Review of National Intergration Program

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M Raadha Krishnan


Based on the program about national integration, several important factors and phenomenon were
discussed in relation to sociological issues in education. Firstly, according to the program, the
religious and cultural dominance in Malaysia is seen to be misinterpreted as racial segregation.
The example put forth was the concept of ‘Islam first’, such as in commerce. The show made a
point that religious dominance and preference is merely just an economic aspect, and not
carried into the education system. Even the modules presented in the latest educational system
contains a significant amount content emphasizing unity and racial harmony, but Malaysians in
general prefer to perceive education as an examination-oriented aspect of their life, hence these
modules are not taken into consideration.

Due to this, there is a perception that Malaysia has second class citizens who complain that
government policies are too rhetorical and do not curb issues affecting unity. In short, the
program deduces that free speech and globalization is often used to misinterpret the efforts
taken by the government to ensure unity among society. Another issue put forth in the program
is how the National Language Policy in Malaysia in not as successful as it is in Singapore,
Thailand, Indonesia, and India. They aptly posited that the economic inequality and prejudice
being a driving force in affecting the unity of the Malaysian working class. Besides that, it was
also summarized that new government intervention is vital in ensuring that this perception can
be curbed at its grassroots.

The shows also put forth the point that the phenomenon of Islamization is wrongly perceived
and viewed as a means to instil Islamophobia among the minority communities in Malaysia.
Therefore, it is important for the education system to uphold proper moral values suitable to the
development of a more receptive and unified younger generation for the future betterment of
Malaysian society in general.

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