PHYSICS - 15-10 - (J-Batch) Obj SOLUTION

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Select the correct alternative. (Only one is correct) [15 × 3 = 45]

There is NEGATIVE marking in this part of the paper. 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong

Q.31 Two trains, which are moving along different tracks in opposite directions towards each other, are
put on the same track due to a mistake. Their drivers, on noticing the mistake, start slowing down
the trains when the trains are 300 m apart. Graphs given below show their velocities as function of
time as the trains slow down. The separation between the trains when both have stopped, is:

(A) 120 m (B) 280 m (C) 60 m (D*) 20 m

1 1
[Sol: x1 = × 10 × 40 = 200 m; x2 = – × 8 × 20 = –80 m
2 2
 xreletive = x1 + x2 = 280  separation = 300 – 280 = 20 m
(D) ]

Q.32 A particle is moving in a circle with uniform speed V. In moving from one point to another point diametrically
opposite, the ratio of change in magnitude of velocity to magnitude of change in velocity is
(A) 2 (B) (C) 1 (D*) 0
[Sol: change in magnitude of velocity = 0  Ratio = 0
(D) ]

Q.33 In an electron gun, emission current from the cathode is given by the equation,
I  AT 2 e B ( KT )  [K = Boltzmann constant, A = constant]
The dimensional formula for AB2 is same as
IK 2
(A) KT (B) IT2 (C*) IK2 (D)
[Sol: [A] = IT–2; (B) = KT  [AB2] = IK2 (C) ]

Q.34 In the following figure, what is the minimum coefficient of friction needed
between the block & fixed incline so that the system does not move.
(A) 3 (B*) 1 3
(C) 1 2 (D) 2
[Sol: T=g For block A  T < g sin300 + N
(for block B)
g 3
N = gcos300 g< + g
2 2
g 3 1
 N=  <
2 3
min = (B) ]
Q.35 Which among the given graphs is a possible one.

(i) (ii) (iii)

(A) only (i) (B*) only (ii) (C) only (iii) (D) None
[Sol: Distance graph is always increasing. So (i) is impossible. Particle can’t have 2 displacements at a particular
instant. So (iii) is impossible
(ii)  S = ut + at2 is a possible case. (B) ]

Q.36 The work done by the force F  î  yˆj around the path shown in the
figure is
2 3 4 3
(A) a (B*) zero (C) a3 (D) a
3 3
[Sol: d = F·dr = dx + ydy
f f

 =  dx +  ydy = 0(B) (work done independent of path here) ]

i i

Question No. 37 & 38 (2 questions)

A motorcycle moves around a vertical circle with a constant speed under the influence of the force of
 
gravity W , the force of friction between the wheels and the track f , and the normal force between the

wheels and the track N .
Q.37 Which of the following quantities has a constant magnitude?
       
(A) N (B) N  f (C) f  W (D*) N  W  f
  
[Sol: N  W  f is the centripetal force here
   mV 2
| Wf |=
N = const. (D) ]

Q.38 Which of the following quantities, when nonzero, is always directed toward the center of the circle or
away from the centre of the circle?
     
(A) f (B) W (C*) f  W (D) N  f

 
[Sol: So, f W (C) ]

Q.39 An object of mass m is hanging by a string from the ceiling of an elevator. The elevator is moving upward,
but slowing down. What is the tension in the string?
(A*) Less than mg. (B) Exactly mg. (C) Greater than mg. (D) Zero.
[Sol: geff = g – a (going up & slowing down  acceleration downward)
 T = mgeff = m(g – a) < mg (A) ]
Q.40 A particle is projected from ground and it kinetic energy K varies so that K(max)/K(min) = 9. The ratio of
the maximum horizontal displacement on ground to the maximum height attained during its flight is
(A) 4 2 (B) 1.5 (C*) 2 (D) none
1 1
[Sol: kmax = m (u12 + u22) ; kmin = mu12
2 2

u12  u 22
 = 9  u 22 = 8u12

u22 2u 2 2u1u 2
H= Tf = , R = u1Tf =
2g g g

2 u 22 u 22
R = =
g2 2 g 2
 = 2 (C) ]

Q.41 At t = 0 a particle leaves the origin with a velocity of 6 m/s in the positive y direction. Its acceleration is

given by a = 2î  3ˆj m/s2. The x and y coordinates of the particle at the instant the particle reaches
maximum y coordinate are
(A) 2m, 3m (B*) 4m, 6m (C) 1m, 3m (D) 2m, 6m
[Sol: ux = 0, uy = 6 & ax = 2, ay = –3
At ymax = Vy = 0  0 = 6 – 3t  t = 2S
1 2
 x = u xt + a t = 4m
2 x
1 2
y = uyt + a t = 6m
2 y
(B) ]

Q.42 In the figure a block 'A' of mass 'm' is attached at one end of a light spring and
the other end of the spring is connected to another block 'B' of mass 2m through
a light string. 'A' is held and B has obtained equilibrium. Now A is released. The
acceleration of A just after that instant is 'a'. The same thing is repeated for 'B'.
In that case the acceleration of 'B' is 'b', then value of a/b is:
(A) 0 (B)  (C*) 2 (D) 1/2
[Sol: In Ist case In 2nd Case

2mg  mg 2mg  mg
T = 2mg a= kx = mg b=
m 2m
a = g  b = g/2 
  2 (C) ]
Q.43 A particle is released one by one from top of two inclined rough surfaces of height h each. The angle of
inclination is 30° & 60°. Coefficient of friction is same in both cases. If K1 & K2 be kinetic energies of
particle at bottom of plane in two cases then,
(A) K1 = K1 (B*) K1 < K2 (C) K1 > K2 (D) data insufficient
[Sol: Wfriction(1) = Nd1
Wfriction(2) = Nd2 d1 > d 2
 Wfriction(1) > Wfriction(2)
 K1 < K2 (B) ]

Q.44 A particle of mass m attached to a string describes a circle of radius r on a rough horizontal table. After
completing one full trip around the circle the speed of particle is halved. What is the coefficient of friction
in terms of mass m, radius r initial velocity v0.
3v 02 2v 02 9 v 02 5v 02
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
16gr 9gr 16gr 16gr
[Sol:  = 2  x = 2r; u = v0 ; v = ; at = – g
 v2 = u2 + 2atx
v0 3
 = c02 – 2g· (2r)  (4rg) = v02
4 4

3v 02
 = (A) ]

Q.45 If an object is moving at constant acceleration in a straight line, its instantaneous velocity at half time of
any time interval is
(A) greater that its average velocity (B) less than its average velocity
(C*) equal to its average velocity (D) half of its average velocity


t at
v = u+ a    v = (instantaneous velocity)
2 2
x1 = ut + ½at = ½at 2

x1  x0 1 2 at 2 at
 Vavg = Vavg   
t t 2
 Vavg = v (C) ]

Select the correct alternative. (One or more than one is/are correct) [3 × 5 = 15]

Q.52 A car is accelerating with acceleration = 20 m/s 2. A box of mass 10

kg is placed inside the car is in contact with the vertical wall as shown.
The friction coefficient between the box and the wall is  = 0.6 and
take g = 10 m/s2
(A*) The acceleration of the box will be 20 m/s 2
(B*) The friction force acting on the box will be 100 N
(C*) The contact force between the vertical wall and the box will be 100 5 N
(D*) The net contact force between the vertical wall and the box is only of electromagnetic in nature


fmax = N = 0.6 × 200 = 120 N

applied force 100 N < fmax
 The block is stationary w.r.t. car
so, in ground frame ablock = 20m/s2 (same as car)
frictional force = applied force = 100N

contact force CF = f 2  N2  CF = 100 5 N

contact force is electromagnetic in nature

 (A), (B), (C), (D) ]

Q.53 A block of mass m is placed on a wedge. The wedge can be accelerated in four manners marked as (1),
(2), (3) and (4) as shown. If the normal reactions in situation (1), (2), (3) and (4) are N1, N2, N3 and N4
respectively and acceleration with which the block slides down relative to the wedge in situations are
b1, b2, b3 and b4 respectively then:

(A*) N3 > N1 > N2 > N4 (B*) b2 > b3 > b4 > b1

(C) b2 > b3 > b1 > b4 (D) N4 > N3 > N1 > N2


4mg 3ma
Case (i) N1 = mgcos370 + masin370 = 
5 5
3 g 4a
b1 = gsin370 – a cos370 = 5  5
4mg 3ma
case (ii) N2 = mgcos370 – masin370 = 
5 5
3 g 4a
b2 = gsin370 + a cos370 = 
5 5

4mg 4ma
case (iii) N3 = mgcos370 + macos370 = 
5 5
3 g 3a
b3 = gsin370 + a sin370 = 
5 5

4mg 4ma
case (iv) N4 = mgcos370 – macos370 = 
5 5
3 g 3a
b1 = gsin370 – a sin370 = 
5 5
 (A) N3 > N1 > N2 > N4 (B) b2 > b3 > b4 > b1 ]

Q.54 An object follows a curved path. The following quantities may remain constant during the motion.
(A*) speed (B) velocity (C*) acceleration (D*) magnitude of acceleration
MATCH THE COLUMN [2 × 8 = 16]
Column-I and column-II contains four entries each. Entries of column-I are to be matched with some
entries of column-II. One or more than one entries of column-I may have the matching with the same entries
of column-II and one entry of column-I may have one or more than one matching with entries of column-II.

Q.5 Quantity Unit

(A) Energy density (Energy per unit volume) (P) Dyne/cm2
(B) Force constant of a spring (Q) kg-m/s
(C) Pressure (R) Erg/cm2
(D) Area under force-time graph (S) Pascal
[Ans. (A) P,S (B) R (C) P, S (D) Q ]

Q.6 A block is placed on a rough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction . A

 mg 
variable force F = kt,  0  t   acts on it at a constant angle  to
 k sin  
the horizontal.

Quantities Variation as a function of time

(A) Normal reaction (P)

(B) Friction (Q)

(C) Acceleration (R)

(D) Velocity (S)

[Ans. (A) Q (B) S (C) P (D) R]

[Sol: N = mg – kt sin
at t =  N=0
k sin 
& at t = 0  N = mg
N – t graph (A  Q)
at VOS kt cos = N  t1 =
K cos    sin  
kt cos – N = ma
 kt cos – (mg – ktsin) = ma
K cos    sin  
a= t – g ..........(1)
upto, t = t1, friction will increase linearly with applied force
t > t1  f = N
(B  S)

(C) upto t = t1 , a = 0 for t > t1 a varies as equation (1)

(D) upto t = t1, V = 0
t > t1  a = Mt + C
  Mt  C
M 2 k cos    sin   2
V= t + Ct = t  gt
2 2m
(D)  R

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