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The Hydraulic Supports Classification, Components, Designation and design

The Abstract:
The mining process is an economic process and one of the most important things
that affect the economics of this process is the cost of the Hydraulic Supports and in
this research we will talk about the different types of the Hydraulic Supports that

1. Frame power support

2. Chock support
3. Shield support
4. Chock shield support

And also to determination its

 Components
 Designation and design.

 Content
Ground control is the science that studies the behavior of rock mass in transition,
from one state of equilibrium to another.

It provides basis for the design of support systems to prevent or control the collapse
or failure of the roof, floor, and ribs both safely and economically. Therefore, the
choice of the type of hydraulic support depends on many factors, mainly mining

The geological condition of the layers, the contact state and the ventilation
requirements, and to ensure that the hydraulic support and mining mechanism and
the transport condition in addition to some other equipment, therefore the internal
and external use of the hydraulic support is a column with a support cover mainly
and Four hydraulic support shafts, two shafts are in actual use and Four columns to
support non-uniform stresses.

As the hydraulic reinforcement works on the immediate and main roof support
behind the raw grinding interface and since the hydraulic reinforcement progresses
with the step-by-step milling machine, the roof behind the hydraulic reinforcement
falls so we use powered supports.

Where the importance of powered supports lies in several elements, it holds up the
roof, Pushes the face chain conveyor (AFC), Advances itself and Provides a safe
environment for all associated mining activities.

Research goal:
The main aim of research work is to determination the classification of hydraulic
supports and its components, designation and design.

This will provide or create safe environment for workers and machines also to
Knowledge the proper condition for each type of the hydraulic supports that’s
include the angle of dip , the roof and floor condition .

results and discussion
• classification of powered supports
5. Frame power support
6. Chock support
7. Shield support
8. Chock shield support

1-Frame support
Frame support is one kind of powered supports classification and it simple type
, more flexible, less stable of structure body.
Is an extension of the single hydraulic powered supports used an underground?
A frame supports are consist of two sets of hydraulic legs ,there is a double acting
ram installed between each set, the piston of the
ram is connected to the secondary
set ,but the cylinder is connected to the primary
The distance of each advance range is 20-36 in.

 Parts of powered ( frame ) support :

1. Canopies
2. Bases
3. Legs ( jacks )
4. Hydraulic power supplies
5. Control system
 Disadvantage:
1. There is uncovered space
between two pieces of canopy
which allows the broken
immediate roof to fall through it,
so frame support is not suitable for weak immediate roof
2. less stable
3. require frequent maintenance
2- Chock support:
The chock supports are made up of concrete parts known as the Canopy, and can be centered
on either a single piece or two separate parts attached to the rear ends by steel bars.

In the protection of the chock both legs are vertically mounted between the foundation and
the canopy.

The number of legs varies from 3 to 6 (the most common ones are four legs). Six leg shocks
are designed for 2 front legs and 4 in front.

a)The advantages :
1. Proper at the medium roof to the hard roof.
2. It can be provided access to the gob.
3. No Brocken rock full from roof

a) The disadvantages :
1. The dust transfer into the face from the gob

3- Shield support:
This type is similar to chock powered support but characterizes by addition of a
caving shield at the rear end between the base and the canopy.

The caving shield is hinge jointed to the canopy and the base plate of the hydraulic

The shield prevents rock debris from getting into the face side of the hydraulic

the shields are generally have inclined hydraulic legs, Because the canopy, caving
shield, and the base are interconnected, so the shield can well resist the horizontal
force which produces from roof , without bending the legs.

 Types of shield supports :
1. Types of motional trace for the leading edge of the canopy:
which based on this criterion, there are two types of shields,
caliper and leminiscate.
2. Number of legs :
a) two-leg
b) Four leg shields.

3- Leg positions and orientations:

A)Leg position :

There are three ways of arranging the leg position

1. Legs are installed between the canopy and the base
2. Legs are installed between the caving shield and base
3. Legs are installed between the hinge between the canopy and caving
shield and the base

B) Leg orientation:
The legs may be
1) Inclined to form " V or X shape "
2) Vertically parallel to each other " U

4- chock-shield support:
Chock shield supports are combination between the chocks and the shields, which
have the advantages of both types.

If all of the four or six legs are installed between the canopy and the base, it is called
a chock shield. The chock shields have the highest supporting efficiency and are
suitable for hard roofs.

 The advantages :
1) excellent traveling way
2) good ventilation system ; because the caving shield prevent transfer the
dust from the gob to the face

3) Wide height range.

4) reverse ram system gives positive advance over large steps

 the design of powered supports :
The nature of the driven supports is largely dependent on the geological conditions
and stress of the coal strata. For example, if low-yield-capacity supports are used in
a strong roof, hardly caved, the supports won't meet the pressures, the roof won't
cave as the face progresses, and excessive pressure will result in heavy
maintenance costs on supports. So that the correct capacity of powered support
should be chosen to meet the conditions

 Important dimension related to supporting:
Yielding Pressure: given by
Py = 1.25 Pi where :

Py = yielding pressure, in kg/cm2

Pi = operating or setting pressures, in kg/cm2

Distance between supports:

this depends on

A. the roof and floor conditions

B. bearing capacity of the supports
C. the gob condition
D. rate of advance
E. usually taken as 1.2 m from center to center

Unsupported face distance:

"This is the distance between the face and end of the canopy "

Load Density:

Given by where
( )

N load density, in tonnes per square metre

F carrying capacity, in tonnes

Is length of canopy, in metres?

Io length of unsupported face, in metres
C distance between supports, in metres

 The designation of powered support :

Conclusion :
It became clear through several mining operations that the areas where the
hydraulic reinforcement is used are less vulnerable to the risks of underground
mining operations as they protect the staff from workers and machines from any
surface collapse or the fall of the roof on them as a result of raw mammals, which
leads to the presence of empty areas and the roof may collapse on The machines.

However, the hydraulic support whose primary function is to provide the required
support and the necessary to carry out mining operations without the occurrence of
risks to those in charge of that also works to facilitate and speed up the raw mowing,
and it works to push the mowing machine in front of it and move with it step by step

 http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
 http://undergroundcoal.com.au/fundamentals/07_equipment_1chock.aspx

 http://www.miningmes.com/suspension-single-hydraulic-pr/Hydraulic-Roof-
 http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub


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