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Select the correct alternative. (Only one is correct) [26 × 3 = 78]
Q.3cb A compound contains three elements A, B and C, if the oxidation number of A = +2, B = +5 and
C = –2, the possible formula of the compound is
(A) A3(B4C)2 (B*) A3(BC4)2 (C) A2(BC3)2 (D) ABC2
[Sol. Ans. B
A+2 + BC 4 3  A3(BC4)2 ]

Q.6 SbF5 reacts with XeF4 to form an adduct. The shapes of cation and anion in the adduct are respectively.
(A) Square planar, trigonal bipyramidal (B*) T-shaped, octahedral
(C) Square pyramidal, octahedral (D) Square planar, octahedral
[Sol. Ans. B
XeF4 + SbF5  [XeF3] + [SbF6]–

[XeF3]+ + [SbF6]–
sp3d2 sp3d
octahedral Bent T shape ]

Question No. 9 to 12 (4 questions)

Bond length is the average distance between the nuclei of the two atoms held by a bond. This represents
the internuclear distance corresponding to minimum potential energy for the system. Main factors which
affect the bond length are given below:
(i) Multiple bonds are shorter than corresponding single bonds.
(ii) Some times single bond distances are some what shorter than double of their respective covalent radii
because bonds acquire some partial double bond character. This normally happens when one atom
having vacant orbital and another atom containing lone pair. It is also possible that it becomes shorter
due to high ionic character in the covalent bond.

Q.9 Which is correct about two C–N bond lengths (marked as 'a' and 'b')?

(A) a = b (B*) a > b (C) b > a (D) can't be predicted

[Sol. Ans. B

Q bond length a > b

The bond (a) does not have partial double bond character owing to steric inhibition of resonance (S.I.R
effect) where as the bond (b) is this compound has a partial double bond character due to resonance ]
Q.10 Which is not true about the N–N bond length among the following species?
 
(I) H2N – NH2 (II) N2 (III) H 3 N – NH 3 (IV) N2O
(A) N – N bond length is shortest in II
(B*) N–N bond length in I is shorter than that of in III
(C) N–N bond length in III is shorter than that of in I
(D) N–N bond length IV is intermediate between I and II
[Sol. Ans. B

(I) (II) N  N (III)

(A)Due to triple bond (NN), N–N bond length is shorted in II.
(B) 
Lone pair occupies more s-character, hence N–N bond length in (III) is shorted than that of in (I)
(C) 
(D) Due to resonance in N2O, N–N bond length is intermediate between I and II
   
(IV) N  N  O  N  N  O ]

Q.11 In which of the following case central atom-F bond has partial double bond character?
(A) NF3 (B) CF4 (C*) PF3 (D) OF2
[Sol. Ans. C

(d– p) back bonding

In PHF3 molecule P–F bond has partial double bond character due to back bonding between filled
p-orbital of F and vacant d-orbital of phosphorus atom. ]

Q.12 The C–Cl bond in vinyl chloride is _______ and _______ compared to C–Cl bond in ethyl chloride.
(A) longer, weaker (B) shorter, weaker (C) longer, stronger (D*) shorter, stronger
[Sol. Ans. D
 
 CH 2  CH  Cl
C–Cl bond in vinyl chloride has partial double bond character therefore the C–Cl bond in vinyl chloride
is shorter and stronger as comperd to C–Cl bond in ethyl chloride.]

Q.16 Choose the correct statement from the following :

(A) Bonds associated in a bridge are of identical length in case of B2H6 and Al(BH4)3.
(B) Bonds associated in a bridge are of different length in case of B2H6 and Al(BH4)3.
(C*) Bonds associated in a bridge are of identical length in case of B2H6 but different in case of Al(BH4)3.
(D) Bonds associated in a bridge are of identical length in Al(BH4)3 but different in case of B2H6.
[Sol. Ans. C

(a = a) (a'  a'') ]
Q.24 In which of compounds octet is complete and incomplete for all atoms.
Al2Cl6 Al2(CH3)6 AlF3 Dimer of BeCl2 Dimer of BeH2
Note: C for complete octet and IC for incomplete octet.
[Sol. Ans. C

(i) (ii)

(complete octet) (3c–2e) bond (incomplete octet)

(iii) AlF3  Al+3 + 3F–
ionic compound 2s2 2p6 2s2 2p6
(octet complete) (octet complete)


(Incomplete octet)

(v) (incomplete octet) ]

Q.25 Least stable hydride is

(A) stannane (B) Silane (C*) Plumbane (D) Germane
[Sol. Ans. C
Stability order of Carbon family hydride
Silane > Germane > Stannane > Plumbane ]

Q.26 The ratio of -bond and -bond in tetracyano ethylene is

(A) 2 : 1 (B*) 1 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) None
[Sol. Ans. B

 bonds = 9 ;  bonds = 9 ]
One or more than one is/are correct [8 × 4 = 32]
Q.29 Select the incorrect statements:
(A*) Hydrogen peroxy phosphate ion contains one P–O–H bond.
(B*) PH5 exists but NH5 does not.
(C*)  Cl PCl and  Br PBr bond angles are equal in PCl3F2 and PF3Br2 molecule.
(D) According to MOT, in C2 molecule there are two covalent bonds between two C atoms in which
both are bonds.
[Sol. Incorrect statements (A), (B) & (C)

(A) (Hydrogen peroxy phosphate)

No. P–O–H bond

(B) Both PH5 and NH5 do not exist


ClPCl and BrPBr are not equal

 2 p 2
 
(D) C2 =  1s2 ,1s2 ,2s2, *2s2, 
 2p 2

B.O. = 2, all stabilized electron present in  bonding M.O. so there are two covalent bonds
between two C atoms in which both are  bonds. ]

Q.32 Which of following process is/are associated with change of hybridisation of the underlined compound.
(A*) Al(OH)3 ppt. dissolved in NaOH.
(B) B2H6 is dissolved in THF
(C*) SiF4 vapour is passed through liq. HF.
(D*) Solidification PCl5 vapour.
[Sol. Ans. A,C,D
(A) Al(OH)3 + NaOH  Na[Al(OH)4]
(sp2) (sp3)

(B) B2H6 + 2  2  BH3

(sp3) THF (sp3)

(C) SiF4 + 2HF  H2SiF6

(sp3d) (sp3d2)

 
(D) 2PCl5 Solidifica
  tion  PCl 4 + PCl6
(sp3d) (sp3) (sp3d2) ]
Q.34 For H3PO3 and H3PO4, the correct choice is
(A*) H3PO3 is dibasic and reducing agent. (B) H3PO3 is dibasic and non reducing agent.
(C) H3PO4 is tribasic and reducing agent (D*) H3PO4 is tribasic and non reducing agent.
[Sol. Ans. A,D

H3PO3 ;

Dibasic and reducing agent due to presence of two-ionizable hydrogen atom and one-hydrogen bonded
with phosphorus atom.

H3PO4 ;

Tribasic non reducing agent ]

MATCH THE COLUMN [4 × 4 = 16]

Column-I and column-II contains four entries each. Entries of column-I are to be matched with some
entries of column-II. One or more than one entries of column-I may have the matching with the same
entries of column-II and one entry of column-I may have one or more than one matching with entries of

Q.3 Column - I Column -II

(A) NH4Cl (P) Hydrogen bond
(B) CuSO4.5H2O (Q) Co-ordinate bond
(C) HNC (R) Ionic bond
(D) Liquid. H2O2 (S) Covalent bond
[Ans.(A) Q,R,S, (B) P,Q,R,S, (C) Q,S, (D) P,S ]

[Sol. (A) NH4Cl Cl–

(B) CuSO4.5H2O

(C) HNC 

(D) Liquid. H2O2 ]

Q.4 Column - I Column -II
(A) B3N3H6 (P) Planar geometry
(B) S2Cl2 (Q) Non-planar geometry
(C) B2H6 (R) No lone pair
(D) I2Cl6 (S) Non-polar molecule
[Ans. (A) P,R,S ; (B) Q (C) Q,R,S; (D) P, S]

[Sol. (A) B3N3H6

(B) S2Cl2

(C) B2H6

(D) I2Cl6 ]

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