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Name: Joyce Anne H.

Basco Date: February 28, 2023

Yr&Sec: 3rd year HRMGT 3203

Instruction: Read and Analyze the case study presented below.

HR management at Coca Cola: Performance Management and Innovation

February 11, 2017 by Abhijeet Pratap

Most global companies have understood the importance of Human Resource

management for acquiring success. Human resource management has become central
to excellent performance. The more skilled and well managed a company’s staff is, the
easier it is for the company to achieve strong performance and productivity. It is why the
focus of businesses has remained on hiring only the best. However, apart from hiring, it
is also critical to manage them in a way such that they can deliver with dedication.
Employee motivation and engagement have become critical to organizational success.
Human resources if managed well can be a source of competitive
advantage. Otherwise despite investing in all the other aspects of business, a company
can fail to be successful and competitive. All the leading global companies have invested
in HR management to help employees deliver excellent performance. Coca Cola is a
leading beverage brand known for excellent human resource management.
Creating an environment of learning and development:
There are a few things that are critical to motivating your staff. Apart from good salaries
and recognition, it is essential to motivate them using other means too. The first thing is
to create an environment of trust and respect. Coca Cola has made it a priority that its
employees are treated with respect. The organization provides them with a rewarding
work life and helps them develop. It has created an environment where its employees can
excel and develop better skills. The focus is on performance improvement to help
employees move continuously towards their career goals.
Training and education:
Coca Cola has focused on equipping its associates with knowledge and skills they need
to become achievers. It has showed its commitment by providing its people at all levels
with education and development programs to enable their growth. It established its own
Coca Cola University (CCU) which provides various types of courses through classrooms,
e-learning, and field training that can help its associates with personal and professional
development both. There are several areas or competencies that are included in Coca
Cola’s curriculum. “CCU’s learning portfolio focuses on leadership; marketing; human
rights; ethics and compliance; diversity; sustainability; finance; and other competencies.
We offer thousands of courses to associates through CCU. In 2009, more than 27,000
associates participated in 1,720 CCU classroom sessions worldwide, and 39,100
associates participated in e-learning courses”. Another important step that Coca Cola has
taken to encourage its associates is to provide them with reimbursement to help them
pursue higher level education. Associates with graduate or undergraduate level education
are provided various levels of reimbursement to receive higher education at accredited
colleges and institutions. Apart from it, the associates are allowed to learn from other e-
learning courses beyond the CCU. They can also participate in external training programs
and conferences that improve their skills and abilities. For attracting and retaining he best,
Coca Cola has continued to invest in employee development programs with “ emphasis
on employee development plans, internal talent management, leadership development
for managers and employee performance management.

Employee engagement:
Employee engagement is an important factor behind employee motivation. To ensure that
employees do not feel left out or frustrated companies use employee engagement
programs to make them feel valued and included. The success of Coca Cola also
depends on how committed and motivated its employees are. For this purpose the
company has used several programs that keep the employees engaged. In this regard it
also holds regular dialogues with its employees as well as organizes employee surveys
and representative groups.
It also measures employee engagement and their satisfaction with their work lives
regularly. Coca Cola uses employee exchange programs. Employees of one nation are
sent to another to learn and derive cultural insights. Such programs can be key to
employee satisfaction. However, Coca Cola also employs other methods of employee
engagement and motivation. In Great Britain its employees are provided with discounted
gym memberships, free exercises classes, free coca cola drinks and fruit, a restaurant
that serves healthy food options, flexible working schedule and other health and personal
welfare related benefits.
Payments and Rewards:
Payments and rewards have become increasingly important to keeping the employees
happy. It is crucial to pay the employees fairly if a company wishes to attract and retain
the best workers. Coca Cola offers competitive pay and motivating benefits to its
employees. Its compensation packages and benefits compare with the other best
employers in the world. A number of elements are considered to develop a satisfying
package for its employees. Apart from the financial compensation, pensions, healthcare
and holidays are also considered an important part of the employee compensation. Coca
Cola ensures that its reward programs are benchmarked regularly against a group of
peers that include key players in local and global markets.

Performance management:
Performance management is also a key area requiring focus if a company wants its
employees to perform at their best. Discussions and feedback play a key role in employee
performance management and ensure that the employees are aware of their performance
goals and that their personal and organizational goals are aligned. Performance
management also helps at identifying gaps in skills and fill them with training. At Coca
Cola the employees are encouraged to seek training through its annual performance
review system. The performance review system of Coca Cola includes the mid-year and
year end career discussions between the associates and the managers. It provides the
associates with an opportunity to assess their annual performance against the set goals
and objectives. These face to face discussions allow managers and associates to discuss
training and development. It also enables them to outline a plan for training and
enrichment. After that proper training is provided to the associates based on the review.
This system ensures a regular cycle of discussions and feedback which recognizes any
kinds of gaps and enables their fulfilment.
Diversity and Inclusion:
Coca Cola is on a global diversity mission. It recognizes the importance of diversity which
is at the core of its business. In its diversity mission it aims to mirror the rich diversity of
the global marketplace. Its global team is rich in diversity which is made up of associates
from diverse backgrounds that possess diverse talents. Such kind of diversity fosters
performance as people with diverse talents generate diverse ideas. Several teams
globally are dedicated to strengthening the diversity practices at Coca Cola. Diversity is
not seen just as a philosophy but also as a core and integral part of the organization’s
identity. After all the long term future of any global company depends on its ability to
operate in a multicultural world and embrace ideas from diverse backgrounds.

In 5-10 sentences each, answer the following questions.

1. What is the best HR Practices of Coca-Cola Company?

Coca Cola's best HR practice is to create a pleasant working environment for all
employees. Hiring the best qualified candidate is insufficient for a company's growth; the
company's actions must always keep in mind the goal of motivating employees. Employee
well-being is always a top priority in order to ensure that everything is in order and that
everyone feels valued. Coca-Cola prioritizes creating the best possible working
environment because it has a cascading effect. To be able to improve everyone's
performance in the company, everyone must be satisfied. Programs can really help
employees develop their own selves in a variety of ways. Programs that can help them
grow and improve their skills, which can then be used in the company and be an asset.
Gain access to Coca-Cola University and learn a lot while reaping many benefits. The
happier the employee, the lower the turnover.
2. What Performance Management Systems of Coca Cola can be applied to
other firms that you think most of the firm lack nowadays.
Communication about employees' work performance is one of the performance
management systems that can be applied to other firms today that are lacking. As a result,
it will be easier to determine whether training is required and to quickly fix and maintain
goals and objectives. It will serve as a guide for tracking each employee's progress and
assessing their needs in order to provide quick solutions. Communication between
managers and associates is critical because it provides feedback on employees'
performance and allows for the resolution of issues that may jeopardize the company's
overall success. Do not delay or procrastinate because it affects the productivity of all
departments within the company. Coca-Cola indeed not only maintains the quality of
Coca-Cola products, but also the healthy working environment. The company's mission
statement is to "refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness, create
value, and make a difference" and Coca-Cola has a set of core values that guide every
aspect of the company that can see in its employees' behaviors. Success begins inside
the company and values should be followed and taken to heart.

3. Do you think Coca-cola have establish a high- performance culture

Yes, Coca-Cola has a high performances culture because the company believes
that its employees are its most valuable asset. It is not only about the company's growth,
but also about the most important thing that all employees care about: a sense of
appreciation. Given that there will be a gym membership discount to assist workers in
being physically fit so that their minds can run efficiently as well as knowledge that can
be used and never be a thief to an individual. A chance to travel while satisfied to see
other countries' cultures has a significant impact on employee performance because it
satisfies workers that can improve productivity at work. Coca-Cola emphasizes sharing
and connecting in order to connect with its consumers for the sake of the company's
growth. It is a widely spread business in various countries that represents friendship and
refreshment, which can influence employee behavior as it connects all over the country.

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