crafting to recreate it (including
Infused Reagents
Getting closer to youror Versatile
teachers Vials).
and peers gives you a chance to access them for tutoring, which allows you to
develop your relationship with them and learn their SCHOOLskillsEVENTS
at the same time! First though you'll need to convince
Critical clubs
Success hold
you thesmaller
Your time
study events
of (not
has that
Getting they're
deepto always actually
insight thatnature
has the
into small),bene�ts.
signi�cant ofonce every three there
science months
previously areone of your
clubs at the
opportunities! school is
Having selected
a class randomly
with to
understanding. You gain 2 Demystic Points. hold a
in big event.
particular You might
gives you end up
plenty having
of to help with
opportunities these!
to bond!When a club
is selected, they are removed from the pool until every club has held an event. The only exception to this is the Theater
Club, who isn't in the pool and who always runs a dance as every fourth subsequent school event.
Success You have made good progress in trying to understand the underlying mystic e�ects of magic on
scienti�c reality. You gain 1 Demystic Point.

Failure  CLUexperimentation yields results, but you need to analyze them. You gain a +2 Status Bonus to your
next attempt at Demysti�cation.
Broad backstory and lore for the club.
Critical Failure Your experimentation yields nothing and frustration sets in. Until you take the Rest Weekly
Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every adventuring day to avoid becoming fatigued.
Club Advisor
Identi�es and gives the background of the club's advisor.

Club Location
Xhokan sells all common adventuring gear and magical items, as well as all uncommon gadgets, up to the
Every club has a location where they tend to meet and congregate.
player's level. He also sells the formulas for these things. He might be convinced to sell you items above your
level if he is con�dent in your abilities and you have a good relationship with him.
The lists the activities this club focuses on.

This building
Outlines dedicated
things the club to
is the magic
known for,warrior Ibex
the types ofisevents
one part
theyin�rmary and what
put on, and one part
the herbal garden.
club does whileThe building
engaging in
is built around a pristine
their standard activities. fountain surrounded by four brilliant glass benches, and contains many small gardens
dedicated to medicinal herbs. Students of medicine and herbology make their home here, and the in�rmary is
run by the Dhampir known as Rafa. Rafa is a Cleric of Sarenrae and a master herbalist. He's dedicated his life
to healing
These others,
are the skillsnowhich
matterarehow much to
available wielding the power
roll when engagingof in
goddess causesNote
activities. him pain. At the Indigo
that relevant Lores
Hall, you can have your wounds, a�ictions, and diseases treated at no cost. You
can often be used for Club Activities, such as Boating Lore for Maritime Club activities. can also Earn Income or Work
using Medicine to help treat patients at the In�rmary, though you are required to be at least Expert in the skill
(or qualify for Expert Medicine Skill Feats through another source, in which case you might be able to use an
M ARITIM skill).

RAFAMaritime Club is the only club at the Magaambya which might actually be older than the school
though at that point it was less of a club than it was an organized e�ort by �sherman from the villages inwith
sells herbal medicines for students to take on dangerous jobs, speci�cally alchemical items of any level the
areahealing trait. However,
to get people he only in
more interested only
thecharges the area
trade. The cost where
in materials and equipment.
Nantambu is now hasAs a result,
always beenalla items you
wet place
buy have was
and food theirscarce
price treated as if you had
in the aftermath criticallyThe
of Earthfall. succeeded
practiceatofa �shing
was Check with
essential to Bargain Hunter while
the burgeoning city's
being Legendary
survival in Diplomacy.
and so getting kids on board with the practice was essential. In the modern day, beyond being an
important source of food for the city's large population, boating is a huge part of the city's culture and simply a
big part of getting around.
the Indigo Hall's plant life is dedicated to practicality, the Shifting Greenhouse is dedicated to a
Seeing as thevariety
tremendous Maritime of Club
plantsis and
a big vegetation
part of the regardless
city as a whole, it's utility.
of their no surprise
it's one of the
have Club's
taken up
headed by someone from outside the Magaambya. Gugulethu is an easygoing Bonuwant woman
residence here and cause the plants to behave in unexpected ways. It's a gorgeous sight to behold, despite some who also serves
on Nantambu's
occassional rulingThe
mischief. council.
more She has areas
relaxed intricately
of thebraided hair and
Greenhouse are almost
a popular always
site, aespecially
broad grin, even
at night
when thebiolumenescent
incredible amount of and
plants workstars
she mix
has to
to put
formin aasfeast
a politician, a club
for the eyes. Atadvisor, and the
the Shifting owner of ayou
Greenhouse, family
�shing business all at once. Somehow though, she makes time for all of her life's responsibilities
�nd a neverending source of plant-based ingredients and materials to gather as well as a place to commune with and that
includes her constant presence at the Maritime Club. She's just about always available to teach new prospects
the skills they need in a patient, kind, and gentle manner. More than that, she knows how to get her club excited
for their activities!
This �eld
Club is used for active combat training in a safe environment as well as the occassional tournament. The
The Civic League
Magaambya is a school
for adventurers, and sparring keeps them sharp and gives them access to new skills. If
you're familiar with the Sparring Field you also gain access to the Combat Training and Re�ne Technique
Weekly Activities. This is also the site where the Sports Club meets.
Fishing, Boating, Boat Racing, Boat Maintenance, Boat & Fishing Gear Construction, Researching Fish & Boats

The Maritime Club can often be seen conducting races through the city's canals and waterways, �shing in quiet
Note If on
city's outskirts,
grants you and studying feature
a physical di�erentthat
types of be
could �shused
and asboats. The Maritime
an Unarmed Attack, Club
you canis even
Combat Training to gain the weapon rather than spending an Ancestry Feat. For example, a Lizardfolk coulda
for running all of the organized boat racing in the city as well as setting the rules. They also have
long history of unique creative choices in ther club events to show people the potential of boating. Particularly
gain a Tail Attack or a Jaws Attack simply through Combat Training.
famous examples include when they blacked out the night sky before pushing families and couples out onto the
You spend your week honing your combat skills with a certain piece of equipment. Roll an Attack Roll or a
water in boats lit only by warm lanterns, then shooting o� �sh-shaped �reworks. There's also the time they
relevant skill check (such as Athletics for heavy armor) based on the type of equipment you are trying to master.
conducted a �shing cruise by building an enormous ship all on their own.
Based on the result, you gain a number of Training Points. Once you have �ve of these points. you become
Skills with your choice of equipment. This piece of equipment might be a speci�c type of weapon or a category
of armor. If
Athletics, you areStealth
Crafting, already trained with your chosen piece of equipment, you instead increase your pro�ciency
by one step. If this would ever take your pro�ciency above what you have with other equipment of the same
type, you instead gain Critical Specialization with your chosen equipment. There are no e�ects beyond this, and
you can only gain pro�ciency with an Advanced Weapon if you are already able to wield a Martial Weapon with
the same level of pro�ciency.
Critical Success Your training goes incredibly well and you make incredible progress. You gain 2 Training Points.
The Theater Club can often be found hanging out as a collective around the Speaker's Stage, rehearsing
performances, helping out newbies, and admiring up and comers… they are a �uid club in relation to
Success Yourwhere
locations training
club well.
eventsYou gain
and 1 Training
where they Point.
tend to congregate. They like to frequent all sorts of
di�erent places around the city, checking out establishments new and old to learn from and about new
Failure You start
performers theyto hadn't
form anseen
idea before
of whatandyou're supposed
might to be doing.
be prospects Youthe
to join gainclub.
a +2 When
Status workshopping
Bonus to your next
attempt at Combat
performances or Training.
rehearsals, they take advantage of their layers of connections with every bar, theater, and
club in Nantambu to �nd whatever space they need to practice or even just �nd a place to work quietly with
the proper
Critical Failureatmosphere.
You mess up While
your they could
training always
badly, anduse the actual
become theater
extremely on Campus
frustrated located
at your lack in the Playhouse,
of progress. Until
you take the Rest Weekly Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every adventuring day of
they avoid it so they can be exposed to all sorts of di�erent opportunities to perform and all sorts to
avoid becoming tofatigued.
observe. The Theater Club is also the club that works most with other clubs, leaning on the
Expression Club for scripts and helping out members of the Scholar's Club to get over stage fright. This
makes them easily the most social of the Magaambya's Clubs, which perhaps explains their reluctance to bind
themselves to any one spot. For most of the club's existence, they've been passionate for making sure everyone
who wants to get up on the stage has the �ourish to pull it o�.

Club AdvisorYour class can eventually reach Master Pro�ciency with Weapons or Unarmed Attacks.
??? competent warriors need the right moves up their sleeves to handle desperate situations. If you re�ne your
technique, you can learn how to use your equipment in unique and creative ways. Choose a group of weapons or
type of Location
armor (ex: longswords or light armors), and then roll an Attack Roll or relevant skill check based on the
The Theater
equipment you're Club has to
trying nomaster
o�cial (such
club room on campus.
as Acrobatics They Armor).
for Light �it between any
Based onnumber of the
the result, youcity's
gain businesses
a number
for meetings, though primarily meet at The Dance Courts or The Magaambya Playhouse (where they often
of Technique Points. Once you have �ve of these points, choose a Basic Modi�cation (as per the Inventor Class
share space with The Expression Club).
Feature) which could be applied to the piece of equipment you are training with. You could also instead choose
any 2nd level or below Fighter Feat, or the Takedown Expert Investigator Feat. You learn how to handle every
piece of equipment of the same group or type in such a way as to perfectly replicate the e�ects of that
Music, Drama, Dance, Public Speaking
modi�cation or feat, gaining the e�ects of that modi�cation or feat with every piece of equipment which
Overviewat all times. These situational feats or modi�cations cannot serve as the prerequisites or requirements
other feats or
Theater features.
Club is easily most known for the only annual school event, a big dance they put on toward the
end of every year in partnership with the Expression Club. This dance gives almost all of the cliques between
the groups
Critical their
Success chance
Your toshowing
form is shine. Dancers
youperformances, musicians
gain 2 Technique Points. supply the rhythm, and artists get a
location for people to get together and admire their work. When they're not throwing this big shindig, they
often host
Success Yoursmaller
form is dances
startingortoperformance nights.
take shape, you gainEven the poets
1 Technique from the Expression Club and lecturers from
the Scholar's Club are often invited to take the stage and learn the �ourish they need to succeed. Still, the
Theater Club is also very well known for the big social network they have throughout the city, and the sheer
Failure You've got an idea in your head, but you can't do it physically. You gain a +2 Status Bonus to your next
number of locations they might show up to perform at or recruit new members without warning. They seem
attempt at Re�ne Technique.
to know every stage in the city, especially with the help of the Explorer's Club to tell them where they are and
share cultural performance traditions.
Critical Failure Your technique turns out to be stupid, causing you harm. You'll need to rethink. Until you take
Rest Weekly Activity, you must roll a DC8 Flat Check at the beginning of every adventuring day to avoid
becoming Deception, and Diplomacy

This overgrown section of the campus is the domain of leshies, who have built a home for themselves under the
The Expression
guidance Club
of the chief is easily theThema.
groundskeeper most eclectic
This is club
where atthe
Magaambya. ClubThis is because it's mostly just an
umbrella serving to link a bunch of miniature clubs together, rather than one big club in and of itself.
Everyone is there to practice their creativity, but expression takes many forms and they don't necessarily
overlap. This isn't to say that the club doesn't all get along with each other and doesn't have a larger sense of
The Dormitoryjust
comraderie, where
variety oflive. At thein
interests Spire
the Dormitory,
club is Somecanare
intoand spend timesome
storytelling, withareyour peers
into all
and neighbors.
sorts of di�erent forms of visual artistry, and some are into a budding new �eld called "Lightography".
Lightographers use a spell called Stolen Light to create perfect realistic images, and then use another spell to
recreate the image with paint. They are masters of the art of capturing resonant moments. And just like
everyone else, their technique and skillset is totally di�erent from everyone else. As a result, the Expression
The site of the cafeteria and Lumusi Yao's kitchen. At the Dining Hall, you can eat meals of Good Quality at no
Club is not just the most insular from the rest of the campus since a lot of them diligently isolate themselves in
additional cost or time investment. While you can only do this once per day, this is a mechanics interaction and
the Playhouse to practice in secret, but also the most insular from the other members of their own club. It's
RP-wise you are allowed to eat there up to three times a day. You can also Earn Income or Work using Nature,
often a big goal for Club Heads to get everyone interacting and sharing, so that everyone can learn from each
Crafting, Cooking Lore, or Survival. This involves cultivating Lumusi's vegetable garden, hunting for extra
other instead of getting stuck into rigid patterns. The traditional way this is done is to assemble everyone in
meat, foraging for other ingredients in the jungle, or pitching in to cook.
the theater once a week to share their work and get critique from their peers, basically little mixers to get the
di�erent departments communicating and working together on more complex projects. This has never just
PAKR ' TAG
been about the work though. The most driven to express themselves are often the most troubled, and so the
mixer is jokingly referred to as the "Support Group" by the budding artists in the club. Though they joke, it is
Several large stone basins form a ring around a grand stage on the top of this arti�cial island, magically
often how a lot of people approach it. Sharing experiences with each other without letting them leave the
illuminating it. It was designed as a place where representatives of the school could make pronouncements, but
room and while pressing forth no judgment is basically a tradition to the Expression Club members, and one
it's more often used by the students and faculty alike to put on concerts, plays, or other performances. At the
they fervently protect.
Speaker's Stage, you can hold Club Events or Earn Income using Performance, Athletics, or Acrobatics by
putting on concerts and other types of performances.
Club Advisor
Niana Ot, the wife of Takulu Ot and a proli�c glassmaker in Nantambu, is the advisor for the Expression
LCOM  Wto
Due ALKher extensive experience as an artist, she's a gentle but �rm advisor who is engaged with the
This is where new of many di�erent
students enter forms of artistic
and are greeted expression.
upon their Because
arrival toof the
this Magaambya.
broad knowledge This and experience,
is also the site
where able to provide
Explorer's solid
Club advice and even demonstrations for �elds which aren't even her own. That said,
such advice is something she o�ers quite infrequently. She's a passionate artist and often prefers to focus on
her own work while remaining available for students when she's needed. When she is, she is patient and
incredibly  PLAYHOU
helpful, but she prefers to be hands-o� and give the students room to make their own artistic
Be Expanded)This large building
while o�ering critique isand
granted to theonExpression
feedback their �nishedClub works.
in orderHer to give themisalloften
critique the space
kind they
need to accomodate the Club's broad array of activities.
constructive, and she tries to be as empathetic as possible, but she also doesn't hold back on the �aws she sees
and the ways to correct for them. If times call for bluntness, she's willing to provide it. And despite her
lacking availability, she has a lot of connections with other established artists in the city. She often leverages
these  CATACOMfor
to compensate  (Ther lack TO
MPL of TH  DUK & D
availability, AWN)burgeoning artists into the same room as specialists in
their �elds.theSoMagaambya
while she mightthereseem
are tunnels, and
distant to allunderneath
but a smallthosefew ataretimes
a series
(suchof as
the likelythat reach
highly deep
into the earth. The bones and bodies of millenia of fallen students, teachers, and strangers
Club Head trying to manage the diverse array of cliques in the Expression Club), she is very much on top of dot its halls and a
thingstemple has aware
and keeps also found its place
of goings on in there. A group
the club. Most of ofall,
she keeps mind known and the
on what hated byneeds
club the agents
from herof
Pharasma. Unlike most monstrous necromancers who seek only to violate the cycle of
to work. She's not always around, but she's always there when she's needed. In particular, she's always at life and death for their
own sel�sh
every reasons,
weekly mixerthe Necromancers
to listen to people's ofconcerns
Dusk & and Dawngiveseek
them toadvice.
preserve life for those who refuse to pass on
and resurrect them so they can �nish what they started. This ancient sect may have been started by the Hyena
who Looks
Club Between herself (one of Old-Mage Jatembe's Ten Magic Warriors), but no one knows, and while the
The& Dawn are known
Magaambya Playhouseto many in the Magaambya (the population which most of their volunteers are drawn
from)… their existence is a closely guarded secret, as their violation of the natural order is often misunderstood
as Activities
evil by deities and their servants who wish the universe to follow their own rules over all else. The Dusk &
Dawn summon
Sculpting, only undead
Glassmaking, who wish
Painting, to answer
Drawing, the Poetry,
Writing, call of Photography
its necromancers, and work together with them
toward shared goals rather than manipulating them to their own ends. While most of these bodies were
Overview to a speci�c purpose, over the thousands of years the Dusk & Dawn have compiled an entire army of
??? from those who gave their souls and corpses up to be resummoned when the school or those who serve it
are in need. Many of the membership of the Dusk & Dawn are Gnolls, who don't necessarily frown upon the
Skills practice of ritual cannabalism but look instead on the necromancy as a way to accomplish its goals in a
new way. The
Arcana, Dusk and
Crafting, & Dawk make extensive use of magic items that can contain the souls of the departed who
donated themselves to the cause, and often use these magic items to call forth their undead allies from the
CHOLAR' when they are needed or the quali�cations for their summoning have been met. In the Hyena
Catacombs - or more speci�cally, the Temple to the Dusk & Dawn hidden somewhere at its center - you can
gain access to special non-evil and even actively good-aligned necromancy character options.


Nantamu Facilitie
The Explorer's Club is the second oldest club at the school. As so much of the school's work is focused on
traveling to far-�ung places to o�er aid - and it's student body and faculty pool consists of mostly adventurers -
H C IVIC Lcertainly
should AGU OATHOU
be no surprise. From the school's earliest days, people wanted to catalogue and share the
This theydock
saw out
and in
itsthe world and
adjoining share them
multistory withcontain
building their peers and teachers.
the �atboats, tools,The
andExplorer's Club owned
raw materials is seen by
the city everyone It
Nantambu. tohas
get aout that energy.
reputation But something
of being haunted bythe Club though
ghosts, has come no to
onereckon with
is quite sureover the years
whether this is
or just thethat often
result of athe greatest
prank discoveries
pulled are the ones
by Magaambya madeobsessed
Students closer towith
home. For a groupEither
Necromancy. so determined
way, the
to lookisoutward,
facility left undermany don't
the care of realize until joining
the Magaambya's the Club
Maritime thatThey
Club. there's
arealso so much
in-charge to basic
of the discover by looking
boating classes
held at heNot necessarily
Boathouse andathelp
oneself, but at
out with ones
boat own community.
repairs Exploring
alongside volunteers is an
from theactivity that forces oneAlliance.
city's Woodworkers to look
at the worldare
Individuals around them
allowed to in
usea the
di�erent way, and
boathouse it was
to store the for
tools opinion
boat of one the Club's
construction and earliest Advisors
even store that the
their �atboats
when should though
necessary, start applying this to
since they're sothe places,
small peoples,
and likely thisand
isn'tanimals closer to home. The businesses no one
goes to but which o�er unique experiences, the animals with interesting quriks no one had noticed before, and
the unique cultures that exist within the boiling pot of Nantambu itself. As such, while the Club often prides
Archetype Acce Tracker (Facilitie, Location, Character, etc.)
itself on activities such as Cartography, Birdwatching, Spelunking, and so much else… it also heavily focuses on
You canand �ndhistory. Due
access to to its importance
archetypes to of
in all sorts both of those
places, withthings, food
all sorts is also often
of people. Your adiscoveries
topic of discussion
are loggedand so
the Explorer's
Note Club often
that Multiclass works with
Archetypes, the as
as well Workshop
Uncommon Cluband
to Rare
sample new dishes.
Archetypes, canRegardless of that, the
only be acquired when Club's
are Advisor
tutored by the Imamu Egebe is a prime example of the club's focus on culture. He's only been in Nantambu a
right person.
few years, but his and other Taralu's participation in the Club's "Cultural Society" (an event they put on to
bring Library:
people from Linguist,
a variety Loremaster
of cultures together, both to expose them to new cultures and connect them with
others who share theirs) have very much shown the club's members that there's so much more to the world and
than mostArchaeologist
of them have ever seen. Imamu has seen much of both in his years as a negotiator on the
behalf of his clan, the Apsadan, as he has traveled the world helping with peace talks as was what he felt was his
duty. Archives:
Imamu Scroll Trickster,
is a spiritual, Talisman
driven person whoDabbler,
seeks toWizard
make sure(Takulu)
the people in the Club don't miss the forest for
the trees. In their search for big discoveries, they might miss the devil in the details. He is well known for forcing
whole clubScrounger, Inventor
into meditation (Xhokan)
sessions and then whacking people who don't pay attention with his sta�, which
they almost get mad at until he makes some incredibly insightful comment about their personal life they have no
idea how Hall:
he knewHerbalist,
about. Medic,
Imamu Cleric (Rafa) calm, for excitement in the wrong moments can get them to miss
also preaches
the greatest discoveries of all. Despite his attitude, he does share his students passions. Beyond the Cultural
Society Greenhouse:
which Scout,
Imamu leads Horizon
himself Walker
instead of the Club Head (an untraditional arrangement for a Club event),
Imamu can often be seen engaging in and teaching new Club members about all of the Explorer's Club's wide
variety Field: Gladiator,
of activities… Duelist, Mauler,
and knowing Martialamount
an incredible Artist, Dual
many Warrior
of them. They are all eager to take
advantage of Imamu's leadership while they can, since they know that as a nomad he likely won't be staying too
much longer.Stage: Celebrity,
But they are moreCaptivator
than capable of moving on past their Advisor, as the Explorer's Club has for
thousands of years with their grand showcases of discoveries (many including samples!). To be fair however, the
The Hyena
Explorer's ClubCatacombs: Reanimator
tends to enjoy the nerdy events the Explorer's Club puts on more than most other people at the
Spire Dormitory: Thaumaturge (Ignaci)

???: Beastmaster



• Maritime (Boating & Fishing) - Skill: Survival or Stealth

• Theater (Drama & Music) - Skill: Performance or Deception
• Expression (Art & Dance) - Skill: Lore, Crafting, or Performance (Club Advisor: Niana Ot)
• Scholar's - Skill: Society or Arcana (Club Advisor: ???/Club Head: Esi Djana)
• Recreation - Skill: Diplomacy or Thievery
• Naturalist - Skill: Nature or Medicine (Club Advisor: Takulu Ot)
• Explorer's (Birdwatching, Spelunking, etc.) - Skill: Medicine or Survival
• Esoterica - Skill: Occultism or Religion (Club Advisor: Zuma)
• Workshop - Skill: Crafting or Cooking Lore (Club Advisor: Xhokan)
• Sports - Skill: Athletics or Acrobatics (Club Advisor: Ma�ka Ayuwari)

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