Midterm Journal #1

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GSELF – Midterm Journal #1

Similarities and/or Difference Between My Real self and Ideal self

(Based on Carl Rogers' Theory)

Emerson's essay encourages self-reliance and understanding one's true and ideal
self. The most important idea is that one can strive to achieve their ideal self, even if they
are not all of these qualities.

My most attractive trait is my sincerity and caring nature, which is also my downfall.
Sacrificing is good, but only to a certain point.

I am a pleasant person who tries to stay positive and upbeat, is loving and warm,
and relies on others' cheerful attitudes to keep me happy. I am goal-orientated and
driven, and find a way to succeed in school and work. This trait is beneficial to society.

My ideal self would possess many more traits that emphasize self-reliance, such as
leadership, wisdom, and smartness. I am often the last to give my opinion and shy away
from being honest, and I am insecure. I look to others to build my self-esteem, but if I
cannot, why should I ask them to do so? I would also like my ideal self to be more
adventurous and willing to try new things, and feel secure in my own body. Ultimately,
society will never benefit from anyone who isn't willing to test the waters.

After analyzing my true self, I see traits I want to strive to build upon to reach my
ideal self. Honestly, after writing this essay I see how truly un-self-reliant I am, and how I
need to build that trait. After taking a good look at myself, I realize how eye-opening
reading Emerson's work has been for me as well as writing this essay, and I hope you have
also benefit in some form or fashion.

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