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Monsales, Ricky B.

BSIT-PPE 1B 11/29/22

The Contemporary World


For me, one of the benefits I get through media is learning, learning becomes more effective
since it usually take one click to search for a word or phrase that I don’t understand then I can
just read several articles to help me understand. Media/Social Media also help me to socialize
towards other people, especially in our current time social media helps us connect with other
people no matter the distance. But it also have it’s disadvantages, one is it is addicting, there are
several cases that proves social media should be used properly because it can cause different
diseases and death. Another one is about “Cyber bullying”. “Proponents of the idea of cultural
imperialism ignored the fact that media messages are not just made by the producers; they are
also consumed by audiences”, for me suggests that social media is being abused by us, people.

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