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November 29, 2022

Consent Letter for Participation

Dear (Name of the respondent),

Greetings, our beloved respondent! Despite the ongoing pandemic, we hope you are

doing well and remaining safe.

We, the Group 3 researchers from 12-HUMSS C, are pleased to invite you to

participate in answering a standardized questionnaire for a study on “Effects of Parent’s

Overseas Communication on the Emotional Health of Gen Z.”


This research is being conducted by a group of Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

Senior High School students in the HUMSS C class. This research aims to gather data to

answer thirty research questions about the effects of parent’s overseas communication on the

emotional health of gen z.

Description of your involvement

If you accept to take part in this study, you will be asked to answer questions provided by the

researchers for the researchers to collect data for the research. It will take 5 to 10 minutes to

complete the questionnaire, depending on how you will answer the questions that have been

prepared for you. The survey questionnaires will be conducted using Google Forms, which

you will get. Rest assured that none of your personal information will be used in the study.

Voluntary nature of the study

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may refuse and say no to the invitation, and

feel free to withdraw whenever you feel uncomfortable and do not wish to continue.


There will be no direct benefits to the participants of this research. Nevertheless, the response

that the researcher will receive can assist them in gaining a better understanding of the effects

of parents’ overseas communication on the emotional health of gen z.

Risks and discomforts

Be rest assured that participating in this study carries no difficulties beyond those faced in

everyday life.

The researcher plans to publish the result of this study. But, it will neither state nor include any

personal information related to you and your family. Your response will be kept by the

researchers and will be used solely for research reasons. Any personal information you will

provide will not be released or used for other purposes. Therefore, your status will be

anonymous. No one will be aware that you participated in the study, and no one will notice or

differentiate if it is you who answered the provided questionnaire.


You consent to participate in this study by signing this document. We will give you a copy of

this document and will keep a copy in our study records. Make sure we've answered your

questions about the study and what you'll be doing.

_______ I AGREE

_______ I DO NOT AGREE


Printed name

_________________________ _____________

Signature of participant Date

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,


Research Leader




Research Members

Noted By:

Mr. Christopher DC. Francisco


Mr. Leemarc A. Viray


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