The Clean Slate Initiative: Production and Design

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See the CSI Communications Department Guide for tools and resources.

See the CSI Communications Department's Quarterly goals.

The Clean Slate Initiative Q3 Q4


2022 Communications Plan & Timeline
4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26

CSI Overview & Narrative

Update the Communications Toolkit

Messaging & Editorial Calendar (by topic/issue)

Narrative Arcs Economic

Community Safety


Two tiered system of justice

Storytelling Project (Docs) Xavier four (4) videos (Scope of Work doc)

Evergreen Templates in Canva

3 Production and Design Website Revisions Website Design - Link to Draft Website Redesign (pwd: cleanslate) Testing & Launch

Blog Posts / Op-Eds

Newsletters Summer Post Labor Day Fall Winter

Pitching Stories

4 Media Relations Relationship Building

Media Packet and Resources

Annual Report Docs

The Gold Standard Design Files

Audacious Prep Mtgs

State Partner Comms Coordination DE IL IL (Potential Texas) IL Texas

5 Projects 2023 Comms Plan Development

Partner Resource Development Outreach Folow-up Feedback on Recs

Branding Deliverables

Federal Policy Work Federal Markup Expected - Statement / Possible Virtual Event

Tough on Crime Narrative Project Project Working Doc

Hire Consultants Proposal Review (Doc) Kushy Hired Kushy Content Production and Website Updates
6 Comms Dept. Admin
Comms Dept. Hiring JD Editing (Docs) Positions Posted / Process Started (Docs) Interviews
Danielle Butler Morgan Kelly Kalabria Lemire

Danielle + Morgan Danielle + Kalabria Confidence in Preferences in Being Confidence in Preferences in Being Confidence in Preferences in Being
Duties & Responsibilities Manager Owner Consulted Helper Approver Experience Level of Interest Experience Level of Interest Experience Level of Interest
Combined Skill Gains Combined Skill Gains Current Ability / Skill Assigned Current Ability / Skill Assigned Current Ability / Skill Assigned

De'Nira Danielle

Departmental Strategy, Planning, and Growth Dustin Dustin Danielle Morgan Dustin


Public Relations (Branding & Organizational Reputation) Dustin Dustin Danielle De'Nira Dustin

Media Relations Dustin Danielle Dustin Morgan Dustin

Partner Campaign Support and Coordination Dustin Dustin Dustin Dustin

Crafting messaging and talking points Dustin 20 20 Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this

Danielle 12 4 Some Experience Confident Interested No preference Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Interested Comfortable with this
Creating /designing fact sheets De'Nira Dustin

Using/maintaining a reporter databases (Cision / Meltwater) 3 1 Minimal Experience Confident Somewhat Interested No preference Some Experience Some Confidence Interested Comfortable with this No Experience Not Confident Interested I want to learn more before doing this

Tracking news and social content related to organizational issue areas 12 16 Strong Experience Very Confident Interested Comfortable with this Some Experience Some Confidence Somewhat Interested Comfortable with this Strong Experience Confident Very Interested Would love to do this

Building relationships with reporters 2 3 Some Experience Confident Somewhat Interested No preference Minimal Experience Not Confident Interested Comfortable with this Minimal Experience Some Confidence Somewhat Interested
Would love to do this

Crafting breaking new/rapid response communications 20 11 Strong Experience Very Confident Not Interested Would prefer NOT to do thisStrong Experience Very Confident Interested Comfortable with this Some Experience Some Confidence Interested Would love to do this

Updating/adding content to a Squarespace website 12 12 Strong Experience Very Confident Interested Comfortable with this Some Experience Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Somewhat Interested
Comfortable with this

Drafting internal Newsletters 12 16 Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Not Interested No preference Strong Experience Confident Somewhat Interested
Comfortable with this

Drafting email messages encouraging people to take action on issues 20 12 Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Interested Would love to do this

Drafting messages to be sent from advocates to elected officials 11 1 Minimal Experience Confident Somewhat Interested No preference Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Some Confidence Interested Comfortable with this

Drafting social media content 20 20 Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Interested Would love to do this

Creating a social media plan or strategy for campaigns or issues 12 20 Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Interested Comfortable with this Strong Experience Very Confident Interested Would love to do this

Creating graphic designs using Canva 20 20 Strong Experience Very Confident Somewhat Interested Comfortable with this Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Interested Would love to do this

Creating graphic designs using Photoshop / Insdesign / GIMP 10 1 No Experience Not Confident Somewhat Interested Would prefer NOT to do thisStrong Experience I could teach a class on this.
Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Interested Would love to do this

Setting and measuring goals for communications campaigns 8 1 Some Experience Confident Somewhat Interested No preference Strong Experience Confident Interested Comfortable with this Minimal Experience Some Confidence Interested Comfortable with this

Creating communications plans for campaigns or issues 20 11 Strong Experience Very Confident Interested Would love to do this Strong Experience Very Confident Very Interested Would love to do this Some Experience Confident Interested Would love to do this

Online marketing strategy development 10 11 Strong Experience Very Confident Interested Comfortable with this Minimal Experience Not Confident Interested I want to learn more before Some
doing Experience
this Confident Interested Would love to do this

Placing ad buys for social/political campaigns 1 0 No Experience Not Confident Not Interested Would prefer NOT to do thisSome Experience Some Confidence Interested Comfortable with this Minimal Experience Some Confidence Somewhat Interested
Comfortable with this
See the CSI Communications Department Guide for tools and resources. See the CSI Communications Department's Quarterly goals.

The Clean Slate Initiative Q3 Q4


2022 Communications Plan & Timeline
4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26

Messaging & Editorial Calendar (by topic/issue)

Narrative Arcs
Community Safety


Two tiered system of justice


2 Social Media


Storytelling Project (Docs) Xavier four (4) videos (Scope of Work doc)

Evergreen Templates in Canva

3 Production and Design Website Revisions Website Design - Link to Draft Website Redesign (pwd: cleanslate) Testing & Launch

Blog Posts / Op-Eds

Newsletters Summer Post Labor Day Fall Winter

Pitching Stories

4 Media Relations Relationship Building

Media Packet and Resources

Annual Report Docs

The Gold Standard Design Files

Audacious Prep Mtgs

State Partner Comms Coordination DE IL IL (Potential Texas) IL Texas

5 Projects 2023 Comms Plan Development

Partner Resource Development Outreach Folow-up Feedback on Recs

Branding Deliverables

Federal Policy Work Federal Markup Expected - Statement / Possible Virtual Event

Tough on Crime Narrative Project Project Working Doc

Hire Consultants Proposal Review (Doc) Kushy Hired Kushy Content Production and Website Updates
6 Comms Dept. Admin
Comms Dept. Hiring JD Editing (Docs) Positions Posted / Process Started (Docs) Interviews
2022 Goal Quarter 3 Objective Key Result

Identify additional staff needs, make recommendations for hiring, and

Build Communications Department Hire one additional communications staffer, and ready to hire additional staff in Q4
hire additional staff

Develop Strategic Communications Plan Identify components of strategic plan and develop draft plan Draft Strategic Communications Plan for 2023

Get commitments from stakeholders to participate in tool development (must include

Identify stakeholders and convene stakeholders/functional groups
multiple conservative partners)

Identify and assess existing research, tools, and efforts Create an inventory of known efforts and CSI access to resources.
Develop Tough-on-Crime Narrative Movement Tools
Develop a tool-development strategy that outlines critical tools and resources needed to
Develop strategy
neutralize the threat posed by the tough-on-crime narrative

Create or contract out the production of specific deliverables identified in strategy

Resource tool creation
development phase

Make and execute recommendation for either:

Redesign Website - Updating the website on Kushy platform Have an updated site ready for stakeholder review/testing by end of Q3.

- Rebuildingthe website on a new platform

Identify and survey small group of stakeholders on comms support

needs, including at least one partner from a CSI partner for every
Create a list of resources partners identify as most helpful and needed.
campaign phase (legislative, implementation, pre-legislative,
landscaping, basic support)

Work the Campaigns functional group to identify a pilot state and Create a tailored communications plan for a state campaign that can serve as the starting
develop model communications plan for team and partner review and point/template for creating custom communications plans for every state in which we
Increase Communications Support for State Partners feedback have an active campaign

Create partner resource center on website Test functionality and content relevancy of member resource center on CSI website

Create final versions of the Gold Standard document based on the

Publish final versions of the Gold Standard
Campaign functional group's audience and format recommendations

Assess considerations and external impacts needed for undertaking a

Update CSI Branding Compile list considerations that need to be made to undertake a rebranding effort in Q4
rebranding effort for CSI
See the CSI Communications Department Guide for tools and resources. See the CSI Communications Department's Quarterly goals.

The Clean Slate Initiative Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2023 Communications Plan & Timeline

External Timelines and Factors

Weekly post on social channels

Messaging & Narrative Research and Development
Narrative Arcs - Polling and Message Testing
- Narrative Guidance to the states/field

Video Production (4 minimum)

Op-Eds - (2 national, 1 every campaign)

2 Production and Design Social Media Templates (monthly)

Resource creation for Partner Hub

Earned Media (50% increase)

Paid Media
3 Media Relations
Comms Trainings for state Coalitions (3)

State Campaign
The Clean Slate Initiative Q1 Q2


2023 Clean Slate Texas Communications Plan & Timeline
1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

Legislative National Texas Session
Bill Filing
External Timelines and Factors Actual Dates Session Texas Day Independence
Adjourns Sine
Begins (1/10) (2/1) Day (3/2) Die (5/29)

Message frame (ex. Economic)

Messaging &
Narrative Arcs

2 Social Media

3 Production and Design

Earned Media
Paid Media
4 Media Relations

State Coalition
The Clean Slate Initiative Q1 Q2


2023 Clean Slate Texas Communications Plan & Timeline
1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

Scheduled Hearing Senate Criminal Deadline for Gov. to

HB 3601 Refiled
in House Criminal House Floor Justice Senate Floor Sign, Veto, or let HB
Illustrative Dates in the Texas
Jurisprudence Votes (4/10-11) Committee Votes (5/22-23) 3601 become law
House (1/17)
Committee (3/20) Hearing without signature (6/1)
External Timelines and Factors
Legislative National Texas Session
Bill Filing
Actual Dates Session Texas Day Independence Adjourns Sine
Begins (1/10) (2/1) Day (3/2) Die (5/29)

Message frame (ex. Economic)

Messaging &
Narrative Arcs

2 Social Media

3 Production and Design

Earned Media
Paid Media
4 Media Relations

State Coalition
The Clean Slate Initiative
PROJECT TITLE Communications Plan COMPANY NAME The Clean Slate Initiative

PROJECT MANAGER Dustin Chicurel-Bayard DATE 7/15/22



PROJECT WEEK: 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27

- Project Charter Project Charter

1 Project Conception and Initiation - Plan Review Plan Review

- Initiation Initiation

- Scope and Goal Setting Scope and Goal Setting

- Budget Budget

- Work Breakdown Schedule

2 Project Definition and Planning
- Gantt Chart
- Communication Plan R
- Risk Management
- Status and Tracking E
- KPIs T
3 Project Launch & Execution
- Quality
- Forecasts N
- Objective Execution D

- Quality Deliverables
4 Project Performance & Control
- Effort and Cost Tracking

- Performance

- Postmortem

5 Project Close - Project Punchlist

- Report
Experience Levels Kushy

Danielle +
No Experience

Minimal Experience
Some Experience
Strong Experience

Confidence Levels Level of Interest Preferences

Not Confident Not Interested No preference
Some Confidence Somewhat Interested Comfortable with this

Confident Would love to do this

Very Confident Very Interested Would prefer NOT to do this
I could teach a class I want to learn more before
on this. doing this
Let's talk about this

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