Building Blocks of An Object

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Building blocks of an object-oriented database

Object-oriented databases contain the following foundational elements:

 Objects are a real world entities, such as a specific task in a to-do list: “take

the garbage out”. All objects are assigned a class within data structures for
both hierarchy and functional purposes. So, when you hear the phrase
"instances of a class," this is simply a reference to objects created from
particular classes.

 Attributes and Methods: An object has state and behaviors. Objects also have

properties (attributes) like name, status, and createdate. The set of
properties, taken together, represents its state. Objects also have behaviors
(known as methods, actions, or functions) that modify or operate on its
properties. Examples include  updatetask() or gettaskhistory(). Methods are
also the primary path of object-to-object communication.

 Classes are a grouping of all objects with the same properties and behaviors.
In our example above, we talked about task objects. These objects together
all belong to the Task class.

Building blocks of an object-oriented database

Object-oriented databases contain the following foundational elements:

 Objects are a real world entities, such as a specific task in a to-do list: “take

the garbage out”. All objects are assigned a class within data structures for
both hierarchy and functional purposes. So, when you hear the phrase
"instances of a class," this is simply a reference to objects created from
particular classes.
 Attributes and Methods: An object has state and behaviors. Objects also have
properties (attributes) like name, status, and createdate. The set of
properties, taken together, represents its state. Objects also have behaviors
(known as methods, actions, or functions) that modify or operate on its
properties. Examples include  updatetask() or gettaskhistory(). Methods are
also the primary path of object-to-object communication.
 Classes are a grouping of all objects with the same properties and behaviors.
In our example above, we talked about task objects. These objects together
all belong to the Task class.

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