Haldane Model

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Haldane Hamiltonian

Harsh Kumar1 and Rajat Kumar2

UM-DAE Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences
Roll No.: 1 P-0191323, 2 P-0192335

Haldane Hamiltonian
Take a bunch of electrons, restrict them to move in a two-dimensional plane and turn on a strong magnetic field. This
simple set-up provides the setting for some of the most wonderful and surprising results in physics. These phenomena
are known collectively as the quantum Hall effect.
The name comes from the most experimentally visible of these surprises. The Hall conductivity takes quantised
σxy = ν
Originally it was found that ν is, to extraordinary precision, integer-valued. Of course, weâre very used to things
being quantised at the microscopic, atomic level. But this is something different: itâs the quantisation of an emergent,
macroscopic property in a dirty system involving many many particles and its explanation requires something new. It
turns out that this something new is the role that topology can play in quantum many-body systems.
Subsequently, it was found that ν is not only restricted to take integer values, but can also take very specific rational
values. The most prominent fractions experimentally are ν = 1/3 and ν = 2/5 but there are many dozens of different
fractions that have been seen. This needs yet another ingredient. This time, it is the interactions between electrons
which result in a highly correlated quantum state that is now recognised as a new state of matter. It is here that the most
remarkable things happen. The charged particles that roam around these systems carry a fraction of the charge of the
electron, as if the electron has split itself into several pieces. Yet this occurs despite the fact that the electron is (and
remains!) an indivisible constituent of matter.
In fact, it is not just the charge of the electron that fractionalises: this happens to the âstatisticsâ of the electron
as well. Recall that the electron is a fermion, which means that the distribution of many electrons is governed by
the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. When the electron splits, so too does its fermionic nature. The individual
constituents are no longer fermions, but neither are they bosons. Instead they are new entities known as anyons which,
in the simplest cases, lie somewhere between bosons and fermions. Because of this kind of striking behaviour, the
quantum Hall effect has been a constant source of new ideas, providing hints of where to look for interesting and novel

Quantum Hall Effect:

We’ve studied the Classical Hall effect in detail in our Undergrad coursework. We’ll just recall it a bit and then
understand what changes when we go to quantum level.
The original, classical Hall effect was discovered in 1879 by Edwin Hall. It is a simple consequence of the motion
of charged particles in a magnetic field. The Hall effect arises from the fact that a magnetic field causes charged
particles to move in circles. Conductivity is defined as the

J = σE

where J is the current density, E is the Electric field applied across the conductor and σ is the Conductivity. This
equation is known as Ohm’s law: it tells us how the current flows in response to an electric field. The proportionality
constant σ is the conductivity. The slight novelty is that, in the presence of a magnetic field, σ is not a single number:
it is a matrix. It is sometimes called the conductivity tensor.

Now coming back to the Quantum Hall Effect, There are two types of Quantum Hall effect: Integer and Fractional,
both were first discovered experimentally and only subsequently understood theoretically. This Conductivity gets
quantized to a factor of e2 /h when we go to quantum level(Quantum hall effect). When hall conductivity depends on
magnetization, we call it as Anomalous Hall effect. But all this occurs when we apply magnetic field on the system, we
observe in hexagonal lattice for Haldane Model that we get hall conductivity even without applying a magnetic field.
In this article we’ll pave our way to demonstrate how this happens and for that we’ll solve the eigenvalue problem for
the Haldane Hamiltonian.

Lattice Vectors
Before we start trying to solve the hamiltonian to get a better understanding of it, lets establish some of the structural
properties of the honeycomb lattice. We can describe this lattice as a interpenetration of two triangular lattice with
basis of two atoms, each belonging to a different sub-lattice. This allow us to construct our honeycomb lattice from
two primitive vectors and for a lattice constant a, we can define the primtive vectors as
√ √ !

− 3 3
a1 = 3a, 0 , a2 = a, a (1)
2 2
Now we have to define vectors using which we can connect nearest neighbors in this lattice
√ ! √ !

− →
− 3 a →
− 3 a
e1 = (0, a) , e2 = − a, − , e3 = a, − (2)
2 2 2 2
As we saw in the case of graphene, these two set of vectors are enough to describe the honeycomb lattice but for
haldane model we need to have a set of vectors describing the next-nearest neighbors, they can be defined as
√ √ ! √ !

− 3 3 →
− 3 3
v1 = 3a, 0 , v2 = − a, a , v3 = − a, − a (3)
2 2 2 2

Figure 1: Lattice Vectors of honeycomb lattice (a) Primitive vectors (b) Vectors joining nearest neighbors (c) Vectors
joining next-nearest neighbors

With our vectors already defined, we can move on to find the eigenvalues for haldane hamiltonian. The motive for this
model was to illustrate the materialization of quantum Hall effect in a honeycomb lattice without external magnetic
field. Inspired by the single-orbital tight binding hamiltonian which describe the electronic structure of graphene,
Haldane added two terms to it, so now the hamiltonian is given by
 
X † M † †
eiφ a†i aj + e−iφ b†i bj + h.c.
H = −t ai bj + ai ai − bi bi  + t2 (4)
2 i=1
⟨i,j⟩ ⟨⟨i,j⟩⟩

Where t is the amplitude of nearest neighbor hopping term, t2 is the amplitude of next-nearest neighbor hopping term,
φ is a phase of t2 and M is on-site energy term. Operators a†i and aj are the creation and annihilation operators for
electrons in the one of the two sub-lattice on i and j sites whereas b†i and bj are the creation and annihilation operators
for electrons in the other sub-lattice on i and j sites.Taking discrete fourier transform, let H1 = −t ⟨i,j⟩ a†i bj +
P3 † † P iφ † −iφ †
2 i=1 ai ai − bi bi and H2 = t2 ⟨⟨i,j⟩⟩ e ai aj + e bi bj
 

− → − X † M  →
− → −
a†i ai − b†i bi  ei k . x
H1 ei k . x = −t ai bj + (5)
2 i=1

3 3

− − M † →
− → →

i k .→ −
a†i bj ei k . ei

H1 e = −t + ai ai − bi bi ei k .0 + h.c. (6)
2 i=1

− −  → − →
i k .→ −
iφ † −iφ †
H2 e = t2 e ai aj + e bi bj ei k . x

3 →
− − 3 →
− −

− − i k .→ i k .→
i k .→ vi +φ vi −φ
a†i aj b†i bj
H2 e = t2 e + t2 e + h.c. (7)
i=1 i=1

− → − →
− →−
Coefficient of a†i bj = −t i=1ei k . ei = H12 and coefficientof b†i aj = −t i=1 e−i k . ei = H21
P3 P3
− →

i k .→ − −i φ− k .→
− →
− →
vi +φ vi
Coefficient of a†i ai = t2 i=1 e
P3 P3 −i k .0
+e +M 2 i=1 e i k .0
+ e

3 h →
− −
M + 2t2 cos k .→
X i
H11 = vi + φ (8)
 → − − →
− − 
i k .→ −i k .→ →
− →

vi −φ vi −φ
b†i bi
P3 P3
Coefficient of = t2 i=1 e +e − M
2 i=1 ei k .0 + e−i k .0
3 h →
− −
−M + 2t2 cos k .→
X i
H22 = vi − φ (9)

To obtain the eigenvalues, let us assume the following form of Hamiltonian, this similar form of Hamiltonian is also
observed in the graphene model
X  H11 H12 ak
H= a†k b†k (10)
H21 H22 bk
− −
where H11 = −2t2 i=1 cos k .→
P3 h i
vi − φ + M
→− −
cos k .→
P3 h i
H = −2t
22 2 i=1 v +φ −M i

− − →
− →
−i k .→ −
P3 ei
H12 = −t i=1 e and H21 = −t e i k . ei
H11 H12
H= (11)
H21 H22
Let us define some more quantities to simplify the calculation further, H0 ≡ 21 (H11 + H22 ), Hz ≡ 21 (H11 − H22 ),
Hx ≡ Re [H21 ] and Hx ≡ Im [H21 ]. This allow us to write the hamiltonian in terms of pauli matrices as

H = H0 I + Hx σx + Hy σy + Hz σz (12)

1 0 0 1 0 −i 1 0 H0 + Hz Hx − iHy
H = H0 + Hx + Hy + Hz = (13)
0 1 1 0 i 0 0 −1 Hx + iHy H0 − Hz

We are now set to calculate the eigenvalue of this hamiltonian.

Hψ = ϵψ ⇒ (H − ϵI) ψ = 0 ⇒ det (H − ϵI) = 0

H0 + Hz − ϵ Hx − iHy 2
= 0 ⇒ (H0 − ϵ) − Hz2 − Hx2 + Hy2 = 0

Hx + iHy H0 − Hz − ϵ
ϵ± = H0 ± Hx2 + Hy2 + Hz2 (14)

Now if we take t2 = 0 and M = 0, then this becomes hamiltonian representing pristine graphene and thus gives us its

√ with t = 1 and t2 = 0.1. (a) M = 0 and ϕ = 0; (b) M = 0 and ϕ = π/3;(c)

Figure√2: Band structure of the Haldane model
M = 3 3t2 sin ϕ and ϕ = π/3; (d) M = −3 3t2 sin ϕ and ϕ = π/3;

Properties of the Haldane Model

For discussion on properties of the Haldane Model, we consider the low-energy limit of this model toh obtain it
i and

for that we do a Taylor expansion of Hamiltonian about the dirac points. Dirac points are K1 = 3√3a , 0 and

h i h i
4π 4π
K−1 = − 3√ 3a
, 0 , so let’s define τ = 1 or -1 such that K τ = τ √
3 3a
, 0 . On expanding the hamiltonian near the
vicinity of dirac point (K), we get
4π 4π
K1 = √ , 0 , K−1 = − √ , 0
3 3a 3 3a
h i h i
4π 4π
K1 = √
3 3a
,0 K−1 = − 3√ 3a
, 0

3 h → 3 h
− →
− →

k + δ .→
− k + δ .→
− k + δ .→

X  i X     i
H11 = −2t2 cos vi − φ + M = −2t2 cos vi cos φ + sin vi sin φ + M
i=1 i=1

3 h

− − →
− −  → − − →
− −
cos k .→
vi cos δ.→

vi − sin k .→
vi sin δ.→

vi cos φ + sin k .→
vi cos δ.→

vi + cos k .→
vi sin δ.→

X   i
H11 = −2t2 vi sin φ + M

3 h

− − →
− − →  → − − →
− − →
cos k .→
vi − sin k .→
vi (δ.−
vi ) cos φ + sin k .→
vi + cos k .→
vi (δ.−
X   i
H11 = −2t2 vi ) sin φ + M

" √ ! √ !! #
4π 2π 2π 4π √ 2π 3akx 3aky 2π 3akx 3
H11 = −2t2 cos + cos + cos − sin 3akx − sin − − − sin − + aky cos φ −
3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2

" √ ! √ !! #
4π 2π 4π √ 2π 3akx 3aky 2π 3akx 3aky
2t2 sin + 2 sin − cos 3akx + cos − − + cos − − sin φ +M
3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
"  √ √ √ ! #
1 3 3 3 3 3akx 3akx
H11 = −2t2 − − 1 + akx − akx cos φ + − − + sin φ + M
2 2 2 2 2 2
" √ #
3 3 3
H11 = −2t2 − cos φ − sin φ + M (15)
2 2

3 h → 3 h
− →
− →

k + δ .→
− k + δ .→
− k + δ .→

X  i X     i
H22 = −2t2 cos vi + φ − M = −2t2 cos vi cos φ − sin vi sin φ − M
i=1 i=1

3 h

− − →
− −  → − − →
− −
cos k .→
vi cos δ.→

vi − sin k .→
vi sin δ.→

vi cos φ − sin k .→
vi cos δ.→

vi + cos k .→
vi sin δ.→

X   i
H22 = −2t2 vi sin φ − M

3 h

− − →
− − →  → − − →
− − →
cos k .→
vi − sin k .→
vi (δ.−
vi ) cos φ − sin k .→
vi + cos k .→
vi (δ.−
X   i
H22 = −2t2 vi ) sin φ − M

" √ ! √ !! #
4π 2π 2π 4π √ 2π 3akx 3aky 2π 3akx 3
H22 = −2t2 cos + cos + cos − − sin 3akx − sin − − − sin − + aky cos φ
3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2

" √ ! √ !! #
4π 2π 4π √ 2π 3akx 3aky 2π 3akx 3aky
+2t2 sin + 2 sin − cos 3akx + cos − − + cos − − sin φ −M
3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2

"  √ √ √ ! #
1 3 3 3 3 3akx 3akx
H22 = −2t2 − − 1 + akx − akx cos φ − − − + sin φ − M
2 2 2 2 2 2
" √ #
3 3 3
H22 = −2t2 − cos φ + sin φ − M (16)
2 2
√ ! √ !

− →
− 3 a →
− 3 a 4π
e1 = (0, a) , e2 = − a, − , e3 = a, − √ (17)
2 2 2 2 3a

3 →
− 3 √ ! √ !!
−i k +δ .→
− →
− − 3 a 3 a

−i k .→

ei 2πi
− 2πi
H12 = −t e = it e ei ) = it aky + e 3 − akx − ky +e 3 akx − ky
i=1 i=1
2 2 2 2

√ ! √ ! √ ! √ !!
1 3 3 a 1 3 3 a
H12 = it aky + − + i − akx − ky + − − i akx − ky
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3i a 3a 3ai
H12 = it aky − akx + ky = t kx + ky = vf (ℏkx + iℏky ) (18)
2 2 2 2
where vf = 2ℏ . Similarly for H21 = vf (ℏkx − iℏky ). So now our hamiltonian looks like
 h √ i 
−2t2 − 32 cos φ − 3 2 3 sin φ + M vf (ℏkx − iℏky )
H= h √ i 
vf (ℏkx + iℏky ) −2t2 − 32 cos φ + 3 2 3 sin φ − M

This does not match with the given Hamiltonian{put the reference here} after the approximation, so let us assume
that the given hamiltonian is correct and find its eigenvalues and respective eigenvectors. The hamiltonian is
mτ vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky )
vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) −mτ

where mτ = M − 3 3τ t2 sin φ. Its eigenvalue is given by

Hψ = ϵψ ⇒ (H − ϵI) ψ = 0 ⇒ det (H − ϵI) = 0

mτ − ϵ vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky ) 2 2
− 2
= 0 ⇒ m τ − ϵ + ℏv f k =0
vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) −mτ − ϵ

− 2
ϵ± = ± ℏvf k + m2τ = ± |ϵ| (19)
Let the eigenvector for the given matrix for ϵ− be ψ− = ,
mτ vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky ) a a
Hψ− = ϵ− ψ− ⇒ = − |ϵ|
vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) −mτ b b

mτ a + bvf (ℏτ kx − iℏky ) = −a |ϵ| (20)

avf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) − mτ b = −b |ϵ| (21)

mτ − |ϵ|
⇒ ψ− = K
ℏvf (τ kx + iky )
where K is the normalization factor.
2 2   mτ − |ϵ|
|ψ| = 1 ⇒ |K| mτ − |ϵ| ℏvf (τ kx − iky ) =1
ℏvf (τ kx + iky )

2 2
− 2
|K| (mτ − |ϵ|) + ℏvf k =1

|K| = r  
2 |ϵ| − |ϵ| mτ

For eigenvalue ϵ+ , eigenvector will be,

mτ vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky ) a a
Hψ+ = ϵ+ ψ+ ⇒ = |ϵ|
vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) −mτ b b

mτ a + bvf (ℏτ kx − iℏky ) = a |ϵ| (22)

avf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) − mτ b = b |ϵ| (23)

mτ + |ϵ|
⇒ ψ+ = K
ℏvf (τ kx + iky )
where K is the normalization factor.
2 2  mτ + |ϵ| 
|ψ| = 1 ⇒ |K| mτ + |ϵ| ℏvf (τ kx − iky ) =1
ℏvf (τ kx + iky )
2 2
− 2
|K| (mτ + |ϵ|) + ℏvf k =1

|K| = r  
2 |ϵ| + |ϵ| mτ

Let us study the singularities of ψ+ , this will help ush to understand the quantum hall effect further. Let us evaluate

i →

eigenfunction in the vicinity of the dirac point, K−1 = − 3 3a , 0 and set k = 0,

1 mτ − |ϵ (0)| 1 mτ − |ϵ (0)|
ψ− (0) = r  =r 
 0 2
2 |ϵ (0)| − |ϵ (0)| m− 2 |m− | − |m− | m−

Since ϵ− (0)√ = − |m− |, the eigenfunction will be singular unless m− < 0 which means M < −3 3t2 sin φ (as
m− = M + 3 3t2 sin φ). This√creates an uncomfortable √ situation for us, because the eigenfunction is singular in the
entire Brillouin zone when −3 3t2 sin φ < M < 3 3t2 sin φ. Now we have to redefine this function in order to
avoid the singularity in order to describe K−1 . To redefine the function in the vicinity of K−1 , method by Kohmoto
is used which gives us the freedom of choosing the phase of the wave function. Let uk (x, y) be the periodic part of
the eigenfunction, this can be transformed such that
→ will not change and the singularities will be avoided.
uk (x, y) is transformed using a smooth function f k and it is given by
if k
uk (x, y) → uk (x, y) e
√ fact which we would like to √ highlight is that this eigenfunction becomes singular at dirac point K1 only if M >
3 3t2 sin φ as m+ = M − 3 3t2 sin φ. This suggests  us that we need to introduce 1separation of Brillouin zone
making two sectors of it where the first named as H 1 one contains the K1 points and ψ− (the one from equation 17)
−1 −1

is defined, while the second named as H containing the K−1 points and the new transformed ψ− is defined. Let
us define the phase factor as
→ "   #
− mτ + ϵ 0

1 In iϕ k |ℏvf (τ kx +iky )|
the reference which we are using, has defined e as −

  and it makes no sense at all to consider it,
ℏvf (τ kx +iky )
mτ + ϵ 0
thats why we have made the correction and are using it. Most probably it is a typing mistake.

− 
iϕ k
mτ + ϵ k  |ℏv (τ k + ik )| 
f x y
e =  →

mτ + ϵ k ℏv f (τ k x + ik y)

Multiply this phase factor with ψ− to get the new eigenfunction,

− 
iϕ k 1

mτ − |ϵ|
 mτ + ϵ k  |ℏv (τ k + ik )| 
−1 1 f x y
ψ− = ψ− ×e =r  ×  →

 ℏvf (τ kx + iky ) mτ + ϵ k ℏv f (τ k x + ik y)
2 |ϵ| + |ϵ| mτ

" #
−1 1 −ℏvf (τ kx− ik y)
ψ− =s  → −  (24)
→  mτ + ϵ k
− 2 →
2 ϵ k + ϵ k mτ

iϕ k
e can be written in some other way such that nature of ϕ is known to us which is simplified as

−   →
− iτ θ 
iϕ k
mτ + ϵ k  |ℏv (τ k + ik )|   |ℏv (τ k cos θx̂ + ik sin θŷ)|  ℏv f ke
f x y f
e = →

  = = →
− 
mτ + ϵ k ℏvf (τ kx + iky ) ℏvf (τ kx + iky ) ℏvf k eiτ θ
iϕ k
e = e−iτ θ
To check whether it changes the eigenvalue or not let us see what eigenvalue we get from this,

" #

mτ vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky )

1 −ℏvf (τ kx− ik y)
Hψ− = → − 
vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky ) −mτ mτ + ϵ k
− 2 →
2 ϵ k + ϵ k mτ


    
1 −mτ (ℏvf (τ kx − iky )) + (vf (ℏτ kx − iℏky )) mτ + ϵ k
=s    →

(vf (ℏτ kx + iℏky )) (−ℏvf (τ kx − iky )) − mτ mτ + ϵ k


2 ϵ k + ϵ k mτ


− ϵ k
" #
−ℏvf (τ kx− iky)
− −1

=s  → −  = − ϵ k ψ−
→  mτ + ϵ k
− 2 →
2 ϵ k + ϵ k mτ

Now after fulling our doubt whether the transformation really keeps the eigenvalues same or not. Lets move on the
calculate the hall conductivity and show that without introducing the magnetic field we are get quantum hall effect.
Hall conductivity is given by
∗ ∗
e2 1
Z Z ∂u→− ∂u→− ∂u→− ∂u→ −
2 2 k k k k
σxy = d k d r − (25)
h 2πi ∂ky ∂kx ∂kx ∂ky
This equation is known as TKNN invariant of first form. Let us define a vector potential called Berry vector potential
− →
→ − ∗ −

A k = d2 ru→ − ∇k u→
− = u→
− ∇k u→


− →
→ −
Substitute A k in equation 22, so hall conductivity is given by

e2 1 h→
− → − →
− i
σxy = d2 k ∇ × A k (26)
h 2πi BZ z

Equation 23 is known as TKNN invariant of second form, the integration in the above equation is done in the whole Bril-
− →
→ −
louin zone. Since we have chosen distinct eigenfunction in each Brillouin zone, we can associate A k with them.
− ∗
→ →
1 →− →− → − → −  R 2 ∗ −→ −1 →− →− → − → − R 2 iϕ k −→ iϕ k
For ψ− , A k is A 1 k = d ru→ − ∇k u k and For ψ− , A

− k is A −1 k = d r uk (x, y) e ∇k uk (x, y) e
so this is given by :

− →
− − ∗
−→ iϕ →
− →
→ − ∗ −

−if k if k iϕ k k
A −1 k = e e d2 ru→
− ∇k u→
− +
d2 r uk (x, y) e uk (x, y) ∇k e

∗ →
− →
→ − ∗ −
→ →
2 2 iϕ k iϕ k
A −1 k = d − ∇k u→
ru→ − + d r uk (x, y) e uk (x, y) e ∇k iϕ k
k k

− ∗
→ →
− →
→ − →− →− →
iϕ k iϕ k
A −1 k = A 1 k + i∇k ϕ k d2 r uk (x, y) e uk (x, y) e

− →
→ − →− →− →
A −1 k = A 1 k + i∇k ϕ k

Using this in equation 23, we obtained,

e2 1 h−→ − → →
− i e2 1 h−→ −−→ →− i
σxy = d k ∇ k × A1 k + d2 k ∇k × A−1 k (27)
h 2πi H 1 z h 2πi H −1 z

Use Stokes’ theorem to establish a relation between hall conductivity and potential vectors, so the equation becomes

e2 1 →
−h → − → − → − →− i e2 1 →
− →
σxy = d k − A −1 k + A 1 k =− d k i∇k ϕ k
h 2πi h 2πi
∂H ∂H
2 I

− →
e 1
σxy = − d k ∇k ϕ k
h 2π
,where ∂H is taken to be a small circle of radius k around K 1 point. We know that ϕ k = τ θ, substituting this in
the above equation, we get

e2 1 e2
1 ∂
σxy =− kdθ − θ = (28)
h 2π k ∂θ h

We have calculated hall conductivity in Haldane model and in quantum hall effect, the Hall conductance is quan-
tized to the integer value of e2 h. We also calculated hall conductivity to be an integer value of e2 h, thus the aim for
working with Haldane model is completed as we have not introduced magnetic field but we still got quantum hall effect
when we solved conductivity.

Python code for Band Structure:

from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x, y):

# phi = np.pi/3
a = 1
t = 1
t2 = 0.1

# M = 3*np.sqrt(3)*t2*np.sin(phi)
v = np.array([[np.sqrt(3)*a, 0], [-np.sqrt(3)*a/2, 3*a/2], [-np.sqrt(3)*a/2,
e = np.array([[0,a],[-np.sqrt(3)*a/2, -a/2],[np.sqrt(3)*a/2, -a/2]])

for i in range(0,3):
c=x*v[i,0] + y*v[i,1]

h0 = -2*t2*np.cos(phi)*b

for i in range(0,3):
c=x*e[i,0] + y*e[i,1]

hx = -t*d

for i in range(0,3):
c=x*e[i,0] + y*e[i,1]

hy = -t*f

for i in range(0,3):
c=x*v[i,0] + y*v[i,1]

hz = M -2*t2*np.sin(phi)*g

h=np.sqrt((hx)**2 + (hy)**2 + (hz)**2)

return h0,h

x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 30)

y = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 30)

X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z1,z2 = f(X,Y)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=’3d’)
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z1+z2, rstride=1, cstride=1,cmap=’autumn’, edgecolor=’none’)
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z1-z2, rstride=1, cstride=1,cmap=’winter’, edgecolor=’none’)
#ax.contour3D(X, Y, z1+z2, 50, cmap=’autumn’)
#ax.contour3D(X, Y, z1-z2, 50, cmap=’winter’)
ax.view_init(15, 60)




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