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Good Life


 Life is an inherit process.
 Aristotle apprehended the problem of reality from a scientific lens, showing
concern with the end goal of life; happiness.
 He implies that every human person aspires from an end, these end is known
as happiness or human flourishing.
 No one can resist happiness because we all want to be happy
 Material wealth equates to happiness.
 Materialism is derived from the Atomists which believed in the indivisible
units or seed known as atoms.
 Material wealth is the primary source of the meaning of existence.
 If only material entities matters, this could the way of attaining human
flourishing, hence a good life.

 “Pleasure is pursued, pain is avoided”
 Hedonism came from the Greek work “hedone” which means pleasure and
“hedys” which is sweet or pleasant.
 Hedonism implies the idea that the end goal of life is acquiring pleasure.
 Pleasure give meaning to their life because life is limited.

 “Be indifferent”
 Stoicism can be traced back to three heads: Zeno of Citium, Cleanthes, or
 The principle of a good life means that to generate happiness one must be
distance to oneself and be apathetic.
 Apathy means to act with accordance with the golden mean between excess
and deficiency of emotions.

 The ultimate basis of happiness is the communion with God.
 Finding a good life starts with finding the meaning of our lives through God.
 God is used as the fulcrum of our existence
 Most believed that a good and happy life is attainable through the
supernatural reality called heaven.
 Man is literally the captain of his own ship and in control of themselves.
 Humanism explores the idea of freedom, responsibility, and choice.
 Freedom of man carve his own destiny and legislate his own laws free from
the shackles of God.
 Technology is utilized in order to assist with the difficulties of life.

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