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Quaternary History of Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America and Europe

Author(s): Margaret B. Davis

Source: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 70, No. 3 (1983), pp. 550-563
Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
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Accessed: 20/06/2014 07:47

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The temperatedeciduous forest of North America is more diverse than the deciduous forest of
westernEurope.This differencehas traditionallybeen explainedby greatersurvivalin North America
of deciduous species duringthe Quaternary.More recent investigationshave shown, however, that
late-Tertiaryforestsof Europehad alreadybecomedominatedby conifers,with deciduousangiosperms
a minorcomponent.Duringthe Quaternary,coniferousspeciesandgenerawerelost fromthe European
flora,leaving a few species and generaof angiospermsas the dominant trees. Cold, dry, continental
climate duringthe glaciationscaused the extinction of conifers;deciduoustrees apparentlysurvived
these climaticconditionsin pocketsof favorablehabitatin the easternMediterraneanregion.In eastern
North America, in contrast, temperatedeciduous forests are quite similar to the forests that were
present in the late Tertiary.During the Quaternary,relatively few extinctions occurred,although
deciduousangiospermswere displacedfrom the Appalachianmountains,survivingin small popula-
tions in the lower Mississippivalley or on the southerncoastal plain. Coniferousforests dominated
by sprucegrew in the Great Plains, and forests dominated by pine grew on the southernpart of the
Atlantic coastal plain. At the opening of the Holocene, and presumablyat the beginningof all the
previous interglacials,tree distributionschangeddramaticallyas temperatespecies rapidlyextended
their ranges northward.Range boundarieshave continued to change throughoutthe Holocene, as
expansionsandcontractionsof rangehave occurredas the resultof climaticchange.Quaternaryclimatic
history caused dramaticchanges in the forests of both areas, indicatingthat modern species distri-
butions can no longer be considered relicts of Tertiarydistributions.Throughoutthe Quaternary,
speciesrangeshave changedin responseto changesin regionalclimate;many forestcommunitiesare
of recentorigin,having receivedtheir presentcomplementsof tree specieswithin the last 5,000 years.
Forest communities in EasternNorth America and in WesternEuropeas well have been invaded
repeatedlyduringthe Holocene by forest species expandingfrom refugesfar to the south.

Temperate deciduous forest grows over a wide nosperms such as Sequoia dominant in some
area of eastern North America. The forest is rich regions, and evergreen angiosperms present else-
in numbers of species, especially the mixed me- where. He argued that a number of major cli-
sophytic forest communities of the southern Ap- matic changes occurred during the Tertiary, es-
palachians. These forests were traditionally com- pecially during the Oligocene; these changes led
pared with forests of the Tertiary Period (Reid, to local changes in abundances of various com-
1935; Braun, 1947, 1950; Campbell, 1982), when ponents of the Tertiary flora. Thus changes of
the so-called Arcto-Tertiary geoflora was sup- climate caused local adaptations rather than mi-
posed to have been widespread throughout the grations of intact plant communities from one
northern hemisphere (Chaney, 1944). Reid (1935) latitude to another as Chaney hypothesized
and Chaney (1944) believed that severe climate (Wolfe, 1979). Before the end of the Tertiary
during the Quaternary Period eliminated the Period, the forests of western United States were
Arcto-Tertiary geoflora entirely from many re- already dominated by conifers. A similar change
gions, such as western North America, while in had also occurred in Europe, where Pliocene flo-
others, such as western Europe, extinctions elim- ras contained many genera and species of coni-
inated all but a few species and genera. The mod- fers (Wolfe, 1979). Sequoia was the dominant
ern deciduous forests were thus seen as remnants tree in some regions (Traverse, 1982).
of an originally widespread, uniform vegetation. Mixed coniferous-deciduous forest in Europe
The geoflora concept has been challenged re- during the Pliocene is a new interpretation of
cently by Wolfe (1978, 1979) who argued that a forest history that stands in marked contrast to
uniform broad-leaved forest never existed. His the traditional view. The traditional view held
analysis of the paleobotanical data shows that that deciduous forest persisted in Europe into
Tertiary floras were diverse, with evergreen gym- the early Quaternary Period, when increasing se-

1 This work was supportedby the National Science Foundation.

Departmentof Ecologyand BehavioralBiology, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,Minnesota55455.
ANN. MISSOURI BOT. GARD. 70:550-563. 1983.

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verity of climate caused extinctions of many an- prised about 90 percent of the time during the
giosperm trees (Tralau, 1973; Campbell, 1982). Quaternary period. During these long, cold in-
In contrast, Wolfe emphasized that coniferous tervals, temperate species survived in small pop-
species and genera were the important losses from ulations that were susceptible to extinction. The
the European flora during the Quaternary. The severity of the climate, both in terms of average
Taxodiaceae, for example, once so important in temperature, continentality, and drought; the ex-
the Black Sea region, were eliminated entirely tent of geographical displacement of plant species;
(Traverse, 1982). The angiospermous genera that the sizes of populations; and the community
remain today represent differential survival of composition of forests in refuge areas; all had an
one component of what had been mixed conif- effect on the probability of extinction for indi-
erous-deciduous forest (Wolfe, 1979). Wolfe vidual species.
pointed out that Europe today has the type of Interglacial intervals comprised a much small-
climatic regime that elsewhere in the world sup- er proportion (about 10 percent) of the Quater-
ports mixed coniferous forest; the dominance of nary period. They were characterized by climates
deciduous species in the region today is therefore similar to those of today, which in Europe and
anomalous. Eastern North America, in contrast, eastern North America seem to bear a general
has a climatic regime typical of deciduous forest resemblance to late-Tertiary climate. Each in-
regions. Today it supports forests dominated by terglacial was short, lasting only 10,000 to 15,000
deciduous angiosperms, just as it did during the years, and began and ended with a sudden, major
late Tertiary (Wolfe, 1979). climatic change (Emiliani, 1972; Broecker & Van
The Quaternary pollen record adds a useful Donk, 1970). The interglacials, although favor-
perspective to these differing views of the origin able for survival and population expansion of
of the European deciduous forest and the rela- temperate forest trees both in Europe and eastern
tionship of deciduous forests in eastern North North America, were times of vegetational in-
America and Europe. First, the Quaternary rec- stability. During interglacials the geographical
ord shows that dramatic changes in the geograph- distributions of temperate species shifted many
ical ranges of forest species occurred during the hundreds of kilometers, and the composition of
Quaternary. We can no longer speak of Tertiary forest comunities changed rapidly.
forest "remaining" in a region throughout the
Quaternary, because many tree species were re-
peatedly displaced during the Quaternary from
the geographical region where they now occur. The exploration of the deep sea by geologists
For this reason, modern geographical ranges in the last twenty years has led to a new under-
cannot be used to identify the locations of "relict" standing of Quaternary events, revolutionizing
Tertiary forests. Second, the response of tem- our thinking about the time scale of glaciation.
perate forest trees to Quaternary climatic change Many marine cores include sediment extending
was individualistic, supporting Wolfe's conten- through the entire Quaternary Period. Previ-
tion that Tertiaryfloras would not have migrated ously, four major glaciations were recognized
as units in response to climatic events. Third, the within the Quaternary. We now know that there
extinctions that occurred during the Quaternary, were 18 or 20 glaciations during the last 2 million
especially the differential extinctions of conifers years, the time interval now assigned to the Qua-
and deciduous angiosperms document that the ternary. Each of these glacial cycles lasted about
differential severity of Quaternary climate affect- 100,000 years (Hays et al., 1969). Figure 1 shows
edforests differently in Europe and North Amer- oxygen-isotope paleoclimatic records for the last
ica. These three factors contributed to the make- 800,000 years. The climatic events are well dat-
up of the modem temperate forest floras of North ed: the last interglacial (the earliest part of stage
America and Europe. 5) started 125,000 years ago, lasted about 15,000
In considering how Quaternary climate years, and ended with a sharp decline in tem-
changed Pliocene floras into modem floras, the perature that initiated the last glaciation. Warm
two phases of Quaternary climate, glacial cli- conditions returned, followed by a cold period,
mates and interglacial climates, are important. then a short warm interval. Seventy thousand
The two phases appear to have had quite differ- years ago a long cold interval (stages 2-4) began,
ent effects. -Glacial phases, i.e., times when ice which culminated in the glacial maximum 18,000
sheets were more extensive than at present, com- to 20,000 years ago (Broecker & Van Donk, 1970).

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- 2.0
These can be compared with quantitative sam-
-I1.0 ples of modem forest to show how the percent-
-2 0 =:
-1.0 ages of pollen relate to the percentages of growth
- -2. -- -_- - stock volume in the modem forest (Delcourt et
al., 1983). In addition, pollen concentrations in
- -2.0_.0 _
sediment can be corrected for the rate at which
0 200 400 600 800
the sediment matrix has accumulated, and thus
AGE (10 3 YR) the actual numbers of pollen grains deposited
FIGURE 1. Oxygen-isotoperatios in three deep-sea every year on the sediment surface can be de-
cores,plottedagainsttime.The low pointson the curves termined (Davis & Deevey, 1964). Comparisons
representperiods when glaciers were expanded, the
high points, periodswhen glacierswerecontracted.In- of modern pollen deposition rates and forest rec-
terglacialstagesare indicatedby Arabicnumerals5, 7, ords show that pollen deposition is proportional
9, etc., but glaciers were as small as today (isotope to the density of source trees within a 15 km
curvesabove dashedlines) for only shortperiodsdur- radius of the deposition site (Davis et al., 1973;
ing the Quaternary.The threecoresrecordnineglacial- Webb et al., 1981). Although imprecisions arise
interglacialcycles duringthe last 800,000 years(mod-
ified from Johnson, 1982). because pollen grains are produced in different
amounts by different species and are transported
different distances, we nevertheless can use pol-
len to obtain not only a list of the flora, but also
A number of aspects of this record are im-
roughly quantitative information about the
portant to vegetation history. The first is that
abundances of different kinds of trees. Macro-
changes occurred much more rapidly than pre-
fossil studies are used increasingly in combina-
viously supposed. We had imagined four rather
tion with pollen studies to provide species iden-
leisurely glacial-interglacial cycles, each lasting
tifications and definitive proof of the local
several hundred thousand years, with long in-
presence of particular plant species (e.g., Watts,
terglacials equal to, or longer than, glacial pe-
1979; Davis et al., 1980).
riods. The newer data indicate that interglacial
Eastern United States is shown in Figure 2,
periods were brief, 10,000 to 15,000 years in
with black dots indicating sites where sediments
length, while the glacial intervals were much
longer, lasting about 100,000 years. During gla- are securely dated by radiocarbon at 18,000 to
20,000 years before present, when the ice stood
cial intervals there were fluctuations of climate
at its maximum. Most of these sites have been
culminating in a severe, but relatively brief gla-
studied within the last 15 years.
cial maximum and then a rapid, large temper-
The new paleobotanical data demonstrate that
ature rise into the next interglacial (Broecker &
the vegetation during the last glacial period was
Van Donk, 1970). The present interglacial, the
very different from modern vegetation (Watts,
Holocene, is typical in length for an interglacial,
1980, 1984). Furthermore, most of the plant
meaning that events recorded in Holocene sed-
communities were dissimilar from any plant
iments can be used as an analog for events during
communities that are widespread today. Con-
previous interglacials.
trary to previous thinking, the latitudinal zona-
tion of modern forest communities was not
merely displaced southward in response to dis-
placement of climatic zones (Martin, 1958). In-
Cores of lake sediment have yielded detailed stead a very different series of vegetation types
information about vegetation changes during the developed, without modem analogs. South of the
glacial-interglacial cycles. Sediments can be sam- glacial boundary in New York and in Pennsyl-
pled at close intervals, a few hundred years or vania there was a belt of tundra, which might
even decades apart, and pollen assemblages for have been 100 to 200 km wide, extending south-
the last 50,000 years can be dated by radiocar- ward at high elevations along the mountains
bon. Pollen percentage assemblages can be com- (Watts, 1979; Maxwell & Davis, 1972). Treeline
pared with assemblages in surface samples, col- was at about 1,000 m elevation in western Mary-
lected from different vegetation regions. More land (Watts, 1979).
than 1,800 surface samples are available for Along the Atlantic coastal plain there was co-
comparison from different parts of eastern United niferous forest, with Pinus, Picea, Abies, and La-
States and Canada (Overpeck & Webb, 1983). rix (Watts, 1984; Whitehead, 1973, 1981). Picea

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was common in the north, but farther south, it

became quite rare and Pinus was dominant. The FULL
pollen assemblages from South Carolina leave it GLACIAL
ambiguous whether there was dense forest or WI Sh~,t ~ <VEGETATION
semi-open vegetation (Whitehead, 1973; Watts,
1983), but it is clear that deciduous trees were TUNDRAI
rare or absent. On the southern coastal plain and
piedmont as far south as northern Florida, Pinus z PICE
LARIX *. and
was the dominant tree (Watts, 1970, 1983; Watts
& Stuiver, 1980). There were only trace quan-
tities of deciduous tree pollen at sites north of
northern Florida (Watts, 1970, 1980; Watts & and
Stuiver, 1980; Whitehead, 1973, 1981). PICEA PIC5A
On the western flank of the Appalachians, Pi- TREES) 0 30
nus pollen dominated the fossil assemblage (Del-
court, 1979). But in the Mississippi valley, Picea
pollen was abundant, and Pinus pollen was ab- Gulf of Mexico

sent (Delcourt et al., 1980). Farther north and

west on the Great Plains, Picea and Larix were 0 km 500

the dominant trees. Pinus was present before l I I I I

24,000 years ago, but it became extinct just be- 90 80
fore the last glacial maximum. Unlike the mod-
FIGURE 2. Outline map of North America, showing
em boreal forest, which contains both Pinus and the extent of ice and the locations of major kinds of
Picea, especially in the central part of Canada, vegetation 18,000 years ago. Black dots indicate lo-
Picea dominated the full glacial forest in the cen- cations of fossil deposits dated with certainty at 18,000
tral part of the continent, and Pinus was absent. to 18,500 years.
There is some controversy about the presence of
Quercus. Quercus pollen is present (15%) at an
Illinois site at stratigraphic levels that appear to proves this idea, showinginstead that deciduous
be full-glacial (Griiger, 1972). Some authors have forest was completelydisplacedfrom the Appa-
speculated that oak grew together with spruce lachian mountains.
under a climatic regime in which seasonality was Full-glacial pollen deposits are dominated by
much reduced (Wright, 1982; Solomon, 1982), coniferous pollen; they do not show a predom-
while others suggest that the pollen assemblage inance of deciduous tree pollen, such as occurs
represents a tundra in which oak pollen carried today in modem sediment from all regions dom-
by wind from a distance stands out in a pollen inated by deciduous forest, especially regions of
assemblage from unproductive tundra (King & mixed mesophytic forest (Delcourt et al., 1983).
Lindsay, 1980; Maxwell & Davis, 1972). Oak Deposits dated at 18,500 years before present in
grows together with spruce today on sandy soils northern Florida contain 80 percent pollen from
in southern Manitoba, producing similar pollen southern pine species. Farther south there are no
assemblages (West, 1961) and macrofossils in- records, although sand dunes and other geo-
dicate that oak occurred in Iowa 12,000 years morphic evidence suggest that the region was too
ago, when spruce was still present (Baker et al., dry for extensive deciduous forest (Watts, 1983).
1980). It is unclear where all the deciduous forest species
The deciduous forest today reaches its maxi- survived the last glacial maximum. Fossil pollen,
mum development in the Appalachian moun- seeds and fruits from temperate deciduous trees
tains. Here the community diversity is highest suggest that some species grew together with
and many species reach maximum size and spruce near Memphis in the Mississippi Valley
growth rate. The high diversity of this forest (Delcourt et al., 1980). In northern Florida, de-
community has led to speculation that the south- ciduous tree pollen (mainly Quercus and Carya)
ern Appalachian region was a center for the de- makes up 15 to 20 percent of the pollen assem-
ciduous forest community, and perhaps func- blage (Watts & Stuiver, 1980). Deciduous tree
tioned as a refuge area during the Quaternary pollen increases in abundance rapidly at many
glaciations (Braun, 1950). The fossil record dis- southern sites during the late-glacial period, sug-

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gesting that at least small populations of tem- it, and higher still where the species is abundant.
perate trees such as Fagus grew nearby in very These relationships were different for the differ-
small, scattered refuges at the time of the glacial ent species that were studied, depending appar-
maximum (Watts, 1984; Solomon et al., 1981). ently on the production rates and dispersal ten-
During the coldest part of the last glacial pe- dencies of the pollen. Generally, pollen deposition
riod, small populations of deciduous tree species rates are at least 5-fold, and in some cases 10-
may have grown in unusual habitats where local fold higher within the range than outside (Davis
conditions compensated for the regionally cold, et al., 1973). On this basis I have deduced that
dry climate. These refuges were small in area and the earliest steep rise in the rate of pollen de-
scattered throughout the region, apparently com- position in fossil deposits, that is a ten-fold in-
prising only a small fraction of the total land- crease to levels similar to those observed in mod-
scape area. In a regional sense pine was more em sediments within the range of the source
abundant than deciduous trees: it dominated the species, can be used as evidence of local arrival.
pollen assemblages. There was no large area In a few instances where data were available only
18,000 years ago that could have been mapped as relative counts, I used a steep rise in pollen
as a region of predominantly deciduous forest. percentages in radiocarbon-dated pollen per-
In their recent, detailed reconstructions of full- centage diagrams. In fitting isochrones, however,
glacial vegetation, Delcourt and Delcourt (1981) more weight was given to data points based on
mapped the coastal plain as "Oak-hickory south- deposition rates.
ern pine" evergreen forest. The existence of this Recognizing that pollen percentages can be as
forest type is not well documented, however, as low as one percent near the geographical limit
evidence has not been published from sites on for a species, I have avoided using a particular
the coastal plain except northern Florida, where pollen percentage value to indicate presence. Low
it is certain that sedimentation occurred contin- percentage values are difficult to determine ac-
uously during the full-glacial (Watts, 1984). Al- curately because of statistical errors. Macrofos-
though Delcourt and Delcourt implied a higher sils have corroborated the interpretations in many
frequency for angiospermous trees than I have cases (Davis et al., 1980). There are also cases
suggested, they were in agreement that the full- where macrofossils have been found at nearby
glacial vegetation of this region was different from sites where population expansion occurred ear-
the modern mixed mesophytic forest of the Ap- liest were closest to refuge areas, and sites that
palachians. show later arrivals are farther north. Maps show-
ing northward range extensions of several major
forest trees have been prepared from published
pollen evidence using the criteria described above
Additional information about the history of (Figs. 3, 4, 5).
deciduous tree species comes from records of Arrival times (rounded to 1,000-year inter-
vegetation after the ice began to retreat. In this vals) were indicated on a map, and isochrones
case we have many sites, not only those in Figure were drawn connecting points of similar age. The
2, but also many north of the glacial boundary, sites where poulation expansion occurred earliest
where lakes and bogs are plentiful. These local- were closest to refuge areas, and sites that show
ities are indicated by the small numbers in sub- later arrivals are farther north. Maps showing
sequent figures; references are given in Davis northward range extensions of several major for-
(1981). est trees have been prepared from published pol-
Pollen records were used to determine the len evidence using the criteria described above
northward movement of trees recolonizing de- (Figs. 3, 4, 5).
glaciated territory during the early Holocene Figure 3, for example, shows data for Picea.
(Davis, 1976, 1981). Of course pollen can be The stippled area is the region where Picea grows
dispersed far from living populations of plants; today. The small numbers on the map show "ar-
some- quantitative criterion must be developed rival times" in thousands of years before present,
to use pollen grains as evidence for the local ar- at each site. Isochrones have been drawn con-
rival of trees. Modern pollen deposition rates in necting points of similar age, tracing the leading
lakes show a relationship to geographical range edge of the expanding population. The scatter of
limits. Accumulation rates for all species studied points indicates the uncertainty of the determi-
are higher within the range limit than outside of nations of arrival dates. Pollen percentages com-

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I,0 , , f , ; 1


21 > 14
23 423 12
25I rx
2021 14 0L
ricec w Ic~~~~~lricina
>14 >14
L~~0 prcearch

() OQk400 km o 400km 0

4sn an s2a i sa ~

10 1 1

arrival timesin thusnd2oyasefreprsetatinivdulsiesaidiaedbyfosiplen(

10 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2
12~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1
o 21 20 16 Ab e
ks/>no bi/sme
o /rsios 0 BalsamFir
400 km m 0 0

FIGURE 3. Expansionof borealtree speciesnorthwardfollowingthe retreatof the ice. Smallnumbersindicate

arrivaltimes in thousandsof years before present at individual sites, as indicated by fossil pollen (see text).
Lines connect points of similar age, indicating the location of the expanding frontier for the species at 1,000-
year intervals. Shaded area is present-day range for the genus or species (from Davis, 1983).

piled from sites over a wide area have been plot- species, as well as by the amount of pollen pro-
ted on a similar series of maps by Bernabo and duced by the population of interest. Nevertheless
Webb (1977), Webb (1981), and Huntley and a map of percentages shows the region where the
Birks (1983). Pollen percentages are affected by species was most abundant (given a more or less
the background of pollen produced by other constant pollen background) and it shows the

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8 I
0~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 2 o

l 1} ?Q 400km 0
lQljO? 00km 0

0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~010
0 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5
?7 ) 12
conodesis1 lu p

8J 400km lo | 1l ?9m0 10 10

FIGURE 4. Range extension of two coniferoustree species that commonly grow in deciduous forests, and
Quercus and Both coniferousspecies expandedfrom the easterncoastal plain, suggestinga refugearea
somewhere in the vicinity. Oak and elm expanded in a northeasterly direction from refuges that were apparently
located in the southernMississippivalley region (from Davis, 1983).

retreating edge of the migrating population (Ber- per year, a rapid rate for trees with long gener-
nabo & Webb, 1977). Data showing later arrivals ation times. These estimates are supported by
at northern sites than at southern sites can be data from Europe, which suggest similar rates of
used to calculate rates of range extension in me- expansion there (Firbas, 1949; Huntley & Birks,
ters per year. Most tree species were able to ex- 1983).
tend their ranges northward 200 to 300 meters In northeastern United States, far from the

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I 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

14? Acerpp.4.racnd/- (
13 >Q 404m0, Maplefoi O 40K
O400 km 0 400 Km 0

14 ~ ~ ~ .

I0 ~ ~ I

Coryc p dentata
~H .~~~I ickory Chestnut

400 km 0 ...4.O km

FIGURE 5. Rangeextensionof four deciduoustree species or generafollowingthe retreatof the ice. Chestnut
was the slowest species to extend its range northward.Beech moved northwardeast of the Appalachians,
expandingwestwardacross the lower Great Lakesregion (from Davis, 1983).

refuge areas where trees grew during the glacial Pond in Tennessee (Delcourt, 1979), were closer
maximum, the forest vegetation gained species to refuges and much less influenced by migration
gradually through time, increasing in diversity histories (Solomon et al., 1981).
throughout the Holocene. Certain forest species The replacement of Picea and other boreal
arrived very late-Castanea arrived in Con- species by deciduous forest or by mixed decid-
necticut as recently as 2,000 years ago. Sites in uous forest was time-transgressive, occurring
the southern Appalachians, such as Anderson 16,000 years ago in the south and 10,000 years

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ago farther north. The maps (Fig. 3) show that chain (Delcourt, 1979). The expansion was rel-
northward expansions of boreal species occurred atively slow, averaging about 100 meters per year.
at different rates. Picea and Abies, which have Castanea is dispersed by birds; however, it is
overlapping geographical ranges at the present completely self-sterile, which may mean that the
time, did not expand northward together. In some statistical chances for the establishment of pop-
regions, such as northern New Hampshire, Abies ulations are much lower than for self-fertile
arrived after Picea had declined in abundance. species. It was successful once it became estab-
These results refute the idea that two trees that lished, becoming abundant throughout the Ap-
co-occur today in a recognizable plant commu- palachians, and dominant in many areas (Braun,
nity necessarily expanded together in the past 1950). The direction of expansion of all the above-
in response to climatic change. The rate at which named species suggests that they survived the
each species could expand into available habitat last glacial period somewhere west of the Ap-
depended not only on suitability of climate, but palachians, perhaps in the southern Mississippi
also on the dispersal of seeds and the ease with Valley (Delcourt & Delcourt, 1981).
which new individuals could become estab- Fagus grandifolia (Fig. 5) moved northward
lished. along the Atlantic coast east of the Appalachians.
Many deciduous tree species moved into Beech then expanded westward through the Mo-
northern United States from the west as inter- hawk Valley into the Great Lakes region, spread-
glacial conditions developed. This group in- ing southward into Ohio. The movement of beech
cludes Ulmus, Acer, Quercus, Carya and Cas- into Wisconsin and Michigan is being studied in
tanea (Figs. 4, 5). Ulmus (Fig. 4) ranges far north my laboratory by means of closely spaced sites;
into Canada at the present time (stippled area on our results suggest that beech has been dispersed
Fig. 4); its physiology appears adapted to the several times across geographical barriers 30 to
cooler climates that may have prevailed 10,000 100 km wide. Detailed studies of migration his-
to 1 1,000 years ago. Acer (mainly A. saccharum) tories indicate the mechanisms of dispersal for
also arrived very early at some midwestern sites, plants, and give us some idea of the role of geo-
12,000 to 1 1,000 years ago, expanding rapidly graphical barriers in preventing or slowing geo-
into the northeast, where it arrived about 9,000 graphical spread (Woods & Davis, 1982; Webb,
years ago. The rapid and early expansion of 1982) (Fig. 5).
Quercus is surprising, as its distribution today is Two coniferous species, Pinus strobus and
temperate rather than boreal. Furthermore, it has Tsuga canadensis, expanded from a refuge on
heavy seeds that depended on animals for dis- the central coastal plain, or on the exposed con-
persal. Birds can be very effective dispersal agents, tinental shelf, which has long been suggested as
however, because birds such as blue jays and a refuge area (Fernald, 1925). At least their pollen
crows not only feed on acorns but fly consider- appeared first at sites in the mid-Atlantic region
able distances with them, caching them in wooded (Fig. 4). Both species then expanded westward
areas (Van der Pijl, 1969). It can be argued that and northward. Although Pinus strobus and Tsu-
animal dispersal is more effective than wind dis- ga canadensis grow today in mixed stands with
persal, since the seeds are carried to suitable sites temperate deciduous forest species, they were not
rather than distributed at random. Ease of es- growing together with many of the deciduous
tablishment may also have affected the success trees during the last glacial period. In other words,
of Quercus. Its range extension was rapid, more the communities in the refuge areas were differ-
rapid than any of the deciduous trees that today ent from modern communities, composed of
grow in mature forests. Also moving from the small subsets of the species characteristic of the
west, but expanding more slowly, was Carya spp., diverse "mesophytic forest." This is an impor-
which arrived early (10,000 B.P.) in the Midwest, tant point, because trees were exposed to com-
even at sites close to its present northern bound- petition from species co-occurring in refuge areas
ary. But it was slow to cross the Appalachian for about 50,000 years. The makeup of the com-
mountains and arrived late in New England, only munities is important when the evolutionary his-
5,000 years before present. tory of species and coadaptations between species
Castanea pollen is found in quantity near are considered. In contrast, deciduous tree species
Memphis, Tennessee, as early as 15,000 years have been growing in the Appalachians where we
ago (Delcourt et al., 1980). It then expanded study them today for fewer than 12,000 years,
northeastward up the Appalachian mountain and for less than half that time in the northern

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30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Appalachians. In the northeast, deciduous forest
communities have gained new species through-
out the Holocene, increasing in diversity as ad- 60
ditional species extended their ranges to this re-
Many communities that appear similar today ULL GLACIAL

have had different histories even during the last ............ ~E ETATION

few thousand years. For example, Quercus-Cas- 50

tanea forests in the Appalachian mountains have POLARDESERT
contained Castanea for different lengths of time,
8,000 years in the southern Appalachians and
only 2,000 years in the north. Thus, present sim-
ilarities in community composition do not nec- 0
essarily mean that forests have had a long, sim-
ilar history.
Range limits change constantly in response to
climate. For example, Pinus strobus moved north
0 10 20 30
of its present limit about 5,000 years ago (Teras-
mae & Anderson, 1970), when the climate was FIGURE 6. Outline map of Europe, showing the dis-
warmer. As the climate cooled in the last few tribution of ice sheets and major vegetation types dur-
millennia, the tree has retreated southward; at ing the full-glacial, 18,000 to 20,000 years ago.
the same time the climate has been getting wetter
near the western limit of P. strobus, allowing it
to expand in Minnesota (Jacobson, 1979). Species that sea ice covered the ocean as far south as
ranges are dynamic, expanding and contracting Iceland and polar water flowed south to the Bay
in a sensitive way in response to minor changes of Biscay. Surface water temperature fell 100C.
in climate. We have recently demonstrated that The warm Gulf Stream, instead of flowing north-
Fagus has also extended its range westward about eastward across the Atlantic and along the west-
50 km within the last 1,000 years, presumably ern coast of Europe, as it does today, flowed
in response to recent climatic changes correlative eastward across the mid-Atlantic and southward
with the "Little Ice Age" (Woods & Davis, 1982). past the Iberian peninsula (Climap, 1976).
Many range maps have been displayed and dis- Europe was without forest beween the north-
cussed at this Symposium; it should be kept in ern ice sheet and the Alps (Van der Hammen et
mind that many of them may represent geo- al., 1971). The floor of the North Sea was exposed
graphical distributions that have been attained by lowered sea levels, providing a large land area
only recently, and that will change again as the in Northern Europe and a relatively continental
climate changes. climate. The low countries and Denmark were
The Holocene is similar in length and com- "polar desert." Farther south, the vegetation was
parable in climate to previous interglacials. We a tundra with abundant Artemisia (Peterson et
must conclude, therefore, that rapid northward al., 1979). Artemisia steppe also characterized
expansions of deciduous trees occurred many the Mediterranean region. Similar vegetation
times previously during the Quaternary. grew in Turkey, and east to the Iranian Plateau
(Van der Hammen et al., 1971) (Fig. 6). Cold
and dry climate is indicated.
Pollen diagrams from interglacial deposits in
A detailed knowledge of Pleistocene biotic his- Europe are similar to Holocene pollen diagrams;
tory is available from Europe, where interglacial they show the successive arrivals of different
deposits have been studied in detail, making it species as trees extended their ranges northward
possible to observe the timing of changes in the from glacial refuges. At sites in central and north-
floristic composition of temperate forest com- ern Europe, interglacial pollen diagrams begin
munities. Recent work has indicated that ex- with a boreal flora of Pinus and Betula, and end
tremely severe climatic conditions prevailed in with Pinus, Betula, and Picea; in the intervening
Europe during the glaciations. Reconstructed temperate zone the diversity of the flora gradu-
ocean surface temperatures 18,000 years ago show ally increases as more and more deciduous tree

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Palynological Sequence percentages of tree pollen. Tree pollen was abun-

dant during the last interglacial, which extended
from 125,000 to 110,000 years ago. The inter-
Grande Pile Peat Bog glacial terminated with a change in climate
110,000 years ago that is also recorded in deep
Est. A g e
sea sediments. Forest disappeared from the vi-
(X I103) Depth cinity of Grand Pile and was replaced by an Ar-
Holocene I ) Det
: ~~~~~~0 -500 temisia steppe. One hundred thousand years ago,
18 the climate became warmer again, and the forest
returned. A forest succession similar to the Ho-
locene is indicated by the pollen diagram, as all
1 29,980 700
the forest species, including Picea, returned. Pic-
ea had had a late arrival during the preceding
interglacial interval, but it must have been grow-
-900 ing nearby during the subsequent cold stadial,
because it was available for rapid recolonization
Glacial 1 36,510
when the climate warmed 100,000 years ago. A
yrsB.P. second cold period began about 90,000 years ago.
-I 100
Interval Again, the forest was replaced by Artemisia
steppe, and again, about 10,000 years later, the
forest returned, including all tree species. Then
=nterdia _ 1- 1300 the climate became cold again 70,000 years ago,
and a long cold period ensued, culminating in
the glacial maximum 18,000 years ago. During
Interstadial this long period, Artemisia steppe prevailed lo-
I 500
cally and the deciduous forest and Picea appar-
1 10
ently retracted to distant refuges.
Interglacial In her classic paper, Reid (1935) emphasized
-I 700 the importance of east-west trending mountains
in the extinction of deciduous forest species in
I125 Europe. She believed that the glaciers were ac-
- I 900 companied by cold climate, which caused ex-
tinctions of temperate trees everywhere north of
0 50 100 (cm) this mountain barrier. Only those species that
Percent Arboreal Pollen reached refuges in the Mediterranean survived.
FIGURE 7. Percentagesof tree pollen in the Grand
Reid's discussion emphasized the onset of gla-
Pile pollen diagram(from Woillard, 1978). ciation as a time of extinction. The Grand Pile
data imply, however, that although forest dis-
appeared locally in response to cold climate at
species appear. The younger interglacials and the the onset of glaciation, all species were available
Holocene are marked by the very late arrival of to return as soon as the climate became warm
both Carpinus and Picea; these genera appeared again. A more important extinction time was the
earlier in the older interglacials. very long and very severe cold period that in-
The Grand Pile Peat Bog in northern France cluded the glacial maximum (70,000 to 16,000
is a recently investigated site that is remarkable years ago), rather than the first onset of cold
because it provides a continuous record of vege- 100,000 years ago that accompanied the devel-
tation during interglacial and glacial intervals. A opment of continental ice sheets. It was during
continuous sedimentary sequence includes the long cold periods, lasting 50,000 years or more,
Holocene, the time of the last glaciation, the last that trees like Picea became locally extinct, sur-
interglacial and the previous glacial maximum, viving only in refuge areas far to the east. When
which occurred about 130,000 years ago (Woil- the next interglacial, the Holocene, began, Picea
lard, 1978). Figure 7 is a much simplified pollen was slow to return to western Europe-in fact it
diagram that shows the percentage of tree pollen never did return during the Holocene to the vi-
within the pollen total. The penultimate glacial cinity of Grand Pile.
maximum 130,000 years ago is marked by low Distributions of deciduous trees expanded in

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Europe during the Holocene just as they did in that we see today in northwestern Europe. Two
North America. It seems likely that somewhere factors may have selected against conifers during
on the southern slopes of the Alps and/or in the the Quaternary: 1) they might not have been able
Balkans there were habitats during the full-gla- to expand into forested landscape as successfully
cial that were suitable for deciduous trees (Van as the deciduous trees, thus losing out in com-
der Hammen et al., 1971); probably small pop- petition during the interglacials. The successful
ulations were scattered about in pockets of fa- invasion of beech forests by spruce during the
vorable environment. Maps of Holocene pollen last few centuries (Moe, 1970) argues against this.
frequencies in Europe show that many deciduous There is some evidence, however, that the mi-
tree species expanded first in southeastern Eu- gration of Picea is influenced by soil changes,
rope and then moved westward (Huntley & Birks, especially progressive leaching of calcareous soils
1983). The gradient in ocean surface temperature (Andersen, 1964). If so, the expansion of Picea
across the Mediterranean (Climap, 1976) may could have been delayed by unsuitable soils in
have been correlated with more favorable tem- the early part of the interglacial. This theory does
peratures on land as well. not explain Picea's history during the early Qua-
The succession of interglacial deposits in Eu- ternary, however, when it appeared during the
rope record the progressive extinctions of tree early phases of interglacial sequences in Britain.
species during the Quaternary (West, 1970; Wolfe, 2) Alternatively, conditions in the refuge areas
1979). Different interglacials witnessed the de- might have selected against conifers. The ex-
velopment of different communities of decidu- tinction of western European populations of Pic-
ous trees, depending on which species arrived in ea mid-way through the Quaternary (West, 1980)
the British Isles. Floristic differences among the may be related to the very severe conditions that
British interglacials were also caused by evolu- existed during the glacials in the western Medi-
tionary changes. West (1980) suggested that Pic- terranean region. A very dry and probably con-
ea, for example, which appeared in Britain dur- tinental glacial climate may have selected against
ing early interglacials, must have been migrating spruce, even though interglacial climates, like
to the British Isles from refuge areas in western the Holocene, were favorable for conifers. It
Europe. In the later interglacials there was a grad- would be a mistake to study the present climate
ual loss of biotypes that were able to survive in and try to use it to explain all aspects of the
refuges in western Europe. Picea appeared later distribution of the modem flora (Wolfe, 1979).
and later in successive interglacials, and during Instead, the longer intervals of time during which
the Holocene it failed entirely to expand into the climate was very different must be taken into
Great Britain. account, i.e., the glacial intervals, which com-
Additional evidence for evolutionary changes prise nine-tenths of the Quaternary Period. Dur-
is provided by Corylus pollen percentages in the ing these longer intervals, extinctions of conifers
successive British interglacials (West, 1980). In occurred, although many temperate angiosperms
the early interglacials of East Anglia, Corylus pol- were able to survive.
len percentages are low. Later in the Quaternary The Quaternary fossil record has further im-
it became more abundant, and finally, in the Ho- plications for the geoflora concept. Geofloras are
locene, it arrived early and built up a large pop- forest communities that were believed to persist,
ulation before other deciduous trees arrived. West unchanged in composition, over many millions
suggested that Corylus may have adapted to in- of years. In contrast, Holocene forest commu-
terglacial conditions. Whereas Picea was less and nities are ephemeral, composed of newly im-
less successful, and Tsuga became extinct alto- migrated species, and easily invaded by addi-
gether, Corylus, a deciduous angiosperm, be- tional species. The deciduous trees growing in
came more and more abundant. our forests that have persisted from Tertiary time
are aggressive species that have been able to move
rapidly onto deglaciated territory. Any species
that has not been able to disperse its seeds easily,
Extinction rates in Europe during the Quater- to extend its range, and to penetrate forest com-
nary were higher for coniferous trees than for munities, has become very rare or extinct. Wolfe
temperate deciduous angiosperms (Wolfe, 1979). (1979) compares our tree flora to secondary
The preferential elimination of conifers docu- species in the forests of eastern Asia. The nature
mented in Quaternary deposits led to the devel- of modem communities calls into question
opment of the predominantly deciduous forest whether the concept of closely co-adapted com-

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