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2018 Common Test 1 answers (Final)

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Answer D D D D B B B A B B B C B C D

B1 (a) Oxidation state of sulfur increases from +2 in S2O32- to +6 in SO42-. [1]

(b) Sodium thiosulfate is a reducing agent [1] [2]
Thiosulfate/sulfur was oxidised plus any one of the 4 definitions of
oxidation/ Chlorine was reduced plus any one of the 4 definitions of
(c) Brown solution fades to colourless. [1]
B2 (a) Magnesium,chromium,cobalt,copper [1]
Penalised if spelled wrongly
(b) Blue, pink, green [2]
3 correct-2m
2 correct-1m
1 correct no mark
(c) 2Cr(s)+3Co2+(aq)→ 2Cr3+(aq) + 3Co (s) [1]
(d) Calcium reacts with water in the solutions to form hydrogen gas, [1]
causing the fizzing to occur.
B3 (a) breaking down/splitting up/decomposition of (ionic) [1]
compound/electrolyte by electricity/electric current
(b) Sodium ions, hydroxide ions, hydrogen ions,chloride ions [1]
Formula tolerated
(c) 2Cl – (aq) → Cl2 (g) + 2e– [1]
(d) H+ discharged to form hydrogen/H2 [1] [2]
Concentration of hydroxide/OH– ions greater/more than H+ [1] (must
compare, tolerate if concentration not mentioned)

(e) In solution, presence of mobile ions [1] [2]

In solid, ions are held in fixed positions[1]
tolerate vibrates about fixed positions
B4 (a) 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3 ;(ignore state symbols if written) [2]
It is resistant to corrosion because aluminium reacts with oxygen in
the air and forms a protective or impervious (accept impregnable)
layer of aluminium oxide (Al2O3) / prevents oxygen and water from
coming in contact with Al [1]
(b) The corrosion of the aluminium skin of the airplane involves a reaction [2]
that forms OH- ions, producing a basic area at the site of the corrosion
that turns the phenolphthalein/paint/plane pink [1]. Corrosion can be
corrected/detected/spotted earlier before it damages the plane
making it unsafe [1].
C1 (ai) anode: Ag(s) → Ag+(aq) + e [1]
(aii) cathode: Ag+(aq) + e→ Ag(s) [1]
Penalise 1m for lack of state symbols
(b) No. of moles of Ag deposited = 1.08/108=0.0100 mol[1] [3]
No. of moles of electrons = 0.0100 mol
Nan Hua High School
2018 Common Test 1 Chemistry 6092

Xn+ + ne- → X
No. of moles of X deposited =0.173/52= 0.003327 mol [1]
No of moles of electrons needed to deposit 1 mole of X =0.0100 / 0.003327
= 3 mol
Charge on ion of X = +3 (with working shown) [1] Accept 3+
(c) [1]

Tolerate if concentration written as conc

(d) [4]
electrolysis of molten electrolysis of aqueous
potassium iodide potassium iodide
overall eqn 2KI → 2K + I2 [1] 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 [1]
Product at cathode molten potassium hydrogen gas
,both correct [1]
Product at anode gaseous iodine oxygen gas
,both correct [1]

Penalised [1] if never specify cathode/anode

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