RPH Reviewer-Midterm

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(An Outline of Modules 1 and 2)


Based on past events

o History is a narration of the events which have happened among mankind,
including an account of the rise and fall of the nations, as well as of other great
changes which have affected the political, and social condition of human race.
Interpreted by someone who is capable and interested in history
o Facts cannot speak for themselves. It is the historian’s job not just to seek
historical evidence and facts but also to interpret them. It is their job to give
meaning to these facts and organize them into timeline, establish causes, and write
Rely on data and pieces of evidence
o Version of the past that cannot be supported by evidence is worthless. It means
that unless a record can prove a certain historical event, then it cannot be
considered as historical fact.


● History’s primary subject matter revolves around people and humanity.

● The word “history” comes from the Greek word “historia” which means to inquire or to
● Based on the etymological concept of history, history can be denoted as knowledge
acquired through inquiry and investigation.
● Using the same etymological concept of history, history connotes as “learning FROM
THE past” and not “learning THE past”.
● Thought the concept of history as “learning THE past” is not necessarily wrong, it is
incomplete which makes it a disputable concept in defining history.
● A change of word is a change of meaning, in order to foster learning in history, the
fundamentals of history must be well-established.
● No evidence, no history. This is an absolute concept that separates history from legends,
and hearsays.

● Not everything in the past is history. The concept of past is different from the concept of
history. One particular event could be part of the past, but not a part of history. However,
all historical events are part of the past.
● In order to consider history as history, it must conform to its basic requisites enumerated
on the first part of this outline. (Based on past event, interpreted by someone who is
capable and interested in history, and rely on data and pieces of evidence.)
● Historians are scholars who write history.
● Scholars are those people that invested their time and understanding in learning a specific
● The role of historians is not limited in studying history, they also collect data, investigate
on past events, identify fallacy in existing documents, interpret and analyze data,
organize historical timeline, establish causes in a particular historical event, write and
publish historical records, and narrate history.
● Historians are not the only people who can interpret history, despite the fact that majority
of historical documents are product of their studies, there are other scholars who can
interpret history. (e.g. anthropologist, archaeologist, palaeontologists, sociologist, etc.)


Primary Sources – directly involved or an actual thing

● Written Sources (T.A.M.A.D.O.)

o Travelogue
o Autobiographies
o Memoirs
o Archival Documents
o Diaries
o Oral statements
● Numerical Records
● Oral Statements
● Relics (F.A.R.)
o Fossils – biological remains
o Artifacts – human made tools
o Ruins – remains of historical landmark
● Images (P.P.M.C.)
o Photographs
o Paintings
o Maps
o Cartoons
Secondary Sources – interpretation and analyses of the primary source

Tertiary Sources – revised version of historical event rooted from secondary, or both primary
and secondary sources.

Extreme Positivity – strongly positive// strongly in favor of

Extreme Negativity – strongly negative// strongly in favor

of Primary factors that form biases (P.A.G.E.S.)

● Personal Perspective
● Age
● Gender
● Education
● Social Status

External Criticism – Authenticity of the source// Origin

Test of Authenticity
1. determined the date of document to see whether it is anachronistic (out of time or order)
2. determined the author’s handwriting, signature or seal.
3. determined by looking for the anachronistic style (examine idiomatic expression or the
orthography )
4. determined the anachronistic reference to events
5. determined the provenance or custody of the document

Internal Criticism – Credibility of the content// Content

Test of Credibility
1. identification of the author
2. testing the credibility of the eyewitness determine the approximate date
3. credibility of the source is its ability to tell the truth
4. willingness to tell the truth
5. look for corroboration


Things to consider in analysing a primary source:

● Background of the author
● Background of the document/ primary source
● Content analysis of the important historical information found in the document
● Contribution of the document in understanding the grand narrative of Philippine history
● Relevance of Historical Documents to Modern Times (N.A.M.E.)
o Novelty – newness// unique// never seen before
o Applicability – similarity// comparison between events
o Memories – event that triggers strong emotion or feelings// agonizing or
o Effect – an aftermath of a cause// leave a long-term effect
Reminder for Midterm examination:

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/54R1nWALZFw

Additional input:

The French Revolution

The Philippine Revolution was a major rebellion by Filipinos against the Spanish colonial
regime. The revolution, inspired by the French Revolution and other revolutions in Europe, led to
the creation of the Philippines, whose independence was declared in 1898.

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