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Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)

Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023

The Reason Why Married Couples End Their Relationship

A Research

Presented to Mr. Czar Caleb Academia

Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements

For the Finals in Prayers and Sacraments (THEO 2)

Researchers :

Abella, Cheerileen M.
Ablong, Lyka
Detangco, Eunnica
Gonzales, James Carl
Mansing, Lalaine Kaye E.
Palallos, Jieraldine
Pradilla, Snowlyn F.
Tanuan, Krizza

APRIL 2023
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023


We all know that Marriage is a God-ordained, covenant relationship between a man and a
woman. In general, marriage can be described as a bond/commitment between a man and a
woman. This bond is strongly connected with love, tolerance, support, and harmony. Creating a
family means to enter a new stage of social advancement. Marriages help in founding the new
relationship between females and males. This is thought to be the highest as well as the most
important Institution in our society. This lifelong, sexually exclusive relationship brings children
into the world and thus sustains the stewardship of the earth.

Whenever we think about marriage, the first thing that comes to our mind is the long-lasting
relationship. Also, for everyone, marriage is one of the most important decisions in their life.
Because you are choosing to live your whole life with that 1 person. Thus, when people decide to
get married, they think of having a lovely family, dedicating their life together, and raising their
children together. The circle of humankind is like that only but, every marriage does not
culminate in being an ever-lasting, heavenly, beautiful affair. Sometimes the strands of the
marital relationship just break off for reasons known and at times, unknown. I have seen a lot of
couples struggling to save their marriage. Some tend to be successful in it, while others just fall
apart. When this happens its aftermath exerts great maladies in the form of psychological
imbalance, societal stereotypes, and physical discomfort and so on. The list is endless and the
pain associated with it too.

Whatever the reason of breaking the bond of marriage, it leads to a lot of physical,
psychological, social, professional, familial and situational turmoil. For some life just ceases and
becomes gruesome. For some others it’s like getting freedom from an over-burdening
relationship. Broken marriages have their own significance and implication depending on the
reason for which it broke and the couple related to it.

In this study, we will find out the grounds for divorce among married couples.
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023


Here are some of the reasons why there are broken Marriages :

●Lack of mutual understanding, support and trust

●Lack of compatibility
●Lack of mutual cooperation
●Lack of commitment and sense of responsibility
●Lack of communication and time
●Ego clashes
●Infidelity or breach of trust
●Marital expectations, abuse, marital rape and other such negative situations
●Inability to effectively cope with the stressors and pressures of marriage
●Third-person involvement and chaos/confusions/doubts related to it
●Continuous misbehavior with each other
●Marital crisis, physiological factors
●Inability to hold each other’s hands in disease or times of need

The reasons and repercussions are obviously known to the ones who decide to split. For
them their marriage is never like a fairy tale. It ends up becoming a scar that they would
remember for the rest of their lives. Sometimes when situations become too overwhelming to
bear it becomes very necessary to move out of it. This can be a survival phase for some.
Therefore, none of us should despise the ones who have faced broken marriages in their lives as
they would be having their own painful stories to tell. Life does not end if a marriage ends. You
still have miles to go and milestones to achieve in case your marriage breaks. If one relationship
fell apart, it does not mean that every relationship is like that. I have seen a lot of men and
women effectively cope with their lives even after going through the phase of broken marriage.
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023

Infidelity in the marriage is one of the issues currently we have in this era. We cannot deny
it is happening in this twenty-first century. Most common issue related to infidelity is sexual
intercourse with the third partner beside the legal wife. Extramarital sex is considered as betray
toward the marriage. It can be described like having sex outside the marriage. There are some
factors can be connected to the infidelity issue such as marital jealousy, lack of paternal care in
children, discomfort in marriage, and dissatisfy in sexual experience. This fault is no longer
labels for men only but also to the women. (Mah Yong Xin, Siti Aishah Hassan 2020)

A lack or loss of mutual understanding represents one of the major deterrents to happiness
in a relationship. Indeed, couples go through a crisis when they feel they cannot understand and
are not entirely understood by the other partner. A counsellor only has to work with couples for a
few sessions to notice that when they feel unhappy is because understanding and being
understood has been extremely going wrong for a while. How often do we hear “my wife, my
husband, my partner … doesn’t understand me?!” Nevertheless, the idea that each partner can (or
should) have a complete understanding of the other is an illusion. We all have our view of the
truth, but when we cannot conceive the Other’s truth as ‘good enough’ as ours, then the other’s
different view can be experienced as a deliberate misunderstanding or a lie.

When you are in a relationship for a long time with someone and both are not so Naive, you
tend to take the other person at ease. We humans like to chase. We like to explore our limits and
experiment with new things. We are not satisfied with what we have and tend to try out new
things. The reason why third person’s involvements ruin a relationship is boredom. We are bored
and we try out new things. We lose interest in our already existing one and these new things give
us thrills and feelings which are lost. We want to start afresh with someone new and not to be
judged and already known about with the existing one. When we are with the same person for a
long time we take each other for granted and we know they can be manipulated and they will
forgive us whatever the reason be.

Third person engagement There are many reasons why a couple may seek to open up their
relationship to a third person. For many of these polyamorous couples, the third person is a
temporary or more casual partner. Sometimes, it's a friend who you would both like to have a
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023

"sometimes" sexual relationship. Abuse Abusive people believe they have the right to control
and restrict their partner's lives, often either because they believe their own feelings and needs
should be the priority in the relationship, or because they enjoy exerting the power that such
abuse gives them. Lack of mutual understanding No matter how much you love someone, for a
relationship to work you need to feel understood. If you feel like that piece is missing, try
communicating more and being more open with your partner. It may be that you haven't shared
enough — or it may be that you're just on very different pages.
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023


This part of the paper presents the summary of the responses on our conducted survey of
our target respondents.

Pick a reason why you think married couple end their relationship.
10 out of 10 people answered this question.

A. Third-person involvement and chaos/confusions/doubts related to it

4 resp.

B. Lack of mutual understanding, support and trust

3 resp.

C. Marital expectations, abuse, marital rape and other such negative situations
3 resp.

D. Continuous misbehavior with each other

0 resp.

F. Ego clashes
0 resp.

G. Inability to effectively cope with the stressors and pressures of marriage

0 resp.

H. Inability to hold each other’s hands in disease or times of need

Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023

0 resp.

I. Infidelity or breach of trust

0 resp.

J. Lack of commitment and sense of responsibility

0 resp.

K. Lack of communication and time

0 resp.

L. Lack of compatibility
0 resp.

M. Lack of mutual cooperation

0 resp.

N. Marital crisis, physiological factors

0 resp.

Based on the result of the survey that we have conducted with our selected 10 individuals
who experienced broken marriage. Only three reasons are being picked and that is reason A.
Third-person involvement and chaos/confusions/doubts related to it which has 4 out of 10
responses and is placed as the most picked reason. The other two reasons are reason B. Lack of
mutual understanding, support and trust and C. Marital expectations, abuse, marital rape and
other such negative situations which has the same 3 out of 10 responses.
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023


This research, study about the reasons of broken marriages and how it affects their
individual life. It is stated that cheating is the main reason of broken marriage. Marriage doesn’t
work anymore if one will cheat. Another reason of broken marriage is lack of mutual
understanding and abuse. Broken marriages can have a large number of negative effects on both
children and adults. It is important that we try to mend our society’s broken family units so that
the effects on children and adults are reduced or eliminated altogether.

Based on the result on our conducted survey it shows that third person involvement has
the highest percentage, while Lack of mutual understanding, support and trust and Marital
expectations, abuse, marital rape and other such negative situations got the lowest. What this
study reveals is no matter how committed you are on that certain person when trust and love are
being betrayed, everything start falling apart.
Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria (COSCA)
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
College Department
A.Y. 2022-2023


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