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Chapter 8 Preliminary Design of Port Structures Chapter 8 Preliminary Design of Port Structures This chapter deals with the preliminary design of marine facilities and general ideas to the master pian preparation. Design criteria to the project are also one of the important aspects. 8.1 Scope of Study Since the construction cost of wharf structure generally shares the largest part of total ort, detailed study of them was carried out including the wharf structural alternative study. Results of these discussion will be firstly applied to the site selection of new development area as shown in Chapter 7 then utilized for the base of cost estimation as shown in Chapter 12, Minor construction items and ordinary onland facilities will not be objectives to discuss in details, However the required cost of these facilities together with their quantities is shown in the cost estimation based on the standard size and quality in the similar projects, Refer to Appendix I-24, The datum generally used in the topographic surveys at Imam Khomeini port is K-11 which is 0.50 m above the Mean Sea Level thus 26 m above Cesco Chart Datum, However, all the levels in this study are referring to Cesco Chart Datum (shown as DL in this report and related drawings). Partial hydrographic survey made by the Study Team is based on this datum. Horizontal control of the survey is however local coordinates. 82 Design Basis 821 Lines and Levels Location and level of each facility should conform to the official figures, Especially the levels showing on plans and drawings should be the authorized datum which is widely utilized by PSO. It is also important that the datum should be harmonized with the charts and tide tables. ‘The proposed project datum is LAT, Cesco Chart Datum which is 3.1 m below the Mean Sea Level. The UTM system has to be adopted for the horizontal control since is internationally accepted. 82.2 Design Codes and Standards ‘There are three useful codes for structural design, namely; - Various codes currently used by PSO ~ The codes of ACI: American Concrete Institute ~ The codes of AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction —207— ‘These codes or similars should be applied to the project. In addition, it is accepted by PSO to apply “the Technical Standards for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan” to design marine structures and facilities for the project, subject to the adoption of site locality such as climatic condition. During both the detailed design and construction stage, various standards are available. During the construction supervision period, the technical specifications of ASTM, American Standard of Testing Materials will be widely utilized, 8.2.3 Service Life In respect of the marine facilities, the most important basic concept is the “long life structure’ minimizing costly and time-consuming repair works, The design life for permanent port structure should be more than 30 years. The Study Team supports the same concept for the project planning and design. This length of life can be applied mainly to waterfront structures like wharf and seawall since they cannot easily be reinstalled. It is recommended that the figures as indicated in the following table will be applied to the project Table 8.23.1 Service Life of Structures Structures Life in Year Waterfront Structure : Quay and Pier 50 Waterfront Structure : Seawall 35 Pavement, 10 - 25 {depends on materials) Utilities 25 Building and Offices 8 Equipment* 5-15 The entire project service life for the economical evaluation will be more than 25 years, which will be fixed during the feasibility study. The service life of cargo handling equipment is estimated as follows. - Gantry crane 15 years = Transfer crane 15 years - Top-loader 8 years - Forklift 8 years - Tractor 8 years ~ Chassis 5 years 8.2.4 Project Boundary Imam Khomeini port has a wide area of 12, however, a space in 25% of which is open and not reclaimed yet. Beyond the two channels, Dorag and Zangi, there also is a large open marsh with no land access. It is confirmed by PSO that these marshes are possible can development zone. Thus such land is considered as an alternative area for port expansion, Table indicates a general land use of Imam Khomeini port ‘Table Land Use: Imam Khomeini Port ‘Area Category Area (m) Remarks 1 General Cargo Handling 11, General Cargo : 7 u X B), ae 520m, 2,209,000 m’ ; ‘ontainer. Wha > {oxB),_ | 1052m x 520m 547,000 Subtotal 2 | by MP-74 (L XB), 5286m x 520m 2,796,000 mi | PY Direct Back-up Area Grain Terminal 28,000 m? | by MP-74 Service craft area 32,000 m! | by MP-74 Barge harbor 40,000 m: | by MP-74 Railway siding (new) 566,000 m? | modified MD-74 ‘Administration area 30,000 m? | by MP-74 Old port area 600,000 m: | by Study Team Railway Siding (old) 340,000 m? | by Study Team Others 36,000 m* | by MP-74 3, Indirect Back-up Area 31. Reserved Area 2,500,000 m? | by MP-74 (Free tr le a2 Rae .ere comple 240,000 mt | by MP-74 (Bunkering facility) 410,000 m? | by MP-74 (Storage) 100,000 mr? | by 000 m? | by MP-74 eee Storage 440,000 m? | by MP-74 lousing site by MP-74 {To be removed) Subtotal 3,390,000 m? Total (14243) 7,818,000 m? 4 Empty Area 4,182,000 mi? Grand Total 12/000,000 m? | by Study Team Note: 1. Basic information by MP-74 2, Total area was roughly estimated by the Study Team —209— lates for the new port 83 Natural Conditions This subsection deals with an outline information regarding to the natural conditions to be considered in both the preparation of general plan and design of facilities. More detailed information are provided in section 2.1. 8.3.1 Climatic Condition ‘Temperature ‘The Imam Khomeini climate, like that of Khorramshahr, is subtropical, hot and dry, with few clouds for most of the year, Temperature are highest in July with a daily average of about 35°C and maximum average of about 43°C. The lowest temperature are in January with a daily average of about 12°C and minimum average of about 7°C. Extreme temperature may reach about 50°C in July and drop to about 1°C in December - January. Sun temperature may reach 75°C. Rainfall Rainfall is sparse, but the intensity may be considerable. There is normaly no rainfall from May to October, Rain occurs mainly in the months of November to February. The total yearly rainfall varies from 100 mm to 300 mm. Daily precipitation of 45 mm is not uncommon and the daily maximum is around 80 mm. Wind ‘The most common wind is the "Shama" between W.N.W. and N.N.W. The "Shama" seldom reaches Beaufort force 6 (I1 - 14 m/sec) and Beaufort force 8 (17 - 21 m/sec) hhas been observed on only a few occasions. The average wind speed is Beaufort force 2 to 5, corresponding to about 1 to 2.6 m/sec. Dust storm usually occurs in the project site during August and September and may reduce visibility to 1 km, The dust comes from the deserts of Iran or the Arabian Peninsula and is particularly fine and damaging to all kinds of mechanical equipment not especially protected. The salt content of the air is high and special required must be given in order to protect the steel parts and mechanical equipment from corrosion, Fog may occurs during November, December and January. 83.2 Oceanographic Condition Tide Range between LAT and HAT is 570 m however the normal range is about 5.0 m. The extreme high water records in past is 6.40 m above LAT which is Cesco Chart Datum and is adopted as the datum level (DL) for the project. —210— LAT = Cesco Chart Datum = Datum Level (DL) for design. Table 83.1 shows the tidal characteristics at Imam Khomeini port. Please refer to subsection 8.2.1 Table 83.2.1 Tide Levels Tidal Characteristics DL Extreme High Water EHW +640 m Highest Astronomical Tide HAT +5.70 m Mean Higher High Water MHHW +5.00 m Mean Sea Level MSL 43.10 m Mean Lower Low Water MLW 40.90 m Lowest Astronomical Tide LAT 40.00 m Extreme Low Water ELW 0.10 m Current Maximum currents of 08 m/sec were measured for both ebb and flood flows in Dorag Channel and Musa Channel in 1973. Directions were sometimes contrasted to what could be expected according to the shape of channel, however, this is at least partly due to the extremely irregular bottom configuration at the locations of the measurement stations. Maximum currents at some stations were observed to be almost perpendicular to the channel axis. Tidal currents in the lower part of Musa Channel set N.N.W. and SS.W,, turing at about the time of high water and low water respectively. The greatest rate was recorded at 1.5 knots in February. At the Musa bar, spring tides produce average 4 knots ebb currents and 3 knots flood currents, Current direction through the bar is generally parallel to the channel axis. Strongest tides within the estuary are 45 knots during maximum ebb and 3.5 knots during maximum flood, found bear beacon No. 18 about 15 km west of the Western Jetty. Currents in front of the existing two jetties may occur rates of 3.0 knots at maximum ebb and up to 23 knots at maximum flood. iy Fog, visibility less than 1 km due to water droplets in suspension, is very rarely observed in the open Gulf, as compared to along the shore. Haze, visibility less than 8 km, due mainly to dust particles in suspension, is considerably more frequent, particularly in summer. Haze, occur less than 5 percent of the time in November and December but ranges from 20 - 30 percent in April to 60 - 70 percent in July, decreasing to less than 30 percent in August Wave The project site is protected well by narrow and bended channels against the washing due to offshore wave, thus the wave intensity in front of proposed quaywall is the ~2— main target to be evaluated, It is reported that wave intensity at the port basin are relatively moderate since the limited fetch length. Possible generated wave height in front of the Berth No. 11 were roughly estimated by using the $-M-B method. Table 83.2.2 Range of Wave Height Imam Khomeini Port Wind Speed | Fetch Length | Height Length Period m/sec Fkm) H1/3{m) Lo(m) To(sec) 10 10 07 125 28 15 10 09 170 33 20 10 ia 25 38 6 10 18 275 a it 30 10 220 315 45 the largest one among the major watersheds and rivers draining, into the Persian Gulf. Most of the rivers are essentially seasonal and highly subject to temporary torrential flooding, carrying large amounts of brown mud, gravel, sand and boulders. Because of the occurrence of salt formations in the coastal areas, the rivers are frequently of brackish water, In essentially flat regions where the groundwater table is high considerable evaporation takes place resulting in relatively high concentration of salt in the ground water. Many of the small rivers do not reach the coast as the water is absorbed in alluvial Plains, a portion of which subsequently flows into the Persian Gulf as groundwater. Formation of deltas are observed in most major rivers, Tidal influence is frequently measurable fair inland due to the very porous calcareous soil. Bathymetric Condi Within Musa estuary the channel is of exceptional depths, averaging DL-20 to 45 ‘meters for the 55 km channel extending from the bar to Imam Khomeini port. These favorable depths also will be extended into two channels, Dorag and Zangi. The seabed in the upper of estuary consists mainly of soft mud and fine silt. Depths are generally greater to the outside of bends, as in normal to narrow waterways. Then the Zangi Channel branches to the east with depths rapidly decreasing to about DL -4 m minimum and then increasing to over DL. -30 m at its eastern extremity due to the turbulence caused by the sharp bend to the north. the Zangi Channel diminish to the north and a centerline profile in the of Zangi Channel through Temur Channel to the west and returning to the south generally showed water depth above datum elevation, ~n2— 83.3 The Dorag Channel continues to the west of the junction with Zangi Channel with depths increasing from DL -13 m to -30 m at its junction with Temur Channel. A centerline profile down Kushi Channel showed shallow waters of DL. -1 to -3 m. Average changes of depth in past 20 years in Zangi Channel is about 1.2 m of deposit. Siltation Suspended sediment concentrations were measured during 12 months of 1972/73 as Part of previous study on siltation. Indications were that silt concentrations are generally low and that sedimentation rates should be low. The silt were fine, relatively uniformly distributed vertically and concentration did not greatly vary during a tidal cycle. However, sediment concentration increased with tidal amplitude. The coarser sediments moved close to an along the seabed; that concentration was directly related to current velocity. As the seabed was generally composed of these coarse sediments, siltation was expected to result principally from movement of this material, Turbulence of tidal flows, except a closed basin, would prevent most of the finer silt from settling out. Geotechnical Condition According to the geological maps issued by the general condition at site is basically categorized as residual stratum to alluvial soil group. It is understood that the soil ‘composition in this area consist, of two layers. Upper Estuarine and Deltaic Deposits ‘The upper stratum is an estuarine or deltaic deposit of alternating clays, silts and sands. The presence of shells indicates the sediments to have been laid down in a marine environment. Sand layers, in places several meters thick, indicate the sediments have been deposited in shoals. Lower Residual Stratum A very stiff to hard slightly cemented clay under heavy preconsolidation. ‘This layer is a hard bottom for purpose of settlement calculation, There is a dense to very dense sand or residual clays starting from DL -30 m to -40 m, ~213— 84 Material Conditions This subsection deals with the general design criteria relating to the quality of materials which will be commonly utilized in the project 84.1 Concrete Concrete is the most commonly used material, Five grades of concrete specification will be applied regarding their usage. Table 84.1.1 Concrete Classification Grade Specifications A Bi B2 Cc D Specified Compressive Strength of 34.5 30.0 24.0 21.0 170 Concrete (fe')MPa Allowable Flexural Compressive Stress (fcJMPa 185 135-1088 765, 30E4 2664 2584 2384 2iRa Each grade of concrete is intended 10 be used for Grade A: Precise prestressed members Grade BI : Marine structures Grade B2 : Civil works and building works Grade C+ Reinforced concrete on utility works Grade D- : Concrete block or plain concrete on revetment 2 Requirements for fe’ shall be based on the tests of cylinders made and tested in accordance with "Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete" (ASTM: cr) 84.2 Reinforcement It is recommended to use the deformed bars ensuring more cohesion between the bar and concrete. The tensile stress (f5) of deformed reinforcement, which will be used in this project, shall not exceed the values shown in the following table, Table 84.2.1 Reinforcement Specification oe Grade Specifications w a Yield Strength (fy) MPa 25. 414 Allowable Tensile Stress 138 166 (fa) MPa (except building works) 2 843 cred Environmental Conditions Slabs(mm) —_Beams{mm) _ Columns(mm) Severely Corrosive Conditions 75 7 75 Protective Concrete Cover to Reinforcement Reinforcement bar should be embedded in the concrete body enough to be protected against corrosion. Shortage of this covering depth may cause severe structural damage as seen in the existing marginal wharfs of Imam Khomeini port. Reinforcing steel will be installed with a minimum concrete cover as follows: (1) For common structures other than marine purpose ‘Table Minimum Concrete Cover for Common Works Specification Cover ~ Concrete cast permanently exposed to earth 75mm ~ Concrete exposed to earth or weather 40 - 50mm = Concrete deck slabs 35 - 50mm = Concrete not exposed to weather nor in 25 - 40mm contact with ground (2) For Marine Structures Marine structures may contain breakwater, seawall, gravity quaywall, deck structure and piles. Among these, the most important structures are concrete decks and foundation piles Table 843.2 Minimum Concrete Cover for Marine Works Note: "Severely corrosive condition” is a condition that concrete is exposed to air and occasionally affected by seawater splash, Structural Steel Structural steel in this project will be specified as follows. Table Structural Steel Specification Specifications Specified Numbers Yield strength (fy) 245 MPa Young's modulus 200,000 MPa Shearing modulus 80,000 MPa’ Poisson's ratio 03 Coefficient of thermal expansion MIE-6/degree C Allowable axial tensile stress 137 MPa + Allowable bending stress 137 MPa =215— 84.5 Corrosion Rates of Steel ‘The assumed corrosion rates of steel surface directly exposed to marine condition will be as shown in table. The values in the table indicate only the rate for one side, Table 8.45.1 Corrosion Rates of Steel Exposed Surface Corrosion Environment Corrosion Rate (mm/year) Sea side: Above H.W.L. 0.39. : Between H.W.L. and the seabed 0.13 + Below the seabed 0.04 Land side: In marine atmosphere 013 In soil (1) 0.04 In soil (2) 0.03 Notes: 1) Above the residual water level (1) 2) Below the residual water level (2) 3) Corrosiors rates proposed int the Technical Standards for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan have been increased by 30% considering locality of Imam Khomeini port. Considering these rates, thickness of steel members should be increased. Total required thickness after this addition should be calculated by the following formula, T =To+Te Te = Cr x {Lo - Lp) where, T + Required total thickness (mm) To : Original thickness (mm) Te : Corrosion thickness (mm) Cr : Corrosion rate (mm/year] Lo : Project life or facility life, assuming 50 years Lp : Project life an initial protection such as cathodic protection and anti- corrosion paint, (year) —216- 8.46 Unit Weight of Materials Unit weight of general use materials will be as shown in the following, list. ‘Table Unit Weight of Common Materials Materials Unit Weight in kg/m* Reinforced Concrete Plain Conerete Structural Steel Sand (in ait) Rock/Stone (in air) Asphalt 85. Particular Design Criteria This subsection deals with the basic design criteria to be applied. Basic design of facilities should conform to the requirements shown in the criteria and the location allocated in the general layout. The loa‘ of each facility is largely related to the former. Since the design criteria do not always provide all the requirements, efforts to understand the constructional circumstances should be fulfilled, It is also recommended to conduct alternative studies in order to select the best solution in structural type considering cost performance, construction and suitability to the requirements. Taking above aspects into consideration, design process may take of two step approach, the basic design stage and the detailed design stage. Main purpose of the former should be both the selection of the most suitable type of facility, and the Project cost estimation. At the earlier stage of basic design, thus it is recommended to find the best combination of materials, constructional plants and programs. In the port facility design, natural environment give significant influence to the facility durability than the facility design under ordinary condition. Thus selection of materials should be one of key elements. The use of locally available materials should be considered and adopted where it seems appropriate. For example, reinforced concrete may be preferred rather than steel if cement and reinforcing rod is manufactured locally, but structural steel sections have to be imported. When comparing the foreign exchange element of construction, it is important to consider the indirect foreign currency portion in the basic commodity price (e.g,, for armour rock or aggregate, the foreign exchange in quarrying machinery, explosives —27— and transport to site). A subsidy may be introduced to encourage the use of local materials or an additional import duty may be introduced on goods for which a local substitute is available. Many factors influence the choice between steel piles and prestressed concrete or reinforced concrete piles. Amongst the most important are as follow: ~ design requirements ~ cost (having regard to the foreign exchange clement) ~ durability /maintenance Steel piles are more adaptable in use in case of long piles under large force. A required design life can be obtained by suitable choice of steel grade and thickness, effective protective coatings and with cathodic protection. Precast concrete piles are relatively cheap but required careful handling (particularly if long). They are vulnerable in case of hard driving, Lengthening is costly and time-consuming. For competitive tendering a degree of flexibility is desirable to enable the design to bbe adapted to make the best use of contractors’ expertise and resources. If heavy lifting plant is readily available, large precast sections for quay soffits, jetty trestle beams and units in the tidal zone can lead to savings in time and cost. Conventional construction methods from land (including temporary land access) may be cheaper than those requiring extensive use of floating plant, cofferdams or divers. When expensive floating construction plant has to be employed, careful programming, is required to take advantage of any natural or temporary bund protection from waves etc. in order to avoid delays or damage to partly completed structures in bad weather. Appropriate start dates and prior mobilization is important to make best use of preferable climatic season. The duration of construction reqisires planning. Adequate time for consolidating soit strata using vertical drainage and/or surcharging may avoid the need for piling, soil replacement or expensive resurfacing at a later date, The need for early completion may cause a cost increasing but this is not always the case if constructional equipment can be moved off-site quickly for redeployment. Hence, in breakwater construction, very large cranes for placing armour stone are frequently used continuously, in the same way as dredgers. Cost will also be influenced by the degree of priority, if any, to be given to port traffic over constructional plant. Any delays to dredgers passing through narrow channels or pile driving pontoons which may have to lower moorings to allow passage of other vessels, will be reflected in the contract or final price. This subsection will provide further to design engineers with basic ideas to be taken into consideration. ‘Thus discussions will contain wider range of engineering aspects than a technical feasibility study normally requires. —218— 85.1 Common Design Criteria This subsection deals with the design criteria which may be applicable commonly to the port engineering, In the marine structure design, technical studies related to the geotechnical aspects frequently appear, (1) Design Method of Structural Analysis All structures will be designed at the worst combination of loads which may act on the structure at the same time, ‘There are two methods namely the working stress design method and ultimate strength design method. Designer may choose one of these considering the general circumstances. It is recommended to select these methods based on the following means, Working Stress Design Method All marine structures shall be designed and calculated by the working stress design (WSD) method. All steel structures shall be designed by using the working stress design method (WSD) based on American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). ‘The WSD method has been based on the allowable stresses indicated in the appropriate codes, namely: forced Concrete: ACI 318-77 Steel structure AISC timate Strength Design Method All concrete buildings will be designed using the ultimate strength design (USD) method based on ACI-SI8. (2) Design Method of Pile Foundations Ultimate Bearing Capacity ‘The ultimate bearing capacity of a pile can be calculated in accordance with the following, formulas; Ru = 40NAp sow i sandy soil Ru = 8CpAp + C’aAs ... in cohesive soil Where, Ru : Ultimate bearing capacity of a pile (tf) ‘Ap : Tip area of the pile (m’) As +: Total circumferential surface area of the pile (m’) N_ : N value (SPT) of the subsoil at the tip of the pile Cp + Cohesion at the tip of the pile (tf/m?) 219 C’a : Mean adhesion for the total embedded length of the pile (tf/m) When the subsoil consists of fine sand or silty sand saturated with water and having N value of 15 or more, the N value for this calculation shall be modified by the following formula; N= 15 + 1/2 (N’- 15) Where, N’ : Measured N value Allowable Bearing Capacity The allowable bearing capacity of pile foundation can be obtained by reducing the ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile by a specified safety factor. Ra = Ru/Fs Where, Ra: Allowable Bearing Capacity (t) Ru : Ultimate Bearing Capacity (tf) Fs: Safety Factor ‘Table 85.11 Safety Factor for Bearing Piles Normal Condition 25 or more Bearing pile 1.5 or more Seismic Conditions $$ Friction pile 1.5 or more Maximum Pulling Resistance The maximum pulling resistance can be calculated by the following formulas; Rut = NaAs/5 ... in sandy soil Rut = CaAs ... in cohesive soil Where, Rut : Maximum pulling resistance of a pile (tf) Na : Mean N value for the total embedded length of the pile in sandy soil ‘As: Total circumferential surface area of the pile (m’) C’a : Mean adhesion for the total embedded length of the pile (tf/m?) Allowable Pulling Resistance The allowable pulling resistance can be obtained by reducing the maximum pulling force of a single pile by a safety factor. —220— Rta = Rut/Fs Where, Rta : Allowable pulling resistance of a pile (tf) Rut : Maximum pulling resistance (tf) Rs: Safety Factor Table Safety Factor for Pulling Resistance Normal Condition 3.0 or more Seismic Condition 25 or more (3) Combined Stress of Pile ‘The pile section shall be designed taking the comt which may occur due to axial loads and lateral loads. tion of stresses into account Prestress Concrete Piles The allowable compressive stress on the pile concrete made by external forces, including bending action, shall not exceed the following. fol = 0.38 fc" - 0.27 fpe Where, fc’ : The characteristic strength of the concrete (Minimum 280 days cylinder strength) fpe : The effective prestress on the gross cross section The combined stresses to be considered in the working condition will be those due to axial load eccentricity by slenderness of pile and prestress on the section. The combined stresses to be considered during lifting will be those due to bending and prestress on the section. teal Pi Figures indicated in Table 8.5.13 show the allowable stress by type of material and combined stress for steel piles ~221-— ‘Table 85.13 Allowable Stress of Steel Piles elem? Kind of steel [SKK 41, SHK 41 | SKK SI, SHIK 50M Kind of stress SHK al, SKY 41 | SKY 50 ‘Axial tensile sess 100 1300 (et et sectional area) Axial compressive stress Taw ao [Lae 180 nchen seh saomad(—2e) | 1,900-10(—15 (ost gros section i i anertior | “eaeraor Ter et acta we 700 0 ae ran tl we) 3,400 1,900 Gh Weel te ah te ee Mente which rere canton crbenséie and erhewiSthe axial ad bending sect (2) cane of the anal comprenive test 51.0 Shearing wee Toe om sectional aren) Symbols in Table indicate the folowing : Effective buckling length of the member (em) Radius of gyration of ate forthe crows sectional aren of the meinber (cm) ‘Tensile stess by axial lense force and compressive sess by axial compressne force acting on the section (ket/eer) Maxisnum tensile stress and acting oa the section (keen) Allowable tensile sess and allowable ial compressive stress onthe axis wit smallest moment of inertia (ke/ent) Allowsble bending compressive sree (kel/em') 1m compressive acess by bending moment —222— (3) Safety Factor on Structural Stability ‘The most serious damage of marine structures may happen during the total failure of them. In case of the gravity structures, this failure appear when the structure is forced to move out of the specified location. The most dangerous occasions may be seen when the all structures sliding forwards with soft earth. These may happen total stability of structure is not obtained even though each structural element is sound. The existing marginal wharfs at Imam Khomeini port consist of open structure width of which is 50 meters for DL-11.0 m wharf and 55 meter for DL-12.5 m wharf. These size of concrete deck were decided in order to ensure a safety of slope against the circular failure ‘These consideration should be taken into account before the detailed study on the structural elements Sliding and Overturning of Structure Table 85.14 Safety Factors on Structure Analysis, Gravity Type Sheet Pile Wall Type Sliding Overturning Overturning Ih Sandy Layer In Clayey Layer Normal Seismic Normal Seismic Normal Seismic Normal Seismic 12 10 1 1512 12 12 Slope Stability ‘Table 85.15 Safety Factor on Circular Failure ‘Type of Analysis Safety Factor New Structures 13 Existing Structures 12 Dredging Siope (permanent) 12 Dredging Slope (temporary) 10 85.2 Particular Design Criteria : Marine Facilities Waterfront facilities in Imam Khomeini port are located facing to calm basin since it rather limited that no large wave can not appear. Thus no breakwater is required. ‘Thanks to the existing channels which are naturally maintaining a deep water and a wide enough waterway to meet the large vessel 30,000 DWT or more, However, ‘current velocity may exceed two knots and the ordinary tidal range is more than 5 —223- meters. Addition to these, channel bank is covered by soft layers which require careful design of wharf structures. ‘As proposed in Chapters 6 and 7, the required works in the plan are both the improvement of existing, structures and new development of berthing facilities, In the Short Term Development, the former will be the main works. The basic arrangement of Alternative plan 1 will be as follows. Grain jetty will be improved by means of provision of a dolphin seaward, This dolphin aims to provide the grain carrier approaching the jetty under flood tide with safety condition. This improvement work is currently conducting by PSO, thus excluded from the discussion in this report. The existing barge harbor will serve not only the present function but also additional duties to provide the service boats with berths, There is no plan to modify the existing wharf structures. The existing two jetties, Eastern one and Western one are located the center of old port area, However they are about 60 years old and their width of 27.8 meters do ot meet to the modem cargo handling system, Since their historical background and preferable location, PSO provided these jetties with various repair works in the past. PSO commenced the latest repair works in 1993 at the Western Jetty and will continue the same to the Eastern Jetty. However these monuments should be redeveloped to another shape to meet the future requirements as proposed in Chapter 7 as follows. Eastem Jetty. ‘Master Plan All the structures will be replaced by a series of modem marginal wharf which will be built in front of new land to be reclaimed by dredged soil Short Term Plan Only the western 200 m of existing jetty will be utilized after the required strengthening works including new concrete pier along the existing faceline. Western Jetty: Master Plan As the same with the Eastern Jetty ‘Short Term Pian As the same with the Eastern Jetty, but berth length will be 260 m, ‘The existing floating crane (ore dolphin) will be replaced by a marginal wharf in the Master Plan stage. It will remain as it is during the Short Term Plan, The previous Four Berth Extension area, though only two berths are completed at present, is located at the most convenient area in respect of economical cargo handling. They will be used during the Short Term stage but totally demolished in the Master Plan stage, The Master Plan proposes that this area should be a part of —224— container terminal, The new faceline will advance seaward in 165 meters from the existing faceline. The previous Ten Berth Extension area currently consist of the marginal wharfs with a wide reclaimed land. There are two sections, marginal wharfs of 1052 meter long in the South and 911 meter long in the North. The design depth of wharf at the former and the latter are DL-125 m and DL-11.0 m respectively. Master Plan ‘An extension of 200 m long marginal wharf will be provided at the first section to further south, The southeast corner will meet with the new faceline of the previous four berths extension area advanced seaward in 165 m. This area will be generated by land reclamation for container terminal extension. The second section will remain as it is. Short Term Plan No structural modification is proposed, ‘The previous Fourteen Berth Extension area will remain as they are but the required modification in cargo handling function. This subsection deals with the proposed design criteria for major waterfront facilities, taking above into consideration. (1) Wharf Objective Vessel, Refer to Table 8.5.6 Table 85.2.1 Dimension of Objective Vessels Location, cargo and Short Term (STD) Long Term (LTD) design depth Year 2000 Year 2010 1. Grain Jetty SIS 152m « -8.8m S15 152m * 88m BC AAS - (412.5m/-13m) - ASD 208m -11.2m L70 222m * -18,5m* 170 222m * -18.5m* 2. Easter J. $30 178m * -10.5m* - G/B Ado - (9m/-14m) 150 216m * -12.4m* $50 216m « -12.4m : A60 - 170 235m « -13.4m 3. Western J $30 186m « -10.9m : MtoB - $40 (410m/-13m) Ads - : A50 200m * -11.9m 170 222m * -13.2mt 170 222m « -13.2m* 4. Ore Dolphin M to B $30 186m « -10.9m $90 178m * -10.5m (-13m) F A30 178m « -10.5m. Aas - - 150 216m « -12.4m £70 222m * -13.2m* 5, Former 4BE $5 - Gtoc Alo 7 (-10m/-14m) LIS 147m * 9.1m - $40 251m « -11.5m fi L60 288m « -13.0m 6 Former 10BE (1/2) BN.11 to BNI5 c $30 218m * -11.5m $30 218m « -11.5m (125m) - A35 i 140 251m « -11.5m AMS s 160 288m. « -13,0m* - BC/G to BC $30 182m * -10.1m - (2.5m) 50 208m « -11.2m $50 208m » -11.2m : Ae L70 228m * -12.0m - - 190 243m * -12.6m* $/B s None (12.5m) ASO 200m * -11.9m None L70__222m + -13,2m* None Location, cargo and Short Term (STD) Long Term (LTD) design depth Year 2000, ‘Year 2010 7. Former 10BE (2/2) BNI6 to BN20 s $3 87m « 5.3m - (-11.0m) - 85 Ams - £30 186m * -10.9m* 30 186m » -10.9m* - 130 186m * -10.9m* 8. Former 14BE (1/2) Bn2l to BN26 G S15 147m * 9.1m S15 174m » 9.1m (Lim) Ala - 130 30 186m » -10.9m* - 130 186m » -10.9m* R $8 : (11m) - sto A% - - A 186m * -10.9m* 190 265m * -168m* L90 265m * -16.8m* c $8 120m » -7.4m* : (1m) : S10 AlLS : - AI2S LIS 147m = -11.8m* LIS 147m = -11.8m* 9. Former 14BE (2/2) G $5 - (-10m/-11m} A10 : L15 147m * -9.1m* S15 147m * -9,1m* - A30 186m * -10.9m* - 130 186m * -10.9m* B S15 147m * 9.1m" AIS 147m = 9.1m* A : 130 186m * -10.9m* 30 186m * -10.9m* - 130 186m * -10.9m* B $3 87m « 5.3m - - $8 120m = -7.4m* Ao i : AILS LIS 147m-* 9.1m Lis 147m 10, New Development G None $30 186m (-13m) None Ago None 170 235m « -13.4m* 5 None $30 186m * -10.9m (43m) None A None L580 216m « -12.4m s None $50 216m * -12.4m (14m) None A None L70__235m * -13.4m Notes! 1. BC:Bulk carrier, G: General cargo vessel, Container vessel, S: Steel cargo vessel, R: General cargo vessel for the refrigerated cargoes. ‘S15" means that the smallest vessel in 15,000 DWT. "Aa5" means that an average vessel in 45,000 DWT. "L70" means that the largest vessel in 70,000 DWT. 3. BE means the Berth Extension 4. Figures in parenthesis show the proposed depth of water. 5. Figures with an asterisk (*) indicates a short of water depth for the fully toden vessel 6. Water dept below the Cesco Datum. Bagged cargo vessel, M: Mineral carrier, C: Ber ni Berthing velocity + V = 0.0 m/sec. over 20,000 DWT V = 0.12 m/sec. 10,000 - 20,000 DWT V = 0.15 m/sec less than 10,000 DWT Angle of fender contact : 10 degrees to the facetine Wharf Dimension, Design Depth Design water depth is the draft plus clearance. Design water depth = draft (m) + clearance (m) draft + one meter Berth length = overall vessel length (m) + breath (m) Appropriate allowance should be added to the bending point of faceline, This allowance should also adjusted the layout of back-up yard available. rown Height The top elevation of wharf shall be higher than the followings. Extreme High Water, DL+6.40 m plus 0.5 m, thus DL+69 m Highest Stronomical Tide, DL#570 m plus 1.0 m, thus DL46.7 m Mean High Water, DL+5.00 m plus 1.5 m, thus DL+6.5 m ‘At Imam Khomeini port, the existing crown height of DL47.35 m should be kept at the existing site. However it is recommended to lower the height by 0.5m then upto DL 46.85 at new development site. This should be carefully studied again during the detailed design. (2) Depth of Back-up Yard Basic requirement of land depth behind the faceline will be a land of 600 meter width and 400 meter width for the container wharfs and the other berths respectively. These dimension shall be adjusted by the requirements on each berth. In case of excess surplus dredged materials, such earth used for reclamation for the possible sites to future port extension (3) Basic Load Conditions for Container Wharf Dead loads shall be determined considering the features of structure and appropriate unit weights of materials - Surcharge Surcharge for normal condition 2 W=30 tm? Surcharge for special condition : WeLS t/m? - Wheel Loads Mobile crane truck 40 ton capacity Forklift truck 25 ton capacity Truck Mi8, MSI8 Tractor trailer £40 foot container Container wharf crane (Panamax) Gauge As required Overall weight 2 approx, 750 tons Nominal capacity + 41 ton under spreader Number of wheels + 8 No, per corner Max. wheel load at seaside in working condition is 455 tons. Surcharge intensity near or under the wharf crane loads can be reduced according to the cargo handling operation system. ‘The largest load to be supported by the container wharf structure is the wharf crane, so called a gantry crane which runs on the tracks. The related factors of this crane to the wharf design are rail gauge and wheel loads, These two figures normally depend on the size of vessel. The wider vessel body requires the longer crane outreach, thus the weight of the crane becomes larger. Panamax type container vessel; Span (Gauge) 15m - 20m Weight of crane 650 - 850 tons, Post-panamax type container vessel; Span (Gauge) 20m - 30m Weight of crane 1,100 - 1,300 tons In this study, the following numbers are used. Span (Gauge) 175m - 265m Weight of crane 750 tons Clearance 3.5n to 4.0m, from the faceline to track seaward For the time being, basic size of transfer crane at the container yards is assumed as following. - Transfer Crane (Tire Mounted) —279- a) Hoisting capacity + 305 tons under spreader b) Span (Guage) 2 23.47 m ©) Lift (9°6" containers 4 high) 14.94 m 4d) Approximate working speeds ~ Hoisting speed with 30.5 tons load : 17 m/min. - Trolley traversing speed 2 35 m/min ~ Travel speed 2 90 m/min, (4) Load Conditions for General Cargo Wharf ~ Surcharge Surcharge at normal condition : W=40 t/m! (lo be reviewed) Surcharge at special condition : W=25 t/m* = Wheel Loads Mobile crane truck : 40 ton capacity Forklift truck 25 ton capacity Truck : M18, MSI8 Tractor trailer + 40 foot container (6) Load Conditions for Other Wharfs ‘The required loads for other wharfs shall be decided based on the loading system to be adopted. When the wharf is utilized by multi-purpose use, the largest loads among them shall be taken into account. (6) Bollards and Corner Mooring Posts Bollards and mooring posts shall be provided to suit the hawser pulls from the design ships, Mooring post means a post which is normally located at the end of berth in order to accept the larger tractive forces exerted by the stern and bow lines. Bollards shall be a sufficient mooring fitting which is generally located along the faceline of wharf and maintains the position of vessel through the breasting and spring lines. Large comer mooring posts shall be placed at the ends of the berths. They shall be capable for taking the mooring forces from ships during storms. The tractive force fon a comer mooring post or bollard shall be a value showing in Table corresponding to the gross tonnage of maximum design vessels, and the spacing, and minimum number of installation on each berth are also shown, —230— Tractive Forces of Ships Gross Tonnage Tractive Force of — Tractive Forces on of Vessels DWT Corner Mooring Bollard (t) Post (tf) 200-500 15 10 501 - 1,000 6 15 1,001 - 2,000 3,550 35 15 2,001 - 3,000 3,750 35 25 3,001 - 5,000 6,250 50 6 5,001 - 10,000 12,500 70 35 (25) 10,001 - 15,000 18,800 100 50 (25) 15,001 - 20,000 25,000 100 50 (35) 20.001 - 50,000 65,500 150 70 (35) 50,001 - 100,000 125,000 200 100 (50) Note: The parenthesized values are the force on a mid bollard having no more than 2 spring lines. Table 85.2.3 Arrangement of Bollard Gross Tonnage of Maximum Spacing of Minimum Number on Vessels Bollard (m) Bollard per Berth ~~ 2,000 0-15 4 2001 - 5,000 20 6 5,001 - 20,000 25 6 20,001 - 50,000 35 8 50,001 - 100,000 45 8 (7) Seawall and Armor Rock Protection ‘The required size of armor rocks which are exposed to waves shall be determined by the design wave height using the Hudson Formula (refer to US Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, CERC, Shore Protection Manual, Section 7.37) Hudson's Formula is as follows: Wr iH? Ww 1 x cot @ Kd (S Where, W_ : Weight of an individual armor unit in the primary cover layer (ff). When the cover layer is two quarry stones in thickness, the stones comprising the Primary cover layer can range from about 0.75 W to 1.25 W with about 75 percent of the individual stones weighing more than W. Wr : Unit weight (saturated surface dry) of armor unit (tf/m’) 231— H_ : Design wave height at the site (m) Sr: Specific gravity of armor unit, relative to the unit weight of water (Sr=WriWw) @ : Angle of structure slope measuring from the horizontal plain to slope (degree) Kd: Stability coeficient For the design of the submerged rock layers and rock toe protection, the size of rock shall be determined by considering the stability of the rock against disturbance due to propeller scour or wave action, The method proposed in the CERC shall also be applied. Wr H? Ns (St) Where Wo: Mean weight of individual armor unit (if) Wr: Unit weight of rock (saturated surface dry) t{fn? H: Design wave height (mm) St: Specific gravity of armor stone, relative to the unit weight of water (Sr=Wr/W) Ww : Unit weight of water, Sea water Ns: Stability coeficient 1106 ifm at Imam Khomeini port 85.3 Particular Design Criteria : Civil Works ‘The existing port facilities were constructed based on the recommendation in the previous master plan made in 1974. Though there is minor modification, design concepts of the plan are kept accordingly. Outstanding works at present are a part of pavement, utilities, railway connection and buildings. These basic design concepts will be maintained in the future development. (1) Road and Yard Pavement Pavement in General The design load should be decided based on the loading conditions and the use of facilities. Type of pavement should be selected on the basis of the various conditions including trafficability, maintenance, subsoil condition and construction economy. It is proposed that the type of basic pavement for each area should be as follows: Wharf apron . 7 Concrete pavement Access : Asphalt pavement Container stacking area eee Asphalt pavement or interlocking concrete Container stacking area... 20... ‘Asphalt pavement — 232 General cargo open storage area....... Asphalt pavement Container load support............ Concrete heavy pavement Yard crane foundation . Concrete heavy pavernent Maintenance shop ......-+++-+.+++ Concrete pavement Fuel supply station............... Concrete pavement ‘The design of pavement structure shall be based on the following conditions: i) Reclaimed soil would be expected to be ‘silty sand” or “sand clay" at least. Corresponding C.B.R, of these soils could be expected between the range of 5 to 7. Thus, CBR. of 5 should be used in this design. CBR. of the existing grade could be expected 10 or more. Road Arrangement ‘The right of way shall be kept i after the master plan development. wide enough to meet future traffic requirement The lane arrangement shall conform to the heavy traffic ratio and depend upon the daily maximum traffic at the project target year. Addition to this requirement, an appropriate allowance at road sections shall be considered the concentration of heavy load vehicles and possible load side parking of them. i) Minimum unit lane width Service road = 36m Entrance = 36 mand 4m i) Minimum number of lanes Main access road = 2 lanes x 2 ways = 4 lanes Inner connection road = 2 lanes x 2 ways = 4 lanes Minor service road 1 lane x 2 ways = 2 lanes iii) Minimum width of pedestrian Entrance 4m Other =15m Container Yard, Required storage counted by number of container shail be calculated by the following. formula Mi = (My x Dw x p)/Dy where, MI : Required storage counted by number of container (TEUs) My : Annual container throughput (TEUs) Dw : Average dwelling time (days) Dy : Operating days par year (days) Pp: Peak ratio Required number of ground slots shall be calculated by the following formula, SI = MI/L where, SI: Required number of ground slots (TEUs) 1: Stacking height of container (TEUs) (2) Storm Water Drainage Drainage shall basically be the separate system between storm-water line and sewerage line, Effluent after the required treatment of the latter can be discharged into the former, Drainage system shall primarily consist of network of reinformed concrete pipe with out falls sloping seaward depending upon the shape and level of the area, Rainfall intensity shall be of five (5) year return period with corresponding to the storm duration, The proposed design rainfall intensity is minimum 30 mm/hour, The volume of storm water runoff shall be estimated by the following, tational formula, Q = CIA / 360 Where, Q = run-off flow (m’/sec) ‘oefficient of runoff 1 = rainfall intensity (mm/hour) rea to be served (hectare) The average coefficient of runoff or the impervious factor for various types of surface shall be a respective figure as given by Kuichling or similar. The design of drainage pipes, side gutters, and sewer computation shall be performed by using the Manning's Formula, v= Lame Where, V : velocity of flow (m/sec) 1: roughness coefficient R : hydraulic radius (m) i: hydraulic gradient (m/m) ‘The minimum and maximum velocity shall be 0.75 m/sec and 24 m/sec respectively. For structural and practical purposes, the pipe shall have a minimum crown cover ‘of 0.75 m, Lateral inlets shall be provided along paved access roads and paved open storage area, These inlets will be connected by reinforced concrete pipes to manholes installed every 20 to 40 m along the main drainage. Considering the tidal range and relatively ‘high groundwater level at the Imam Khomeini port, allowance on size of pipes should be provided accordingly. 8.54 Particular Design Criteria : Building (1) Main Gate (Terminal Gate) and Control House (Terminal Office Bui Mai (Terminal Gate) for Container Wharf The required number of truck lanes shall be calculated by the following formula: N = Me x p/{Dy x H) x (S/60) where, N : Required number of truck lanes Me : Annual handling volume of containers (TEUs) P : Peak ratio Dy : Annual operating days (days) S : Necessary procedure time per truck (minutes) H_: Operating hours a day (hours) ‘The main gate should be located near the available main access roads and at the center of the container yard, This should be provided with the required number of lanes for entrance and exit, An appropriate number of weigh-bridges should be provided at the main gate al O Control House (Ter for Container Wharf ‘The control house shall be provided with enough space for various office activities. One office shall generally be provided per unit container terminal. The required area for the office shall be decided based on the method of office operation and the number of persons, who are working in the terminal. ‘The required office floor area shall be calculated by the following formula: ‘Ac = Np x ap Where, Ac : Required office floor area (m) Np : Number of persons working in the terminal ap: Required unit floor area per person, Assuming 10 m'/p It is recommended to locate this also near to the Main Gate. (2) Maintenance Shop Maintenance Shop for Container Terminal Required building shall be derived from the following requirements: ‘The building, shall provide an enough sheltering area both for equipment repair and its maintenance. The following functions shall be provided for those of cont - Forklift garage r wharf, —235— ~ Support and service facilities ~ Repair and maintenance facilities for containers ~ Control office = Structure for travelling crane, about three tons capacity ~ Training of personnels Supporting, and service facilities shall include: - Tite repair bay with air compressor - Welding bay with welding machine ~ Spare parts and tool storage room - Locker room and toilet facilities ‘The size of the maintenance shop shall meet to various factors as the rates of container damage, the type and number of cargo-handling vehicles and machines to bbe used in the terminal. @) Container Freight Station : CFS CFS shall include the following space: - Storage area Offices ~ Locker and toilet facilities - Lock-up area A loading platform of 4 meter width shall be provided at cach side for smooth cargo. loading and untoading, Required area of CFS (A) shall be calculated as following: A = (Mc x Dw x p)/(w x rx Dy) Where, Me : Cargo volume treated in CFS (ton) Dw : Average dwelling time (days) DP: Peak ratio w : Average stacking weight on unit area in CBS (ton/sq.m) Dy : Annual operating days (days/year) r+ Utilization ratio (4) Transit Shed, Warehouse and Other Storage Facilities Transit shed, sorting yard, warehouse and open storage yard shall be provided. Teansit shed and sorting yard should be used for short term storage while warehouse and open yard should be used for long term storage. Transit shed and sorting yard should be located behind the apron, Warehouse and open storage yard should be located behind transit shed and sorting yard. Required area of storage facilities should be calculated by the following formula. ‘Ab = (Mb x pi/(Rt x w x 1) —236- where, Ab : Required area of storage facility (m?) Mb : Annual cargo volume (ton/year) p: Peak ratio Rt_; Turnover ratio (times/year) w : Volume of cargo per unit area (ton/m’) F : Utilization ratio (5) Weigh Bridges Design parameters required for weigh bridge shall be as follows: ‘Type: Motor Truck Scale, pit type Capacity 40 tons, smallest division in 10 kg indicator Platform size in 15.0 m x 3.0 m Automatic display and recorder should be also provided. 855 Particular Design Criteria: Utilities For the improvement of existing port facilities, the existing, utilities will be used except relocation of them. However, new supply lines will be required for the new development site if the western bank of Dorag channel is selected, General design criteria for the utilities of new development site will be as follows. (1) Water Supply and Fire Fighting System The water supply system for the new development at the Dorag west bank shall consist of water reservoir, pump house, elevated tank and distribution system for domestic use separated from the distribution lines for ships hydrants and fire fighting system. Pump for each distribution system shall be provided to meet the design requirements of each system. ‘The layout shall start from the interconnection to the existing supply main, From this point various utility mains will run along the new main access to the connection point at the northern part of new site. For the water supply system, an extension shall be installed to connect further beyond the connection point to the proposed ground reservoir. From this water reservoir, water for domestic use shail be provided with adequate Pressure, While the water for ships and fire fighting system shall be pumped directly from the water reservoir to the ships and fire fighting system distribution lines. ‘Water lines in the new development area shall basically be a loop in order to keep ‘constant water pressure. This system will provide repair works when with easy operation. All pipes and fittings shall basically be centrifugal cast iron pipes and cast iron fittings. —237— ‘The capacity of water supply shall meet to the following requirement. i) Ship Supply System 100 tons per hour to provide two (2) foreign cargo vessels with 50 tons of water each, ii) Fire Fighting System Minimum 100 tons/hour for one hour service through the fire hydrant before arrival of the fire brigade. iii) Domestic Use ‘The rate of water consumption for PSOs employees and other workers shall not be less than 50 liters day /capita Minimum pressure at the farthest service point shall not be less than 1.0 kg/am’, (2) Sewerage System ‘Waste water shall be collected and treated by the septic tank with leaching chamber. The treated water will permeate into the ground and excess water, if any, will be discharged to adjacent storm water drainage line through pipes. The required volume of septic tank shall not be less than 0.05 m? per person. (3) Power Supply Normal Supply Power supply in the normal condition will be supplied through the existing city main, Power supply should meet with demands estimated to ensure the basic facilities in operation. A conjunction point to the new development area should be the nearest point to the existing gate in case of the Zangi Bank Development. However in case of the Dorag Bank Development, it should be located on the route D5. ‘The existing receiving line may be required to be upgraded. A transformer pole with transformers together with wiring for secondary service drops to the terminal should be arranged. Emergency Power Supply Loads shall be divided into the essential and non-essential loads. The former shall be maintained by stand-by generators during the blackout through the city mains, i) Characteristics of Generator Type .....Diesel engine driven Capacity ..Fssential load estimated ii) Emergency Power Demands The following loads shall be included in the essential loads in the container wharfs, + Exterior Lighting : Flood lights for open storage areas, vehicle parking area, apron, gates and perimeter lighting. + Interior Lighting. 2 Thirty to fifty percent of the lighting are on emergency circuit - Water Pumps + One set of pumps is provided with emergency power, ~ Cold Storage : Enough power should be provided. ~ Refrigerated Container (Reefer) : Power receptacles for connecting refrigerated containers should be provided. ~ Container Wharf Crane : Enough power for two wharf gantry cranes per unit wharf should be provided (4) Lighting Standard intensity of i tion to be provided shall be as follows: Table Interior Illumination Requirement Type of Building Mlumination Level (lux) Control House (Terminal Office) Offices 400 Staff Area 300 Corridors 150 Storage 100 crs Storage Area 200 Office 400 Maintenance Shop and Gate House 30 Pump House and Power House 200 Table 85.5.2 Exterior Lighting Requirement ‘Area Classification Tilumination Level (lux) a) Service Roads 15 ) Container Marshalling Yard % ¢) Apron 5 4) Parking Area 15 (5) Telecommunications A main telephone terminal cabinet (MITC) shall be installed for receiving the required number of direct lines from the city telephone system. Direct lines and pay Phones brought to each facilities shall be planned accordingly. —-239— = Control House (Terminal Office) : The system shall have a private automatic branch exchange ~ Other Buildings (PABX) with a maximum of 10 direct lines and maximum of 40 ‘exchange lines per contro! house. Main building such as CFS, Maintenance Shop, Weigh-bridge and Gate Houses will have a single line served by the PABX of the Control House or else. —240— 8.6 Preliminary Study of Marine Structures 8.6.1 Basic System The project consists of various works including architectural works, on-land works and marine structures, Among them, the first two components will be the same type of facilities proposed in the previous master plan in 1974, The architectural works include the warehouses, transit sheds and other tuck-up buildings. ‘The existing standardized buildings will be adopted in this study if they are suitable for the requirement, For example, the unit transit shed of 9000 m’, 60 m by 150 m at present will be selected for the future construction. Pavement method adopted at the present will also be used for the future construction. On the other hand, it is proposed that the marine structures including waterfront facilities are required to upgrade in order to meet the large vessel calling. Thus deep water berths with a long berth length are needed to be constructed. This upgrading should be conducted to not only the existing berths but also the new development site, This subsection thus deals with the preliminary study of major marine structures, Purpose of the study is to make rough design of wharf, pier and jetty in order to obtain necessary data for costing, There are three type of works, namely the facility for the new development, the upgrading of existing facility and the extension of the existing facility. ‘The main structures to be discussed are the marginal wharf construction, Related information are also given in the followings. Structural alternative (DL-14.0 m) Appendix 1113.3 - Western Jetty Extension Appendix 11-36 Existing Open Structure (DL-11.0 m) Appendix III3.7 Improvement of Four Berth Extension Appendix IlI-38 Fxisting Open Structure Improvement, DL-11.0 m to DL-120 m/DL-140 m Appendix 11139 ~ Drawings ‘Appendix I1-3.10 As discussed in Chapter 7. Three alternative plans were studied in order to select the most suitable one for the project. Each plan consists of two schemes namely, the short term development and the long term development. The basic arrangement of these two schemes by each alternative will be as follows. Alternative Plan 1 Dorag West Bank Development (minor) In the short term stage, a part of major upgrading of the existing facilities will be performed, however no development at the west bank will be carried out. In the long term stage, major upgrading of the existing facilities will be conducted. = 241 On the other hand, new development of minor scale than Plan 3 will be carried out at the west bank Alternative Plan 2 Zangi South Bank Development ‘The short term development will be the same with the alternative plan 1. No development along the Zangi Channel will be conducted. In the long term stage, the same works with the alternative plan 1 will be carried out in respect of the existing facilities. New development of the same scale to Plan 1 will be executed at the south bank of Zangi Channel Alternative Plan 3 Dorag West Bank Development (major) In the short term stage, works will concentrate to upgrade the existing facilities. No development at the Dorag site will be carried out. In the long term stage, relatively minor upgrading of the existing facilities than other two plans will be carried out. On the other hand, new development which is larger scope than others will be undertaken at the Dorag West Bank. There are various means to cope with these requirements. Thus, this section also deals with the function of each marine structures to provide by the alternative plan. -242~ Table Berth Arrangement Both Present and Alternative Plan 1 Name Present 1994 Short Term Development 2000 Long Term Development 2010 1. Existing Berths Grain Jetty 180mx1B -125m 240mx1B -13m_ Grain 240mx1B -13m Grain Eastern Jetty 174mx3m -9m — 250mx1B -9m Bagged 260mx1B -14m Bagged, Ceneral Western Jetty 180mx3B -10m —240mxiB -13m Mineral 260mxIB -14m Mineral Ore Dolphin 180mx1B -13m —180mx1B -13m Mineral 250mx2B -I3m Bagged No7-No8 180mx28 -10m 1927mx2B- General 320mx2B 14m Container No§-No.10 Incomplete" 10m : 7 180mx3B -12.5m 260mxIB- Container 280mx3B-- Container 240mx2B -12.5m 135m GrainGeneral 125m. Grain 2Gdmx1B- Steel, Bagged 260mx1B - 125m 125m 26drm2B - 25m No.16-No.20 180mx5B -11m 220my4B -1im Steel 220mx4B -11m Steel No2i-No.26 180mx6B -Ilm — 220mx2B -Ilm General 220mx2B 11m General 220mx2B “11m Refrige 220mx2B “Lim Refrige. 180mx1B “11m General 180mx1B “11m General No27-No.34 180mx8/B -10m 80mx6B -10m General 220mx4B -llm General 2amxIB -11m Bagged 220mx1B “im Baggs TomxIB “10m. Bagged 1omxIB “10m Bagged Subtotal 222m for 5355 for 2/ Berths 6,220m for 25 Berths 2. New Berth None None 250mx4B -13m General 250mx3B “13m Stee! 260mx1B “lm Steel Subtotal None None 2,010m for 8 Berths Total (142) §222m for 34 5,355m for 27 Berths 8,230m for 34 Berths ths 3, Ba Harbor West Face 380m -4m. 380m -4m. 380m -m East Face 440m ~4m 440m -m 440m -4m Subtotal 820m 820m 820m Grand Total_7,042m 6,175m 9,050m ~243— 8.6.2 Basic System, Alternative Plans 1 and 2 ‘This subsection deals with the basic arrangement of marine structures by the Alternative Plan and its development stage, namely the short term development and the long term development. Only the short term development will be items to be evaluated through the feasibility study, It should be noted that the proposed Master Plan is the Alternative Plan 1 Table 8.6.1 indicates the berth arrangement both at present and future plan, Alternative Plan 1. Same arrangement will apply to Alternative Plan 2 Upgrading of the existing facilities will be carried out by various means as follows. Grain Jetty: Provision of a dolphin at the head of existing jetty as planned and contracted by PSO. However, this is excluded from the project. Refer to Appendix Ill- 6.1 DG, MPI8 Westem Jetty: Upgrading of existing pier structures by strengthening of a parallel pier at the seaward faceline. This may be introduced to its western of 260 m. Appendix 2C, DWG, MPI6. Easter Jetty: The same shown above will also be introduced to the Eastern Jetty at its western end of 200 m. Ore dolphin: Existing facility will remain, Former Ten Berth Extension Area: No upgrading will be introduced. Former Four Berth Extension Area No upgrading will be carried out except dredging the basin upto DL-12.5 m at the first section of 1052 m. Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: No upgrading will be carried out except dredging the basin upto DL-11.0 m, New development: Dorag (Plan 1), Zangi (Plan 2) No new development is scheduled, (2) Long term development of the existing facilities, Western Jetty and Easter Jetty: ‘These two jetties will be demolished and replaced by new marginal wharf except the parts constructed during the short term stage New reclamation works will be conducted behind the new marginal whart. Ore dolphin: ‘To be demolished and replaced by the marginal wharf, 244 863 Former Four Berth Extension Area! The existing structures will be demolished and replaced by reclaimed land. New faceline will advance 165 m seaward from the existing faceline for DL- Former Ten Berth Extension Area: Existing structures will remain except extension of wharf southward to connect the new faceline of the former Four Berth Extension Area, Land reclamation will be conducted behind the new wharf. Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: Existing structures will remain. (3) Long term development by new wharf construction New eight wharfs will be constructed either at the western bank of Dorag Channel in case of Plan 1 or the Zangi south bank in case of Plan 2. - Total length, 2170 m ~ Four berths of steel cargo - Four berths of general cargo This site for plan 1 will connect with the existing port area by the new access which will cross both Zangi Channel and Dorag Channel after branching off the existing main access at 4 km north from the main gate. Basic Arrangement, Alternative Plan 3 (1) Short term development of the existing facilities Grain jetty: As proposed in Alternative plans 1 and 2, a dolphin structure will be provided at the head of existing jetty as planned by PSO. This is excluded from the project. Please refer to Appendix 2C, DWG MPI8, Fastern Jetty: Upgrading of existing pier structures will be executed by means of strengthening of a parallel pier at the seaward faceline, This may be introduced to its western end of 200 m. Western Jetty: ‘The same parallel pier system will be introduced to its western end of 260 m. Ore dolphin: It will remain as it is, Former Four Berth Extension Area: It will remain as it is. Former Ten Berth Extension Area’ No upgrading will be carried out except dredging, the bs at the first 1052 meter section. Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: No upgrading will be carried out except dredging the basin upto DL-11.0 m, New Development: Dorag West Bank upto DL-12.5 m, —245-~ No new development is scheduled, (2) Long term development of the existing facilities Western Jetty and Eastern Jetty: ‘These two structures may be utilized with the required load restriction. However no significant function regarding cargo handling capacity will be expected except a mineral berth at the Western Jetty, 260 m. Ore dolphin: ‘As same function with two jetties shown above. Former Four Berth Extension Area: Existing pier will be upgraded by widening of parallel pier along the faceline and the existing open basin will be closed by the concrete deck. Present uncompleted Berth No, 9 and No. 10 will be restarted for final completion by the same type of structural which was explained above. (Appendix III-6.1, DWG MPI15} Former Ten Berth Extension Area: The southern end of this area will be extended further south by 25 m to meet with the upgrading of the former Four Berth Extension area. Other than these, the existing DL-11.0 m marginal wharves will partly be upgraded to deep wharves. This will be done by the widening of deck seaward. Width of this additional deck will be 10 meter to meet the required future depth of DL-140 m. Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: Existing structure will remain. (3) Long term development for new wharf New twelve wharfs will be constructed at the westem bank of Dorag Channel = Total length, 2,600 m - Five berths of steel cargo ~ Five berths of general cargo - Two berths of bagged cargo The new access will be constructed as same as Alternative Plan 1. New development has only the marginal wharf between DL-130 m to DL-140 m. Alternative structural study was roughly carried out in order to find the most suitable one. Among these works, preliminary discussions on the grain berth, the western jetty and former four berth extension will be provided in subsections 89 and 8.10, Thus more detailed information will be given on the deepening of existing -11.0 m wharf to 140 m in subsection 87.1.1 and altemative structural study for the new marginal wharves at new development site in subsection 87.21. —246~ 8.7 Marginal Wharfs ‘This section deals with major works to be carried out for the existing marginal wharfs and wharfs at the new development site, 87.1 Existing -11.0 m Marginal Wharf Modification (1) Basic Method In the alternative Master Plan-3, it is proposed to upgrade the existing DL-11.0 m marginal wharfs to DL-14.0 m. Present Berth No. 16 to No. 20, L = 911.0 m of -11.0 m wharf Future Berth Container (1) L = 320.0 m of -140 m Container (2) L = 320.0 m of -140 m Grain Berth L = 300.0 m of -135 m (-14.0 m) Total L = 940.0 m 2) Summary of Study Fig. 87.1.1 shows this arrangement. Appendix 2B3-7 shows not only this arrangement but also both schemes of -11/-12 and -11/-13 are provided. Conclusion of study is summarized as following, (-11/-14) a, Deck widening of 10 m seaward should be carried out. b, For every five meters, four piles and one pile should be added at the new head deck and new concrete beam for supporting the landward track of container wharf crane respectively. ¢. New concrete beam will be provided under the landward track for crane. 4, Supplemental service box will be provided and connected with the existing tunnel through three connection branches to be provided per berth. —247- sPW eam, Aq yuag daag ‘ampnng uadg ‘uoMmes prepuns TIL BH ~248— 872 Marginal Wharf Alternative Study for New Development (1) Basic Method This subsection deals with the study results of preliminary wharf structure design for new development. The required construction cost varies by its structural type and other local conditions. ‘Thus the purpose of this alternative study is not only to estimate the required cost which should be added to the project costs but also the selection of the most suitable structural type. (2) Altematives Four alternative structural types were chosen as follows; - Open Structure, Alternative-1 = Concrete Caisson Box, Alternative-2 ~ Steel Sheetpile Wall, Alterative-3 ~ Concrete Block Wall, Alternative Design depth in the plan varies from DI, -120 m to DL -140m. ‘Open Structure Type, This is the same type of existing wharf of 24 berths, Berth No, 11 to No. 34. Since the basic design conducted by Iran - Kampsax is well prepared as the marine structure, it is adopted as the first alternative. Existing structure designed for DL -12.5 m wharf is modified by 15 m deep to be DL -140 m wharf. For every five meters, one pile will be added to the existing design of DL-125 m wharf. Precast concrete element, cast in situ beam and pile connecting beam will also be added, Fig. shows a typical section of this DL-140 m new wharf, ‘a, Container wharf crane track gauge is tentatively assumed as 265m. This should bbe finalized during the detailed design. b. Basic size of service tunnel is adopted as same as present, however, size of which should be reviewed by type of utilities to be placed. Pipelines for the bunker supply can be removed out by introducing of a bunker barge supply system. Floor level of tunnel should be higher as much as possible, in order to provide space to for safely escape of workers when the structural routine repair should be carried out. ile connecting beam (capping beam) should be provided for the landward foundation of transit sheds. Thus, the provision of a long beam is one of the solution, to provide more flexibility in shed location, 249 Conerete Caisson Box This is a gravity type construction. The main wall structure consists of a head beam with service tunnel to be supported by caisson box. The box will have following size, Length 15m Width 15 m Height 175 m Total weight about 2,650 tons It is assumed that the box should be rest on the rock mound base. It is also assumed that a large scale soil improvement should be undertaken by means of sand replacement due to the existing soft layer. In order to ensure the sound works, assistance of qualified divers will be required, however this work will be difficult one since the low transparency of seawater. High current velocity may also disturb the works. Refer to Fig, 8.7.22 Steel Sheetpile Wal This is a bulkhead wall type construction. The main wall consists of a head beam to be supported by the pile sheet. The wall will require following basic dimensions, Sheetpile + steel, 1,000 mm thickness 22 mm 30.5 m at every 1,2 m Anchor wall + steel, #900 m thickness 22 mm 30.5 m at every 3.6 m Crane rail foundation : Two foundation piles should be driven, 0900 mm, t=16 mm Since the existing soft layer, soil improvement by sand replacement or else should be performed. Refer to Fig, 87.23. Concrete Block Wall This is also a gravity type construction. The main wall consists of a head beam to be supported by concrete blocks. General arrangement of these block will be as follows. Total layer Nine layers Heaviest block : about 130 tons Crane foundation pile should be driven, 0900 mim of 335 m long at every 7.2 meters. Rock basement with the required soil improvement should be conducted as same as discussed for the caisson box wall. Low transparency of water and severe current velocity will make the works so difficult Typical section of the concrete block wall is shown in Figs. —250— (3) Evaluation of Structural Alternatives Alll the alternatives are evaluated by five respective viewpoints. ~ Structural stability and durability ~ Easy construction : Easy and simple construction method will gain high marks, ~ Local material use : The more local material requirements, the higher marks = Maintenance costs ~ Construction costs These viewpoints on the alternative were quantitatively evaluated by a pointing method. Best (BT) 20 points, Better (3) 16 points Good (G) 12 points, Fair (F) 8 points Table shows this evaluation and Table 87.22 indicates the estimated construction cost ‘The highest mark was given to the open structure which consists of concrete deck superstructures to be supported by the precast concrete piles, So it is recommended to adopt the same type of structure at the present wharf for the new development. However, further study during the detailed design stage will be required on the followings. Slope stability analysis by more accurate soil data. Confirmation on necessity of receiving piles Decision of the crane track ‘Arrangement of service tunnel Table Summary of Wharf Structural Comparison ‘ Open Structure [Concrete Caisson] Steel Sheetpile [Concrete Block eee (08) (co) (85) (cB) Structural : : ar B G Stability 7 Easy F B F Construction ue Local Material i : : ‘ Use Maintenance B BT B Costs Construction Br F G F Costs Total Evaluation aT B G c {Total Points) (8) 7) (60) (0) -251— Table 87.2.2 Construction Cost, DL -14.0 m Wharf Type of a See os cc ss cB Cost in US$/m 59,700 76,007 70,830 78,884 Note: 1. Refer to Appendix 263-1 2 Cost includes the required cost for foundation against the container loads. —252— crane qwourdojsasg man ‘ampnas uadg uonzes prepuers TZ L'g “mst tanuvewauay OW: OLNDISBGEVHM MSZI ONULSIES SOROUVOMICOR = TEM X0g wossreD ‘Z-eanewaTY TeMpNNS HEM ZTLS “ANS seria nore = 254— TEM 21a weNS PAS ‘eaMTEWANY ENNIS HeUM EZZR ANB 7 fi =~ Hh 7 ; | t i | | emt i 7 j L H . ara r Tl “yaaa See een ea | a ie i §- i I i T Ne aT IRS aenus HoH —255— TEM Pog e21DU0D jo uoHDeg eHdKy HELe “amity | im oun i | fl 1 i eee T a orca > -aquyneaay aA 256 88 New Development ‘The required works for the implementation of Master Plan will basically be carried out in two stage, the short term development to meet the cargo demands at year 2000 and the long term development to satisfy the estimated traffics at year 2010. The former will be achieved by means of upgrading of the existing facilities. However the latter will require both further upgrading, of the existing facilities and the development of facilities which will entirely be construction works and equipment procurement at the new site. New development, the facility construction and equipment provision at the new port area, will be summarized in this section. The required works for the upgrading of the existing facilities will be discussed in sections 8.9 and 8.10 for the Alternative Plans 1 with 2 and Altemative Plan 3 respectively. Alternative Plan-1 was selected for the implementation. Thus, the feasibility study will be conducted on the short term development regarding Alternative Plan-1 However the necessary discussion for three alternatives will be carried out in this section not only the short term plan but also the long term plan. ‘This section deals with the general arrangement of new development site. Outline layouts of three altematives are provided at the end of this section as Fig. 88.1.1, Fig. 88.1.2 and Fig. 88.13. 88.1 Alternative Plan-1, Dorag Minor This plan consists of the upgrading of existing facilities and new development at the west bank of Dorag Channel, namely the West Harbor, similar to Plan-3, However the upgrading of existing facilities of the plan will be carried out of larger scale than those of plan-3. Thus new development will be relatively minor than those of Plan-3. This subsection deals with the required new development of Alternative Plan-1 at the west bank of Dorag Channel, New development sites in both Plan-1 and Plan-3 require a new access since there is no land access at present. Related discussion will appear at section 8.12 and section 12.14 (1) Required Berths and Faceline Arrangement Total length of faceline is 2,170 m consisting of the first faceline starting at the Dorag entrance and second faceline after a bending point, unit length of which are 1,020 m and 1,150 m respectively. These facelines are arranged to meet the berth requirement as follows. ~257 ‘Table Faceline Arrangement of West Harbor, Plan- Function Depth Length New Berth No. Dorag. Entrance Allowance 140 m 10.0 m : Steel cargo -140 m 260.0 m DB No. Steel cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No.2 Steel cargo 13.0 m 250.0 m DB No3 Steel cargo -13.0 m 250.0 m DB Nos Comer ‘Allowance to next berth 150.0 m : General cargo 13.0 m 2500 m DB NoS General cargo “13.0 m 2500 m DB Nos General cargo -130 m 2500 m DB No7 General cargo -13.0 m 250.0 m DB Nos Total 2,170.0 m 8 berths Note: New Berth is tentatively numbered counting from the channel entrance. Depth of the berth is below the Cesco Datum (DL). (2) Land Use Direct port activity area where the cargo handling, sorting and storage will take place is assumed within 300 m measuring from the wharf faceline. For the preliminary design scope, further space of 100 m is added to be occupied by common facilities such as car parking, administration area, utility main area and inter-port access. Total required area are 875,000 m as follows. The first faceline 408,000 m’ The second faceline 392,000 m* plus 75,000 m* Table 88.1.2 shows the basic land use for these areas, ‘Table Land Use of New Development: Dorag West Bank in Alternative Plan-1 Land Use Area(m’) —. Share(%) Remarks Wharf apron 130,200 1488 60 mx 2,170 m Inner access 190,000 aA Yard pavement 290,400 33.19 150 x 2,420 x 08 Buildings 109,300 1249 8 TS, 8 WH and others Common area 30,000 343-3. x 10,000 m? Parks 8,800 1.00 Reserves 116,300 1330 Total 875,000 100.00 —258— (3) Major works to be provided Major work components to be provided will be as follows. General Works = Mobilization/ demobilization Ls. ~ Site Common Works Ls. Marine Works ~ Dredging 13,934,000 m? ~ Reclamation 1,964,000 m* ~ Seawall 400 m - Wharf and jetty 2170 m om Onsland Works = Inner access. 190,000 m? ~ Yard pavement 260,000 rm? ~ Parking area 30,000 m* Buildings ~ Transit shed 4x60mx70m=16,800m?, 4x60mx100m=24,000m?, 40,800 m? ~ Warehouse 4x6Omx85m=20,400m?,, 4x60mx150m=36 000m?, 56,400 m* - CFS Om + Control house/administration building 2x3,000m"=6,000m + Maintenance shop + Other buildings at the berth 8x200m? + Other buildings in common use Total buildings Cargo Handling Equipment ‘The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9. Navigation Aids The required ‘study on the navigation aids will be conducted in Chapter 10. 8.8.2 Alternative Plan-2, Zangi Minor This plan for new development of the northern coastal area faced to Zangi —259-— Channel, namely Zangi South Bank Development. The faceline is arranged on a straight line of 2,190 m long. This length is basically the same berth requirement to Plan-1 as shown in Table 88.1.3. (1) Required Berths and Faceline Arrangement This faceline is arranged to meet the berth requirement as follows. Table 8.8.13 Faceline Arrangement of Zangi South Bank, Plan-2 Function Depth Length — New Berth No. Zangi Entrance Allowance 140 m 155.0 m - Steel cargo 140 m 260.0 m ZB No.l Steel cargo “130 m 250.0 m ZB No2 Steel cargo 13.0 m 250.0 m ZB No3. Steel cargo -130 m 250.0 m ZB Nod General cargo -13.0 m 250.0 m ZB Nos General cargo “13.0 m 250.0 m ZB No6 General cargo 33.0 m 250.0 m ZB No? General cargo “130 m 250.0 m ZB No’ Allowance 13.0 m 25.0 m - Total 2,190.0 m. 8 berths Q) Land Use Direct port activity area is assumed within 300 m measuring from the wharf faceline. ry design scope, further space of 100 m is added to be occupied by ies such as car parking, administration area, utility main area and inter- port access. Total area is about 980,000 m* and Table 88.1.4 shows the basic land use for these areas. Table 8.8.14 Land Use of New Development: Zangi South Bank in Altemative Plan-2 Land Use Area(m?) Share(%) Remarks Wharf apron 132,000 1347 60 m x 2200 m Inner access 147,000 15.00 Yard pavement 294,000 30.00 150 x 2,450 x 08 Buildings 104,800 1069 8 TS 8'WH and others Common area 15,000 1.533 x 5,000 m? Parks 9,800 1.00 Reserves 277400 2831 Total 980,000 100.00 —260— (3) Major works to be provided Major work components to be provided will be as follows. General Worl = Mobilization/demobilization Ls. ~ Site Common Works LS. Marine Works - Dredging 33,796,000 m? - Reclamation 5,759,000 m? = Seawall 1,700 m - Wharf and jetty 2,190 m - Upgrading of existing wharf and jetty om = Inner access 147,000 m? - Yard pavement 264,000 mm? - Parking area 30,000 m? Buildings = Transit shed 4x60mx70m=16 800m", 4x60rmx100m=24,000r, 40,800 mm? ~ Warehouse 4x60mx85m=20,400m?, 4x60mx150m=36 000m, 56,400 mi? = CES Om ~ Control house/administration building 2x3,000m?=6,000m? 3,000 m? - Maintenance shop 1,500 m? ~ Other buildings at the berth 8x200m? 1,600 m? = Other buildings in common use 1,500 m? 104,800 m? be carried out separately in Chapter 10, 88.3 Alternative Plan-3, Dorag Major ‘Total length of faceline is 3,210 m consisting of the first faceline, the second faceline and the third faceline, unit length of which are 1,020 m, 1,400 m and 790 m respectively. These facelines'are arranged to meet the berth requirement as follows, ~261— Table 8.8.15 Faceline Arrangement of West Harbor, Plan-3 Funetion Depth Length New Berth No. Dorag Channel General cargo -140 m 260.0 m DB Nol Steel cargo “140 m 260.0 m DB No2 Steel cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No3 Steel cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB Nod Comer 130 m 150.0 m Steel cargo 130 m 250.0 m DB NoS Steel cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB Nos General cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No7 General cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No8 General cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB Nod Comer “130 m 30.0 m General cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No.10 Bagged cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No.11 Bagged cargo -130 m 250.0 m DB No.12 Total 32100 m 12 berths (2) Land Use Similar to Alternative Plan-1, the total land is subdivided by the required utilization Total required areas are about 1,327,000 m? as shown below. ‘The first faceline 408,000 m* ‘The second faceline 492,000 m? ‘The third faceline 352,000 m? plus 75,000 m? G) Major works to be provided Major work components to be provided will be as follows. General Works = Mobilization/demobilization LS. + Site Common Works LS. Marine Works ~ Dredging 15,159,000 m? ~ Reclamation 2,539,000 m? ~ Seawall 400 m —262—- - Wharf and jetty 3,210 m ~ Upgrading of existing wharf and jetty om On-land Works. ~ Inner access 268,800 m? - Yard pavement 307,050 m? - Parking area 30,000 m? Buildings - Transit shed Sx60mx70m=21,000m", 7x60mx100m=42,000m?, 63,800 m? ~ Warehouse Sx60mx85m=25,500m", 7x60mx150m=63,000m?, 88,500 m? - CFS Om ~ Control house/administration building 2x3,000m*=6,000m" 3,000 m? ~ Maintenance shop 1,500 m? ~ Other buildings at the berth 12x200m? 2,400 m? ~ Other buildings in common use 2,000 m? Total buildings 160,400 m? 0 Hi wuipment The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 10, Table Land Use of New Development: Dorag West Bank in Alternative Plan-3 Land Use Area(m’) Share(%) Remarks. Wharf apron 192,600 1451 60 m x 3,210 m Inner access 268,800 20.26 Yard pavement 337,050 25.40 150 x 3,210 x 07 Buildings 160,400 12.09 12 TS 12 WH and others Common area 30,000 2.26 3 x 10,000 m? Parks 13,270 1.00 Reserves 324,880 24.48 Total 1,327,000 100.00 =263— — E> Figure, 884.1 SSN Alternative Plan-1 N Dorag West Bank plus aN ° Major Upgrading of Existing Facilities \ SS or Cet oat Alternative Plan-3 Dorag West Bank plus «f Major Upgrading of Existing Facilities PTS ™ yw \ , ~266~ NS SSO Abymatoonnier ta 8.9 Upgrading of Existing Facilities for Alternative Plan-1 and Plan-2 This section deals with the general arrangement of existing port fa in respect of upgrading of them for both Alternative Plan-1 and Plan-2 The old port area together with the previous Ten Berth Extension area are the major target to be improved. While the previous Fourteen Berth Extension area will generally be provide with minor modifications. The required discussion below will commence of arrangement at the grain terminal then move westward until the end of existing wharves, Berth No.34. As discussed before, there are three Master Plan alternatives namely, Alternative Plan-l Drag West Bank for new development and major upgrading to the existing facilities Alternative Plan-2_ Zangi South Bank for new development and major upgrading to the existing facilities Alternative Plan-3 Dorag West Bank for new development in large scale and minor upgrading to the existing facilities (1) General arrangement In respect of the balance between the two developments namely the existing port area and the new site, Plan-l has the same concept with Plan-2. However Plan-3 gives ‘more significant roles to the new site than others. Among these alternatives, thus plan 1 and plan 2 have the same scope of works in respect of the upgrading to the existing facilities. stage development concept, which was given in Chapter 7. According to this, the project elements in proposed Master Plan will be divided into two stages, namely the Short Term Plan (STD) and the Long Term Plan (LTD). The former is the required ‘works fo meet cargo traffics in 2,000 and the latter is for those in 2,010. 8.9.1 Grain Terminal to Ship Repair Facility: LTD and STD ‘This zone belongs to the old port area and includes the existing grain terminal, the barge harbor and the ship repair facilities. Supplemental port facility such as piers for the service boats is also included. In July 1994, the existing silo of grain terminal had a serious damage due to explosive accident, Damage covers both silo structures and mechanical equipment It is reported the required repair works will be completed by the middle of 1995, It is also reported that the marine facility has no damage. PSO recently has a contract to install a dolphin detached from the pier head of grain jetty for the following, purposes. ~267— a, To meet the safety mooring requirement of a large bulk carrier, 70,000 DWT. b. To provide a safety navigational condition during the vessel bathing under a heavy flood current. This work is excluded from the project. Fig. 89.2.1 shows the general arrangement of dolphin extension consisting of a flat slab of reinforced concrete supported by steel pipe piles. Fender system should be improved to meet the new requirement. Design depth is DL-13.0 m which is 0.5 m deeper than those of the existing pier. Thus, the existing piles will be strengthened by means of either foot protection or other ways, when so required. The existing structure of barge harbor will maintain as it is. According to the visual inspection carried out by the Study Team, the harbor has almost no damage in respect of structures, As proposed in Chapter 7, this U-shaped basin together with existing marginal wharf will provide the service to the small boats including the tug boats, pilot boats and barges. The existing water depth of the harbor is shallower than DL-L0 m which is not sufficient depth. It is recommend to maintain a water depth at DL-40 m by means of dredging. Since this depth is the original design value, no work for structural strengthening will be required. The existing ship repair facility will also remain as it is. (2) Major works to be provided Following works should be conducted. Marine Works - Dredging the basin of grain jetty up to DL-13.0 m (STD) - Dredging the barge harbor basin upto DL-40 m (STD} Works required but excluded from the project + It is expected that PSO complete the repair works to damaged silo structure and equipment. - It is expected also that PSO complete both the repair works of grain jetty and construction of a new single dolphin at its head. 8.92 Bastem Jetty to Existing Berth No.10; LTD In the Plans 1 and 2, it is proposed to modify extensively the existing old port area to the modern port, Existing two jetties of 1,062 m long occupy about 65% of the coastal line of this area, ‘These jetties have provided the port users with the port service for long period. Another 35% of coastal line is shared by the previous Four aS AF Sa TT ’ i 7 a e—t Ep - — c er mao eee eee eae ” by ieee sNeLx HIB NIVEO 40 NTA Berth Extension area, however the two westward berths are not completed yet leaving 600 driven concrete piles without any after-care, As discussed in both Chapters 6 and 7, it is proposed that these areas should be provided with the modern port system which consists of a series of marginal wharfs and a wide back-up area resting on the new land reclamation, It is proposed to construct the open structure for the new marginal wharfs. For the preliminary design purpose, the same type of structure with the existing wharfs at the previous Ten Berth Extension is adopted, Reclamation work will be conducted using the suitable earth taking from the surplus dredging materials of the Dorag entrance. (1) Basic Scale of Land Arrangement The new faceline will advance towards the Musa Channel by 220 m in average from the existing seawall. Total reclaimed land will be about 279,000 m? accordingly. Total faceline length of the new marginal wharfs will be 1,735 m long with two bending points. (2) Faceline Arrangement New faceline of 1,735 m will be occupied by six berths as shown below. Table 89.21 Faceline Arrangement, Eastern Jetty to Existing Berth No.10: LTD. Function Depth (mn) Length New Berth No. below DL (m) East Allowance -130 m 10.0 m : General and Bagged cargo -130 m 250.0 m NB No.l General and Bagged cargo -130m 250.0 m NB No2 General and Bagged cargo -130m 260.0 m NB No3 Allowance -140 m 50.0 m - Mineral cargo 140m 260.0 m NB Not Allowance “140 m 150 m : ‘Container 140m 3200 m NB Nos Container “140 m 320.0 m NB No ‘Total 1,735.0 m 6 berths Note: 1. DL = Cesco Datum = LAT 2, New berth number is tentative, (3) Land Use ‘Total available land space is 614,500 m?, breakdown of which is shown below, —270 * Existing land 230,000 m? * Reclamation 279,000 wm? * Wharf deck Tia 0 Based on the land use plan proposed in Chapter 7, the required arrangement is carried out as follows. Table Land Use of Existing Facilities (1), in Alternative Plan-l and Pan-2 Land Use Area(m?) Share(%) Remarks Wharf apron 104,100 17.04 © m x 1,735 m Inner access (Ex) 26870 6.00 Inner access (Nw) 24,580 4.00 Yard pavement (Bx) 115,000 18.71 230,000 x 0.50 Yard pavement (Nw) 233,600 38.01 Buildings (x) 2500 O41 Buildings (Nw) 44,700 8.06 3 TS/WH, 2CFS and others ‘Common area (Bx) 26,600 4.33, Common area (Nw) 19800 2.44 Parks 6150 1.00 Reserves 0 0 Total 613,900 100.00 Note: 1. Ex means existing one, Nw means new area (4) Major works to be provided Major work components to be provided will be as follows. ‘General Works Mobilization/demobilization LS. ~ Site Common Works LS. Marine Works - Dredging 1,086,000 m? ~ Reclamation 3,140,000 m* - Seawall 140 m ~ Wharf and jetty 1,735 m - Upgrading of existing wharf and jetty om On-land Works ~ Inner access. 24,580 m? ~ Yard pavement 233,600 m? Buildings ~ Transit shed combined with warehouse 2 2x60mx200m=24,000m", 60x70m=4,200m", 28,200 m? - CFS 2x40mx150m= 12,000 m? - Control house/administration building 1,000 m? - Other buildings at the berth 6x200m?=1,200m* 1,200 m? ~ Other buildings in common use 2,300 m? Total buildings 44,700 m? In the short term plan, parts of two jetties will be upgraded by providing parallel piers along the faceline. These works are for construction of two berths, 200 m piers as the Eastern Jetty and 260 m pier at the Wester Jetty, ‘These new parallel piers will remain for the permanent structures, however the existing old structures will be demolished accordingly. Cargo Handling Equipment The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9. 8.9.3. astern Jetty to Existing Berth No.10: STD ‘The Short Term Plan (STD) contains rather minor modification on the existing facility, In order to minimize the required costs, the maximum utilization of existing facilities should be fulfilled. STD for Aiternative Plans 1 and 2 can be applied to Alternative Plan 3 also. (1) Basic Scale of Land Arrangement No reclamation work will be carried out in STD stage. Thus the present land use will be kept until the implementation LID to meet cargo traffics in 2010/11. 2) Faceline Arrangement Upgrading of the existing two jetties will be conducted in order to strengthen their structural capacity and cargo handling efficiency. The existing six berths in these ities will actually decrease to two numbers. One is located at the western end of Fastern Jetty and the other one at the western end of Western Jetty. Existing ore dolphin will be used also, Appendix 2B3-4 shows an alternative arrangement for upgrading the jetty by widening of existing 27 m deck. It is assumed that upgrading and rehabilitation of these jetties will be completed before 2001/01. Among the former Four Berth Extension, completed two eastern berths of Berths No.7 and No8 will continue their service together with the existing three transit sheds. —212— 894 (3) Major works to be provided Major work components to be provided will be as follows, ‘There are two scope of works, namely the urgently required works (STD-EPI) and the main components of short term development (STD-EF2). Refer to section 11.2. STD-EFI: Marine Works * Structural repairs of jetties ~ Dredging in front of the existing Berth No7 and NoS STD-BF2: Marine Works ~ Protective pier construction for NBI Protective pier construction for NB4 Cargo Handling Equipment The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9, Former Ten Berth Extension Area: LTD ‘This area is the most active zone of Imam Khomeini port at present, There are ten berths including container terminal. {1) Basic Scale of Land Arrangement Basic design concept of this area is to provide a wide open space for the container terminal, It is proposed that the existing port area should have five container berths, two berths at the previous Four Berth Extension area and three berths at the first section of previous Ten Berth Extension area. It is estimated that direct port activity areas required for the container operation is about 600 m measuring from the faceline. Existing wharf structure will be maintained as it is, however the southern end of existing Berth No.11 will be expanded by 200 m further south on the present faceline. ‘Then new land will be obtained by the land reclamation Existing area together with the newly reclaimed land will be rearranged including. ~ Relocation of the existing terminal gate = Relocation of the existing buildings and offices - Provision of new buildings including new CES, maintenance shop, gate house etc Railway tracks will also be rearranged. Behind the existing CFS, wide space will be provided for easy traffic circulation and track parking. —273— At the second section, the existing transit sheds and warehouses will remain as before, (2) Faceline Arrangement New faceline of 2,163 m long will be occupied by eight berths as following, ‘Table Faceline Arrangement, Former Ten Berth Extension Area: LTD. Function Depth (m) Length New Berth No, below DL (mm) East end comer Allowance +125 m 1120 m : Container “12.5 m 280.0 m NB No7 Container “125 m 280.0 m NB Nos Container 425 m 280.0 m NB Nod Dry (grain) bulk 125 m 200.0 m NB No.10 Corner ‘Allowance “1.0 m 160 m - Steel cargo 110 m 220.0 m NB No.1 Steel cargo “11.0 m 2200 m NB No.12 Steel cargo “1.0 m 2200 m NB No.13 Steel cargo “110 m 2200 m NB No.a Allowance “10 m 150 m : Total 2,163.0 m (9) Land Use Total available land space is 974,310 m‘, breakdown of which is shown below. * Existing land First 250 m 520,000 m? (without wharf) Entrance 34,500 mi? CRS zone 196,000 m? Parking area 92,400 m? Subtotal 842,900 mi? * Reclamation 17,000 m? * Wharf deck 114,410 m? Total 97S a Based on the land use plan proposed in Chapter 7, land use arrangement is carried out as follows. —214— Table Land Use of Existing Facilities (2) in Altemative Plan-l and Plan-2 Remarks 911 x SO + 1,250 x 55 420 x 220 (parking space) 3S (60 x 150), 3. WH (60 x 150), 1 CES (16,800 m') other 2,000 m* 3 TS, 1CFS and others Entrance 10,000 m? Land Use Area(m?) Share(%) Wharf apron 114,410 11.73 Inner access (Ex) 86,300 885 Inner access (Nw) 32,300 3.32 Yard pavement (Ex) 491,960 50.50 Yard pavement (Nw) 92,400 9.48 Buildings (&) 72,800 747 Buildings (Nw) 47,500 488 Common area (Ex) 10,000 1.03 Common area (Nw) 10,000 1.03 Parks 9,740 1.00 Reserves 6,900 on 100.00 Total 974,310 Two transit sheds out of new four transit sheds will be constructed by removing the ox (4) Major works to be provided iB sheds at Berths No.18 and No.23, Major work components to be provided will be as follows. General Works Mobilization demobilization ~ Site Common Works Marine Works ~ Wharf - Upgrading of existing wharf and jetty On-land Works ~ Inner access ~ Parking area Buildings ~ Transit shed 3x60mx165m=29,700m?, ~ Warehouse = CFS, 40mx150m=6,000m?, - Control house/administration building —275— Ls. LS. 200 m Om 32,300 m? 92,400 m? 29,700 m* Om Om 89.5 8.96 ‘5Omx40m?x2F=4,000m? 4,000 m* ~ Maintenance shop, 50rmx80m=4,000m", 4,000 m? ~ Other buildings at the berth 4x200m? 800 mi? = Other buildings in common use 3,000 mi? Total buildings 47,500 m? Cargo Handling Equipment The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9. Former Ten Berth Extension Area: STD No major work for upgrading of the former Ten Berth Extension area is allocated. However, both dredging to the original design depth and rehal wharf structure should be conducted as soon as possible, ‘Work components to be provided will be as follows. STD-EFt Marine Works ~ Structural repairs of marginal wharfs ~ Dredging in front of the existing wharfs upto the design water depth NB No? to NB No.0 upto DL-12.5m NB No.1 to. NBNo.l4 upto DL-11.0m STD-BF2: Oncland Works = Pavement for access and yard - Buildings Cargo Handling Equipment The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9. Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: LTD. ‘At present, the construction to complete 14 transit sheds and warehouses is of final stage. Utilization of facility is minimum, Three berths at the western end are ‘occupied by the other government agency. (1) Basic Scale of Land Arrangement Existing wharf will be kept as same concept as arrangement for the former Ten Berth Extension area, There is no particular modification on the land space requirement. Existing 300 m depth berth back-up area will be remained as it is. 216 (2) Faceline Arrangement Existing, faceline of 2,552 m will be newly allotted to and utilized by eleven berths and remaining 169 m wharf at the westem end. Table Faceline Arrangement, Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: LTD Function Depth (m) Length New Berth No. below DL (m) Comer Allowance “110 m 2.0 m - Refrigerated cargo -1L0m = 2200 m NB No.15 Refrigerated cargo 110m = 200 m NB No.16 General cargo “110m = 2200 m NB No.17 General cargo 110m 200 m NB No.l8, General cargo AL0m 2200 m NB No.19 Allowance “110 m 27.0 m 7 Comer Allowance -1.0 m 90m Bagged cargo LOm = 180.0 m NB No.20 Bagged cargo 110m = -200 m NB No.21 General cargo 110m 220.0 m NB No.22 General cargo 110m = 220.0 m NB No.23 General cargo “110m 220.0 m NB No.24 General cargo 110m 2200 m NB No.25 Space for Ro-Ro Berth “11.0 m 25.0 m - Remaining, “10m 1440 m : Total 2,552.0 m 11 berths (@) Land Use Total available land space is 765,000 m‘, breakdown of which is as follows. * Existing land First 300 m 638,000 m? (without wharf} * Reclamation * Wharf deck Total Existing land use will maintained except warehouse construction. New warehouses 2 x 60 m x 150 m = 18,000 m* Removal of transit shed 60 m x 150 m= 9,000 m* One transit shed will be reinstalled at NB No.10 for grain. ort (4) Major works to be provided No major work in respect of construction will be provided, Marine Works None Cargo Handling Equipment ‘The required study on the cargo handling equipment will be carried out separately in Chapter 9. 89.7 Former Fourteen Berth Extension Area: STD Present utilization of this area will be modified to the proposed new order, however the basic arrangement is the same as the existing. system, ‘Thus, no major work for upgrading of this area is expected. However. both dredging to the original design depth and rehabilitation of the existing wharf structure should be conducted as soon as possible. STD-EFI, ~ Structural repair of marginal wharfs STD-EFZ ~ Dredging in front of the wharfs upto DL-11.0m which water depth can be obtained without any structural strengthening, 8.10 Upgrading of Existing Facilities for Alternative Plan-3 8.10.1 8.10.2 This section deais with the general arrangement of existing facilities in respect of Alternative Plan-3. Basic design concept for Plan 3 is minimum modification of the existing port facilities. Grain Terminal to Ship Repair Facility: LTD and STD ‘The same countermeasure adopted for the Plan 1 will be provided also. Eastern Jetty to Existing Berth No.10; LTD (1) Basie Scale of Land Arrangement Basic characteristic of present situation in respect of land is too narrow in both cargo handling activity and traffic circulation to the Barge Harbor area. To solve this problem, a new land should be obtained seaward by land reclamation, a. Land reclamation Eastern seawall Tine of 1,050 m long will advance 120 m seaward by reclamation, ~278— It is expected that this reclamation can be performed using a large amount of surplus dredged material which will be taken from the new development at Dorag, West Bank. b. Completion of the remaining two berths at former Four Berth Extension In order to utilize the most preferable location in respect of traffic circulation, all the berths including incomplete two berths should be reshaped to the modern marginal wharfs. In this purpose, existing open water between the deck and seawall should be closed either by deck or reclamation. In addition to this, it is proposed to make deck width wide by 20 meters seaward to reach DL-11.0 m depth, This will also be needed to meet the extension of the eastem end of former ‘Ten Berths down to south, ‘There are 600 concrete piles which were driven 20 years ago and left at site without further construction. According, to the Electric Potential Tests by the ‘Study Team, they are under severe corrosive condition. Refer to subsection 2.8 ‘Thus a part of preliminary design required countermeasures are proposed as follows, ~ Additional structural survey should be carried out at the detailed design stage ‘Then the sound piles should be selected for the permanent use, if they are applicable. ~ For the time being, it is assumed that 75% of them are sound enough. - Type of structure will be the open structures as same as the existing one. Refer to Appendix II1-38 for more details. These countermeasures will provide PSO with a high efficiency cargo handling and storage at the berth, Also, the proposed open storage yard and closed storage areas will have enough capability to the allocated berth functions. c. Faster Jetty and Wester Jetty PSO is currently conducting rehabilitation works of the superstructures that consists of damaged steel frames and timber planks. All the structures above the low water are replaced by new steel frames and flat decks made of reinforced concrete. However the condition of submerged parts of existing H-shaped piles were not investigated yet, It is assumed that these piles are generally damaged by corrosion since they were installed about 60 years ago, It is recommended to provide the jetty with structural strengthening if a part of them should be utilized, —279—

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