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Krison Jake s.

Articulo x-Escoda

RollerCoaster Life

There Once a boy who was born

He has no idea,what world hes gonna go on
And at the age of 7 he got a friend
They always play together,Like theres no end

But one day the boy has to leave

His family will move to a place far away and live
The boy has a new school to face
but he was so shy and nervous to show his face

At the age of 9 his father died

At first he didn't believed it because hes so tired
Until he realized it was all true
He was so heartbroken he dont know what to do

And today he is now 15 years old

And his living the best life you could think of
Although he didn't forget about his past
But,at very least,he moved on atlast

Journal Entry #2 Q2

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