Unit Sithccc005

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Complete the table below with the description of the appearance, texture, quality points for each
type of food item. List a dish you could make from this food and list the cooking method you
would use. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Food item Appearance, textureand quality points Dis Cooking method

Thickened Rich and creamy white in colour. Stored 0- E. g. Fettuccini Sauté/pan-fry then
cream 5 in cool room in a sealed container and be Carbonara boiling
used within use by date

Cheese Cheese appearance, texture and quality vary Sandwiches Toasted in

based on its moisture content. In general its electric toaster.
appearance is light yellowish in colour. Stored
in 35-40 degree Fahrenheit in closed tins and
covers. To be utilized before the expiry date.

Arborio rice The appearance of these grains is whiter and Parmesam Sautéed and boiled.
round in shape. Coming on to its texture, it is Risotto
creamy and chewy when compared to all other
grains. Stored in room temperature.

Tomatoes Red in colour , storage temperature is Tomato soup Boiling

50°F and soft in texture

Durum wheat Yellow-amber in colour , must be stored in less Bread rolls Baking
moisture zones which is <20 °C and hard in
Eggs White in colour, the shell is bumpy & grainy in Poached eggs Poaching
terms of texture and can be stored in both room
as well as cold temperature zones.

Lamb Pale pink in colour, storage temperature is 35 - Roasted lamb Roasting

shoulder 40 F and tender in texture.

Chicken breast White to pink in colour, storage temperature is Roasted chicken Roasting.
40F or less and dense in texture.

Atlantic salmon White to light orange in colour, storage is Baked salmon Baking
around -40 °C and the flesh has medium to
firm texture.

Large White and light yellowish in colour, room Crispy potato Deep frying
Potatoes temperature is its storage
condition and hard in texture
Frozen fruit Deep blue in colour, temperature zone is smoothies Boiling and mixing
around 0 F and texture is hard due to being

Bananas Yellow in colour, storage temperature is 13.3 Smoothies Mixing.

°C and soft in texture.

Briefly describe each method of cookery, the principles of the methods, the foods that are cooked
2 using these methods.
Description of method of Principles of the method of cookery (any 3) Foods prepared using this
cookery method (list at
least 2)

Baking Cakes
Baking: It is a process where the food items are baked inside Bread
the oven in a continual process in controlled temperature Cookies.

Principles of method

Beating: In this method, the food items are vigorously

mixed specifically for the formation of air and gluten in the
food substance.

Blending: It is a process where two or more than two

ingredients are eventually mixed.

Creaming: Here the softened fat items are mixed with sugar
for the formation of a smooth texture while incorporating
Blanching Blanching is basically a procedure where the food items like Blanched
vegetables; fruits etc are scalded in boiling water. vegetables tossed
with butter
There are two principle methods involved in blanching Blanched
namely water blanching and steam blanching. vegetables
with herbs.
Water blanching: In this blanching principle, the products
are moved via the water. Here the temperature zone of water
is maintained with ins arrange of 88 degree Celsius to 99
degree Celsius.

Steam blanching: In this blanching method, the product is

carried through a steam chamber in which live steam is
constantly maintained.

Boiling Boiling: It is a process in which the water gets evaporated Boiled potatoes
while heating. Salads


The root vegetables are required to be washed in cool water

at first and must be transferred for boiling added with salt.

The green vegetables must be started to boil and once they

reach the boiling pot they must be taken out to prevent from
loss of colour.

The evaporated water must be replaced so as to keep food

Braising Braising is a combinational cooking methodology that Meat Sauces.
utilizes wet & dry heats. The principle of the method of
braising includes:

Deep-frying Deep frying is a method where the food is completely French fries
immersed in to hot oil. The below are the principles of deep Cutlets

Ensure the drain tap is completely closed.

Reduce excess heating of oil and ensure oil is in right
temperature zones.
Once the food turns brow lift and drain the excess oil.

Grilling Grilling is one type of cooking in which dry heat is directly Hot dogs
applied on the food from both sides top and bottom. Port chops.

Principles of grilling

Conduction: The main intention of this principle method is

to assure heat is in direct contact with the food/heat source.

Convection: In this method, the heat is transferred to the

food that is already cooked.

Radiation: It is the transfer of heat from the direct exposure

of source.

Poaching Poaching is a process where the food items are cooked in Fish
liquid that is not that hot like bubbling. Eggs.


The liquid temperature is around 71 degree Celsius to 82

degree Celsius.
This method must be used only for delicate food so as to
conserve flavors.
The food must be cooked in right temperature valued.
Roasting Roasting is a methodology that make use of dry heat to Crispy sprouts
cover the food to eventually cook food from all sides. Roasted chicken

Principles of roasting

Searing: Under this principle the food is kept moist before it

is roasted.

Cooking: There are definite rules to be followed for roasting

food items because the temperature range varies from food
to food.

Resting: This is the last and main principle to be followed

under roasting because the texture, moisture and taste of
roasted food item lies in resting.

Shallow frying Shallow frying is an oil depended cooking scheme where its Shallow fry bread Shallow
principles are as follows fish fry.

Assure to drain-tap is closed.

Set temperature to 170C to 190c.
Keep the flame at medium
Sauté It is a method that requires little amount of oil and high heat. Sautéed vegetables Garlic
vegetable sauté.

Preheat the pan

Never overcrowd the pan
Quickly cooks with small amount of fat.
Stir-frying It is a process of cooking food in plan and its principles are Vegetables stir fry
provided below. Chicken stir fry

Cut the vegetables/meat in to thin slices.

Preheat the pan
Do not overcook.

Steaming It is moist heat method used for cooking and the below are Steamed vegetable
its principles Steamed chicken.

Atmosphere steaming
Pressure steaming
Cover the lid in which the food is kept

Stewing It is slow way of cooking food Bean stew

Principles Lamb stew
Assure tight lid is kept on foods.
Temperature range is between 120 -140 degree
The food is served in liquidity form.
Microwaving The principles of microwaving are: Custards
Know the temperature range of each dish.
Keep the microwave clean before and after its usage.
Keep an eye on the radio frequency range

3 List three production requirements you

should confirm before starting your food preparation
Packing: This is the first production requirement to
be confirmed in food preparation. Virtually all the
production related food items will have some kind of
packing that secure the food from all kinds of
bacterial infections and keep clan, A wise chose of
this type of production requirement will help in
increasing the life span of the food which in turn
results in increased sales.

Safety: The food production requirements department

must ensure to maintain proper safety & cleanliness
to reduce food risks. In order to avoid these types of
instances from arising, the food must be stored &
handled at right temperature zones.

Inventory: This is third and important production

requirement on which the food handlers must focus
on. As many of the food items are highly perishable
in nature, proper attention is supposed to be
maintained on inventory rotation so as to stop the
food from getting wasted.
4 Describe the meaning of mise en place
and mention any three of its benefits in the process
of preparing, cooking and presenting food. Your
response should be in no more than 150 words.

“Mise en place” is basically a French term that states

“putting in place”. This process is carried before the
serving of food for additional prepping kitchen
tools/equipments. It is not a new concept as it came in
to existence in early 1800s and is largely used by
professional kitchens, big restaurants and cookery
shows these days. However, most of them are aware
of this method but they aren’t aware of this term. The
below are the benefits associated with this method.

The first benefit this method makes it easier for

kitchen practitioners to mix all the ingredients
together for cooking in an orderly manner.
Making little preparation will definitely simplify the
Save lot of time and let an individual to seamlessly
perform varied tasks.

Which method of cookery should be used for the
following foods?

Biscuits Baking

French Fries Frying

Filet steak Roasting

Rack of Lamb Baking and roasting

6 Name four kinds of food suitable for

baking (List 2 perishable and 2 non-perishable):

Perishable foods:
Bread, meat and dairy products.
Non-perishable foods:
Grains, nuts, vegetables and dry fruits.

7 Why is it important to check use by dates

on products that require this on their labelling?
What should you do with stock that is past the use
by date? 60- 80 words

In general, every product is provided with a date mark

on it so as to let the users and consumers know the
date the product is been sealed for sale. These dates
will tell about how long the products can be kept save
before it actually gets deteriorated. In other words,
the “use by date” means the products must be utilized
or thrown by date. Following use by dates is highly
significant specifically in the arena of food products.
Most of the experts suggest not eating food items
after the completion of its use-by-date. However,
eating food before its date is considered to be one
best option and healthy. According to me throwing
the food after its use by date is considered to the best

8 What does FIFO mean? Describe the

procedure as to how you must follow FIFO in a
store room?

The term FIFO is abbreviated as “first-in-first-out”

which is an ultimate system to help individuals while
they go through the disposal of expired product. In
simple terms, FIFO is about labeling food products
along with the dates so that the older food products
are kept at first and utilized before beginning the new
ones. With this system in place, it is possible to
identify food via quicker means and utilize them in an
efficient manner. Moreover, FIFO principles will
make people to focus on its expiry and let them
consume as early as possible. The following are the
list of FIFO procedures to be followed in a store

 As a first measure, one must be familiar

with FIFO checklist in the workplace so that
the food/ any other products are stored as
per FIFO guidelines.
 Secondly, the food products are required to
be stored in such a way they are consumed
at first (which means before the expiry
 Avoid, storing the expired or damaged food
items storing in the store room.
 Arrange the soonest date food items in the
front row for easy identifiable purpose.
 Latest dated items must be placed in the
back racks.

Identify which pieces of equipment you would select for the following methods of cookery and mention
any two safety procedures you would need to follow:

Method of cookery
Equipment Safety procedures (any two)

BOILING/SIMME BOILING: The first safety measure is to ensure

RI Burners ovens that both the burners and ovens are
NG/BLANCHING: handled with care. Wear non slip
foot and hand wear for better
handling of the equipments.

BLANCHING: In case of blanching equipments, the

Screw blancher with cooler entire blanching process is
Belt spray blancher completed by the equipment where
the first safety measure the user
must ensure right temperature
zones are set. Secondly, the users
must never operate the equipments
with half knowledge on its
working process.
Stock pot. Not many types of equipment are required
Straight sauce pan for poaching where these two equipments
are sufficient enough to cook the meat
thoroughly. Moving on to the safety
POACHING: procedures:
We must look at the handles of both
stock pot and straight sauce pan for
secure handling of the equipment.
Turn pot handles away from the
front of the stoves.

Roasting pans
ROASTING: Roasting racks Likewise poaching, very less equipment
can be used for roasting where these are
few among them. Here are the safety
procedures to be followed:
Firstly, there is a paramount need to
understand the way the equipments
are required to be utilized.
Secondly knowing the temperature
zone of cooking the meet is
Oven Typically baking is an ultimate skill in
Hot stoves/Ashes cooking food in the oven or in hot stoves.
The below provided are the safety
procedures for using this equipments.
BAKING: Checking the oven and hot stoves
before utilizing is very important.
In brief, checking means assure no
gas leakages or food particles are
left in the equipments. On other
hand one must never use oven for
food storage.

Thoroughly following the guidelines

is the second key measure to be
followed while baking.

Grilling basket As a part of safety procedure, it is

GRILLING: Skewers important to assure that drilling is
performed in a ventilated arena.

Never leave the grill unattended.

10 List 3 safety aspects which must be considered in order to prevent injuries when
using equipment:

Injuries quite commonly take place in kitchen but there are no less measures available to prevent
injuries from taken place and here are explained three among them.
Never run: This is the first safety measure to prevent injuries while using equipment’s.
There are chances where the people who run around are largely prone to injuries.
 Keep work in mind: The people must focus on every aspect they perform while using
specific equipment. Lack of focus and distraction are other few causes of injuries.
 Know the rules of equipment’s: One must never indulge to operate equipment’s without
going through the procedures and the working procedure of the equipment.
11 What do the following culinary terms mean?
Cream: The term “cream” means to beat ingredients until smooth. It is utilized in referring varied
culinary procedures. While baking, cream play a crucial role in blending ingredients with a solid fat. In
simple terms, when a dish is said to be cream that means it has poached in cream.

Fold: It is a procedure of mixing varied ingredients with one other without beating/stirring. Fold is
largely used on the ingredients that are already whipped. Moreover, fold is applied on the recipes that
require less mixing.

Mask: It denotes to cover the dish with aspic after it is cooked before serving it. In other words mask is
about seasoning the dish where the flavors are un-noticeable.
Reduce: Bring the pot to a boil and reduce the heat till there are no bubbles.
Sweat: In terms of culinary, sweat denotes to heat vegetables to low the heat till the vegetables starts
releasing their juices.

12 List two food safety practices you should follow when preparing ingredients prior to
It is very important to follow food safety practices before preparing ingredients prior to cooking.

Under first safety practice we must thoroughly wash hands. In general, the spread of bacteria is very high
on people hands and in kitchen surroundings. So it is significant to always wash hands with soap water :

 Prior before preparing food.

 After keeping hands on the meat items
 After using the washrooms or touching the dustbins.
Also, besides washing, drying hands is equally important because wet hands are the major source of
bacteria spreading.

Secondly, the worktops must be kept clean: This is another important food safety practice to be followed
before the preparation of ingredients. The utensils to be used for the preparation must be kept clean and
the dish clothes must be washed on a daily basis to stop bacterial growth on the materials.
13 List two safety techniques you should follow when cutting and preparing the ingredients
with a knife?

 Keeping the knife’s clean is the first technique: This technique must be followed while cutting
or preparing any of the ingredients with knife. When not cleaned, there are chances where the
knife can be greasy and oily. So to ensure the knife grip is secured all the times they need to be
 Take adequate among of time for cutting: As a second measure one should never chop quickly.
So taking sufficient time is very important while using knifes.
Complete the following table with information about general food items used in
Batters It means a liquid cake batter Bread batter
combination of
ingredients used for
Coatings Coating means bread crumbing Egg
covering the food with wash
additional liquid/solid
Condiments It is a sauce/spices that ketchup Mustard sauce.
are added after the
completion of food
Flavorings Flavorings are the Spices Herbs
ingredients added to the
food for additional taste
Garnishes These are the Olives Pickle slices
items/substances that
are utilized for
decorative purpose
Oils These are the facts that Sesame oil Vegetable
are supposed to be oil.
stored at room
Sauces It is a liquid /cream Hot sauce Garlic sauce.
used in food
preparation and while

16 What are the effects of heat on the following?

Food type Effects of heat on the food type

Protein Denaturation
Loss of solubility/ability to intake water.
Break down the amylases chains.
Change the colour of starch

Flavourings Flavourings are the ingredients added to the food Spices

for additional taste Herbs

Garnishes These are the items/substances that are utilized for Olives Pickle
decorative purpose. slices.

Oils These are the facts that are supposed to be stored at Sesame oil
room temperature Vegetable oil.

Sauces It is a liquid /cream used in food preparation and Hot sauce Garlic
while serving. sauce.
On hating the sugar turns in to liquid.
The heat impacts the sugar atoms to get associated with oxygen forming new atom groups.


The water molecules get evaporated.


Increase in unhealthy saturated acids and reduce un-saturated fatty acids.


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