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1st Answer

Introduction: There can be many well-documented best practices for a hospital setup
planning or a healthcare facility plan, and these practices can focus on the design as
well as the construction aspects of the location. However, which other factors should be
considered to ensure maximum return on the real estate investment of the healthcare
Whether the individual is planning to set up a hospital considering a new multi-purpose
facility or a specialty healthcare provider that is attempting to grow your network of
location, it is important to remember these five steps when deciding the location setup
of a hospital.

Concept and Application:

1. Establish a clear vision for the location: It may seem obvious but before one starts
to plan a healthcare facility, one has to understand its intended purpose. In order to
ensure identifying overarching goals before the process of design is started helps to
prevent retrofit later.

Following questions should be asked:

What services can be offered at the location?

What performance metric would be used in order to determine whether a location is

successful? Is there a number of minimum visits or a revenue threshold the person
needs to achieve?
Once a person would understand his/her goals, it is important to identify the available
real estate that enables you to meet those goals as well as provide a clear direction
during the phase of the design.

Plan for the Future: While it is important to establish a vision on how the location
would be used today, it is important to consider how needs would change over a period
of time. It is a good idea to plan locations in such a way that enables the hospital to
adapt the space for various specialties.
It is important to remember that, just because the facility is in the perfect area for the
planned services today, it doesn’t mean it would still be the right location after 15-20
years. Trade areas would shift over time, so it is important to plan ahead to ensure that
the use is maximized.

2. Weigh the Costs of New Construction Versus Existing Medical Buildings:

There are pros and cons to both new as well as existing construction of medical
buildings. Irrespective of the approach that best suits the organization and the market, it
is important to consider the total cost of preparation of the location for use and make a
comparison of that to the performance forecast in order to determine if the investment
would make any kind of financial sense. If one decides to repurpose an existing medical
facility, it is important to remember this; just because a medical facility was operating in
an area before, it doesn’t mean that the area is good. It is important to conduct your
own research in order to determine the potential.

3. Evaluate the site on the basis of retail real estate fundamentals: Patients are
increasingly viewing healthcare with a consumer mentality, so it is important to ensure
that the location is such that it provides convenience and accessibility. It is wise to take
a retail approach to selection of the site and evaluate the prospective of the individual
on the basis of screening questions, such as these:
 Are there enough of the right kind of customers in the trade area in order to
support a successful location?
 What is the existing supply of providers in the area of trade?
 Is the site easily accessible? Does it provide sufficient parking to public transit
in highly urban areas?
 Is the site having good visibility from the road for signage?
 Is there a strong area draw around the site, which is very important for
services such as urgent care?

5. Determine Your Location's Launch Plan: While most of the healthcare setup
planning process would focus on selection of site, design and construction, another
important aspect of the process must be the launch plan of the location. It is important
to start marketing early in order to raise awareness of the new location that would open
Depending on the kind of facility, it would make more sense to conduct targeted direct
outreach to potential households of patient. This approach is often beneficial for retail-
style specialty healthcare providers that would rely less on referrals as compared to
traditional systems of health.

Sewage Disposal: Liquid and semisolid effluent in the hospital originate from different
departments as well as areas of services. Solid waste from hospitals is around 1 kg per
bed per day. Liquid effluents would be about the same as the need of water for a
hospital, i.e. between 300-400 liters per bed each day. If a public sewage disposal
system is in existence in the area, the disposal of hospital sewage would be connected
to this system. Otherwise, the hospital would have to build and operate its own sewage
disposal plant.

Conclusion: The process of facilities planning refers to a time intensive process, yet
important aspect of a hospital setup when it comes to the growth of the organization. By
determination of the goals in advance, it is important to consider future uses, completely
weigh the investment cost, evaluation of the site on the basis of retail fundamentals, and
creating a launch plan, it is possible to maximize the return on investment for every new
location of the hospital organization.

2nd Answer
Fixed or Position Layout: It is also known as project layout. A typical fixed layout is
something where a major part of an assembly or material would remain at a fixed
position. All its accessories, material, machinery, required equipment, tools needed and
the labor is brought to the fixed site to work. So, the product by virtue of its bulk and
weight would remain at one particular location.
Concept and Application: So, the location of the major assembly, semi-assembly
component and material would not be disturbed till the product becomes ready for
dispatch. This layout would be suitable when one or a few pieces of an item is to be
manufactured and material formation or a treating operation would need only tools or
simple machines. This kind of layout is highly preferred when the cost to move a major
piece of material is high and the responsibility of the quality of the product by a skilled
workman or group of skilled workman is anticipated.
This layout is adopted for large items that are manufactured in small quantities such as
ships, boilers, reactors, etc. The main advantage of this layout is the least movement of
men, material and tooling during the process of manufacturing.
Process or Functional Layout: A typical process of functional layout is something
where an arrangement of similar machines, facilities of production and manufacturing
operations are grouped together as per their functions. Machine tools of one kind are
positioned together so that all the similar operations get performed at the same place.
For example, all the lathes can be grouped together for all sort of turning as well as
threading operations, all drilling machines in one area for conducting drilling work, all
tapping machines in one area to conduct tapping work.
Line or Product Layout: A typical line or product layout implies that different
operations on raw material get performed in a sequence and the machine is placed
along the flow line of the product, i.e., machines get arranged in the sequence where
the raw material would be operated upon. In this kind of layout, all the machines are
placed in line as per the sequence of operations, i.e., each machine that follows or
section that follows is arranged in order to perform the next operation to that performed
by its preceding machine or section.
In this layout, raw materials begin from one end of the production line and move from
one machine to next along a sequential path. Line layout is beneficial in the constant
system of production where the number of end products is small and the parts are very
standardized and interchangeable.
Assembly line kitchen design layout refers to an ideal layout for restaurants that cater to
serving a huge number of people at a time. This layout would work better for a food
business that would serve a large quantity of same food to their consumers such as
Pizza Shops. In this layout, kitchen equipment is organized in such a manner with the
area of preparation of food at one end and the service area at another that enables the
cook to quickly send food down the line. In Assembly line restaurant layout, cleaning as
well as storage areas would be kept behind in order to keep them out of the way to
make sure efficiency of work as well as excellent communication.
Following would be the benefits of an assembly line layout for a restaurant:
This layout is the most suited for a restaurant that is a commercial kitchen layout that
facilitate the production of lots of the same kind of dish over and over again. The
assembly line layout would work best with multiple cooks who are each responsible for
one part of the process of production of food.
This layout is best suited for fast-food restaurants or restaurant having limited menus.
Examples: Fast-food and casual food chains such as Chipotle and Sweetgreen make
use of an assembly line configuration in the customer-facing side of their kitchen.
Storage: The kitchen of the restaurant would store a variety of items, such as cooking
tools, food and place settings.
Washing Station: A lot of cleaning would go in a commercial kitchen to make sure the
safety of the food that is served and the dishes that are served. It is important to
recommend creating a separate section of washing stations for food and for dishes.
Food Preparation: A commercial kitchen or a restaurant may have several areas of
food preparation, and this depends on what kind of food is on the menu. This section of
a restaurant’s kitchen would comprise of counter space, cutting tools and storage
Cooking Station: Unless the concept of the restaurant is raw foods, a kitchen would
need quite a bit of cooking equipment in order to execute the menu. Most restaurants
would have gas range-oven combinations, commercial fryers and few cooking
appliances that are specialized.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that there are different types of layouts, such as
fixed or position layout, process of function layout and line or product layout. For a
restaurant, an assembly line layout is the best preferred as it enables to ensure that the
storage, washing station, food preparation and cooking functions are performed in an
efficient manner and the customers have enough space to enter and enjoy a good
evening with their family members.
3rd Answer
Introduction: School operations managers are often responsible when it comes to
overseeing all the day-to-day operations at their school. They make sure that everything
from curriculum to facilities is being conducted and managed in a proper way, and they
have an important role to play when it comes to developing new initiatives or programs
in order to improve the quality of education offered by their institution.
Concept and Application:
Information Systems
Network Reliability: If the school has technology in place that would slow down with a
heavy load of access, the teachers are going to get frustrated. Address the network
infrastructure early and often, and it is important to ensure that the learning platform can
handle blended implementation. Issues involve bandwidth from the ISP and within the
campus, access points that are wireless and segmentation of network.

Data Access: Is the generated data possible to be accessed seamlessly to ensure

analysis and decision-making. How would data from different systems be consolidated
in order to ensure that it is useful for personalization of instruction, administrative
support and other operational improvement? Will the curriculum content and system of
evaluation share data?

Human Resource: It is an important to blending learning, and this includes recruiting

the right people, training and resources for current faculty as well as staff members, and
process for coaching and development.

Compliance as well as record-keeping are important parts of the HR, but focus must be
placed on building the talent pool of the school, and rendering the right process of on-
boarding and training, professional development. HR is considered to be an
underdeveloped capacity in many schools and this weakness would be more apparent
when it comes to attempting much more advanced strategies of growth.

The process of enrollment is the life blood for each and every school as it involves the
primary source of funding. Irrespective of whether this involves screening of applicants,
a well-designed and implemented strategy of enrollment would impact all the other
decisions for school design. How the blended, personalized learning concept would be
explained to parents as well as students.
Would the pre-assessment be used in order to place the students in the most
appropriate classroom? When would the students receive training or make use of the
technology and understand how to progress through the curriculum? What would be the
learning support services that would be provided to the students?
Having the financial resources in place is, of course, a major factor. One cannot have a
vision without provision. Administrators as well as teachers would require support with
accurate budget data, performance of year-to-date as well as effective cash flow
management. The finance team is an important enabler when it comes to delivering an
outstanding experience for the adults and children in the school.
Vendor relationships are very important to each school. Building win-win relationships
would be important as one would inevitably run into barriers with systems that need a
collaborative effort to solve. This involves negotiating the appropriate level of pricing
and support, and establishing communication lines.

Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that the functions of a school operations manager
involve overseeing the enrollment process, vendor relations, overseeing the content and
curriculum, ensuring that the fees from students is received on time and ensuring that
the students are able to study online whenever required with the course material

Introduction: Each and every consumer has an ideal expectation of the service they
wish to receive when they go to a restaurant or a store. Service quality would measure
how well a service is delivered, and then it is compared to the expectations of the
consumer. Businesses that would fulfil or exceed expectations are considered to have a
higher level of service quality. There are five dimensions of service quality that the
consumers would consider when assessment of service quality is done.
Tangibles: Sufficient equipment/facilities, modern equipment/facilities, ease of access,
environment that is visually appealing, support services
Competence: Sufficient staff, theoretical knowledge, qualifications; practical
knowledge, up-to-date, teaching expertise, communication
Attitude: Understanding the needs of the students, willingness to help, availability for
guidance and advisory, providing personal attention, emotion, courtesy.
Content: Relevance of curriculum to future jobs of students, effectiveness, containing
primary knowledge skills, completeness, use of computer, skills of communication and
team effort, flexibility of knowledge, being cross-disciplinary.
Delivery: Effective presentation, sequencing, timeliness, consistency, examination
fairness, feedback from the students, encouraging the students.
Reliability: Teachers trustworthy, giving valid award, keeping promises, matching to the
goals, handling of complaints and solving challenges faced by students.
With the use of visual engagement tool, one can create a much more personal
experience as compared to other channels.
Engagement tools improve the customer service in different ways;
 Live video-based learning is not only going to help education providers engage,
retain and attract a global student base.
 With live video, the school can call expert teachers and instructors to lecture
remotely from any continent.
 Lesson sessions can be recorded in order to create rich and sharable
educational content.
Collect Student Feedback: In order to understand the student and their parent’s need,
it is important that the school collects and analyzes their feedback on the quality of
teaching, interaction with the staff members and environment of learning. To acquire
feedback is another great way to provide excellent customer service in the education
industry as it provides insights into how good a customer engagement strategy is
Give self-serve options by integrating knowledge base:
Self-service education is considered to be proactive. Having such options would resolve
the challenge before it becomes a problem. 66% of the customers would begin with a
self-service option first before it reaches out to an agent.
When it comes to working closely with the support team, it enables them to learn where
the consumers face issues or challenges, it is important to build educational content in
order to resolve them and provide it to the customers before they happen.
Self-service education doesn’t need to focus only on making use of the product. It can
also focus on strategy, and enable people to grow their skills at a higher level.
Conclusion: In order to ensure that the schools can meet the demand and provide
excellent student service in the educational industry and treating the students as
consumers would not demand sacrificing academic standards, clear communication and
management of conflict. More and more college as well as universities have started
adopting customer service as it enables the institutions to attract as well as retain
students. Institutions must focus on efficient allocation of resource properly in order to
create economies of scale.

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