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 Women have the right to bodily autonomy and should have the right to make decisions
about their own bodies without interference from the government or others.

 Access to safe and legal abortion is a critical component of reproductive healthcare, and
denying women access to abortion can lead to dangerous and potentially deadly
consequences, such as resorting to unsafe and illegal abortions.

 Forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term can have a significant impact on
their physical and mental health, and their ability to pursue their life goals.

 Prohibiting abortion does not eliminate the need for abortion, it only makes it more
dangerous for those who seek it.

 The decision to have an abortion is a personal and often complex one that should be made
by the individual involved, in consultation with their healthcare provider and those they
trust, without judgment or coercion.

It is worth noting that the topic of abortion is complex and often controversial, with different
individuals and communities holding diverse beliefs and perspectives. It is important to approach
discussions around this topic with empathy and respect for all voices and experiences.

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