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Pages : 3 PHYSICS

Solve the following:1. Find the moment of

force of 20N about an axis of rotation at
distance 0.5m from the force.
2. The moment of a force of 25N about a point is 2.5Nm. Find the perpendicular distance
of force from that point.

3) A spanner of length 10 cm is used to open a nut by applying a minimum force of 5.0 N.

Calculate the moment of force required.

4. If the mass of the four triangles below is the same, the greatest pressure on the floor is
shown by the image --------------. Justify your answer.

5. If the mass of the four objects are same, the greatest pressure is shown by images------

6. The force of 500 Newton works on a surface of 2.5 m2. Determine pressure.

7. Mass of a box = 75 kg and acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s2. Determine the

pressure on the floor. (Hint: Area of cuboid on the table top = 5x6)



Acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. The surface area of fish pressed by the water above it is 6 m2.
Determine the force of water above fish that acts on fish.(Take density of water =1000kg/m3)

10. A hammer exerts a force of 1.5 N on each of the two nails A and B. The area of cross
section of tip of nail A is 2 mm2 while that of nail B is 6 mm2. Which nail A/B experience
more Pressure? Justify.

11. Tick the correct option and Justify.

The pressure P1 at a certain depth in river water and P2 at the same depth in sea water are related as:

1. P1   P2

2. P1= P2

3. P1   P2

4. P1   P2 

12. A vessel contains water up to a height of 1.5 m.Taking the density of water 103 kg m-3,

acceleration due to gravity 9.8 m s-2 and area of base of vessel 100 cm2, calculate: (a) the pressure
and (b) the force of water at the base of vessel.

13. The area of base of a cylindrical vessel is 300 cm2.Water (density= 1000 kg m-3) is
poured into it up to a depth of 6 cm. Calculate: (a) the pressure and (b) the force of water
on the base. (g = 10m s-2)

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