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BHAGYA RAHEJA Dr. Prashant Kumar

Banarsidas chandiwala institute of professional studies, Dwarka, New Delhi

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)


Assignment 1

Make a table as given below:

Autumn term

Surname e 1 2 3 4 5
Li Danny 2 51 25 15 75
Holt Bethany 5 16 85 85 88
Paphitis adam 5 68 61 64 6
Patel Mandeep 5 85 95 92 98
Bamburst Rose 5 85 95 85 25
Coppell Sean 6 21 89 95 59
Edwards Michael 6 65 45 84 56

Add a column in the end and calculate the total for each individual.

Format the table to improve the presentation of the information present in the table

Solution –
Autumn term
Surname Forename 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Li Danny 52 51 25 15 75 218
Holt Bethany 15 16 85 85 88 289
Paphitis Adam 85 68 61 64 6 284
Patel Mandeep 85 85 95 92 98 455
Bamburst Rose 85 85 95 85 25 375
Coppell Sean 56 21 89 95 59 320
Edwards Michael 56 65 45 84 56 306
Assignment 2

Enter the following labels and values starting in cell A3:

B. Alban 64     87     55     73

Y. Salto  80     90     78     82

S. Cruz   93     96     92     90

R. Kim   71     87     52     70

P. Quinn 87     73     49     82

H. Toro 81     77     73     80

Format the table to improve the presentation of the information present in the table

Solution –

Alban Salto Cruz Kim Quinn Toro
64 80 93 71 87 81
87 90 96 87 73 77
55 78 92 52 49 73
73 82 90 70 82 80
Assignment 3

Type the following data in excel worksheet and save it as second.xls.

X: People per physician              Y:  Life Expectancy                           

X 370 6166 684 449 643 1551 616 403

Y 70.5 53.5 65 76.5 70 71 60.5 51.5

Do the following
(a) Complete column C for finding product x * y
(b) Find sum of x column at the end of data
(c) Find sum of y column at the end of data
(d) Find sum of x * y column at the end of data
(e) Find sum of x^2
(f) Find sum of y^2
(g) Find the minimum from the values of x and y both

(h) Count the values of x which are less than 1000.

Solution – X ( people per physician) Y (Life Expectancy) X*Y

1 370 70.5 26085
2 6166 53.5 329881
3 684 65 44460
4 449 76.5 34348.5
5 643 70 45010
6 1551 71 110121
7 616 60.5 37268
8 403 51.5 20754.5
Total 10882 518.5 647928
sumx^2 118417924 268842.25
Min 370 51.5
Count 6
Assignment 4

The table below outlines rainfall levels, in millimetres, for seven cities during a six- month



BRININGHAM 56 51 47 42 30 22
BRISTOL 64 58 53 47 34 24
GLASGOW 76 68 65 56 42 26
LIVERPOOL 59 50 51 43 30 23
LONDON 49 52 42 33 26 17
SHEFFIELD 53 54 49 44 35 24
N 42 45 36 29 20 11

Enter these details onto a spreadsheet and complete the required tasks:
1. Widen the first column to 15.
2. Add rows beneath to show the monthly rainfall.
3. Delete blank rows or columns.
4. Add a new column after the June rainfall statistics to show the total rainfall in each city
over the period.
5. Name the spreadsheet as RainFall.
6. The rainfall in Birmingham during March should be 58.
7. Insert a new row between the rows holding the London and Sheffield rainfall statistics.
Enter the following details: Newcastle 65 63 57 50 39 21

Solution –

City Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total rainfall
Briningham 56 51 58 42 30 22 259
Bristol 64 58 53 47 34 24 280
Glasgow 76 68 65 56 42 26 333
Liverpool 59 50 51 43 30 23 256
London 49 52 42 33 26 17 219
Newcastle 65 63 57 50 39 21 295
Sheffield 53 54 49 44 35 24 259
Southampton 42 45 36 29 20 11 183
Total 464 441 411 344 256 168
Assignment 5

Enter the following data and save it in grade .xls

Name       Marks1        Marks2            Marks3       Total              Percentage         Grade
Amit         80                70                     80
Renu        70                60                      90
Rajeev     60                50                      80
Manish     50               30                      90
Sanjeev    40               40                      80
Anita         70               70                     90
Do the following
(a) Compute the total marks and percentage of each student by entering appropriate formula.
(b) Compute the grades based on following criteria
If percentage >= 90 then grade = A
If percentage >= 80 and <90 then grade = B
If percentage >= 70 and <80 then grade = C
If percentage >= 60 and <70 then grade = D
If percentage < 60 then grade = E

Name Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Total Percentage Grade
Amit 80 70 80 230 76.666667 C
Renu 70 60 90 220 73.333333 C
Rajeev 60 50 80 190 63.333333 D
Manish 50 30 90 170 56.666667 E
Sanjeev 40 40 80 160 53.333333 E
Anita 70 70 90 230 76.666667 C
Assignment 6

Langton Breweries Ltd uses barley as the chief raw material in producing a variety of beers
for the home and export markets. The barley, which is purchased from cereal growers, is
graded according to its quality into A, B and C categories.

The following table gives the quantity (in tonnes) and respective quality of barley sold to the
company by 12 different cereal growers:


Quantit Qualit
Supplier y y
s 87 A
L.Benson 136 A
el 163 C
l 48 B
B. Cullen 107 A
K.Davies 64 B
T.Dukes 82 B
n 58 A
O.Harris 183 A
M.Lioyd 119 A
an 76 C
J.Ward 142 B

The basic purchase price of the barley is 85 Rs per tonne. In order to encourage the
production of top quality barley, however, the company uses the following bonus/penalty
scheme based on barley quality:  Category A - 10% bonus is paid  Category B - No
bonus paid or penalty charged  Category C - 25% penalty is charged
The barley is collected from each supplier by one of the company's trucks. The company
charges a 2.5 Rs per tonne collection fee.
You are required to carry out the following tasks:
1. Enter the details given in the table above onto a spreadsheet titled 'Langton Breweries Ltd -
Barley Purchases'.
2. Add 5 new columns to show:
a) The basic price paid to each supplier
b) The bonus paid (if any) to each supplier (Hint: Use IF)
c) The penalty charged (if any) to each supplier (Hint: Use IF)
d) The overall collection fee deducted by the company for each supplier
e) The actual amount received by each supplier after bonuses were awarded, penalties
charged and collection fees deducted.

Solution –


Supplier Quantity Quality Basic Price Bonus Paid Penalty Collection fee Total Amount
J.Andrews 87 A 7395 10% No Penalty 217.5 8352
L.Benson 136 A 11560 10% No Penalty 340 13056
W.Brunnel 163 C 13855 No Bonus 25% 407.5 10798.75
H.Colwell 48 B 4080 No Bonus No Penalty 120 4200
B.Cullen 107 A 9095 10% No Penalty 267.5 10272
K.Davies 64 B 5440 No Bonus No Penalty 160 5600
T.Dukes 82 B 6970 No Bonus No Penalty 205 7175
S.Freeman 58 A 4930 10% No Penalty 145 5568
O.Harris 183 A 15555 10% No Penalty 457.5 17568
M.Lioyd 119 A 10115 10% No Penalty 297.5 11424
R.Meengan 76 C 6460 No Bonus 25% 190 5035
J.Ward 142 B 12070 No Bonus No Penalty 355 12425
Assignment 7

The Lakeview Hotel and Country Club accommodates many tourists each year. The
following table shows the numbers of foreign bookings for 1998, 1999 and 2000:


y 1998 1999 2000

American 937 1108 1405

Australian 650 793 934
French 1238 968 627
German 994 854 699
Japanese 395 483 597
Others 786 794 756

You must now carry out the following:

1. Enter the details onto a spreadsheet.
2. Save the spreadsheet as Hotel1.
3. Sort the data according to alphabetic order of nationality.
4. Produce a bar graph (with suitable titles, legends and axes titles) showing the numbers of
bookings for each nationality in 1998, 1999 and 2000.
5. Can you establish any visible trends?
6. Produce a pie graph, with a suitable title, showing a percentage breakdown of the bookings
for 2000.

Nationality 1998 1999 2000 1600
American 937 1108 1405 1400
Australian 650 793 934
French 1238 968 627 800
German 994 854 699 600 Series1
Japanese 395 483 597 400 Series2
200 Series3
Others 786 794 756


Nationality AmericanAustralian French german japanes other

French GermanJapaneseOthers

Nationality AmericanAustralianFrench GermanJapaneseOthers

Assignment 8
A university maintains a year wise result for four courses and then generates an average
report as given below

S no.      Year            Course1         Course2         Course3           Course4             Average

1             2002            356                300                300                  400
2             2003            200                400                200                  450
3             2004            256                500                400                  600
4             2005            400                600                500                  550
5             2006            456                450                550                  450
6             Total

(a) Complete the report to calculate the course wise average in row 6
(b) Provide formula to calculate year wise average in column G
(c) Generate a column chart to compare data

Solution –
S. No. Year Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Average
1 2002 356 300 300 400 339
2 2003 200 400 200 450 312.5
3 2004 256 500 400 600 439
4 2005 400 600 500 550 512.5
5 2006 456 450 550 450 476.5
6 Total 333.6 450 390 490 415.9

Chart Title

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total

1 2 3 4 5 6

Course 1Course 2Course 3Course 4Average

Assignment 9

A company records the details of total sales (in Rs. ) sector wise and month wise in the
following format

                          Jan             Feb              March                       April

Sector 30          12000        17000          14000                       15000
Sector 22          14000       18000           15000                       16000
Sector 23          15000       19000           16000                       17000
Sector 15          16000       12000           17000                       18000

(a) Enter the data in a worksheet and save it as sector.xls

(b) Using appropriate formula, calculate total sale for each sector
(c) Create a 3-D column chart to show sector wise data for all four

Solution –

Sector Sales Report

Sector Jan Feb March April Total
Sector 30 12000 17000 14000 15000 58000
Sector 22 14000 18000 15000 16000 63000
Sector 23 15000 19000 16000 17000 67000
Sector 15 16000 12000 17000 18000 63000

Sector Sales Report

Sector 23

Sector 30
Jan FebMarchApril

Sector 30Sector 22Sector 23Sector 15

Assignment 10
JD Seafoods Ltd. supply cod, plaice, sole and whiting to restaurants and shops throughout the
UK. The company operates a fleet of 8 trawlers out of Grimsby port. When a trawler docks
in port, the crew sorts their catch into 25kg boxes.

Part A

The following table shows the number of boxes of each fish type caught on each day over a
three-day period by one of the company's trawlers, the Morning Star:
Morning Star - Fish

Fish type Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Cod 47 38 48
Plaice 11 9 15
Sole 28 36 30
Whiting 54 40 43

You are required to enter these details onto a spreadsheet and carry out the following tasks:
1. Add a column, headed Total, and show the total number of boxes of each fish type caught
over the period.
2. Add a row, labelled Total, and show the total number of boxes of fish caught on each day.
3. Alter the cod catches to 51, 37 and 54 for day 1, day 2 and day 3 respectively.
4. Save the sheet as Fish1.

Morning Star - Fish Catches
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total
Cod 51 37 54 142
Plaice 11 9 15 35
Sole 28 36 30 94
Whiting 54 40 43 137
Total 144 122 142

Part B

The following table shows the number of boxes of each fish type landed by the other 7
trawlers in the company's fleet over the same three-day period:

JD Seafood Ltd.

Co Whitin
Trawler d Plaice Sole g

Blue Oyster 151 44 114 109

Edelweiss 79 17 63 124
Freswick Lass 110 26 71 117
Kingfisher 129 42 83 120
Netmaster 118 38 57 135
Red Rose 96 23 79 89
Velvet Band 102 12 48 134

Enter these details onto a spreadsheet and carry out the following:
1. Add a column, headed Total, and show the total number of boxes of fish caught by each
trawler over the period.
2. Add a row, labelled Total, and show the total number of boxes of each fish type caught by
all 7 trawlers.
3. Insert a row, labelled Morning Star, before Netmaster's details.
4. Enter formulae to link the appropriate cells in this new row with the cells in the Fish1
spreadsheet file which contain the total number of boxes of each fish type caught by the
Morning Star over the period (Part A above).


Trawler Cod Plaice Sole Whiting Total

Blue Oyster 151 44 114 109 418
Edelweiss 79 17 63 124 283
Freswick Lass 110 26 71 117 324
Kingfisher 129 42 83 120 374
Morning star 142 35 94 137 408
Netmaster 118 38 57 135 348
Red Rose 96 23 79 89 287
Velvet Band 102 12 48 134 296
Total 927 237 609 965

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