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Write a 250 – word essay (or more) expressing how learners’ emotions and will matter in the learning

process. Cite situations to further explain the things teachers must do and the influence they have in
shaping their pupils’ strength in character, feelings and determination.

Feelings and emotions make the teaching-learning process an exciting and a joyful, fruitful affair.
Negative feelings and emotions make some process a burden. Negative emotions adversely affect the
cognitive processes of recalling, imagining, analysing, reasoning, judging evaluating, synthesizing. It
simply means that teaching-learning process is more effective when a student’s feelings and emotions
are positive and the opposite when the student’s feelings and emotions are negative. The learner’s
will serves as the guiding force and the main integrating force in his/her character. The degree to
which the learner is influenced by his/her environment depends ultimately on the strength of his/her
will. Teachers have a very significant, lifelong impact on all of their students. This impact involves not
only the teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of student self-
esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is associated with increased motivation and
learning. Teachers constitute a reference point for students in the classroom and can influence their
socio-emotional development through the way that they model socio-emotional skills, promote
teacher-student interaction, manage and organize the classroom, among other practices – whether
intentional or not. Example; In a kindergarten classroom a teacher is teaching the students how to
write their name and familiarize colors by playing games in which every time the students get the
correct answer a price is given, it is one of the things a teacher must do in order to imprint learning to
the students the games can excite and motivate the students to learn more because they will think
that they can win more prizes. The teacher can influence a learner by sharing their experiences
because I believe that “Experience is the best teacher” but having a real life teacher should serve as
your guide and inspiration whenever you commit mistakes and not the one who kills your inspiration
and motivation just because you committed a mistake.

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