Speech 1

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“Education is our passport to the future, for

tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it
To our ever supportive school head, /Mr. Nestor
Baquiano – HT 1,/ dear teachers,/division
representative, invited guests/ beloved parents,/
fellow graduates, completers, a wonderful
I am truly delighted to be given this opportunity
to speak in front of you in behalf of the Class of 2021
in this momentous event in our lives: our Graduation
Day! Today marks the end of the 6 years of training
and formation at Mambagaton National High School.
Though it is sad to note that we will finally bid
goodbye to our dear Alma Mater, still we are grateful
that MNHS have prepared us for the next chapter of
our lives. All it’s teachings and ideals will be forever
engraved in our hearts and mind wherever we may
This year’s theme: “Strengthening the Quality of
Education Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic”
encompasses DepEd’s plight of making quality
education possible even in the face of this global
health crisis. We were all tested by this
unprecedented situation. What we have done this
year have never been done before. This year,
learning took place not in our classrooms but in our
homes. We haven’t been together physically to
interact and share experiences. The self-learning
modules and internet websites were our best
companions most of the time. The new mode of
learning has been difficult for us to cope with. We
have been through a lot of setbacks, barely meeting
deadlines, modules overload, mental fatigue, and
personal problems that we almost feel we can’t go
on. But we were thankful that our teachers never
gave up on us. They have given us all the support we
need in this new learning scheme. The difficulties of
learning during this pandemic have made us more
resilient, responsible, and independent learners. And
because of our perseverance and unrelenting will to
succeed we are here today, enjoying the fruits of our
hard-earned labor. We all deserve to celebrate and
be proud of ourselves. A round of applause for all of
us for getting this far.
There are many special people we must thank for
having the opportunity to be here today. First, to our
parents and families – we owe so much to you all.
Thank you so much for the sacrifices you’ve made for
us. To our teachers and the administration – you
have been an instrument in our holistic development.
Thank you for educating not only our mind, but also
our heart. To our friends – you are always there to
cheer us up when times are tough – Thank you for the
care and understanding. To my batchmates – you
have made high school life fun and worthwhile.
Thank you for the fond memories we’ve shared. To
our adviser, Ma’am Melissa Obarra – for always
reminding us in our group chat to keep focused on our
goal, with her unforgettable line: “Graduating na
kamo bala”. Thank you, ma’am, for the
encouragement and concern for all of us. We may
never give each other warm hugs because of this
pandemic, but let my let heartfelt words of gratitude
reach you wherever you are now. You will be forever
cherished in my heart.
As the door for high school abruptly shut, another
door has opened. There will be multitude of barriers
along the way, but let us remain steadfast to our
goals. As the lines from Henry David Thoreau say:
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live
the life you have imagined.”
Until we meet again, my fellow graduates.
Congratulations and stay safe!

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