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Original Research

Longitudinal evolution of central nervous system

anomalies in fetuses with open spina bifida fetoscopic
repair and correlation with neurologic outcome
Lucas Trigo, MD, MSc; Elisenda Eixarch, MD, PhD; Fernanda Faig-Leite, MD; Marta Gomez_Chiari, MD;
Monica Rebollo, MD; Mariana Dalaqua, MD, PhD; Eduard Gratacos, MD, PhD; Denise Lapa, MD, PhD

BACKGROUND: Open spina bifida is associated with central nervous in hindbrain herniation (100% vs 32.6%; P<.001), and a normalization of
system anomalies such as abnormal corpus callosum and heterotopias. the clivus supraocciput angle after surgery (55.3 [48.8−61.0] vs 79.9
However, the impact of prenatal surgery over these structures remains [75.2−85.4]; P<.001). No significant increase in abnormal corpus cal-
unclear. losum (50.0% vs 58.7%; P=.157) or heterotopia (10.8% vs 13.0%;
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe longitudinal changes of cen- P=.706) was observed. Ventricular dilation was higher after surgery (15.6
tral nervous system anomalies before and after prenatal open spina bifida [12.7−18.1] vs 18.8 [13.7−22.9] mm; P<.001), with a higher propor-
repair and to evaluate their relationship with postnatal neurologic tion of severe ventricular dilation after surgery (≥15mm) (52.2% vs
outcomes. 67.4%; P=.020). Thirty-four children underwent neurologic assessment,
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study of fetuses with open with 50% presenting a global optimal Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
spina bifida who underwent percutaneous fetoscopic repair from January Inventory result and 100% presenting a normal social and cognitive
2009 to August 2020. All women had presurgical and postsurgical fetal function. Children with optimal global Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
magnetic resonance imaging, at an average of 1 week before and 4 Inventory presented a lower rate of presurgical anomalies in corpus cal-
weeks after surgery, respectively. We evaluated defect characteristics in losum and severe ventriculomegaly. When analyzed as independent varia-
the presurgical magnetic resonance images; and fetal head biometry, cli- bles to global Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory scale, the
vus supraocciput angle, and the presence of structural central nervous presence of abnormal corpus callosum and severe ventriculomegaly
system anomalies, such as abnormalities in corpus callosum, heteroto- showed an odds ratio of 27.7 (P=.025; 95% confidence interval, 1.53
pias, ventriculomegaly, and hindbrain herniation, in both presurgical and −500.71) for a suboptimal result.
postsurgical magnetic resonance images. Neurologic assessment was CONCLUSION: Prenatal open spina bifida repair did not change the
performed using the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory scale in proportion of abnormal corpus callosum nor heterotopias after surgery.
children who were 12 months or older, covering 3 different sections, The combination of presurgical abnormal corpus callosum and severe ven-
namely self-care, mobility, and social and cognitive function. tricular dilation (≥15 mm) is associated with an increased risk of subopti-
RESULTS: A total of 46 fetuses were evaluated. Presurgery and post- mal neurodevelopment.
surgery magnetic resonance imaging were performed at a median gesta-
tional age of 25.3 and 30.6 weeks, with a median interval of 0.8 weeks Key words: brain, central nervous system, fetal surgery, magnetic reso-
before surgery, and 4.0 weeks after surgery. There was a 70% reduction nance imaging, neurologic assessment, spina bifida

Introduction showed a significant reduction of post- with abnormal corpus callosum (CC)

O pen spina bifida (OSB) is the

most common neural tube defect,
affecting up to 0.5% of pregnant women
natal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diver-
sion, and better mental and motor
function development up to 5 years of
and abnormalities in cortical develop-
ment,20−23 both related to poorer
cognitive and motor outcomes.24,25
worldwide.1,2 In 2011, after the Man- age,3−5 confirmed by other series.6−9 Periventricular heterotopias are also
agement of Myelomeningocele Study Since then, studies have mainly focused part of the OSB spectrum and postnatal
(MOMS) results, prenatal surgery was on the need for shunting and motor studies have associated them to
defined as the reference standard for function evolution,10−13 while fetal CNS certain neurologic impairment and
OSB repair.3 MOMS follow-up studies structures and its association with neu- seizures.26,27 There is scarce data about
rodevelopment remained poorly inves- the fetal period, but some reports dem-
tigated.14−16 onstrated that these changes are already
Cite this article as: Trigo L, Eixarch E, Faig-Leite F, et al.
In prenatal life, OSB is associated to present before birth,15,26−31 although
Longitudinal evolution of central nervous system anoma-
lies in fetuses with open spina bifida fetoscopic repair hindbrain herniation (HBH), resulting their development remains unclear. In
and correlation with neurologic outcome. Am J Obstet in brain changes named Chiari II mal- addition, little is known about the influ-
Gynecol MFM 2023;5:100932. formation. Ventriculomegaly17 is part ence of prenatal repair and whether
of Chiari II and can require CSF diver- these anomalies can be related to this
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is sion after birth.18,19 In addition, other postnatal outcome.
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license CNS anomalies have been reported as This study aimed to describe longitu-
( part of the OSB spectrum, mainly in dinal changes of CNS anomalies before long-term studies with 75% of cases and after prenatal OSB repair, and to

June 2023 AJOG MFM 1

Original Research

AJOG MFM at a Glance defined as the highest vertebral level

affected in a midsagittal image of the
Why was this study conducted? spine, as previously described.34 We
Central nervous system anomalies such as abnormal corpus callosum have been divided the ULL into 3 groups as fol-
reported in about half of the cases with open spina bifida before surgery. No lows: thoracic-L2 (group 1), L3-L4
data have been reported on the effect of open spina bifida prenatal repair on cen- (group 2), and L5-sacral (group 3). We
tral nervous system anomalies. also characterized the defect into myelo-
An evaluation of the relationship between prenatal central nervous system meningocele or myeloschisis, according
anomalies and postnatal neurologic outcomes would be beneficial for prenatal to the presence or absence of a cyst.
counseling. Finally, the defect area was obtained by
Key findings multiplying its
Qlargest sagittal and axial
Prenatal repair of open spina bifida does not have any effect on the proportion of diameters by and divided by 4.
anomalies in the corpus callosum. At both presurgical and postsurgical
Combination of abnormal corpus callosum and severe ventriculomegaly (≥15 MRI, we assessed the presence of struc-
mm) is associated with worst postnatal neurodevelopment outcomes. tural CNS anomalies at different levels
including cavum septum pellucidum
What does this add to what is known? (CSP) and CC anomalies, nodular heter-
The combination of abnormal corpus callosum and severe ventriculomegaly otopias, ventriculomegaly, aqueduct ste-
(≥15 mm) is associated with a 2-fold increased risk of suboptimal nosis, HBH, and interhemispheric cyst.
neurodevelopment. In addition, we performed anatomic
This information could be of interest in presurgical counseling. measurements of biparietal diameter,
occipitofrontal diameter, transverse cere-
bellar diameter, HBH, clivus-supraocci-
evaluate their relationship with postna- Image acquisition put angle (CSA), and lateral ventricles,
tal neurologic outcomes. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging
as previously described.31 Diameters
(MRI) was performed without fetal
were transformed into z-scores accord-
Materials and Methods sedation and according to the American
ing to a standard reference for fetal
The study was approved by the ethics College of Radiology guidelines for MRI
magnetic resonance biometry35 and
committee of the Hospital Israelita during pregnancy and lactation.33
HBH were presented as negative values
Albert Einstein in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Images were obtained in the 3 orthogo-
when below the foramen magnum, and
under approval number SGPP-3715-19. nal planes of the brain, whereas spinal
positive when above.
The manuscript writing followed the images were acquired in axial and sagit-
STROBE guidelines for observational tal planes, using two 1.5 Tesla scanners
Neurologic assessment
studies. (Optima, GE Healthcare, Waukesha,
We performed the Pediatric Evaluation
WI; and Espree, Siemens Healthineers
of Disability Inventory (PEDI) scale,
Study population AG, Erlangen, Germany), with 8-chan-
translated and validated in Portu-
This was a retrospective cohort study of nel body coils. Acquisitions were as fol-
guese.36 The PEDI scale consists of a
49 fetuses with OSB who underwent lows: GE scanner was a single-shot fast
questionnaire of 197 questions that
fetoscopic repair from January 2009 to spin echo (SSSE) T2-weighted sequen-
cover self-care (73 questions), mobility
August 2020. All women had presurgi- ces (TR 2825 milliseconds [ms], TE
(59 questions) and social function and
cal and postsurgical fetal magnet reso- 200 ms, FOV 350 millimeters [mm] and
cognitive domains (65 questions) for
nance assessment, with an average of 1 matrix 288 £ 256), and Siemens scan-
children from 6 months to 7.5 years. It
week before and 4 weeks after surgery, ner was a Half Fourier Acquisition Sin-
has been used worldwide as an impor-
respectively. Inclusion criteria were sim- gle Shot Turbo Spin Echo (HASTE) T2
tant tool to identify functional indepen-
ilar to MOMS trial,3 except that there weighted sequence (TR 1000 ms, TE
dence delays or impairments.36−42 All
was no upper limit for gestational age 85 ms, FOV 370 mm and matrix
questions were answered by the child’s
(GA). Fetuses with low quality images 256 £ 205). The slice thickness varied
caregiver and describe the child as
that could jeopardize their brain struc- according to GA as follows: 3.0 mm
unable (score 0) or capable (score 1) of
tures evaluation were excluded (n=3). (<28 weeks) and 4.0 mm (>28 weeks),
performing each task. For each section
with no gaps. Images were assessed by a
(self-care, mobility, and social func-
trained obstetrician and reviewed by an
Operating team tion), the total score is normalized for
expert neuroradiologist.
Since 2013, surgeries were always per- the expected score according to their
formed by the same experienced team age, generating a final normative score.
of fetal medicine specialists32 and an Image analysis This score is considered optimal for the
experienced laparoscopic gynecologic In the presurgical MRI, we determined child’s age when ≥30, and suboptimal
surgeon. the upper level of the lesion (ULL) when <30. Finally, a PEDI scale is

2 AJOG MFM June 2023

Original Research

considered as optimal for the child’s age

when at least 2 out of 3 final scores have
Maternal and fetal characteristics
been classified as optimal.
The PEDI was applied by a certified Characteristics N=46
occupational therapist at 2 moments of
Maternal characteristics
the study. Initially, the interviews were
done during the Spina Bifida Marathon Age (y) 32.6 (27.4−34.8)
in September 2019, at the Hospital Isra- Caucasian, n (%) 31 (67.4)
elita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Preconceptionally folic acid usage, n (%) 22 (47.8)
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Number of previous pregnancies 0 (0-1)
the second half of interviews were done
online, by means of Zoom meeting plat- Diabetes, n (%) 1 (2.2)
form (2020 Zoom Video Communica- Hypothyroidism, n (%) 5 (10.9)
tions, Inc, San Jose, California, US), for Fetal characteristics
children who were at least 12 months of
GA at presurgical MRI (wk) 25.3 (23.9−26.9)
GA at surgery (wk) 26.5 (25.6−27.5)
Statistical analysis GA at postsurgical MRI (wk) 30.6 (29.7−31.6)
Data were stored and analyzed using GA at birth (wk) 33.9 (32.9−35.1)
STATA Statistical Software, release 13.
Male sex, n (%) 22 (47.8)
(StataCorp LP, College Station, TX).
Categorical variables were presented as Bilateral prenatal clubfoot, n (%) 5 (10.9)
number of cases and percentage and Type of defect, n (%)
were compared using means of McNe- Myelomeningocele 36 (78.3)
mar test when comparing presurgical
Myeloschisis 10 (21.7)
and postsurgical findings for each indi-
vidual. Pearson X2 or Fisher exact test Level of defect, n (%)
was used in subanalysis groups, when T12-L2 8 (17.4)
appropriate. Continuous variables were L3-L4 21 (45.6)
presented in median and interquartile
L5-S1 17 (37.0)
range (IQR) and were compared by
Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare Kyphosis, n (%) 1 (2.2)
quantitative data. Multiple logistic Tethered cord, n (%) 44 (95.7)
regression was done to obtain indepen- Data are presented in median (IQR) or number of cases (percentage).
dent variables associated with neurode- GA, gestational age; IQR, interquartile range; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
velopmental scale results. To rule out Trigo. Evolution of central nervous system anomalies in fetoscopic repaired open spina bifida. Am J Obstet Gynecol
high correlations between groups, tetra- MFM 2023.
chronic correlation for binary variables
was adopted. A P value <.05 was set as
statistically significant.
herniation postsurgery (100% vs 32.6%; [13.7−22.9] mm; P<.001), with a higher
Results P<.001). No significant changes were proportion of severe ventricular dilation
The population characteristics are pre- observed among CNS anomalies, such (≥15 mm) (52.2% vs 67.4%; P=.020).
sented in Table 1. Sixty-three percent of as abnormal CC (50.0% vs 58.7%; Finally, when comparing CNS anoma-
our cases (29/46) were operated on at a P=.157), heterotopias (10.9% vs 13.0%; lies between those operated before and
GA >26 weeks. Presurgical and postsur- P=.706), abnormal ventricular wall con- after 26 weeks, no significant difference
gical MRI were performed at a median tour (30.2% vs 32.6%; P=.796), or was found in abnormal CC (P=.737) or
(IQR) GA of 25.3 weeks (23.9−26.9) abnormal CSP (32.6% vs 41.3%; heterotopias (P=.369).
and 30.6 weeks (29.7−31.6), respec- P=.157), neither when considering Neurologic assessment was per-
tively and with a median interval of 0.8 abnormal CC and/or heterotopias formed in all children who were at least
weeks (0.4−1.8) before surgery and 4.0 together, as the major CNS anomalies 12 months old (n=34), as shown in
weeks (3.6−4.6) after surgery. (26 [56.5%] vs 31 [67.4%]; P=.140). Table 3. Fifty percent of the children
The CNS findings in both presurgical After surgery, fetuses presented a wider presented a global optimal neurologic
and postsurgical MRI are summarized CSA (55.3 [48.8−61.0] vs 79.9 [75.2 assessment, and 100% of the children
in Table 2. All cases presented presurgi- −85.4]; P<.001), and larger lateral ven- had normal social and cognitive func-
cal HBH, with a significant reduction of tricles (15.6 [12.7−18.1] mm vs 18.8 tion. Children with an optimal global

June 2023 AJOG MFM 3

Original Research

PEDI result presented lower rate of

postnatal CSF diversion during the first
Central nervous system findings in presurgical and postsurgical fetal mag-
year of their lives (23.5% vs 70.6%;
netic resonance imaging
P=.022). Prenatal CNS findings and
Presurgical MRI Postsurgical MRI postnatal characteristics according to
(N=46) (N=46) P value PEDI results are shown in Supplemen-
CNS findings tary Table 1. Children with an optimal
global PEDI result had smaller presurgi-
Hindbrain herniation, n (%) 46 (100.0) 15 (32.6) <.001a
cal lateral ventricles (13.4 [12.7−18.1]
Hindbrain herniation (mm) 10.4 ( 13.1 to 8.2) 1.5 ( 4.7 to 4.1) <.001a mm vs 16.2 [13.1−18.9] mm; P=.027),
Abnormal corpus callosum, n (%) 23 (50.0) 27 (58.7) .157 and lower proportion of severe ventri-
Abnormal ventricular contour, n (%) 13 (30.2) 14 (32.6) .796 culomegaly (35.3% vs 58.8%; P=.025)
and CC anomalies (35.3% vs 64.7%;
Heterotopias, n (%) 5 (10.9) 6 (13.0) .706
Major CNS (CC and/or HT), n (%) 26 (56.5) 31 (67.4) .140 We explored the relation between
Abnormal cavum, n (%) 15 (32.6) 19 (41.3) .157 global PEDI result and the presence of
Tectal beaking, n (%) 40 (86.9) 41 (89.1) .739 severe VMG and/or abnormal CC. Mul-
tiple logistic regression showed that the
Interhemispheric cyst 0 (0.0) 3 (6.5) .083
presence of both presurgical abnormal
CSA (degrees) 55.3 (48.8−61.0) 79.9 (75.2−85.4) <.001a CC and severe VMG increases the risk
Larger lateral ventricle (mm) 15.6 (12.7−18.1) 18.8 (13.7−22.9) <.001a for a suboptimal global PEDI scale
Ventricular dilation ≥10 mm, n (%) 42 (91.3) 45 (97.8) .083 result (odds ratio [OR], 27.70; P=.025;
95% confidence interval [CI], 1.53
Ventricular dilation ≥15 mm, n (%) 24 (52.2) 31 (67.4) .020a
−500.71), whereas if only 1 of them is
TCD z-score 3.0 ( 4.0 to 1.3) 2.8 ( 4.6 to 2.1) .177 present, this association reduces and is
BPD z-score 0.0 ( 1.5 to 0.9) 0.6 ( 1.0 to 1.5) .020a not significant (OR, 9.36; P=.094; 95%
OFD z-score 1.8 (0.2−2.6) 3.9 (1.3−5.2) <.001a CI, 0.69−127.72) (Supplementary Table
2). Finally, we explored whether abnor-
Data are presented in median (interquartile range) or number of cases (percentage).
mal CC and severe VMG were corre-
BPD, biparietal diameter; CNS, central nervous system; MRI, manetic resonance imaging; OFD, occipitofrontal diameter; TCD,
transverse cerebellar diameter. lated, as occurs in cases with primary
statistically significant difference (p<0.05). CC anomaly, but tetrachronic correla-
Trigo. Evolution of central nervous system anomalies in fetoscopic repaired open spina bifida. Am J Obstet Gynecol tion showed a correlation index of
MFM 2023. 0.345, thereby not supporting this cor-

TABLE 3 Principal findings
Neurologic assessment and characteristics in children ≥12 months of age This study demonstrated that propor-
tion of CNS anomalies associated with
Neurological outcome n=34 OSB, including abnormal CC and heter-
Optimal PEDI scale 17 (50.0) otopias did not change after prenatal
repair. In addition, we found that the
Optimal self-care domain 16 (47.1)
isolated diagnosis of abnormal CC was
Optimal mobility domain 5 (14.7) not associated with increased risk of
optimal social and cognitive function domain 34 (100.0) suboptimal neurodevelopment, but the
Need of shunt combination of presurgical abnormal
CC and severe ventricular dilation
<12 mo 16 (47.1)
increased its risk significantly.
12−30 mo 3 (8.8)
Replacement 6 (17.7) Review in the context of what is
Seizure >28 d 7 (20.6) known
Data are presented in number of cases (percentage).
Our results are in line with previous data
PEDI, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory.
showing that half of OSB fetuses had
Trigo. Evolution of central nervous system anomalies in fetoscopic repaired open spina bifida. Am J Obstet Gynecol
abnormal CC, which were already identi-
MFM 2023. fied during presurgical MRI28,31,43,44 with
no significant increase in postsurgical

4 AJOG MFM June 2023

Original Research

MRI. As for heterotopias, cases varied (P=.017). Interestingly, the presurgical neuroprotection of the procedure is not
from 10.9% presurgical to 13.0% post- and postsurgical lateral ventricle range affected in fetuses operated on beyond
surgical, also in line with previous data.44 was wider in fetuses that already had the standard age of the MOMS trial (19
This nonsignificant increase could be severe VMG before surgery (4.0 [2.6 −25.9 weeks). The concept of “the ear-
expected by the improvement of imaging −5.3] vs 2.1 [0.3−3.4]; P=.030), in lier the better” may not apply for risk of
quality owing to the more advanced GA agreement with Zarutskie et al.19 CSF deviation, and operating after 26
and in regard to heterotopias, also owing Regarding neurodevelopment, weeks avoids the risk of extreme prema-
to the natural history of this condition although we have a slightly higher rate ture birth.
being more apparent in latter stages. of suboptimal results compared with
All our fetuses presented presurgical other series,9,54 this does not represent Strengths and limitations
HBH, and almost 70% of them showed the entire cohort of patients, but only Our study has some limitations that
a complete reversion after surgery. This those with presurgical and postsurgical must be taken into consideration. First,
is in line with previous data regarding MRI. In addition, all children included the time range between our first and last
fetal surgery for spina bifida in animal in the study had an optimal cognitive OSB was of 10 years. This is because of
models, single center experiences, and function according to the neurodevel- the difficulty of managing patients and
the MOMS trial.3,8,32,45−48 We also opment scale. Children with a subopti- the impossibility of performing MRI
identified a more acute clivus supraocci- mal neurodevelopment presented scan as protocol in some cases, owing to
put angle in the presurgical MRI (55.3§ higher proportion of abnormal CC, financial and/or geographic factors in
12.1°), as described by D’Addario et al49 reinforcing the already described rela- Brazil, preventing the inclusion of all
in fetuses with Chiari II malformation tion between an abnormal CC and cases managed in the center. As a retro-
(CIIM) and Woitek et al50 in fetus with some neurologic impairment.25,55 In spective analysis, in which all cases were
OSB. Interestingly, in our cohort, the addition, the combination of both pre- operated on using the same technique
CSA normalized after surgery, reaching surgical severe VMG and abnormal CC (SAFER technique), our results may not
an angle of 79.9§10.2°, even perform- resulted in a higher risk of abnormal be extrapolated to other techniques.
ing repair in later GA. Both HBH rever- neurodevelopment, which was also Moreover, when analyzing our postnatal
sal and CSA normalization reinforced reported by Li et al,56 that showed a sig- outcomes in children at least 12 months
the benefits of a later OSB fetoscopic nificant increase of moderate to severe of age, only 34 out of 46 children in our
repair even in this group of fetuses. suboptimal neurodevelopment in chil- study cohort had reached that age,
Finally, ventricular size increased dren with CC abnormalities and VMG reducing the final population for statisti-
after surgery in our population, similar in comparison with those with isolated cal analysis, with a follow-up rate of
to previous data.19,48,51 Recently, data CC abnormalities (67% vs 7%; P=.003). 73.9%. The main strength of our study
has shown that prenatal OSB repair was that it analyzed the longitudinal
does not slow the progression of ventri- Clinical applications evolution of presurgical and postsurgical
culomegaly.52 Fetuses who undergo pre- Our findings stress the importance of a CNS anomalies, and its correlation with
natal repair may have a sudden increase detailed presurgical scan, which will postnatal neurologic outcomes.
in ventricular size immediately after allow us to diagnose CNS anomalies
surgery, whereas those postnatally and give a more personalized prenatal Conclusions
repaired have an increase of their ven- counseling in each case. We have shown that prenatal OSB repair
tricular size at about 30 weeks of gesta- The diagnosis of severe VMG or did not change the proportion of abnor-
tion.52 Presurgical severe VMG showed abnormal CC at presurgical MRI does mal CC or heterotopias associated with
to be an important marker for the need not contraindicate fetal surgery, but its this condition. We have also demon-
of postnatal CSF diversion, as shown by combination is more associated with strated that the combination of presurgi-
Tulipan et al.53 This severe VMG was suboptimal neurodevelopmental out- cal abnormal CC and severe ventricular
more prevalent in myelomeningocele come and should be considered in the dilation is associated with higher risk of
fetuses (91.3% vs 63.6%; P=.035) who decision-making process with the suboptimal neurodevelopment. Further
presented increased HBH ( 12.0 parents. In addition, we have shown studies that evaluate long-term results of
[ 13.7 to 9.9] vs 8.6 [ 11 to 5.9]; that a prenatal repair of OSB beyond 26 the SAFER technique, and explore the
P=.004). Our presurgical findings agreed weeks is not related to a significant specific effect of early vs late repair, aim-
with Zarutskie et al,19 that highlighted increase in CNS anomalies as compared ing to reduce the risk of extreme prema-
these parameters as important presurgi- with other series,29,31,43 including turity, are warranted. &
cal markers for postnatal hydrocephalus abnormal CC and heterotopias. Because
treatment.19 In our population, 68.8% improvements in ambulation and Supplementary materials
(11/16) of the severe VMG (≥15 mm) reduction of CSF diversion and bladder Supplementary material associated with
and only 27.8% (5/18) of the nonsevere catheterization have already been this article can be found in the online
VMG fetuses underwent a CSF diver- shown in this profile of patients,57 our version at doi:10.1016/j.ajogmf.2023.
sion within the first year of their lives findings reinforce the point that the 100932.

June 2023 AJOG MFM 5

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Original Research

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based morphometry of the posterior fossa in sound Obstet Gynecol 2021;58:582–9. Moreover, we thank all the families who helped us with
fetuses with neural tube defects of the Spine. their time and motivation during interviews and appoint-
PLoS One 2014;9:e112585. ments. This project would not be possible without you.
51. Lu VM, Snyder KA, Ibirogba ER, Ruano R, Author and article information Corresponding author: Elisenda Eixarch, MD, PhD.
Daniels DJ, Ahn ES. Progressive hydrocephalus From the BCNatal j Fetal Medicine Research Center (Hos-
despite early complete reversal of hindbrain pital Clínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Deu), University

June 2023 AJOG MFM 7

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