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 Drastic Changes- such as the learning modality before pandemic and during pandemic.

The sudden change of the way on learning affects the academic stress of grade 12
students of Lord Immanuel Institute Foundation, Inc. since students are still adapting to
big changes.

 Pressure - Students also feel stress when they get too little sleep, a poor diet and even
from having too much downtime. Students that get pressured to do well at school, has
been shown to increase stress and anxiety in students, leading to poorer physical, social
and emotional health.

 Responsibilities- Students have varieties of responsibilities, it could be responsibilities at

school, home, family or work.

 Emotional/Personal difficulties- Individual students may suffer from physical, mental,

or other personal problems that affect motivation. Mental or physical health problems,
and other personal problems can interfere with individual students' motivation to exert
effort in learning.

 Subjects' difficulty – Affects students’ academic stress as students struggles to cope up

with digital learning.

 Access to/ Stability of internet connection – not having stable/access to internet

connection can stress students as they may find it hard to follow up on studying.

 Device availability- Proper devices are necessary to help students learn smoothly, thus
not having any makes it troubling.

 Most experiences in which students are burdened by the demands of time and energy to
achieve specific academic goals or certain expectations. This pressure can come from
different sources that will impact students’ academic stress.
 Having many responsibilities can mess a student’s mental health. Having simultaneous
responsibilities causes students to struggle in coping with their academics and managing
their time that can lead to stress.

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