English 7 Quarter 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Dumaguete City

Periodic Test
English 7 Quarter 4
Name:_______________________ Score: ____________

Grade and Section: ____________ Date: ___________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer in
your answer sheet.
1. The statements below speak the truth about academic writing, EXCEPT one.

A. Academic writing is the same as the everyday spoken English of social interactions in terms
of vocabulary and structure.

B. Academic writing communicates ideas, information and research to the wider academic

C. Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence.

D. Academic writing's purpose is to aid the reader's understanding.

2. Which of the following evidences are less likely to support the arguments in academic writing?

A. examples C. opinions

B. facts D. reasons

3. Academic writer should consider the following skills in writing , EXCEPT ;

A. identify clear structure of the main ideas and its arguments.

B. make judgment about the information before it is used.

C. use more complex sentences and avoids informal words.

D. neglect the other side of the issues.

4. Which is the correct the structure of writing reports?

1 Method
2 Result
3 Introduction
4 Discussion

A. 1-2-3-4 B. 1-3-2-4 C. 3-2-1-4 D. 3-1-2-4

5. Which of the following uses a booster, or a word that shows certainty of ideas?

A. Clearly there is a need for more safety controls.

B. The evidence suggests that more safety controls are needed.

C. This could be caused by lack of education.

D. All of the above

6. Which can be a great basis for people to have impression of others during the communication

A. body (visuals) C. words (content)

B. voice (sound) D. all of the above

7. What does the saying, "The first impression is the last impression," in an interpersonal
communication mean?

A. You should show negative body language when communicating with people.

B. You should show a closed body language.

C. You should bring physical barriers between you and the other person.

D. You should always be careful when it comes to body language and everything when

8. Which of the following is an impolite expression?

A. Could you give me a hand? C. I beg your pardon.

B. Did I hear you right? D. What?

9. What term is defined as having the quality of being true, correct, precise or exact?

A. accuracy C. reality

B. lie D. truth

10. Which of the following is true about a lie and a truth?

A. Truth is factual-based rather than opinion-oriented.

B. Lying about something means what you are saying is false.

C. Accuracy is the condition of being true or exact, but still welcomes at least small mistakes.

D. Lies are lies, truths are truths.

11. What is considered as a category of information disorder that has no intention to cause harm but
to fool?

A. false connection C. imposter content

B. false context D. satire or parody

12. What is designed to deceive and do harm when a new content is 100% false?

A. fabricated content C. misleading content

B. manipulated content D. satire or parody

13. How can one get worthy ideas in the text listened to?

A. Always consider your opinion whenever you interpret what you have listened to.

B. Only select the things that you want to hear.

C. Read between the lines by recognizing what is not stated.

D. A and B

14. A critical thinker must have the following characteristic, EXCEPT;

A. Recognizes problems and find workable solutions

B. Makes sound conclusions and/or generalizations based on the given data

C. Gathers irrelevant information

D. Renders accurate judgments about specific things and qualities in everyday life

15. The following phrases are keys to effective listening, EXCEPT:

A. asking questions during pauses C. paying attention

B. giving impolite feedbacks D. resisting distractions

16. What is an interpersonal skill?

A. It can help you to have an effective interpersonal relationship with others.

B. It is a trait you rely on when you interact and communicate with others.

C. It involves the ability to communicate and build relationships with others.

D. All of the above

17. Which of the following lines is an example of formal/academic writing?

A. Conditions changed a lot.

B. This isn't the case.

C. There are lots of reasons.

D. There was considerable variation in the conditions.

18. What is the most common purpose of academic writing?

A. To aid the reader’s comprehension

B. To explain some idea or research finding

C. To persuade readers that your explanation or theory is the correct one

D. both a and b

19. There is an expert academic writing. What is this for?

A. It is used in schools in preparation for college studies.

B. It is for publication/academic journals/books.

C. It is used for entertainment purposes only.

d. All of the above

20. What is this literary device which is characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces?

A. Academic writing C. Literary conflict

B. Interpersonal communication D. Literary setting

21. How many paragraphs should an informative essay have?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

22. Which of these rules should be followed to achieve a formal style in writing?

A. Avoid colloquial words. C. Avoid slang.

B. Avoid contractions. D. All of the above

23. Why is the purpose of a thesis statement?

A. It explains why the reader should agree with you.

B. It is a part of the introductory paragraph.

C. It is used to establish importance of the topic.

D. It provides an overview of what your essay will be about.

24. How many sentences should a thesis statement be?

A. 1 sentence C. 3 sentences

B. 2 sentences D. 5 sentences

25. What written component will drive your informative essay?

A. elaboration C. hook

B. evidence D. thesis statement

26. The recipe for a perfect introduction paragraph includes all of the following except for:

A. background information C. thesis statement

B. counterclaim D. the importance of the topic

27. What is the main purpose of an informative text?

A. To give your opinion C. To tell a story

B. To tell about your life D. To teach the reader about the topic

28. Which of the following informative introduction is correct?

A. One of them is the lemur. There are many endangered animals. Read on to learn more
about the ways humans can help save the lemur.

B. Read on to learn more about the ways humans can help save the lemur. There are many
endangered animals. One of them is the lemur.

C. There are many endangered animals. One of them is the lemur. Read on to learn more
about the ways humans can help save the lemur.

D. There are many endangered animals. One of them is the lemur. In my opinion, we should
save lemurs.

29. What should you keep in mind when writing an informative essay?

A. audience, prompt, purpose C. purpose, audience, prompt

B. prompt, pencil, people D. task, purpose, audience

30. What is the most important part of an introduction?

A. big idea C. transitions

B. specific statement D. thesis

31. There are three parts of an introduction. How should these parts be arranged?

A. big idea, specific statement, thesis

B. transition, specific statement, big idea

C. thesis, big idea, specific statement

D. thesis, specific statement, big idea

32. Which of the following transitions is best to use in body paragraph 1?

A. Lastly C. Sometimes

B. Next D. To begin with

33. Why is it important to include background information in an essay's introduction paragraph?

A. to convince the reader to agree with your claim

B. to grab the reader's attention

C. to help the reader understand the topic before you introduce your main points

D. to persuade the reader to consider your position

34. What is the purpose of having the introduction paragraph in an essay?

A. to establish the importance of the topic

B. to provide background information on the topic

C. to state the thesis

D. All of the above

35. The statements below tell about what Literature can do for us, EXCEPT one.

A. Literature can teach us about the past, help us understand the present and empower us to
create the future.

B. Literature helps us explore human nature - triumphs, shortcomings, and failures.

C. Literature shapes our consciences and our identities.

D. Literature is just an ordinary source of entertainment?

36. What is the main purpose of an informative text?

A. to entertain C. to persuade

B. to inform D. to answer

37. What is the structure of an information report?

A. Introduction, series of descriptive paragraphs, conclusion

B.. Series of descriptive paragraphs, conclusion, introduction

C.. Introduction, conclusion, series of descriptive paragraphs

D. Any of the structure above

38. Which is the correct order in writing an essay?

1 Create an outline that will organize your facts in a logical

2 Write your essay based on the outline you have created.
3 Research and gather ideas about the subject.
4 Make a list of the important facts about the subject.
5 Select an appropriate topic.
6 Proofread and edit your work.

A. 5-1-2-3-4-6 C. 5-3-4-1-2-6

B. 5-2-1-3-4-6 D. 5-4-3-2-1-6

For numbers 39-48, identify the type of literary conflict reflected in each story cut.

A character was trapped on a desert island and wandered

through a forest which was surrounded by hungry lions. In order to
survive, He must be clever, brave, and strong to overcome these
challenges and get back to safety
39. In the story above, what type of struggle is set upon the character?

A. Character vs. Character C. Character vs. Society

B. Character vs. Nature D. Character vs. Supernatural.

A Character deals with a social justice issue in the society where he

belongs. Just like the many young adults, he is facing these issues that
include gender identity, abortion, gay rights, and immigration. 

40. What type of conflict has challenged the young adult in the story above?

A. Character vs. Character C. Character vs. Society

B. Character vs. Nature D. Character vs. Supernatural.

Directions: Read the summary of the story, “The Mats” and answer the given questions.

The Mats by Francisco Arcellana

The Mats is a story of a family who had longed for their father's homecoming. In his home
coming he brought with him surprise gifts for everyone. The surprise gifts were mats specially
designed for each member of the family. Everyone is excited to see their gifts. The most excited of all
is Nana Emilia.

As the family took their lunch, they have received their father's letter telling that he will be
arriving soon with the mats with him. The mats were individually made with their names on it. Their
excitement has caused them to reminisce on a mat older than Nana Emilia which was seldom used
by anyone in the house.
This mat was given to Nana Emilia by her mother when she and Mr. Angeles were married,
and it had been with them ever since. It had served on the wedding night, and had not since been
used except on special occasions. It was a very beautiful mat, not really meant to be ordinarily used.
It had green leaf borders, and a lot of gigantic red roses woven into it.

Finally, their father had arrived and is ready to hand down his gifts for his family. Nana
Emilia receives the one that is on top of the pile of mats. She just loved it. Everyone else have
received their mats. Each is specially designed with their personalities on it. There were three other
mats which were for those family members who have passed away. Nana Emilia do not want to
recallsince the event is killing her. It had left pain in her heart. (Source: https://brainly.ph/)

41. What feeling was evident with Papa’s presence?

A. Amazement C. fear
B. Excitement D. mournful
42. What feeling is symbolized by the last sentence of the story?
A. Amazement C. fear
B. Excitement D. mournful

43-48 explain your answer to the following question.

 If you were the father, are you still going to buy something for your daughters who
are already dead? Why? Why not?


Accuracy of content - 3 points

Grammar and structure – 3 points

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