504roof Bolt Types1

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SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬

Roof bolt Types components and mechanism theories

of each type

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬

Perhaps the most significant development in coal mine ground control during the last century
was the introduction of roof bolting between 1940 and 1950. From an engineering standpoint
roof bolts are more effective than the wood timbers they replaced. Roof bolts promised to
dramatically reduce the number of roof fall accidents which then claimed hundreds of lives
each year Roof bolting also emerged at a time of rapid technologic transformation of the coal
industry and greatly accelerated the transition to trackless rubber-tired face haulage. The U.S.
Bureau of Mines quickly became the new roof support’s strongest advocate. Case histories
were reported showing that roof falls could be largely eliminated while productivity increased
dramatically. in the words of one contemporary observerroof bolting has been adopted more
rapidly than any other new technology in the history of coal mine mechanization Yet by the
end of the 1950 it was clear that roof fall fatality incidence rates had actually increased. It
would be another decade before the superior ground support provided by roof bolts would
clearly save lives. The story of how roof bolting was implemented by the mining industry, but
took so long to live up to its promise, is a fascinating example of the interaction between
economics, technology, regulation, and science. It still has important lessons for today.

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬

Roof bolting can be ranked as one of the most important technological developments in the
field of ground control in the entire history of mining .It's an essential component in the design
of underground excavations and has been used to provide an overall ground improvement
since the middle of the last century. Roof bolting has become the primary support system in
the coal mining industry and almost all underground coal mines are using roof bolt support
system. Roof bolts reduce the number of fatalities each year. The real mechanisms by which
the roof bolts reinforce the immediate roof of underground coal mine entry are still relatively
unknown .the common practice of roof bolting is largely based on some empirical rules.
 Importance of roof bolt support system:

- reduced the number of fatal and nonfatal accidents in coal mines

- provide an unobstructed opening with minimum maintenance
- increase productivity
- decrease cost
- Improve ventilation

Types of roof bolts

Two main types:
 Mechanical bolts (pointed anchored or tensioned bolts)
 Grouted bolts (resin anchored or non-tensioned bolts)

And other types.

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬

 Mechanical bolts

Main elements:

- Solid steel bar:

Most roof bolts have a solid steel bar .The steel bar generally 5/8 inch diameter and 6 ft long
Has either a smooth surface or a deformed appearance it should be noted that although roof
Bolt of high yield strength is desirable the use of a steel bar of a very high should be avoided
because if the bolt fails the bar will shoot out of the hole with such high speed that it could
severely injure anyone in its path.

A- slot-and-wedge bolt
B- expansion-shell bolt
C- grouted anchorage bolt

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- Anchor:

There are three major types of anchors: slot and wedge, expansion shell, and grouted.
1. Slot and Wedge: this type is the oldest type of roof-belt anchor.

2. Expansion Shell: This is the most common type of anchor used in U.S. underground coal
mines. Anchor consists of applying a torque to the bolt head that pulls the wedge-shaped
plug down into the shells, in this type of anchorage diameter of the hole must be carefully
controlled since an oversized hole can result in poor anchorage, this type can be anchored
and tightened in one process by using an electric rotary-percussive drill.
A large number of expansion-shell designs are available with many variations in shell length,
type of serration:
 Standard type: The standard type resembles short tubing, split length wise into two or
four pieces with a solid un-split portion at the lower end.
 Bail type the shell body is split into halves for its full length and kept together with a
yoke-shaped steel band. Test results have shown that standard and bail expansion
shells produce different shell-borehole interface contacts. The bail anchor can provide
better anchorage in soft rock due to smaller stress concentrations .standard anchor
grip better into hard rock due to higher stress concentrations

Standard Bail

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬
3- Resin Grout:
The anchorage is achieved by frictional bonding between resin bolt and hole wall
the resin grout is instead of the expansion shell at the end of the bolt this type
offers more advantages like:
- increase anchorage capacity and flexibility to adjust the length of resin in
accordance with rock types.
4- Explosive set:
The explosives are inserted in an anchor tube at thr end of the bolt the anchoe
tube is expanded with the explosives which produce corrugated effect that acts to
secure a strong bond between the bolt and the hole wall it has little use because
it's complex and cost more
5- Combination anchor:
The anchorage is increased by adding the the advantage of resin bonding to the
expansion shell. The installation process is very slow and not suitable for mining
cycle .

- Roof bolt accessories:

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬
- Bearing plates:
Distribute the load from the bolt to the rock surface so that no excessive bearing
stress exist when proper bolt tension is maintained rock failure can be avoided

- Washer:
A hardened flat washer is normally used between the bearing plate and the nut or bolt head.
To increase the torque tension ratio and decrease the random variations of bolt tension
induced in bolt installation.

- Wooden blocks ties and wire meshes:

Used in the area where potential roof falls may occur, Wooden blocks increase
bearing area and thus reduce the roof fall between bolts steel straps, steel ties and
steel wire mesh in the area where potential roof falls may occur. The wire mesh is
reinforced with shootcrete for permanent support installations.

Mechanism Theories of mechanical roof bolting:

The mechanism of mechanical roof bolts reinforce the mine can be classified into four types :

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬
1- Suspension Effect :
 Simple Suspension:

Support the weight of a loose rock from the upper competent roof strata using mechanical
bolt load P = ϒ.t.B.L /(n1+1)(n2 +1) lb
ϒ is specific weight of roof rock, lb/cubic ft
t is roof thickness ft
L is entry width ft
B is length of the section ft
n1 is the number of rows,
N2 is the number of bolts per row
- equation is only valid if the weight of the loose rock layer is completely suspended by the
 Beam Suspension:

The suspension effect under this condition is mainly

due to the transfer of parts of the weight of the weak
strata to the competent strata through roof bolting

2- Friction Effect:
Under this condition the suspension effect through roof bolting is not applicable. Therefore
the successful application of roof bolts to reinforce the immediate roof is done by the friction
effect. The basic concept in the reinforcement mechanism of the friction effect is to increase
the shear resistance to slip on the interface between the thin strata, thus building up a single
thick stratum. Since the flexure of the thick stratum is smaller than that of the thin one, the
stability of the bolted strata is increased. To achieve this end, mechanical roof bolts must be
tensioned because the frictional resistance resulting from the clamping action is solely due to
the tension in the roof bolts

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3- Arching action
The arching action of reinforcement is used in a circular or an arch-shaped opening. It also
used in rectangular openings that have blocky ground in the roof possessing little or no tensile
strength. Through the systematic use of the roof bolts, a ring (or zone) or compressed
reinforced rock may be formed around an opening. The reinforced layer acts as a structural
member capable of not only providing its own support but also supporting the rock above
4- Keying Effect
In underground coal mines the stratified immediate roof is
sometimes intersected by planes of weakness, with either one
or several sets oriented in different directions with respect to
the roofline. Roof bolting across these planes of weakness will
prevent or reduce movement along these planes.

 Grouted Bolts

Provided more safety and production this type mainly employed where exhibiting
adverse roof conditions or when mechanical roof bolting is not suitable this kind of
bolts has three types :
 Pre tensioned
 Post tensioned
 Un tensioned


SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬
- Steel rebar:
Almost has the same in mec-bolts except the surface is usually deformed to achieve better
mixing between the catalyst and resin and to increase frictional grip between rebar and resin
- Bearing plate:
For coverage purpose and retain compressive force against roof line.
- Bonding material:
Polyester resin 28.5 %
Filler(crushed rock) 66%
Catalyst 5%
Accelerator 0.5%

Mechanism Theories of grouted resin bolts

Fully grouted resin bolts reinforce the mine roof in a different manner than mechanical bolts.
Because they are not tensioned during installation, they usually offer a passive support in that
they first take up the load when the roof strata begin to deform

 Frictional resistance:

Since a fully grouted resin bolts provides complete bonding

between the bolt, resin and the hole wall to full length of the
bolt, the frictional resistance is the major mechanism for
preventing strata separation. Frictional resistance is
proportional to Area of contact and Surface roughness of the
hole wall The anchorage capacity is larger for larger hole size,
indicating a larger frictional resistance for larger hole

Effect of clearance between hole and the bolt on anchorage capacity of the bolt

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Effect of hole roughness on frictional resistance between hole and rebar

Effect of steel bar diameter on anchorage capacity

 Strata rigidity:

Since the physical properties of resin are in the same range as some sedimentary rocks, a
complete filling of the gap between the steel bar and hole wall increases significantly the
rigidity of rock-resin bolt system. The stiffer roof strata reduce or eliminate lateral
displacements between beddings or fracture planes

Other bolt systems:

 Yieldable roof bolt
 dependable resin bolt
 Pumpable bolt (Fiber glass bolt)
 Helical bolt
 Split set
 Roof truss
 Cable sling

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬
 lateral force system
 Swellex bolt
 Wedge tube bolt
 Resin anchor self drilling roof bolt
 Slot and wedge self drilling roof bolt

Goal of research

To view the types and mechanism theories of roof bolt systems used in
underground mining for strata control

Discussion and Conclusion:

Since the introduction of mechanical bolts the amount of research into the understanding of
the behavior of roof bolts has been significant. Today almost all coal mine roofs are supported
with roof bolts. In the early years the design of roof bolt patterns was based on local
experience and the judgment of mining personnel the suspension mechanism was the most
easily understood and most widely used. However, significant advance have been made over
the last years particularly the development of resin anchors, tendon elements and installation
hardware. The design of roof bolt patterns has also improved and four main rock
reinforcement techniques have been developed. Simple skin control,beam building,suspension
and keying the geology and the stress levels determine the appropriate mechanism for
particular application
In conclusion, this research this research shows that the most important key to design a roof
support system is a better understanding of roof behavior uncertainties that can encountered
during extraction .

SUEZ UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة الســــــويــــــــــــس‬

 Course data.
 Advances in coal mine ground control edited by Syd S.Peng
 www.researchgate.net/
 Coal mining university of Pretoria


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