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APST 154 Career Preparation - Career Mapping Assignment

Value: 5%
Due Date: Week 12
Format: MS Word or PDF files only

Assignment 9: (5%) – Due in the Career Mapping D2L dropbox by the beginning of lab in
Week 12
Assignment 9: Career Mapping * Value: 5% Name: Md Shazzad Ur Rahman

Think back to the personal assessments you completed at the beginning of the course, the material on
networking, and professionalism. This document is a summation of all you have learned and know about
yourself. If you consult it on a regular basis, revising it as your life develops, it can provide you with a
road map.

*with materials developed by the American Council on Education (ACE) Office of Women in Higher
Education with input from Nancy Archer Martin, Jennifer L. Bloom, and Patricia van der Vorm and S.
Norman. Permission granted by ACE to use the exercise.

Career Mapping

The job title, responsibilities, and salary I want (goal setting):

One year from now: (shorter term) :

I will do my Coop or summer job to get some industrial and field experience as Driller
helper . My responsibility will be helping the Driller. Then I will finish my Program and look for

Two to three years from now: (mid-term) :

I want to be full time Driller. As a driller, my primary responsibility is to ensure that
drilling operations are performed safely and efficiently, and that drilling equipment is properly
maintained. My Salary would be between $40-$50 per hour plus other benefits

Five years from now: (longer term) :

After five years, as an experienced driller, I would expect to take on more responsibilities
and potentially move up in my career. I want to work as a Senior Driller or Drilling Supervisor .
My responsibilities should be supervise and train junior drillers, manage drilling projects and
schedules, oversee maintenance and repair of drilling equipment. My salary should be around
$150,000 - $200,000 per year , depending on location and level of experience. To achieve this
level of seniority, I need to continue to gain experience and demonstrate my skills and leadership


I want to do the job that I am aiming for because (list three reasons):

1. Exciting and challenging work . It requires attention to detail and problem-solving skills.

2. Opportunities for travel and exploration. Depending on the type of drilling I do, there may be
opportunities to travel to new locations and explore different parts of the world.

3. Good pay and benefits. I can earn a competitive salary with good benefits, which can include health
insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

I currently lack the following skills to do the job that I am aiming for (think about your employability and
personal skills):

As a student of Resources Drilling currently I am lack of following skills : Technical knowledge,

Attention to detail and Communication skills.

Strategies I will use to gain those skills are:

1. Technical knowledge : I need to complete my program and also need to complete my coop. I
also need to attend drilling conferences and workshops to improve my technical knowledge.__
2. Attention to details :To improve this skills I need to take notes when needed, Double-check
my work, Get feedback from colleagues or friends.

3. Communication skills : Effective communication skills are essential for success in a drilling
job. To improve this I have to Practice active listening, use clear and concise language and use
visual aids

Concrete steps I can take to get to my first position in my new career are:

As a student of Resources Drilling I need to research more about this industry, job requirements, and
potential career paths. I will use social sites like Linkedin to make professional connections. Updating my
resume and cover letter . Will take some relevant training to gain knowledge and skills and Apply for the

Professionally, I’m really good at (provide an example):

Professionally, I’m really good at Time management . Currently I am working as a Production
Associates at Mariposa Dairy Ltd , where I have to complete my task or order within time. So, I create
detailed plans and schedules for my work, breaking down larger task into smaller. Then I monitor and
track my time throughout the day, ensuring that I making progress on my tasks or production and
adjusting my schedule as needed. This will help me to increase production rate.


I am not so good at or not interested in doing (provide an example);

As a Production Associates at Mariposa Dairy Ltd. It is a cheese factory and I disliked filling out
the stock sheets at the end of each day after working a long shift and stating any cheese wastage or
spoilage. I did not want to have to discard stock that was otherwise usable when there is a significant
homeless population in the city, but legislation forced me to.

My most significant accomplishment or success is:

I worked as a Sales professional for about 5 years. My greatest accomplishment was increasing sales in a
region that wasn't doing well. Every time we entered a new market, the business lost money. In reality,
because of the low sales volume, they had discussed halting the supply to that market. I requested a
month from my manager to work on my regional sales. I made the decision to temporarily relocate to the
market because I was only a few towns away and wanted to study how the intended consumer group
behaved in order to determine why they did not interact with our goods. I spent roughly two weeks
gathering input from various people before using the following two weeks to raise awareness of the
product in the neighborhood by giving detailed instructions on how to utilize it. That region became our
largest market and our company's sales rose by 10% after a month of the new demonstrations. I received a
promotion to sales manager in charge of the region, where I made sure we met the monthly goal.

What are my work expectations or goals regarding:

Travel: I am ready to relocate 100% based on the project location

Work hours and schedule: I want to make my Work-life balance . My expectation is to work 5
days a week and not more then 12 hours per day._

Professional limitations (factors that may limit your choices) – If so, what, how much, and why:

Geographic location: Location plays a vital role in professional life. I would like to avoid areas
like Yukon and Nunavut because the weather here are very harsh. It will be difficult for me to
sustain there.

Family responsibilities: Family is very important for everyone’s life. I want to make work-life
balance. I am ready to relocated anywhere but not for more then 2 months. I work for my family
and I want to spent some times with my family as well.

Need for a pay cheque more than a fulfilling career: For me fulfilling career and personal
satisfaction are more important than a high salary. It's important to note that a fulfilling career and
financial stability are not necessarily mutually exclusive. If I focus on my career then I will gain
more experience and skills, which will help me to get higher pay cheque.


What type of company would I want to work for?

I loved to work in a company who have good culture, Career development opportunities. Who
values work-life balance and offers flexibility in terms of scheduling and remote work options. And also
have good benefits and compensation.

What type of manager and co-workers would I want to work with?

The type of manager and co-workers you would want to work with who have good
communication skills , supportive, collaborative, respectful and transparent. It's important to find
individuals who support my goals and values, and with whom I can build a positive and productive work

What kind of approach would I take to stress, my workload, and deadlines?

Managing stress, workload, and deadlines effectively is important to maintain a healthy work-life
balance and avoid burnout. I would take some approaches to make it easier likes: Prioritizing task, Setting
realistic goals, proper time management , Communicate with my manager and take breaks properly. The
key is to approach these challenges with a positive mindset and effective strategies to manage them.

I want the following from my work and workplace (describe):

Culture/Environment: Fairness and Equality. A workplace that values fairness and equality can
foster a sense of trust and respect among employees.

Work styles: Flexible .A flexible work environment can be appealing to people who value work-
life balance and have personal commitments outside of work.

Teamwork or independence: Teamwork. Working in a team will allow me to learn from others
and benefit from their diverse perspectives and skill sets. Teams can also provide support and help
me to overcome challenges and obstacles.

Reward system: There are some common reward systems that companies may offer including :
 Recognition and Appreciation
Many companies offer recognition and appreciation programs that
acknowledge employees' achievements and contributions.
 Performance-Based Rewards
Rewards based on performance, such as promotions or stock options, can
motivate employees to achieve their goals and improve their performance.
 Compensation and Benefits
Compensation and benefits are a traditional form of reward that include
salary, bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.


The following people are currently in my active network for future positions (list four):

1. Professor Steve Wilkinson

2. Professor Jim Smith

3. Professor Andrew Gordon

4. Bailey Holmes

Specific help I can receive from these individuals includes:

Professor Smith, Professor Wilkinson and Professor Gordon, they have huge connection in
geotechnical, environmental and water well drilling sector. They will provide me some connections or
link , so that I can apply. On the other hand, Bailey Holmes , who is the former graduate can help me to
identify current job market requirements, skills they need and the company I can apply. In summary ,
These people can help me to enhance my skills to get a good position.

I think the following will be the most important issues for me during the next five years (things I need to
consider in planning my career):

Here are some of the significant issues that may impact your career in drilling:

 Technological advancements: With the advancement of technology, the

drilling industry is evolving rapidly, and companies are adopting new
technologies to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
 Environmental concerns: Environmental issues are becoming increasingly
important in the drilling industry. Many countries are implementing strict
regulations and guidelines to protect the environment, and drilling
companies are under pressure to reduce their environmental footprint.
 Skills shortage: The drilling industry is experiencing a skills shortage due
to an aging workforce and a lack of new talent entering the field. This
shortage could provide opportunities for those with the right skills and
experience to advance their careers.
 Economic factors: The global economy can have a significant impact on
the drilling industry. Economic downturns can lead to decreased drilling
activity, while a growing economy can lead to increased demand for
drilling services.

I plan to deal with these issues by:

As a professional in this field, I need to keep up-to-date with the latest advancements in drilling
technologies to stay competitive in the industry. I also need to have a good understanding of
environmental regulations and find ways to mitigate environmental impacts, consider opportunities to
upskill and gain more experience to take advantage of these opportunities and to stay aware of economic
trends and their impact on the industry to make informed decisions about my career. It's essential to stay


informed and adapt to changing circumstances to ensure that I have a successful and fulfilling career in
this field.

Alternative career/life scenarios for me are: (If this position doesn’t work out, what is my back-up plan
(what else can I do)?

As a student of Resources Drilling , there are some alternative profession I can take :
 Geologist:
Geologists study the Earth's physical structure and natural resources. My background in
drilling could be helpful in this field, as geologists often work with drilling companies to explore
and evaluate natural resources.
 Sales Representative:
Sales representatives work to promote and sell products or services to customers. With my
knowledge of drilling equipment and processes, I could be a good fit for a sales representative role
in the drilling industry or related fields.
 Data Analyst:
Data analysts work to collect, analyze, and interpret data to identify patterns and trends. In
the drilling industry, data analysis is becoming increasingly important, and my experience and
knowledge in drilling could be useful in this field

Summary comments/observations evoked by all these questions are:

All the questions are vital. It will help mr to take control of my careers and plan for my professional
development , adaptability and accountability. By creating a roadmap for my career, I can stay focused,
motivated, and on track to achieve my career aspirations.

Values, Stories, and Question Chart

(For a list of potential values, refer to the article 36 Core Values that are Essential to the Workplace at )

Please fill in the following chart.

 In the values section, write down those things that you are most passionate about in your life
(consider your values).
 In the stories column, share how you live out your values and philosophies (examples from your
 The questions column allows you to write questions that you would ask a future employer to
determine whether the company / organization holds the same values as you do.

Values Stories Questions

Example At my last job, my manager Do you trust your employees to
was constantly looking over make the right decisions on
1. Trustworthiness
my shoulder and reminding their own for the betterment of
me what needed to be done, your customers, employees and
despite having already given the company, rather than


verbal and written micro-manage them?

2. Growth At my last job , My Do you have any kind of
supervisor gave me a target. I target ? If anyone fulfill his
worked hard to reach the target or help to growth of the
target and achieved 123% of company , what kind of reward
that target. Which helped to system do you have?
increase company’s annual
3. Diversity In my current company, they Do you treat your employee
hire all kind of peoples. They equally ? What are you doing
do not discriminate about to make sure everyone feels
sex, gender, race, ethnicity, included?
sexual orientation, etc. This
workplace foe everyone and
it is safe .

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